Man.. not sure what's going on but I've got two more leaners. Not real bad just yet but they're acting like the last one that gave up.
I just don't think it's the fact that they're leggy. 4 basically identical seedlings. One's out already, two starting to lean and one that's healthy as could be. All the same height. Then there's the replacement. It's nearly two inches taller than the rest with no lean.
I turned down the red a bit and raised up the blue. 1r:3w:6b.
@Bandit420... where should my intensity be at this stage? 10-11 day old seedlings. I don't know just how powerful this light is and don't know what's too much.
@GoodShit97 says give 'em some more light.
@Aqua Man.. I've been running 80 degrees and 62 humidity. Is that too high VPD? My log shows it hitting 1.25 with a 1 degree offset for leaf temps ~79. I'm gonna assume yes until you reply, so I bumped up the humidity a touch bringing it closer to 1 for now.