My wonky tripod plant.


Dank Daredevil
Apr 1, 2023
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I've seen where an internode had 3 leaves come out, but they have always reverted back to 2 and 1 per internode. This plant is weird. It is on is to it's 5th and 6th set of triplets. The lateral branches are doing the nornal young plaant 2 leaves per internode, but the main top is a tripod. The cultivar is Haze x NL #2 from Todd over at
This pheno had a rough start, remember, for those who have helped me start with RDWC on the other forum, remember it? I darn near drown it when I put it under a constant drip at 2 days old. It had normal cotyledon leaves and the first set of single finger true leaves, but the second set were also single finger and from that point, it had no crown, growth head on the main stem. It was at that time I fried it with a nute change from the Jack's Clone at .9EC to Jacks 321 at 1.9EC. It did eventually grow out of one side of the first true leaf internode, but with a 3 leaf head, rather then the normal two. All the latteral branches are producing the normal 2 leaves per internode, it's just the main that is growing in 3peat.
Here are what pictures I have of it.

I wet these seeds on Mar 1st. The 2 on the right popped first and were nearly 2" tall and 5 days old when I put them into the RDWC. The 2 on the left were 2 and 3 days popped and the one on top left is "tripod", being drown. :(
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Next pictures are from Mar 14th. I had solved the drowning problem by simply using a double lid. The insode lid was the 8" netpot and dripper that came with the Vivosun buckets and I topped that lid with my 3" netpot lids. Worked out great. The plant in the upper left is tripod. I blew up that corner of the pic and you can vaguely see that it has lost, or has no growth point in the center.
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Thursday, Mar 23rd. This picture was taked 2 days after the water change that raised the EC from .9 to 1.9 and fried, to some degree, all the plants in the RDWC. The larger one showed less impact, but poor tripod. Here you can just see the lateral popping out that was to become it's 3 arm 'wonky' form.
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Couple days later, Mar 25th and the new head of growth is growing.
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March 27th and you can clearly see the 3 leaves forming. ;)
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MArch 31st. Putting out repeated triplet leaves at each internode. Weird!!!!
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...and today, Meet Tripod! It hasn't sexed yet, so it is still and it, but the triploid (? terminoligy) is repeating, It has 5 clear internodes of 3's and looking into the crown, looks like another 3 leaves coming for the 6th internode.
(front left of the 4 plants)
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Stress of some sort ? It doesn’t like something ? What that is I’m not sure 🤔
I absolutly agree it was stress, one of the near death experiances it had! Drowning is my first choice because it lost it's grow tip before the EC frying incident. Then again, it only developed that tripod growth tip during the nute overdose, so whatever...? Best news is it's been plenty happy the past 10 days or so. (y) Especially since I dropped the EC down to the 1.0 range. All 4 plants are lovin it!!! The one in the back left is already 'flip the lights' size, IMO, for my 5gal buckets, and the 2 medium sized ones could flip as well. At least that's how I feel, but remember it's my first RDWC grow, so jump in with when to flip to 12/12 suggestions.
You try over and over to kill it. Then it makes it thru all that and goes a little nutty. I get it!

I have never personally grown a plant like that, but I can't remember treating one this way either lol
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You try over and over to kill it. Then it makes it thru all that and goes a little nutty. I get it!

I have never personally grown a plant like that, but I can't remember treating one this way either lol
Neither had I, but how many 'accidents' have tuned into discoveries? (y)
...and I discovered that the tripod trait is showing itself in my sole female. I took 5 cuts from here a couple days ago, 2 of them were/are showing tripod traits.
I also did a water top off today. It's using about a gallon a day now and the EC was down to .8 (420 on the 500) so I raised it with the top off to .9 (480 on the 500). I think that means it's using more nute than water???
I also did not add any more Orca or HydroGuard to this topoff. As I read in another thread, by this time I have either got a colony of good bennies or I don't. If that's wrong, jump in and say so! My roots are a beautiful pearl white now, so I'm happy on that front.
On a sad note, another 2 of the 4 plants are male. Oh well, that's not all bad. Since it's 2 of the largest ones, I won't need to flip to 12/12 until tripode get bigger. Tripods sex is still undetermined, but the 2 sister clones I took are defintely gals!!!

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On the other thread I was speaking about hydroguard. That is a single species of bacteria. Orca is so much more than that and there are good reasons to supplement that up until you switch to flower or a little after. Diversification of beneficial species is a good thing I believe. They do different things. For example fungi improve root performance. Different than hydroguard.
THanks Moe, I'll add the Orca this morning!!!. Should I also add the Hygrozyme? Root pictures are below. My pH went up to 6.0 overnight and the ppm from .9 (480/500) to .8 (440/500) and used at least 1/2 a gallon, so time to chop the 2 males in the RDWC and adjust. Now it's .9 (470/500) and 5.8pH and 69-70*

I guess some of these pictures should go into the pot porn pics, I mean I have a pic of what one looks like when it grows a pair... :eek:
...and pictures of the roots. The above the water zone is white, below is the brown that freaked me out followed by those pearl white newest roots. Comments welcome on the brown roots. The buckets did/do have that earthy smell I hear others discribe and none of the roots were 'slimy' at all.

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...and for the boys showing off their jewels. o_O First picture is of the plant, second is of his jewels. 2 pictures for each of the 2 boys.


....and tripod is doing wonderful. There is a sex node on the top set of leaves, but far to immature to tell.
Yes I'd give it a little hygrozyme and see how it looks in 24 hours.

See that foam on top of the water in the bucket along the edge? That is a potential indication of something organic in the water being "fractionated" out by bubbling. It could also be other compounds like silica, but lets see what happens in 24 after you add hygrozyme to help us troubleshoot this.

If some of the dark areas on the roots go away, those were caused by nutes. If not, it is most likely a bacterial colony. If so, that is pretty dark meaning there is an excess of sugars in the water. Plants will release sugars via the roots to encourage symbiotic growth, but honestly this seems like too much. You did not add bud candy or similar by chance, did you?
Nope, no additional additives.
RO + Silica + A + Epsom + B + acid(pH to 5.8) + Orca + Hydroguard for adding nutes to top off.
RO + Silica + acid(pH to 5.8) + Orca + Hydroguard for topping off and lowering nutes.

Let me go add the Hygrozyme, and Orca for what I added without it this morning.
I'll do it. 2ml p/L will be ummmm, about 60L = 16 gal, so 120ml of zyne stuff. LOL, at that low dose rate, there are 4 doses in this 1/2 liter bottle. (y)
...getting on my soapbox.....
Kinda reminds me of a saying my dad has, "just another way to get the poor farmers money" 🧑‍🌾 🤣🤣🤣 It would take the whole bottle + for Moe's 50gal res, geeezzzzz....... my soapbox now..... :D
I'll do it. 2ml p/L will be ummmm, about 60L = 16 gal, so 120ml of zyne stuff. LOL, at that low dose rate, there are 4 doses in this 1/2 liter bottle. (y)
...getting on my soapbox.....
Kinda reminds me of a saying my dad has, "just another way to get the poor farmers money" 🧑‍🌾 🤣🤣🤣 It would take the whole bottle + for Moe's 50gal res, geeezzzzz....... my soapbox now..... :D
Yeah bud, this aint cheap.

That's why I use it concentrated and bring my plant to the bucket, not just dump it in the res. I want it all on my roots, not caught in the biomedia or stuck to surfaces.

Same method I have posted about with dosing bennies on the farm. There's pics there if you look, I think in the fog thread.

With your limited volume, I don't think that matters all that much.

There are a bunch of snake oil things in this hobby. Also a lot of product overuse to the benefit of the one writing the instructions (the nute companies). Once I get this fog system back online I'm going to do a few studies and then start passing out bennies by the mason jar like sourdough starter, if it ends up worth it to have them. Price on stuff like Orca is hard to swallow. Based on @smoke experience, they might not be needed at all. We could be pissing away $100 bills.

But not hygrozyme. It actually does work, confirmed firsthand multiple times.
I added the Hygrozyme about 48 hours ago. THe foam that was forming has disapeared, but the color of the roots hasn't changed. Not that I can see. See the pics.

On another note, the larger plant in the hydro is no longer an it. It's a girl! As for Tripod, it's still undetermined.

I do have a concern about my pH. It's been rising about .1, from 5.8 to 5.9 regularly until 3 days ago. It was at 6.1 Friday morning, before I added the Hydrozyme. Sat morn, same 6.1. Lowered to 5.8 and by 9 last night it was back up to 6.1. Lowered it again and this morning it was up to 6.0. What is up??? (no pun intended) ...or am I overly concerned over nothing?

The movie is of my new 'girl', 48 hours after the short movie from the post up above this one, from Friday.

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Tripod's roots:
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The one in front is Tripod and in the back is 'water woman". :geek: (y)
THanks Moe, I'll add the Orca this morning!!!. Should I also add the Hygrozyme? Root pictures are below. My pH went up to 6.0 overnight and the ppm from .9 (480/500) to .8 (440/500) and used at least 1/2 a gallon, so time to chop the 2 males in the RDWC and adjust. Now it's .9 (470/500) and 5.8pH and 69-70*

I guess some of these pictures should go into the pot porn pics, I mean I have a pic of what one looks like when it grows a pair... :eek:
...and pictures of the roots. The above the water zone is white, below is the brown that freaked me out followed by those pearl white newest roots. Comments welcome on the brown roots. The buckets did/do have that earthy smell I hear others discribe and none of the roots were 'slimy' at all.

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...and for the boys showing off their jewels. o_O First picture is of the plant, second is of his jewels. 2 pictures for each of the 2 boys.
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....and tripod is doing wonderful. There is a sex node on the top set of leaves, but far to immature to tell.
I’ll call it - boy
Reading back through the thread i noticed in your first set of pictures that there is what i think is a air pump sitting on the floor.

A heads up that if you have a interpretation in electrical power you may" siphon all the water out of your buckets

Edit: pump should be above the water level.
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