Going to cost you about $120.
^ This is a great fish site and where I used to buy my food and a loy of equipment from when I bred fish.^

Pole for #5 ~!(y)
I hope they have better/different tires tomorrow than today.
If not it will be a problem the whole race.

awesome thanks!!! the smaller one for $105 should be enough for me, do you agree?
Ordered the cannatrol after going to see if it was available local anywhere.
Couldn't find my AC unit at first~!
No clue why I would take it from the room more or less out of the house completely. 🤪
Not hip to carrying it upstairs so figured the canna would be great and not have to be in the house.
So I get to keep slacking the cut till I see when it ships at least.😁
Ordered the cannatrol after going to see if it was available local anywhere.
Couldn't find my AC unit at first~!
No clue why I would take it from the room more or less out of the house completely. 🤪
Not hip to carrying it upstairs so figured the canna would be great and not have to be in the house.
So I get to keep slacking the cut till I see when it ships at least.😁

by time you actually do chop those buds are gonna be so big you're gonna need two cannatrols!!!! :)
He's gonna be hot bunking it at least.

he just better hope his wife don't give him the ol side eye when she finds out!!!!

Cummon, you had $ burning a hole in your pocket.

I'm sure someone will trade you something useful for all that weed, it's gonna pay for itself. ;)
The guys I work with appreciate my effort.
I just feel like it will get used more than any other tool I have.
It will be used every grow, which I can not say for the press, distiller, tumbler or Levo...
It should also make short work of harvesting plants at different times which will in turn make life easier.
The guys I work with appreciate my effort.
I just feel like it will get used more than any other tool I have.
It will be used every grow, which I can not say for the press, distiller, tumbler or Levo...
It should also make short work of harvesting plants at different times which will in turn make life easier.
Had my son over here using the press earlier this week. Last use probably been 3 months prior, and it was him. He should just take it I don't think I have used it for myself in 3 years.

I'd much rather have a cannatrol. It would be the ideal place to smoke your daily from once you are done with all the drying. Think about how much better and long lasting cheese is when stored properly. It's a kickass humidor. No more boveda needed for what goes in there between grows. Just jar it up and leave the lid off if you need to store more than what fits laying down.

I'm sold on the concept having really looked into it, I just can't bring myself to spend the money. I should probably trade my rotovap or freeze dryer for one lol. I bought that freeze dryer because all the marketing was "overnight cure"
Can't wait to see how this turns out for you. 👊
I'm sold on the concept having really looked into it, I just can't bring myself to spend the money.

my wheels are already turning on how i can duplicate this using the geotherm cooling of my cement basement floor... i have an old two door metal cabinet that i could put down there and the chiller part is done.. then just a digitally controlled dehumidifier attached with a drain hose and it might be fairly close.. hmmm...
my wheels are already turning on how i can duplicate this using the geotherm cooling of my cement basement floor... i have an old two door metal cabinet that i could put down there and the chiller part is done.. then just a digitally controlled dehumidifier attached with a drain hose and it might be fairly close.. hmmm...

Not bringing this to steams thread too or he's gonna steamroller me.
But yeah, I'm using a chiller that i have in storage for mine. Bwahaha.

Had my son over here using the press earlier this week. Last use probably been 3 months prior, and it was him. He should just take it I don't think I have used it for myself in 3 years.

I'd much rather have a cannatrol. It would be the ideal place to smoke your daily from once you are done with all the drying. Think about how much better and long lasting cheese is when stored properly. It's a kickass humidor. No more boveda needed for what goes in there between grows. Just jar it up and leave the lid off if you need to store more than what fits laying down.

I'm sold on the concept having really looked into it, I just can't bring myself to spend the money. I should probably trade my rotovap or freeze dryer for one lol. I bought that freeze dryer because all the marketing was "overnight cure"
Can't wait to see how this turns out for you. 👊
I just think I will use it often.
It is a real tool of my trade while the others are really toys for me~!
I will definitely report on it.
You work to hard man, it is only money.
my wheels are already turning on how i can duplicate this using the geotherm cooling of my cement basement floor... i have an old two door metal cabinet that i could put down there and the chiller part is done.. then just a digitally controlled dehumidifier attached with a drain hose and it might be fairly close.. hmmm...
Inkbird makes a RH controller. I was going to order one if I used my tent. Then all you need is temp control which if your basement stays where you want your there~!

Y'all know I will take the easy way out if possible/slacker~!
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i need to get me a pigeon so i can try one of your cannatrol buds first!! hahaha


i must have bought something form kens fish before because i had a login already.. don't remember.. ordered that pump, then i went looking in my box or airpump graveyard and saw i had a new cheapo i bought on a prime day last year just for emergencies...


hopefully it hold up for a few days!!!! man, those alita have a 3 year warranty!! i saw rebuild kits fairly economical too!!!
The Alita should be warranted for decades~!
I have the rebuild kits and have never needed one.
I used the 6A for 15 aquariums with 3-5 air stones or filters in each.
Hook up the manifold you have so you can bleed off air if needed.
I ran 2 of the 40s or 60s for my fishroom with 80 tanks~!
When running right you should not barely hear it. No joke quietest pump on earth~!

One guy I work with did the pigeon thing.
Another fish breeder I know was into them also and said breeding for certain traits was very similar to fish.
I would probably really dig pigeons to be honest.
Can't wait to hear Steams report especially as time goes on. So curious about the cure.
I am not so sure I will use it to cure~!
I just want to get it in jars in under 1 week.
My room is never all done at once so 4 days after one load I may be ready for the next.
I really can't imagine that I would ever keep my herb in it long term past drying.
This is just about drying properly and quickly. I like my jars, Bovedas and little meters.
I re read Bandits review of his dryer and I just think it was not what I was looking for.
I accept that I waste money on expensive toys~! That is who I am, or wish I was~! 😁
DSC_0945 - Copy.JPG
The Alita should be warranted for decades~!
I have the rebuild kits and have never needed one.
I used the 6A for 15 aquariums with 3-5 air stones or filters in each.
Hook up the manifold you have so you can bleed off air if needed.
I ran 2 of the 40s or 60s for my fishroom with 80 tanks~!
When running right you should not barely hear it. No joke quietest pump on earth~!

One guy I work with did the pigeon thing.
Another fish breeder I know was into them also and said breeding for certain traits was very similar to fish.
I would probably really dig pigeons to be honest.

I am not so sure I will use it to cure~!
I just want to get it in jars in under 1 week.
My room is never all done at once so 4 days after one load I may be ready for the next.
I really can't imagine that I would ever keep my herb in it long term past drying.
This is just about drying properly and quickly. I like my jars, Bovedas and little meters.
I re read Bandits review of his dryer and I just think it was not what I was looking for.
I accept that I waste money on expensive toys~! That is who I am, or wish I was~! 😁
View attachment 61732
Yup that's how I do mine too just with bigger jars and packs. Shit lasts forever that way.
When running right you should not barely hear it. No joke quietest pump on earth~!

oh that's an added bonus i didn't realizer it was quiet. i opted for the free eccono shipping so it might take a bit to get get here. i hooked up that cheapo shark lookin thing.. it's freakin loud!!! i can't hear it upstairs at all but once i open the basement door i can hear it!!!

I am not so sure I will use it to cure~!
I just want to get it in jars in under 1 week.

you gotta cure some in it man!!! even if it's just a tray of a couple sweet colas in there!!! c'mon!! cure a SLH cola in it!!!!
You'll have your pump before Thursday~!
Kens is in Mass on the CT border and ship like they stole it~!
Even the free and cheap just like GPS.

I probably will try curing some but I feel back logged with buds now.
Man the GPS plants are falling over heavy buds right now.
I think the Super Silver Haze should be good before July~!
I have never had foxtails before but I have them on both GPS and Dragons flame like crazy. 🤪
I have to think it may be the Grow Big [ N ] used in flower? Maybe genetic? no real clue.
You'll have your pump before Thursday~!
Kens is in Mass on the CT border and ship like they stole it~!
Even the free and cheap just like GPS.

I probably will try curing some but I feel back logged with buds now.
Man the GPS plants are falling over heavy buds right now.
I think the Super Silver Haze should be good before July~!
I have never had foxtails before but I have them on both GPS and Dragons flame like crazy. 🤪
I have to think it may be the Grow Big [ N ] used in flower? Maybe genetic? no real clue.


foxtails have always eluded me... i grew a lot of perpetual with cloning so the same dozen strains over and over kinda.. and some cultivars would foxtail every single time, and some would never so i put this to genetics.. then i would have some cultivars that would only foxtail like once i their career. almost like a slight hermie trait. i've never minded them ever.. at first i thought they looked goofy but once dry they all smoke the same!!!!

speaking of that, i'm feeling like smoking a little flower tonight!! i don't say that often!!
I was just looking at my seed collection for next.
I kind of want to not use my best since it is summer but also want to grow some of the best because it is their turn.
I don't want to regret a short veg if things go sour so I will probably veg for 4 weeks.
I like your slow flip early idea also.
Flipping 1 or 2 hours a week after 2 or 3 weeks up might be the right combo.
I want to go all grape and cherry for this next grow~!
I have 2 Tropicanna Cherry from you, the new cherry duo from Ethos [5 seeds two cultivars], Grape Crescendo freebies :love:,and atleast 4 other cherry grape from Ethos that are always fire.
I'll get some new and some old favorites.
I am resisting a lot of seeds I want grow that are regulars just so I can speed up veg a little.
Probably do the regular grow in the fall when I can veg for trees.
I was just looking at my seed collection for next.
I kind of want to not use my best since it is summer but also want to grow some of the best because it is their turn.

i can understand that...i'm not good with planning what i grow and when, i kinda shoot from the hip.. i get all star struck looking through the collection and just pick the first few i look at!! 😆

I like your slow flip early idea also.
Flipping 1 or 2 hours a week after 2 or 3 weeks up might be the right combo.

i'm hoping this helps with canopy management and also matching the temps for lights on and off.. ever since i followed your lead on that i have had much more manageable stretch or no stretch at all!!

I am resisting a lot of seeds I want grow that are regulars just so I can speed up veg a little.
Probably do the regular grow in the fall when I can veg for trees.

i also would like to wait till fall or winter for my reg run, i want to clone everything before flower, flower them see what i really like then go all in on those particular ones with the clones.

all subject to change without notice.. 😆
Had my son over here using the press earlier this week. Last use probably been 3 months prior, and it was him. He should just take it I don't think I have used it for myself in 3 years.

I'd much rather have a cannatrol. It would be the ideal place to smoke your daily from once you are done with all the drying. Think about how much better and long lasting cheese is when stored properly. It's a kickass humidor. No more boveda needed for what goes in there between grows. Just jar it up and leave the lid off if you need to store more than what fits laying down.

I'm sold on the concept having really looked into it, I just can't bring myself to spend the money. I should probably trade my rotovap or freeze dryer for one lol. I bought that freeze dryer because all the marketing was "overnight cure"
Can't wait to see how this turns out for you. 👊
Welp.. I'm sold again 🤣
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