LEO encounters..


Average guy who gets high. AKA the Slacker.
Staff member
Bud Builders Supporter
Apr 1, 2023
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Not sure all will want to share but thought this might make a great and funny thread.
I have many times said " one day we will look back and laugh, but not today. I can laugh now~!
I have had more than a few encounters with Law Enforcement Officers in my time.
I started much younger then most, but being the youngest of 4 it all makes sense to me now.
My last encounter was almost 30 years ago but landed me in the pokey for 183 days~!
That is what they used to do when they caught you coming out of the woods with 5lbs. :rolleyes:
I'll tell some of my other encounters later but wonder what any of you have had to endure in pursuit of just smoking weed.
I dont have anything thats weed related. But when i was 17 i passed a cop pulled off checking speeds, i was doing 115 mph in a 50 mph zone. I never lifted my foot and ran this cop all the way across Albany county and into Schoharie county. Probably the dumbest thing ive done to date but if i had stopped i know for a fact i would have been slapped with felony speeding and lost my license lol.
When I was 17 growing up in NE Pennsylvania I was pulled over one night and I had a few lbs in my trunk. Cop knew something was up and was just ready to instruct me to pop the trunk when some idiot flew by going over 100 mph. The cop said its your lucky day, and he took off and wow did I do a fucking dance of joy
Well lets start at the beginning...
Got busted smoking in high school metal shop. Vice principal told me to empty my pockets but I didn't pull the weed out. Got in school suspension. 2 weeks later the VP stole my pipe from my locker. No detention or anything, he just took it.
Later that year I had in school suspension again and they locked me up in his office. I looked thru his desk drawers and stole my pipe back along with others he had confiscated

Got busted by a game warden while in the Army with two other buddies. He was a clown and acted like he took down Pablo Escobar and his crew. Took my buddy's dime bag of reggie and while he had us standing in front of his truck, I tossed my 1/4oz under it.
We were taken to the MP station and 1st Sgt had to come pick us up. Few hours later we had to take a piss test. After that my pal and I went back, found my 1/4, and got high

Same pal and I still in the Army got the bright idea to go to Mexico and smuggle 2lbs back. No score but dogs smelled weed in the car and we were detained while they tore up the car. They found a few seeds in the carpet. Lots of threats and posturing by Border Patrol but a Marine Sgt stepped in and told them not to ruin our military career over a couple seeds and we were free to go

Got pulled over by Texas State Troopers. Had a 1/4lb cut up for sale. I refused a search and after a 10 minute debate, I was free to go and they did not search. Didn't even give me a ticket for the stop sign they say I rolled thru

Got pulled over for speeding in Lawrence, Kansas by a Kansas State Trooper. He smelled the joint I just smoked and asked me for the weed. Told me don't lie and it will go well but if he had to search it would not go well. I told him where the stash was and we talked football in his car for about 20 minutes while he wrote a speeding ticket. After he took the bag of weed, dumped it along side the hiway, and I was free to go
Shit so many scares hah.

4 of us in high school crammed in a pick up truck single cab trying to smoke a joint after dark when a cop rolled up. My friend rolling ground the joint into the floorboard. The friend driving told the cop we were down there "looking at bald eagles"...you know your plates are expired? Get your ass home kid!

Coming home stoned I was doing between 30 and 50 in a 30...what it was is I was high as hell and jamming out with the radio up and mashing the gas to the beat 🤣🤣🤣. So the car is like lunging and bouncing. Cop smelled weed, asked where it was I pointed to the rear ashtray. He opened it and it had like 100 roaches in it, full. He said I want you to dump that out, I dumped out like 2 stepped on them and put the rest back in my car. He gave me a speeding ticket I went home and got stoned on roaches.

My wildest one happened before i could drive. I was 15 and I had a sock I kept an absurd amount of paraphernalia in. Home made pipes...a pipe that looked like a marker, hitters, dugout, chillum all sorts of shit...like 10 pipes. I'll place it for the missouri heads. I was behind dq on st charles rock road in st Ann. Cop rolls up I toss the sock on the roof of the building. The other kid got busted and so the cop figured I was in on it and put me in the car to take me back to HQ as well. So on the scanner I hear a bunch of activity while the cop scours the area for more dirt. The scanner goes something like this "there is a suspect getting into this car possible theft in progress"..."ok suspect removed a wig definitely stealing the car"...as we now pull out to head back to HQ the low-speed chase goes right by us on st charles rock road. So we join in. We make it about half a mile up the road and I just see mayhem ensue...they pitted and rolled the car, a shotgun slid out across the road. Our cop driver jumped out and grabbed the gun right away. He took us back and called our parents to pick us up. Before they got their homeboy that stole the car was brought in, in a dress. He had been living as a woman for 7 years after he escaped prison. He looked like he just fought mike tyson they beat his ass.
back in the 90's i got pulled over once while in the middle of a toke , i put the joint out while pulling over and cop said nothing
i would also ride a bunch of backroads and have to go through roadblocks putting the joint out as i was rolling up to it cops never said nothing
in 2005 cops came into my house i was 25 or 26 found my weed and an under age girl she was 17 and did nothing
Iv'e got something. So I was in the grow store and I overheard the counter people selling clones. So I talked with them and they said they were all licensed and legit so I ordered some clones for the spring(I have a med card). This is Oregon by the way. Weed is legal here but I live in a dry county, you can't have any commercial cannabis dispensaries of any kind, even medical. Its stupid. It did even cross my mind that they cannot sell clones legally in this county.

So a few months later I read in the local news that they get busted for 19,000 plants and an out of state selling operation. I'm thinking "fuck, they have my number for clones". Sure enough a detective calls me and says "I have you buying pounds from them", I got very defensive and explained the situation, he apologized and said that he will leave me alone since I was just buying clones. He said that they were not licensed and never were and it is illegal to sell anything cannabis in this county.

So they get out of jail and open their grow shop and list everything on clearance. So I go in there and buy some stuff and order some nematodes. I didn't mention anything about the detective or the bust. I just want to get my stuff and get out. Well it was a couple of weeks and I didn't have my nematoads so I call them and they lady started going off on me asking me why I came back in there, she said I must have been "wired up".... I said "Oh you think Im a cop" and pretty much told her to fuck off and give me my money back. She sent my money back with an apology letter explaining that they hired a detective to find out who the cop was or something and that he will be calling me.

It really pissed me off so much so that I drive an hour away to buy my grow supplies now. These idiots for what ever reason thought I was the undercover cop that busted them. I didn't even know their names.
High school, I was skipping and my mom reported me missing so the cops would pick me up. After an initial run in with the cops walking away from school, gave them a fake name, cause I heard my name being called over on the dispatch that they were looking for me, I leave and then come back at the end of the day to get on the bus. Same cop was waiting for me, came and pulled me off the bus. Searched me in front of school, found a bowl, I get charged.

I go to court and the DA shows the court the evidence and the judge goes let me see that. He brings it over and the judge is like wow, a seashell, that is really interesting. And then the court is all ahhs and ooohs lol. Then I take rehab deal over 3 months of juvi just for possession.

Funny stuff.

I get to rehab, I got the, "you're here for weed??!? I'm here for crack".. lol it was an experience
I'm sure I have plenty I can tell that still make me laugh. Back in my youth one of the things popular here was cruising "The Strip" which is an upscale beachfront. It used to be so popular that it would take you half an hour to cruise one direction on a Friday or Saturday night. Was so crazy they actually passed cruising laws and would ticket you if you passed more than twice in an hour. Around this time they also start passing stricter seat belt laws.

My friend who was a very attractive young lady and I went down to The Strip to do something, I don't even remember. I was driving my pickup, jamming my system and my subwoofers are pumping. A cop on a horse comes over and hops down and approaches my window. About this time, I remember I have an ounce of mushrooms in my pocket and the panic kicks in.

He looks at my friend and says "You aren't wearing your seatbelt".
I also am not wearing my seatbelt, so I say "Oh, I am so sorry officer".
He looks at me and says "I'm not talking to you"
He then continues to hit on my friend and lets us go after a minute.

I'm sure he is the kind of guy who probably violated people's constitutional rights.
ahhh man... where to start.

too many times in high school during the morning parking lot meetups and lunch meetups, on campus security would roll up. Sometimes we'd just be smoking squares, sometimes a joint or a bowl would be moving around. Developed a reputation with the VP because of this, so every time a close buddy and I would be wandering the halls, he would stop us and tell us to put on some cologne or something and "get some damn eye drops." Dude was cool as fuck.

One individual in particular was pretty ballsy. One day, I met up with him in the science wing and traded him a PS2 for a qp. Dude was carrying around probably 2+ lbs in his backpack, hustling like a motherfucker. I assume he got caught that day because we never saw him show up at school again.

Later in college is when shit got really real. As hungry college kids do, I made friends with some of the employees at a Little Ceasars where I'd trade em a quarter of shrooms and they'd hook me up with their unsold pies at the end of the night. Pretty solid deal as they were just gonna throw the pies in a dumpster and I had more mushrooms than I knew what to do with. Well, one night homie decided that he had some weed he wanted to trade instead and we decided to meet up at the skate park instead of our usual meet spot. I'm sitting in my beater ass multi colored camaro with a couple friends. It's like 10PM, and we're the only car posted up in the parking lot. Per usual the local PD is out doing their fucking patrols, ya know. "fucking" patrols because that's all that podunk town's LEO ever did -- fuck people. I see em from across the way and know exactly what's about to happen. Cop pulls up, orders us all out of the car, and starts his "show of force." Asks if I'm holding, I say no, asks if there's anything in the car, and I tell him not as far as I know. One of the dude's I was with, apparently having his first cop experience, pulls a half zip of brick weed out of his pocket, hands it to the cop and tells him he has another bag and a few bongs in his backpack in my car. Talk about pissed, I was. I hate riding dirty unknowingly. Well, the cop asks if I'd like the pleasure of shattering his pieces, which I did indeed want to do more than break dude's glass. While this is going on, another fucking slob of a pig rolls up all aggressive as shit and talking about wanting to cuff all of us and take us to jail. The first cop has the decision authority, though, and we went to high school together and used to hang out, so luckily didn't end up in jail that night.

Next up, I was out on an old dirt airstrip getting ready to sesh with a couple other friends. We had gotten out of the car and were getting ready to retrieve this amazing double perc bong from the trunk when a county sheriff rolls up. This was a first for me as I used to drift my Z on that airstrip fairly regularly and never had problems with LEO there before. This motherfucker searches the two other cats, but not me -- the one holding a QP in my back pocket. I tell him we're searching my dog that ran off -- only kind of bullshit as another friend that lived close to the airport had a dog that matched the description and I'm sure that sheriff had seen the dog around before. He just told us to kick rocks, which we did with haste.

A couple years later I had transferred out to a different school in Phoenix from my home state. Had enough of a shitty roommate situation and decided to tuck tail and head home. On my way I was somewhere between Globe and Snowflake AZ, moving about 90mph through some 55mph mountain road, smoking a joint and enjoying some tunes. Suddenly I have lights behind me -- no idea where tf that motherfucker came from, but I was the only one of the road so I was sure he was after me. I put out the joint, set it in my ashtray and fire up a square. Ended up with a $350 ticket, which I never paid (fuck them), and surprisingly no bust.

Since that last one, I've cut my shenanigans down quite a bit. Rather be a boring low profile kinda guy than someone talking with the strong arm of the law with any regular cadence.
Iv'e got something. So I was in the grow store and I overheard the counter people selling clones. So I talked with them and they said they were all licensed and legit so I ordered some clones for the spring(I have a med card). This is Oregon by the way. Weed is legal here but I live in a dry county, you can't have any commercial cannabis dispensaries of any kind, even medical. Its stupid. It did even cross my mind that they cannot sell clones legally in this county.

So a few months later I read in the local news that they get busted for 19,000 plants and an out of state selling operation. I'm thinking "fuck, they have my number for clones". Sure enough a detective calls me and says "I have you buying pounds from them", I got very defensive and explained the situation, he apologized and said that he will leave me alone since I was just buying clones. He said that they were not licensed and never were and it is illegal to sell anything cannabis in this county.

So they get out of jail and open their grow shop and list everything on clearance. So I go in there and buy some stuff and order some nematodes. I didn't mention anything about the detective or the bust. I just want to get my stuff and get out. Well it was a couple of weeks and I didn't have my nematoads so I call them and they lady started going off on me asking me why I came back in there, she said I must have been "wired up".... I said "Oh you think Im a cop" and pretty much told her to fuck off and give me my money back. She sent my money back with an apology letter explaining that they hired a detective to find out who the cop was or something and that he will be calling me.

It really pissed me off so much so that I drive an hour away to buy my grow supplies now. These idiots for what ever reason thought I was the undercover cop that busted them. I didn't even know their names.
Sounds like when I tried to buy seeds from the grow store knowing they had them but that is was illegal. He looked me up and down and said nope they are illegal. I was like but .... Told me to come here. He goes who??? And thinks about it and is still like nope nothing here. I can tell he thinks I'm a cop cause I wasn't high and kinda dressed up from work. Always think it's funny when someone thinks I'm a cop because it's so rare and have broken more laws than I can remember and only been busted on a few 😆... Man my twenties... Phew.

It's funny even us growers are mistaken for cops, thought I was the only one
Sounds like when I tried to buy seeds from the grow store knowing they had them but that is was illegal. He looked me up and down and said nope they are illegal. I was like but .... Told me to come here. He goes who??? And thinks about it and is still like nope nothing here. I can tell he thinks I'm a cop cause I wasn't high and kinda dressed up from work. Always think it's funny when someone thinks I'm a cop because it's so rare and have broken more laws than I can remember and only been busted on a few 😆... Man my twenties... Phew.

It's funny even us growers are mistaken for cops, thought I was the only one
haha that's one of those things where i think we get too into our heads about it. Trying not to look and seem a certain way makes it waaay worse than if we just acted normal.
Had just come back from a great surf sesh and had scored some "Sinsemilla"(no strains back in the day. Only with or without seeds). Pull up to my buddies house with a few friends in my Volkswagen. Buddy comes to the driver side window. We show him the weed we got and pull out a bong with a nice healthy hit waiting to be burned. He leans into the car and takes a monster hit. The moment his lips left the bong I hear the dreaded radio chatter behind me. Buddy pulls his head out of the driver side window while he exhales a huge cloud of smoke.

"Driver. Pull over to the side of the road."

Buddy hightails it out of there. We're all sure we're going to jail. I try and hide the weed in the seat springs. No way we're going to be able to hide the bong but we try. Officer comes up to the window and asks us why we were blocking the road. He knew we were scared shitless and was just playing top cop with us. He pulls us out of the car and sits us on the curb while he searches the car. Finds the bong and weed. Takes them back to the patrol car.

All the while I'm trying to think of the funeral arrangements my parents will be making once they kill me. As millions of scenarios are running through my head I notice the passenger side door opens from the patrol car. A young female cadet steps out with the typical cop mirrored sunglasses on. She walks up to me and asks me my name. I tell her and she smiles. She walks back to the patrol car, gets in and her and the other officer are in there for a while. She gets back out and hands me a ticket for rolling a stop sign.

At this point I'm thinking OK fine but what about the arrest that is about to happen. She takes off her sunglasses and its fucking CATHY! She was one of my big sisters friends. I met her when I was in a field biology class I took the summer prior to the 9th grade. It was a weekend trip to Joshua Tree National Forest and her and I had hooked up on that trip(we shared her sleeping bag! Hehehe....).

Suffice to say I was a little dumbfounded at what was happening and what was going to happen. I stood up and hugged her and we laughed a little about the situation but I was unsure of what was going to happen. She hugs me one last time and whispers in me ear "Get in your car and leave. I took care of it."

She says goodbye and gets back in the patrol car. I start to walk back to my car and my dumbass friends are still sitting on the curb not sure what just went down. I tell them to get in the fucking car if they don't want to go to jail. They get up and get in and start asking me what happened. We drive to my connects house and score more weed. Spicoli as fuck.
Had just come back from a great surf sesh and had scored some "Sinsemilla"(no strains back in the day. Only with or without seeds). Pull up to my buddies house with a few friends in my Volkswagen. Buddy comes to the driver side window. We show him the weed we got and pull out a bong with a nice healthy hit waiting to be burned. He leans into the car and takes a monster hit. The moment his lips left the bong I hear the dreaded radio chatter behind me. Buddy pulls his head out of the driver side window while he exhales a huge cloud of smoke.

"Driver. Pull over to the side of the road."

Buddy hightails it out of there. We're all sure we're going to jail. I try and hide the weed in the seat springs. No way we're going to be able to hide the bong but we try. Officer comes up to the window and asks us why we were blocking the road. He knew we were scared shitless and was just playing top cop with us. He pulls us out of the car and sits us on the curb while he searches the car. Finds the bong and weed. Takes them back to the patrol car.

All the while I'm trying to think of the funeral arrangements my parents will be making once they kill me. As millions of scenarios are running through my head I notice the passenger side door opens from the patrol car. A young female cadet steps out with the typical cop mirrored sunglasses on. She walks up to me and asks me my name. I tell her and she smiles. She walks back to the patrol car, gets in and her and the other officer are in there for a while. She gets back out and hands me a ticket for rolling a stop sign.

At this point I'm thinking OK fine but what about the arrest that is about to happen. She takes off her sunglasses and its fucking CATHY! She was one of my big sisters friends. I met her when I was in a field biology class I took the summer prior to the 9th grade. It was a weekend trip to Joshua Tree National Forest and her and I had hooked up on that trip(we shared her sleeping bag! Hehehe....).

Suffice to say I was a little dumbfounded at what was happening and what was going to happen. I stood up and hugged her and we laughed a little about the situation but I was unsure of what was going to happen. She hugs me one last time and whispers in me ear "Get in your car and leave. I took care of it."

She says goodbye and gets back in the patrol car. I start to walk back to my car and my dumbass friends are still sitting on the curb not sure what just went down. I tell them to get in the fucking car if they don't want to go to jail. They get up and get in and start asking me what happened. We drive to my connects house and score more weed. Spicoli as fuck.
Did this happen in real life or a Cheech and Chong movie 😂
Got to say I did not expect so much so quick.
I guess I am not special after all~!
Lots of High School stories, anyone busted before High School? :rolleyes:
Beat 6th grade~! Remember I am the youngest of 4...:p
First harvest from a new warehouse grow a partner and I had set up. We pulled 20p out of it and proceeded to drive to the various dispensaries in the area to offload it. On the second dispensary we did our business and were leaving 10p lighter. We were happy as shit with the stack of Benjamins we had from the sale.

Sedan pulls up behind us but I'm not worried as there are no cop markings/lights/etc. A minute or so passes and internal lights behind his windshield light up. FUCK! I'm driving with 10p in the car. Looks like Bubba and I are going to be roommates for a while. Pull over and officer walks up to the window. Asks us if we've been drinking OR smoking. I knew he knew what was up as I had seen his car near the dispensary that we had just left.

At that point I decided that trying to hide what was going on was just going to get us in more trouble so I told the officer "Sir, we were at the dispensary to sell them some weed so that they could continue doing business." He asked me if I was a grower or a middle man. I told him I was a grower. He went back to his car and was there for a few minutes with mine and my partners ID. He came back to the car and said he had checked for warrants and nothing came up. He told us to have a good day and to be careful out there.........

We stopped at the first gas station to change our underwear.
First harvest from a new warehouse grow a partner and I had set up. We pulled 20p out of it and proceeded to drive to the various dispensaries in the area to offload it. On the second dispensary we did our business and were leaving 10p lighter. We were happy as shit with the stack of Benjamins we had from the sale.

Sedan pulls up behind us but I'm not worried as there are no cop markings/lights/etc. A minute or so passes and internal lights behind his windshield light up. FUCK! I'm driving with 10p in the car. Looks like Bubba and I are going to be roommates for a while. Pull over and officer walks up to the window. Asks us if we've been drinking OR smoking. I knew he knew what was up as I had seen his car near the dispensary that we had just left.

At that point I decided that trying to hide what was going on was just going to get us in more trouble so I told the officer "Sir, we were at the dispensary to sell them some weed so that they could continue doing business." He asked me if I was a grower or a middle man. I told him I was a grower. He went back to his car and was there for a few minutes with mine and my partners ID. He came back to the car and said he had checked for warrants and nothing came up. He told us to have a good day and to be careful out there.........

We stopped at the first gas station to change our underwear.
was this back when everything was still legally "grey" so pretty much any at-scale grower could harvest and hustle to the dispos without all the bureaucratic bullshit they deal with nowadays?
was this back when everything was still legally "grey" so pretty much any at-scale grower could harvest and hustle to the dispos without all the bureaucratic bullshit they deal with nowadays?
Yup! That was when City of L.A. had just given out licenses. This was in Riverside County so there were a lot of "pop up" dispensaries with varying degrees of legality. I remember selling to co-ops too! Another way they were getting around the law.

Didn't help that I was driving my race Mustang with the longtubes and flowmaster 40's!
Not too many months ago, me and my girl were drinking, we were already kinda drunk, and she's like hey, go get more liquor, it's around 9-1030 at night.

So I leave, go to a liquor store and start heading back home, well once I get close to my place, going down a road that curves/splits off into a right lane,

so I proceed around the curve maybe 50mph approach the right turn, it was green so I kept going - as I am doing so I notice those obnoxiously bright headlights...it's a TPD SUV unit

Then this fucker flipped his blues and reds on, I look down at my gas meter " 15 miles till empty "

Inner voice: you can do it.

I fucking impulsively drop a gear and gas it. (This isn't my first rodeo unfortunately)

Instead of pulling into my complex (lol) I go right down a long road that leads into a neighborhood, he's behind me, but I'm gaining space, loop around this neighborhood that goes back out to the main road we were originally on, so I approach another long stretch road out of the hood, here COMES A FUCKING SECOND SUV LIGHTS ON from opposing side,

It was like a brief jousting match as we were coming up on a stop sign and I'm hitting nearly 90-100 down the road, it looked like he was thinking/starting to turn into me or fake me out, nope.

I keep going straight, hit the main road, just before I do, to my right down that main street is a white Ford Taurus TPD unit lights on speeding down the road, PASSING ME AS I TURN OUT LEFT BEHIND HIM (LOL, mind you Ive got about 4 99s in me @tobh)

And then go down a few feet and my complex is now on my right, I fuckin turn into my complex go around to the back reverse into a spot between cars, jog out of my car, start to walk to my staircase, start walking slowly up as a UNIT enters the complex (from my staircase you can see the main entrance straight ahead)

I walk up to my unit, peak out, they are gone.

nothing was getting in my way of I what I wanted to do that night.

P.S oh, and I parked with 5 miles of gas left on the digital readout.

I do not endorse, condone or relish in this behavior, I did dumb shit when I was younger and dumber and developed some bad habits. Lol
I may be an adrenaline junkie, I love the rush.

Otherwise I'm on a better path now.

Just thought I'd share since ya started the topic.
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Not too many months ago, me and my girl were drinking, we were already kinda drunk, and she's like hey, go get more liquor, it's around 9-1030 at night.

So I leave, go to a liquor store and start heading back home, well once I get close to my place, going down a road that curves/splits off into a right lane,

so I proceed around the curve maybe 50mph approach the right turn, it was green so I kept going - as I am doing so I notice those obnoxiously bright headlights...it's a TPD SUV unit

Then this fucker flipped his blues and reds on, I look down at my gas meter " 15 miles till empty "

Inner voice: you can do it.

I fucking impulsively drop a gear and gas it. (This isn't my first rodeo unfortunately)

Instead of pulling into my complex (lol) I go right down a long road that leads into a neighborhood, he's behind me, but I'm gaining space, loop around this neighborhood that goes back out to the main road we were originally on, so I approach another long stretch road out of the hood, here COMES A FUCKING SECOND SUV LIGHTS ON from opposing side,

It was like a brief jousting match as we were coming up on a stop sign and I'm hitting nearly 90-100 down the road, it looked like he was thinking/starting to turn into me or fake me out, nope.

I keep going straight, hit the main road, just before I do, to my right down that main street is a white Ford Taurus TPD unit lights on speeding down the road, PASSING ME AS I TURN OUT LEFT BEHIND HIM (LOL, mind you Ive got about 4 99s in me @tobh)

And then go down a few feet and my complex is now on my right, I fuckin turn into my complex go around to the back reverse into a spot between cars, jog out of my car, start to walk to my staircase, start walking slowly up as a UNIT enters the complex (from my staircase you can see the main entrance straight ahead)

I walk up to my unit, peak out, they are gone.

nothing was getting in my way of I what I wanted to do that night.

P.S oh, and I parked with 5 miles of gas left on the digital readout.

I do not endorse, condone or relish in this behavior, I did dumb shit when I was younger and dumber and developed some bad habits. Lol
I may be an adrenaline junkie, I love the rush.

Otherwise I'm on a better path now.

Just thought I'd share since ya started the topic.
It was friday night and I was waiting for my buddy to come pick me up for a night of booze, weed and women! As I'm sitting in the car listening to music I see a Honda CRX go flying by with a cop car crown vic not far behind. They're racing through the tract homes for around 15 minutes and then things get quiet. I figured he'd caught the Honda.

It was summer so I had my driver door open because it was hot and I was laying in the driver and passenger seat with my legs dangling out the car door listening to music. All of a sudden the entire cabin of my car lights up and I hop up and am immediately blinded by lights. Cop on the intercom tells me to slowly get out of the car and to lay down on my stomach with my hands outstretched. As I'm getting out of the car I realize this is the same podunk cop that would always stop me and try and write me up for minor infractions like my car was too low or whatever other BS he could come up with. I get on my knees with my hands up and tell the cop "I know what you're thinking but I'm not the guy you're looking for.". As he's walking up to me he tells me "You thought you could get away eh? I finally got you!". I repeat " I'm telling you. I'm not the guy you're looking for.". He laughs and says "I've been chasing you for the last half hour. You're DEFINITELY the guy I'm looking for!". He proceeds to cuff me and as he's putting me into the back seat of his car I tell him "Go feel the hood of my car. If you were chasing me around for the last 1/2 hour my car should be hot as hell!". He puts me in the backseat, closes the door and goes and feels the hood of my car. He comes back and takes me out of the backseat of his car, uncuffs me and says "Have a good night". He never pulled me over for anything after that.
I used to have a buddy that told the cops the deal. We live in a small town and he was at the gas station getting into it with someone...the other person smashed a few things I guess so cops show up and I'm literally just pulling up to get some gas. I see my buddy in his car with the drivers window down getting into it with the cop. Cop was like "pull over mickey" he was like "no fuck that, IM GOING HOME!" ...cop argued a bit and ole mickster wasn't having it. I hear him say "it was the other person motherfucker now I'm going home move!" And he started pushing the cop with his vehicle...cop just backed off and let him go...

Couple years ago I watched a high-speed chase go down the street my street is off of. Both streets are dead ends. I looked out to the main road and cops were blocking it off and had their ARs out. I knew something was up. Anyway this guy pulls in last house drives out into corn field and gets out of the car and shoots some kind of pistol at the cops and they kill him. I heard the shots and just knew that dude was dead.
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I used to have a buddy that told the cops the deal. We live in a small town and he was at the gas station getting into it with someone...the other person smashed a few things I guess so cops show up and I'm literally just pulling up to get some gas. I see my buddy in his car with the drivers window down getting into it with the cop. Cop was like "pull over mickey" he was like "no fuck that, IM GOING HOME!" ...cop argued a bit and ole mickster wasn't having it. I hear him say "it was the other person motherfucker now I'm going home move!" And he started pushing the cop with his vehicle...cop just backed off and let him go...

Couple years ago I watched a high-speed chase go down the street my street is off of. Both streets are dead ends. I looked out to the main road and cops were blocking it off and had their ARs out. I knew something was up. Anyway this guy pulls in last house drives out into corn field and gets out of the car and shoots some kind of pistol at the cops and they kill him. I heard the shots and just knew that dude was dead.
this is the kind of shit that happened at the rental we were at, all the damn time. that a was a huge reason i started a firearm collection, in fact. fuckin county and city cops were constantly blocking off our dead end street, or people running from em would race up the street just to realize it was a dead end, and flip a bitch in my driveway (we were the last house on the street).

don't know how many times LEO was in my backyard hunting for some dumbass that just stole from one of the corner stores or beat the hell out of their lady. like fuck if I were to put faith in the cops to actually do anything given the one time I called them for something, the only time they prioritized my call was 4.5 hours after my first call and the last one i told them I was going to go outside with my gun and motivate the motherfucker doing all kinds of sketchy shit around my cars and my driveway to move along. wouldn't ya know I had a sheriff on the phone 30 seconds later giving me second by second updates on their location and telling me "please don't go shoot anybody, we have too much other shit going on to have this added too."

this was at the start of the pandemic, and people in the hood were acting all kinds of crazy. like hell if i'm going to let that crazy impact my kids though. i dare a motherfucker to play fuck around with my kids, LEOs are the least of my concerns.
this is the kind of shit that happened at the rental we were at, all the damn time. that a was a huge reason i started a firearm collection, in fact. fuckin county and city cops were constantly blocking off our dead end street, or people running from em would race up the street just to realize it was a dead end, and flip a bitch in my driveway (we were the last house on the street).

don't know how many times LEO was in my backyard hunting for some dumbass that just stole from one of the corner stores or beat the hell out of their lady. like fuck if I were to put faith in the cops to actually do anything given the one time I called them for something, the only time they prioritized my call was 4.5 hours after my first call and the last one i told them I was going to go outside with my gun and motivate the motherfucker doing all kinds of sketchy shit around my cars and my driveway to move along. wouldn't ya know I had a sheriff on the phone 30 seconds later giving me second by second updates on their location and telling me "please don't go shoot anybody, we have too much other shit going on to have this added too."

this was at the start of the pandemic, and people in the hood were acting all kinds of crazy. like hell if i'm going to let that crazy impact my kids though. i dare a motherfucker to play fuck around with my kids, LEOs are the least of my concerns.
That's nuts, it's way out of line where I live. Apparently the guy had already shot the tire out on someone's truck who tried to confront them for stealing. I agree with the disregard for the police.

I live on a dead end road with like 4 houses on it total. Bunch of fields. I saw a car turn around up my street. Pulled about 3 or 4 telephone poles up from my house...and let off a fully auto what I'd assume was an AR pistol...it was out into the open field not at me but I was like wtf, I let the cops know and went and loaded my shit. Cops said it was probably city folk practicing their drive-by shooting...I asked him how close they had to be to my house before I could deem them a threat...even asked what if they were infront of my house shooting the other way? I'm like 20ft off the street. He told me to call a lawyer...well fuck off I'll call a coroner next time
i'm right there with you on that. if they're not going to do their fucking jobs, vigilante justice is still a viable option. Best to have a lawyer on retention either way, given the nature of how we live our lives.
HIStory.....always keep that in mind when shit like that goes down.......

The one that lives is the one that controls the narrative....
LEO encounters, my mom was a badge carrying cop from 1964 - 1985
It was everything I could do not to have LEO encounters.
She would come home from work and say, ”hey, did you know “some name” was being watched by “City” PD?

Some name was usually the guy I just scored an oz off and “city” was where he lived!
I was always under some sort of stakeout!
Best one was we had been smoking has and opium mixed - flying down the high way prolly close to 100 mph in 70 impala I had , and light star flashing , we being pulled over after tossing everything we could get our hands on and pulling over the cop flys by us and turns down the next road …. Jeez just thru out lots of goodies I wish I had today !

Also had a game warden pull my tray from under the seat and push it back in , turned and said you boys see any deer ?

Been lucky/let go lots of times .
Drinking and smoking in a parking lot of a park.
Still in high school in my buddies 70 Bonneville. He had junk packed so high in the back seat.
Cops pull in and come directly to us.
They pull us out and find my new US 3 stage bong and open beers.
They make us dump our beers and throw the bottles in the garbage.
Then one of them says where's the pot?
I quickly said we smoked it all, my go to answer. They both look at the car and say be on your way~!
Getting in the car everyone else is bitching about the beer and my new bong that had not even been smoked in yet, when I say " still got this QP sitting here so why don't we just get the hell out of here!" Got real quiet real fast. I guess they forgot we had just scored?

A couple months later I go to the police department to get my police ID and be legally able to buy booze [yea legal at 18] and I see my bong in the display case~! It was clearly the most elaborate piece of paraphernalia in the whole case. o_O
Went right back to the head shop and got an Apogee III~!
Drinking and smoking in a parking lot of a park.
Still in high school in my buddies 70 Bonneville. He had junk packed so high in the back seat.
Cops pull in and come directly to us.
They pull us out and find my new US 3 stage bong and open beers.
They make us dump our beers and throw the bottles in the garbage.
Then one of them says where's the pot?
I quickly said we smoked it all, my go to answer. They both look at the car and say be on your way~!
Getting in the car everyone else is bitching about the beer and my new bong that had not even been smoked in yet, when I say " still got this QP sitting here so why don't we just get the hell out of here!" Got real quiet real fast. I guess they forgot we had just scored?

A couple months later I go to the police department to get my police ID and be legally able to buy booze [yea legal at 18] and I see my bong in the display case~! It was clearly the most elaborate piece of paraphernalia in the whole case. o_O
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Went right back to the head shop and got an Apogee III~!
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I used to have an Apogee III look alike, it was green and blue. My buddy used to make them in his garage and give them to all his stoner friends lol.
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