I've seen where an internode had 3 leaves come out, but they have always reverted back to 2 and 1 per internode. This plant is weird. It is on is to it's 5th and 6th set of triplets. The lateral branches are doing the nornal young plaant 2 leaves per internode, but the main top is a tripod. The cultivar is Haze x NL #2 from Todd over at AGSeedCo.com
This pheno had a rough start, remember, for those who have helped me start with RDWC on the other forum, remember it? I darn near drown it when I put it under a constant drip at 2 days old. It had normal cotyledon leaves and the first set of single finger true leaves, but the second set were also single finger and from that point, it had no crown, growth head on the main stem. It was at that time I fried it with a nute change from the Jack's Clone at .9EC to Jacks 321 at 1.9EC. It did eventually grow out of one side of the first true leaf internode, but with a 3 leaf head, rather then the normal two. All the latteral branches are producing the normal 2 leaves per internode, it's just the main that is growing in 3peat.
Here are what pictures I have of it.
I wet these seeds on Mar 1st. The 2 on the right popped first and were nearly 2" tall and 5 days old when I put them into the RDWC. The 2 on the left were 2 and 3 days popped and the one on top left is "tripod", being drown.
View attachment VID_20230308_131429 (1).mp4
Next pictures are from Mar 14th. I had solved the drowning problem by simply using a double lid. The insode lid was the 8" netpot and dripper that came with the Vivosun buckets and I topped that lid with my 3" netpot lids. Worked out great. The plant in the upper left is tripod. I blew up that corner of the pic and you can vaguely see that it has lost, or has no growth point in the center.
View attachment VID_20230314_152813 (1).mp4

Thursday, Mar 23rd. This picture was taked 2 days after the water change that raised the EC from .9 to 1.9 and fried, to some degree, all the plants in the RDWC. The larger one showed less impact, but poor tripod. Here you can just see the lateral popping out that was to become it's 3 arm 'wonky' form.

Couple days later, Mar 25th and the new head of growth is growing.

March 27th and you can clearly see the 3 leaves forming.

MArch 31st. Putting out repeated triplet leaves at each internode. Weird!!!!

...and today, Meet Tripod! It hasn't sexed yet, so it is still and it, but the triploid (? terminoligy) is repeating, It has 5 clear internodes of 3's and looking into the crown, looks like another 3 leaves coming for the 6th internode.
(front left of the 4 plants)

This pheno had a rough start, remember, for those who have helped me start with RDWC on the other forum, remember it? I darn near drown it when I put it under a constant drip at 2 days old. It had normal cotyledon leaves and the first set of single finger true leaves, but the second set were also single finger and from that point, it had no crown, growth head on the main stem. It was at that time I fried it with a nute change from the Jack's Clone at .9EC to Jacks 321 at 1.9EC. It did eventually grow out of one side of the first true leaf internode, but with a 3 leaf head, rather then the normal two. All the latteral branches are producing the normal 2 leaves per internode, it's just the main that is growing in 3peat.
Here are what pictures I have of it.
I wet these seeds on Mar 1st. The 2 on the right popped first and were nearly 2" tall and 5 days old when I put them into the RDWC. The 2 on the left were 2 and 3 days popped and the one on top left is "tripod", being drown.
View attachment VID_20230308_131429 (1).mp4
Next pictures are from Mar 14th. I had solved the drowning problem by simply using a double lid. The insode lid was the 8" netpot and dripper that came with the Vivosun buckets and I topped that lid with my 3" netpot lids. Worked out great. The plant in the upper left is tripod. I blew up that corner of the pic and you can vaguely see that it has lost, or has no growth point in the center.
View attachment VID_20230314_152813 (1).mp4

Thursday, Mar 23rd. This picture was taked 2 days after the water change that raised the EC from .9 to 1.9 and fried, to some degree, all the plants in the RDWC. The larger one showed less impact, but poor tripod. Here you can just see the lateral popping out that was to become it's 3 arm 'wonky' form.

Couple days later, Mar 25th and the new head of growth is growing.

March 27th and you can clearly see the 3 leaves forming.

MArch 31st. Putting out repeated triplet leaves at each internode. Weird!!!!

...and today, Meet Tripod! It hasn't sexed yet, so it is still and it, but the triploid (? terminoligy) is repeating, It has 5 clear internodes of 3's and looking into the crown, looks like another 3 leaves coming for the 6th internode.
(front left of the 4 plants)