So much bro science and placebo when it comes to weed.

WTF even is a cure? Is the fact I think it gets less harsh over time all in my head? Maybe.

Forum wisdom about chlorophyll breaking down over a month causing the cure is BS? You got me thinking that's for sure.

View attachment 63128

This is the kind of thing that makes sense, but is it true?

View attachment 63129

It's not like weed turns black when curing, so is waiting for chlorophyll to break down just bs because it never really does?

All I know for sure right now is I want to try this method now too. And go back and re-look at the freeze dry thing too. THAT friggin holds on to terpenes! And is done in a day. But I'd have to add water back in to make it smokeable flower.
im sure you know more than me about this but i was curious and just to possibly add more information i ran it through gemini and chatgpt and just to see what they spit out.


  1. Bro science and placebo: There's a lot of anecdotal evidence and personal experiences (bro science) when it comes to cannabis. People often share what has worked for them, but it might not always be scientifically validated.
  2. What is a cure?: In the context of cannabis, curing refers to the process of drying and aging the buds after they are harvested. This process is believed to enhance flavor and potency by allowing certain chemical changes to occur in the plant material.
  3. Does it get less harsh over time?: Many users report that properly cured cannabis is smoother and less harsh to smoke or vaporize compared to freshly harvested buds. This perception could be influenced by both subjective experiences and potential chemical changes during curing.
  4. Chlorophyll breaking down: It's commonly believed that curing helps break down chlorophyll, which can contribute to a smoother smoke. However, the extent to which chlorophyll specifically breaks down over a month-long curing process may vary and hasn't been extensively studied in all contexts.
In summary, while there are anecdotal claims and traditional wisdom about curing cannabis, the exact mechanisms and benefits can vary. Some effects may indeed be placebo, while others could have a scientific basis. Exploring reliable sources and perhaps scientific studies on cannabis curing could provide more clarity if you're interested in understanding the process more deeply.

ok do we do this with any other fruits herbs or things we smoke?

Curing is a process primarily associated with cannabis due to its unique characteristics and the specific effects it aims to achieve. However, similar principles of drying and aging are applied to other herbs and agricultural products for various purposes:
  1. Tobacco: Tobacco leaves undergo a curing process after harvest to reduce their moisture content and develop flavors desired by smokers. Curing can involve air-drying, flue-curing (using heated air), or sun-curing methods.
  2. Tea: Some types of tea undergo a curing or fermentation process after harvesting to develop their characteristic flavors. For example, black tea undergoes fermentation, while green tea is typically steamed or pan-fired to prevent fermentation.
  3. Herbs: Culinary herbs such as basil, oregano, and thyme are often dried after harvest to preserve them for culinary use. Proper drying helps retain their flavors and aromas for extended periods.
  4. Fruits and Vegetables: While not exactly curing, many fruits and vegetables are dried or undergo controlled drying processes to preserve them for longer storage periods. This is common with fruits like apples (dried into apple chips) and vegetables like tomatoes (sun-dried tomatoes).
  5. Meat: Curing in the context of meat involves the preservation process where salt, nitrates, or sugar are applied to meat to inhibit microbial growth and enhance flavor. This process is often seen in products like bacon, ham, and sausages.
In summary, while the term "curing" is predominantly associated with cannabis and tobacco due to its specific cultural and consumption contexts, similar principles of drying, aging, and preserving are applied to various other agricultural products and herbs for different purposes, such as flavor enhancement, preservation, and improving texture.


Curing and Harshness:

  • Moisture: The key to smooth smoke is well-cured bud. Properly cured weed has lower moisture content, around 10-15%. This allows for a slower, more even burn that produces less irritation in your throat. Harsh smoke often comes from bud that's too wet, which burns hot and quick.
  • Terpenes: These aromatic compounds in weed contribute to flavor and effects. Some terpenes, like pinene and myrcene, are known for their smoother smoke. During curing, some harsher terpenes might degrade, contributing to a smoother experience.
Chlorophyll Breakdown:

  • The science on chlorophyll breakdown specifically is inconclusive. While chlorophyll might contribute slightly to harshness, its role in the "cure" is likely less significant than moisture control.
Alternative Consumption Methods:

  • If smoking is too harsh, consider alternative methods:
    • Vaporizing: Heats weed to a point where cannabinoids vaporize but doesn't combust, potentially creating a smoother inhale.
    • Edibles: THC is absorbed through the digestive system, bypassing the lungs entirely.

  • Everyone's experience is unique. Experiment with different strains, curing methods (if you grow), and consumption methods to find what works best for you.
  • Freshness matters. Properly stored weed (airtight container, cool, dark place) can maintain quality for 6 months to a year. Beyond that, it might lose potency and become harsher.
By understanding the factors affecting harshness and exploring alternative methods, you can find a smoother and more enjoyable cannabis experience.

what is a cure​

In the context of cannabis, It refers specifically to the drying and aging process that cannabis flower undergoes after harvest.
Here's a breakdown of the curing process:
  • Drying: Freshly harvested cannabis has a high moisture content. The goal is to slowly dry the flower, typically at temperatures around 60-70°F (15-21°C) with good air circulation. This prevents mold growth and allows the chlorophyll to break down.
  • Aging: Once dried to a specific moisture level (around 10-15%), the cannabis flowers are placed in airtight containers for a period of weeks (usually 2-4). This allows for further breakdown of chlorophyll and other compounds, potentially leading to a smoother smoke, enhanced flavor, and improved potency.
Curing is not essential, but it's considered a best practice for several reasons:
  • Improved Quality: Curing can create a smoother smoke, enhance the flavor profile of the terpenes, and potentially increase the potency.
  • Preservation: Properly cured cannabis has a longer shelf life and is less susceptible to mold growth.
So, the "cure" is simply the process of drying and aging cannabis to optimize its quality and longevity.

Do we do this with any other fruits herbs or things we smoke?​

You're right, curing isn't unique to cannabis. Curing or air-drying is a technique used for various purposes with some fruits, herbs, and even tobacco. Here's a breakdown:

  • Sun-dried fruits like raisins, prunes, and figs undergo a drying process similar to cannabis curing. Here, the goal is to remove most of the moisture content to preserve the fruit and concentrate its flavors. Curing isn't typically used, but drying achieves a similar effect.
  • Drying herbs like rosemary, thyme, and basil is a common preservation method. Unlike cannabis curing, herbs are typically dried quickly at warmer temperatures (around 95-115°F) to retain their volatile oils and color. Curing wouldn't be beneficial here.
  • Tobacco curing is a specific process that involves drying and manipulating the leaves to achieve desired flavors and burning characteristics. There are different curing methods for tobacco depending on the type (flue-cured, air-cured, etc.) While similar to cannabis curing in some ways, the specific goals and techniques differ.
Overall, curing in the context of cannabis refers to a specific drying and aging process to optimize the flower for smoking. Drying is a broader technique used for various purposes with fruits, herbs, and even tobacco, with different goals and methods depending on the material.
So much bro science and placebo when it comes to weed.

WTF even is a cure? Is the fact I think it gets less harsh over time all in my head? Maybe.

Forum wisdom about chlorophyll breaking down over a month causing the cure is BS? You got me thinking that's for sure.

View attachment 63128

This is the kind of thing that makes sense, but is it true?

View attachment 63129

It's not like weed turns black when curing, so is waiting for chlorophyll to break down just bs because it never really does?

All I know for sure right now is I want to try this method now too. And go back and re-look at the freeze dry thing too. THAT friggin holds on to terpenes! And is done in a day. But I'd have to add water back in to make it smokeable flower.
i guess, some % of chlorophyll, % if the plant or bud is "overloaded" with nutes, % of plant material? %of cannabinoids? THC(s)?? and % of WC and whatever the fuck else all contribute to "harshness"

What if I use something like cherry or grape juice instead of water with the sponge in the Cannatrol?
Never heard of anybody trying that . If it doesnt work out and cant get the smell out of the cannatrol pretty expensive experiment !!
so what do ya think Steam, is an 8 days dry in the cannatrol better than the way you previous dried? how about comparing to stuff from previous harvests that you've had stashed for a while?

does it still taste fresh but good fresh? or is it more like a stashed cure flavor?

did you harvest everything for this round?
It does not taste like full cured herb the way I do it.
Cured is more funky.
That said the only herb I have tried so far is 7 days since cut and very smooth.
The room will get chopped tomorrow and hung all together.
Tomorrow I need to re arrange my storage jars so I can start to jar cure what is in the cannatrol.
That way I can hang some bud in the room and dry some in cannatrol.

The seedlings are down to 18 I believe.
I lost the one Cherry Pie that I man handled and neither of the Cherry Gar See Ya have broken the soil.
It does not taste like full cured herb the way I do it.
Cured is more funky.

funky good? or funky bad?

The room will get chopped tomorrow and hung all together.


The seedlings are down to 18 I believe.
I lost the one Cherry Pie that I man handled and neither of the Cherry Gar See Ya have broken the soil.

you gonna start any more quick? or just roll with the 18?
Ok just chopped the room and jarred what was in the Cannatrol for 7 days we will say.
Chopped a couple of the larger colas for the Cannatrol and started her over again.
DSC_0963 - Copy.JPG
^ Super Lemon Haze 3 different plants there^
Clear to see the 3 on the right are 1 plant and the extreme left is different from middle 2.
Solo cup for size reference.
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^ Zamal Dreams^ big girl bud there~! :p
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^ Serious Black^ second plant not photo'd is different pheno.
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^ Zamal dreams and Sirous Black in the Cannatrol^
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^Purple Crunch first 2 on left/ GMO X Orange Dreams 2 on right^ Big buds there again~!:love:
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^ Super Lemon Haze in Cannatrol^
The rest is hanging for now with lights out and room set for 68f.
Hopefully I can get these dry in the room without having to take the tent and seedlings out.
Probably going to cut some more buds for the cannatrol.
Since I have to guess how loaded it was the first time I will guess I did not over fill it with all 6 shelves full so even with these big buds I am confident there is room for more. I have 3 shelves not even packed so far.
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^ The Purple Crunch, Max AC, and Fruit Punch that went 7 days in the cannatrol.^
Sitting nicely at 57% RH consistently.
I added my 62% Bovedas .
Let the cure begin for them.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Little rain here today but supposed to be 85 tomorrow so I'll take it.
I start back on the road Monday, not that my schedule has changed much lately I'll just get home 3 hours later between starting later and travel time.
man those are some nice colas!!!!!!!!!!

that purple crunch looks dense!! i have those beans but never grew it.

the slh looks beautiful man!! killer job!!!

i really like your idea of putting those little meters in your jars. how long do they last? i've always wished the boveda packs would change color but that makes a great visual as well. great idea!!
Thanks man~! Psyched to try the SLH, especially seeing how different 2 of the phenos are.
The meters might last a year then they need new batteries.
Toss up on which cost more.
You almost had them getting sent to you from the contest that never ends.
But it seems there is a little competition now.

I figured with natural drying the largest colas would be the slowest so they deserved the Cannatrol.
Thanks man~! Psyched to try the SLH, especially seeing how different 2 of the phenos are.

i get the feeling man, this was the first time in a long time that i got to deal with different phenos, i would only grow one seed at a time before and just add it in the rotation taking clones. this time i had two phenos of two different cultivars so i was excited and bagged them and labeled them as such!!

The meters might last a year then they need new batteries.
Toss up on which cost more.

thats long enough.. i didn't expect that long.

You almost had them getting sent to you from the contest that never ends.
But it seems there is a little competition now

i forgot about that... i only wanted the ethos beans!!! :D

I figured with natural drying the largest colas would be the slowest so they deserved the Cannatrol.

and most treasured, i would have done the same!!!


awesome haul man, seemed to go smooth for ya too.. no hiccups at all!!
Yea man I think we both had pretty trouble free and prosperous grows.
Some of the 'smaller ' plants like the GMO X Orange dreams are going to be heavy when the weigh in happens.
They really could be 1/2- 1 lb plants when dried~!
Novembers haul was 44 ounces. I am almost certain I beat that by quite a bit this time. Same way I knew Marches was not as much.🤨
I like how I got to finish these plants.
I gave most of them water only for last 3-4 weeks and still feel I got to offer all the nutes I wanted.
The Grow Big helped a ton at the end IMO.
Not sure if I mentioned ever this grow that I was ph'ing my water.
I added 20 ml. of GH PH down to every 32 gallons.
I am sure it did not drop my pH below 7 or even 7.2 but it may have helped.
Not sure if I mentioned ever this grow that I was ph'ing my water.
I added 20 ml. of GH PH down to every 32 gallons.
I am sure it did not drop my pH below 7 or even 7.2 but it may have helped.

wow you mentioned you phed it but i thought it was just a verify, i didn't realize it was off. and wow by that much? your water is over 7? man you need to collect rain water! i get a 5 and about only the same ppm's from it too.

it's raining here right now... the faucet is running free!!!!! might get a little extra sulfur tonight from the fireworks i hear!! :LOL:

damn over 7.2... i bet that climbs a little over time too.
From my fish breeding I know exactly what my water is I just did not test to see results of my input with the PH down.
My water is 7.6pH/ 2-3 KH/ 9 GH with a TDS of 350+
You see pH'ing may not really do the trick as my TDS is from the 19 natural springs in my area.
Saratoga is famous for its mineral water. So lowering the pH may not have the same effect as most with much lower TDS readings.
Once I manipulated it for the fish I believe the extra minerals were magic for the breeding.
Hoping to harness the same results if I get the water where I want.
I did but test strips but never really tested enough to know if what I installed had much effect.
hey ya know, one day a roll of copper falls off the work truck and the next day it's filled with sugar and water!!!!

Have I ever mentioned I am weak?
If this car drops 2k more I won't be able to resist.
It's a 2000 with under 20k miles.
I can't help being drawn to freaks~! 😜
Who am I going to blame this on? :ROFLMAO:
Have I ever mentioned I am weak?
If this car drops 2k more I won't be able to resist.
View attachment 63624
It's a 2000 with under 20k miles.
I can't help being drawn to freaks~! 😜
Who am I going to blame this on? :ROFLMAO:

blame it on OLDCRO again... that worked before!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: thats was funny he asked if he was off the hook and G$ told him no way!!! :LOL::LOL::LOL:
Steam, I think you've been the only guy considering the Spectramax upgrade I've come across...IDK if you've seen this yet, but there's a 750 now.
6 rails instead of 8, 680 watts at a cost of $1 per watt with their 30% off sale

Steam, I think you've been the only guy considering the Spectramax upgrade I've come across...IDK if you've seen this yet, but there's a 750 now.
6 rails instead of 8, 680 watts at a cost of $1 per watt with their 30% off sale

I actually am considering the SS550 to slowly replace my Mars Hydro SL2000's.
If could not have cut my FC8000 in half they would not work well for me in my room.
I actually am considering the SS550 to slowly replace my Mars Hydro SL2000's.
If could not have cut my FC8000 in half they would not work well for me in my room.
I would replace mars asap

I say that because of post I've seen with fires.......wether user error not, mars hydro was involved.
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