SSgrower in coco&perlite growing perpetual

Morning guys and gals, fell in the ditch again yesterday, elbow sore, barely typing. You guys are funny, granny you better get in here, separate these boys. Ha.
Dang buddy, take er easy. Dog take ya for a ride?

I kept reading 🥴
Damn dogs lol
God guys, I wonder why I live in Tejas sometimes, but the fishing got me! Bandit I got ya if you wanna vaca, come on down I got water and gas, yes a gas stove for coffee and meals. Bad time to vaca down here but, Outlaws vaca when they can so? Everyone understand this is a 1950's Hunting Cottage, I haven't remodeled the inside yet! It's Ugly, yes very ugly, no girl type of dirty. It's mine though. You own your house and yard?
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Lights are my main concern in this tropical storm situation here, Bandit you can sit still, or travel but I'd get to my va ca or reschedule,Ha. I got ya in a pinch! My town is 18 miles from his vaca. Cheers Watermelon Zaza this morning.
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