I loaded all six shelves, and the unit is running at 68f/60RH.
No water for first day then install the little dish and sponge.
Only thing I did not do was weigh what I put in.
They recommend 2.2lbs wet [1 kilo] so hopefully I did not overdo it.
The buds from Max AC and Fruit Punch are dense.
The instructions say that may require an extra day.
Going to try to have fun learning.
I wonder if that wet limit is mostly to do with RH levels/control.

And sounds perfect should be able to get a nice slow dry 8-16 days or so

Ill have to run that fruit punch sometime
I wonder if that wet limit is mostly to do with RH levels/control.

And sounds perfect should be able to get a nice slow dry 8-16 days or so
Yea I am sure if you overload it then it will not remove moisture fast enough to avoid molding.
Think that is even in the directions.
The directions and factory setting say 4 days dry/4 days more to cure~!
I have more plants ready so want to just dry and then jar and cure.
I am not in a hurry to get to the herb, I still have all of Marches harvest that I have not even touched yet.
I'm still working on Novembers harvest~!🥴
I just want to dry it efficiently and properly.
Yea I am sure if you overload it then it will not remove moisture fast enough to avoid molding.
Think that is even in the directions.
The directions and factory setting say 4 days dry/4 days more to cure~!
4 days, neat, curious to see the results, dont think i have from those.
I have more plants ready so want to just dry and then jar and cure.
me running all over the apartment trying to get the weed to dry and slowly somewhere so i can get the next batches rollin lol
I am not in a hurry to get to the herb, I still have all of Marches harvest that I have not even touched yet.
I'm still working on Novembers harvest~!🥴
I just want to dry it efficiently and properly.
so much to play around with, u got a press huh? haha
Yea I am sure if you overload it then it will not remove moisture fast enough to avoid molding.
Think that is even in the directions.
The directions and factory setting say 4 days dry/4 days more to cure~!
I have more plants ready so want to just dry and then jar and cure.
I am not in a hurry to get to the herb, I still have all of Marches harvest that I have not even touched yet.
I'm still working on Novembers harvest~!🥴
I just want to dry it efficiently and properly.

we need to figure out what the unit does differently from the dry stage to the cure stage,, picture you sidexside old fridge, one side we set up for dry and the other side we set up for cure!!!!
we need to figure out what the unit does differently from the dry stage to the cure stage,, picture you sidexside old fridge, one side we set up for dry and the other side we set up for cure!!!!
yea good point because

lets say

"normally" hanging colas or whole plants in a 60/60 or lets say 68/60 and it takes 10 days to dry, but this is the "same" 68/60 or 60/60 same "10 day dry time required" but the box is at 68/60 and supposedly "dried" in 4 days?

am i stoned rambling or am i stoned rambling?

some drops of that rosin in a bowl and now i feel mellllooooww.
yea good point because

lets say

"normally" hanging colas or whole plants in a 60/60 or lets say 68/60 and it takes 10 days to dry, but this is the "same" 68/60 or 60/60 same "10 day dry time required" but the box is at 68/60 and supposedly "dried" in 4 days?

am i stoned rambling or am i stoned rambling?

some drops of that rosin in a bowl and now i feel mellllooooww.

it's a good point, maybe once Steam gets more familiar with it he can put a meter in a measure the differences. i'm just not fully buying that it stays at 60% to dry in four days. i keep my dry cab at 57% and it takes more than a week to get it to stabilize.

for some reason four days just sounds too quick but i've also never did it in the cool conditions so temps matter a bunch i'm sure. but hey OLDCRO said he stash got better once he started using it so i guess i need to ignore the fast dry and believe that it;s possible.
Here is the schematic submitted for their patent application.

It say they control dry point temperature, dew point while controlling the VPD

i thought so man!! i was reading about it on their site and it all made sense. i was just talking with OLDCRO about it too..

so they measure dew point and not use an algorithm from there to create the perfect amount of vapor pressure. and the pressure is key. it's measured.

this is where i will not get the best results with my hardware. i'm close as my RH controller actually measure temps and adjusts itself to be accurate, but via an algorithm and not as accurate.

from what i read all these patents are for cheese makers... maybe they're not so stingy with the technology,, i might ave to snoop there to learn more.

And that's info that I've seen @ZombieRider spread. Less focus on rH and more focus on dew point. The temp is less important.

i'm learning this as well.. i think i need to research some dew point sensors and monitor.

so do you guys know what a dry bulb sensor would be? you guys think that's just a standard rh sensor?

according to that schematic they measure dew point, dry bulb, and surface temp.
I don't think a RH controller would be the same or as accurate as dew point controller.
Since we are trying to remove moisture getting the dew point perfect is what really matters.
The RH is a combo of dew point and temp.

The dew point depends on how much water vapor the air contains. If the air is very dry and has few water molecules, the dew point is low and surfaces must be much cooler than the air for condensation to occur. If the air is very humid and contains many water molecules, the dew point is high and condensation can occur on surfaces that are only a few degrees cooler than the air.[8]

A high relative humidity implies that the dew point is close to the current air temperature. A relative humidity of 100% indicates the dew point is equal to the current temperature and that the air is maximally saturated with water. When the moisture content remains constant and temperature increases, relative humidity decreases, but the dew point remains constant.[9]
I don't think a RH controller would be the same or as accurate as dew point controller.
Since we are trying to remove moisture getting the dew point perfect is what really matters.
The RH is a combo of dew point and temp.

The dew point depends on how much water vapor the air contains. If the air is very dry and has few water molecules, the dew point is low and surfaces must be much cooler than the air for condensation to occur. If the air is very humid and contains many water molecules, the dew point is high and condensation can occur on surfaces that are only a few degrees cooler than the air.[8]

A high relative humidity implies that the dew point is close to the current air temperature. A relative humidity of 100% indicates the dew point is equal to the current temperature and that the air is maximally saturated with water. When the moisture content remains constant and temperature increases, relative humidity decreases, but the dew point remains constant.[9]

great info right there!!!

so do you happen to know what the perfect dew point is for drying/curing?

those cheap meters have terrible reviews. i need something more commercial aimed and need to keep looking.
so i believe cannatrol's surface sensor is a wet bulb temp sensor....

something i read, hope it pastes ok, the article was long and this was the only important part.

Dry Bulb, Wet Bulb, and Dew Point Temperatures​

The Dry Bulb, Wet Bulb and Dew Point temperatures are important to determine the state of humid air. The knowledge of only two of these values is enough to determine the state - including the content of water vapor and the sensible and latent energy (enthalpy).


Dry Bulb Temperature - Tdb

The Dry Bulb temperature, usually referred to as air temperature, is the air property that is most common used. When people refer to the temperature of the air, they are normally referring to its dry bulb temperature.

The Dry Bulb Temperature refers basically to the ambient air temperature. It is called "Dry Bulb" because the air temperature is indicated by a thermometer not affected by the moisture of the air.

Dry-bulb temperature - Tdb, can be measured using a normal thermometer freely exposed to the air but shielded from radiation and moisture. The temperature is usually given in degrees Celsius (oC) or degrees Fahrenheit (oF). The SI unit is Kelvin (K). Zero Kelvin equals to -273oC.

The dry-bulb temperature is an indicator of heat content and is shown along the bottom axis of the psychrometric chart. Constant dry bulb temperatures appear as vertical lines in the psychrometric chart.

Wet Bulb Temperature - Twb

The Wet Bulb temperature is the temperature of adiabatic saturation. This is the temperature indicated by a moistened thermometer bulb exposed to the air flow.

Wet Bulb temperature can be measured by using a thermometer with the bulb wrapped in wet muslin. The adiabatic evaporation of water from the thermometer and the cooling effect is indicated by a "wet bulb temperature" lower than the "dry bulb temperature" in the air.

The rate of evaporation from the wet bandage on the bulb, and the temperature difference between the dry bulb and wet bulb, depends on the humidity of the air. The evaporation is reduced when the air contains more water vapor.

The wet bulb temperature is always lower than the dry bulb temperature but will be identical with 100% relative humidity (the air is at the saturation line).

Combining the dry bulb and wet bulb temperature in a psychrometric diagram or Mollier chart, gives the state of the humid air. Lines of constant wet bulb temperatures run diagonally from the upper left to the lower right in the Psychrometric Chart.

Dew Point Temperature - Tdp

The Dew Point is the temperature at which water vapor starts to condense out of the air, the temperature at which air becomes completely saturated. Above this temperature the moisture will stay in the air.

If the dew-point temperature is close to the air temperature, the relative humidity is high, and if the dew point is well below the air temperature, the relative humidity is low.

If moisture condensates on a cold bottle from the refrigerator, the dew-point temperature of the air is above the temperature in the refrigerator.

The Dew Point temperature can be measured by filling a metal can with water and ice cubes. Stir by a thermometer and watch the outside of the can. When the vapor in the air starts to condensate on the outside of the can, the temperature on the thermometer is pretty close to the dew point of the actual air.

The Dew Point is given by the saturation line in the psychrometric chart.
great info right there!!!

so do you happen to know what the perfect dew point is for drying/curing?

those cheap meters have terrible reviews. i need something more commercial aimed and need to keep looking.
The rig is factory preset at 68f for temp and 54 for dewpoint during dry, 68/52 for cure and 68/54for storage.
They highly recommend you try that first before making any adjustments.

My sleep pattern is getting as bad as you guys.
The rig is factory preset at 68f for temp and 54 for dewpoint during dry, 68/52 for cure and 68/54for storage.
They highly recommend you try that first before making any adjustments.

My sleep pattern is getting as bad as you guys.

sleep is overrated anyway!!! :D yeah right, i'm gonna be catching up on sleep all weekend long!!! i hope to be done by 11 today so i might take a nap this afternoon. record breaking heat today!


so man this is awesome info for me, bookmarked for sure. it at least gives me a starting point more than just guessing. so according to a calculator i need 61% rh at 68F to get dew point of 54

i bummer in all is i will have this thing ready and i don't have any buds at all to try it out in. i'm gonna have to go out and pick some weeds or something to try it out!!!:ROFLMAO:

So seeds are in the mega VG~! Running with the moon again~!
Had one change in line up.
Here is what went in; 2 Stoney Tropicana Cherry, 10 Ethos Cherry Duo [ 5 Cherry Pie R1/ 5 Cherry OG R1], 4 Grape Crescendo, 2 Grape Balls of Fire, 2 Cherry Garcia, 1 Planet of the Grapes, and 1 Max AC. Turns out I onl;y had 1 POG so I chose Max AC because of the red one in room now.
Put them in the tent in the room where it is nice and warm like upper 80s.
Set up 3 pots for the clones to go outside. Each pot holds almost a full 1.5cufeet of Stonington.
Try to get them out this week but leery with heat wave and all.
So 7 days later 'all 'seeds germinated and have been placed in solo cup 50/50 seed starter / Stonington [ both COM].
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"All" means I placed 22 seeds and found 21 seedlings? No clue where #22 went.I believe the missing is Grape Crescendo which I have 3 others so meh. 🤷‍♂️
The 2 Cherry Gar See Yas were shitty again germinating and both stayed below top of VG and one still had helmet complete so got planted below soil.
I think I man handled one of the Cherry OG so it has less than 50/50 chance IMO. It was also below VG top so a little premature maybe.
All 10 of the Ethos Cherry multi pack popped. 5 Cherry pie and 5 Cherry OG.
Both the Stoney Tropicana Cherry popped also~! :love: Super psyched about that.
So 21 seedling are in the tent in soil today.
Since the whole room is ready I will let the Cannatrol keep going with batch I installed Friday.
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Buds feel real good. Possibly smokeable if I were to grind up a bud that was smaller.

Now I just got to chop the room and kill the lights. I have lights running now at 25% since most all is done as I see it.
I'll get pics and last videos before I chop.
Beautiful day here.
So 7 days later 'all 'seeds germinated and have been placed in solo cup 50/50 seed starter / Stonington [ both COM].
View attachment 63066
View attachment 63067
View attachment 63069
"All" means I placed 22 seeds and found 21 seedlings? No clue where #22 went.I believe the missing is Grape Crescendo which I have 3 others so meh. 🤷‍♂️
The 2 Cherry Gar See Yas were shitty again germinating and both stayed below top of VG and one still had helmet complete so got planted below soil.
I think I man handled one of the Cherry OG so it has less than 50/50 chance IMO. It was also below VG top so a little premature maybe.
All 10 of the Ethos Cherry multi pack popped. 5 Cherry pie and 5 Cherry OG.
Both the Stoney Tropicana Cherry popped also~! :love: Super psyched about that.
So 21 seedling are in the tent in soil today.
Since the whole room is ready I will let the Cannatrol keep going with batch I installed Friday.
View attachment 63070
View attachment 63071
Buds feel real good. Possibly smokeable if I were to grind up a bud that was smaller.

Now I just got to chop the room and kill the lights. I have lights running now at 25% since most all is done as I see it.
I'll get pics and last videos before I chop.
Beautiful day here.
That's dope steam, so this did a 4 day dry cycle, now it's 2 days in on a cure cycle?

Id prefer to "wet" trim so this seems like it would be pretty good for that too.
That's dope steam, so this did a 4 day dry cycle, now it's 2 days in on a cure cycle?

Id prefer to "wet" trim so this seems like it would be pretty good for that too.
I did wet trim pretty tight before installing the buds.

So if there is one here is the glitch/ghost in the machine;
My power went off Saturday for 3 hours.
When it came back on it was back at 4 days dry start.
Not sure if a battery back up would work or not.
It really besides the time it shows makes no difference since the first 4 days run at 68f/ 54 dew point and second 4 days run at 68f/ 52 dew point.
Barely a noteable difference IMO.
Buds were started Friday so today is day 5 in the machine.
I have to try a small one.:sneaky:
I did wet trim pretty tight before installing the buds.

Buds were started Friday so today is day 5 in the machine.
I have to try a small one.:sneaky:
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Fruit punch chopped last Friday.
Went through grinder like what I keep at 62% and stayed lit in a joint like it should.
Taste was real good. Would not have known it was this fresh. First taste of Fruit Punch and it is nice.
Pretty high for half a joint.
Fresh herb is back ~!:love:
I really think it taste better than it would have if I had dried in the room for a week properly?
The three clones.
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^ Zamal Dreams^
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^ Zamal Dreams^
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^ Sirius Black^
They have had a rough start outdoors.
Days in upper 90s with total sun and then strong down pours.
Middle ZD seems a little beaten down by it all.
The Sirius Black looks like it owns the day already~!:cool:
All 3 were about 18-20 inches out of soil at repot.
hows the smell when you open that door? does it punch you in the face?

is fruit punch the only cultivar you put in the cannatrol?
I have 3 plants in the cannatrol.
Fruit punch, Max AC and Purple Crunch.
The smell when you open the door is mild.
Not overpowering at all.
The buds have a pleasant smell when held, but give them one squeeze and viola~!
Like a stink bomb of love~!
I really want to try the Max AC but those buds were bigger so I will wait a little longer.
I have 3 plants in the cannatrol.
Fruit punch, Max AC and Purple Crunch.
The smell when you open the door is mild.
Not overpowering at all.
The buds have a pleasant smell when held, but give them one squeeze and viola~!
Like a stink bomb of love~!
I really want to try the Max AC but those buds were bigger so I will wait a little longer.
So what do you think of the cannatrol a good investment yes no
So much bro science and placebo when it comes to weed.

WTF even is a cure? Is the fact I think it gets less harsh over time all in my head? Maybe.

Forum wisdom about chlorophyll breaking down over a month causing the cure is BS? You got me thinking that's for sure.


This is the kind of thing that makes sense, but is it true?


It's not like weed turns black when curing, so is waiting for chlorophyll to break down just bs because it never really does?

All I know for sure right now is I want to try this method now too. And go back and re-look at the freeze dry thing too. THAT friggin holds on to terpenes! And is done in a day. But I'd have to add water back in to make it smokeable flower.
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