i can't remember but didn't kyle busch miss races on her championship year? that was the same year she got hurt, right? i guess an injury might be different than this though. they made the decision to stay and race indy. they knew right then and there he would not start the 600.. might have been a bad decision if they did in fact understand all the rules and implications... i would assume HMS is on top of that stuff so not sure.. maybe it came down to money, a lot of cash went into that one race...

i just wanted a little rain at the 600.. and at the beginning, Kyle bought the whole dang storm with him!!!!! 😮

Yep. I think it was his first championship in 2015. He missed 9 races when he shattered his leg at daytona
It's featured a lot in the movie doc "Rowdy" on Freevee.
There were a few factors there. One being that he came back from injury way faster than expected or docs advised and IDK if he was just that good or the field that bad, but he went on to either win or finished top 10 in most of the remaining races.
But yeah he missed 9 races and still got the waiver. I don't think Larson has anything to worry about and maybe it's time for NASCAR to get rid of a rule nobody follows
Yea they let KB and Chase Elliot get a waiver also when he broke his leg snowboarding.
Hopefully it is a technicality and dropped soon like Bandit said.
Would seem if you earned your way your attendance would not matter.
Wins counts not just showing up.
Can't see them keeping their #1 star on the sidelines.
7 weeks flower. :sneaky:

Some pics;

Want to say everything is going great. I don't get to say this too often at this stage.
Not sure I have had such health in this stage before.
Sooo, since things are going so well I will wait and let all continue to fatten up.
If they don't fall over I think we got this one~!:love:

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and hopefully great weather.
Happy June all~!:cool:
Last time I had a huge color fade at around 6 weeks so this is uncharted territory for me~!
As unfamiliar as I am with it I am pretty comfortable with it.😁

did you up your nutes this time? or is this all from the quoddy blend?

they're big and beautiful!!! you're gonna need a bigger boat!!! ☠️
did you up your nutes this time? or is this all from the quoddy blend?

they're big and beautiful!!! you're gonna need a bigger boat!!! ☠️
Buddy the only thing I am doing different this time that I did in my first undocumented grow is the Fox Farm Grow Big and the Quoddy Bay tea.
The FF GB was towards the end when I saw some early signs. It did not arrive till 5/6 but I think being able to accurately add just the proper N I wanted helped.
I am close if not finished feeding the 3 part FF finishers. I just start them early now, like before I flip.
I was 100% FF and used quoddy bay only in the soil in my elusive first grow and followed the FF feed schedule to a T.
Ever remember something that may be not as good as you recall?:unsure:
It was pretty great for sure but, I may just stop that first grow dreaming and hope to replicate this one in the future~!:sneaky:
I get the feeling my final weight will smoke the 44 oz from November.
I got my lights at 75% now and the room is running nice at night.
I hate it personally but it really makes thing better for now.
Middle summer it may not matter.
i just love the SLH photo bomb in this pic... full on wookie spears!!


She was droopy when I took pics this am before lights out. Those 3 SLHreally drink a lot of water.
That Fruit Punch is over 4 feet there with Godzilla looming in the distance~! :ROFLMAO:
The camera really doesn't catch the pistil color change the SLH made last week.
The listing for it said 9-10 weeks so maybe I will not be locked up past June.
I have no clue what to choose next. I got so much , but I really want some to get best grow time in the room which is fall/winter so may hold back some till then.
The poles are 4 feet stuck in the soil.
This on the poles; having never used them I just thought I need them.
Boy you can find out who has roots to boot when you jab a pot~!
Those SLH girls would have been even bigger if I used a 5 or 7gallon pot. Their roots are packed in those 3g pots.
I could feel and hear them breaking as I poked~!
This is a great form of LST also.
She was droopy when I took pics this am before lights out. Those 3 SLHreally drink a lot of water.
That Fruit Punch is over 4 feet there with Godzilla looming in the distance~! :ROFLMAO:
The camera really doesn't catch the pistil color change the SLH made last week.
The listing for it said 9-10 weeks so maybe I will not be locked up past June.
I have no clue what to choose next. I got so much , but I really want some to get best grow time in the room which is fall/winter so may hold back some till then.
The poles are 4 feet stuck in the soil.
This on the poles; having never used them I just thought I need them.
Boy you can find out who has roots to boot when you jab a pot~!
Those SLH girls would have been even bigger if I used a 5 or 7gallon pot. Their roots are packed in those 3g pots.
I could feel and hear them breaking as I poked~!
This is a great form of LST also.

ya know with having more plants than normal i did use way more water this round, had to fill it up yesterday. so 55 gal since 4/19.

i'm dying to see what my roots look like, i never used these pots before. considering my plants are so short i'm thinking they look great. this will be the last time i use the soil though. next round gets freshy fresh!!

something tells me you have a semi sadistic grin on your face when you jab those roots like that with your poles!!! haha lst... 😲
Beautiful plants, I use FF big bloom in flower and I like my results, I am a chemist sometimes and enjoy experimenting with different nutes in combination. Cheers!
Lights just turned on to day of week 8.
The 2 Sirius Black must be different phenos as one is green and the other purple. You can see them end of first video near CO2 tank at end.
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^^ Those 3 are Fruit Punch last one being the 4 footer^^
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^^ Both Purple Crunch ^^
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^ Max AC^ Never had fox tails before this run. Not a problem but there are a bunch in this grow.
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^ Zamal Dreams^ All of these and the GMX Orange are going to be bombs. Monster buds. Serious weight on these plants.
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Going to have to chop some of the GPS soon.
Everyone is on water only, the fade and leaf yellowing has started lights are under 75%.
Hoping to be done done by the end of this month.
Trying to figure what is next.
Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Party party people~!
Damn dude, looking excellent as always dude...I can see the amber again just sitting there on the leaves and buds...dam man you got some serious megapixels or all the skills to grow the kills
did you chop any yet? man i would have took that sirus black weeks ago!! hehe


i'm not sure if any of these tips can help ya but this is how i handle the xlvg..

i get prepared and plan out where each seed will be placed in which spot, put water in the rez, get out four paper towels, i use bounty select a size and they're the perfect height, but if not just trim down a full size.. you should have a little plastic exposed on each end, maybe a 1/2"?

dip each paper towel in the water before putting it in place, even the cover sheets.


once loaded i stand it up in the rez pocket top it off with water and carefully slide the cover on..


Thanks Stoney, I began using the Yo-yo tech and was amazed, Steam is employing it here as well. Co2, brothers we have liftoff~ Nice job!
Lights just turned on to day of week 8.
The 2 Sirius Black must be different phenos as one is green and the other purple. You can see them end of first video near CO2 tank at end.
View attachment 61052
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View attachment 61054
^^ Those 3 are Fruit Punch last one being the 4 footer^^
View attachment 61055
View attachment 61056
^^ Both Purple Crunch ^^
View attachment 61057
^ Max AC^ Never had fox tails before this run. Not a problem but there are a bunch in this grow.
View attachment 61058
^ Zamal Dreams^ All of these and the GMX Orange are going to be bombs. Monster buds. Serious weight on these plants.
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View attachment 61065
Going to have to chop some of the GPS soon.
Everyone is on water only, the fade and leaf yellowing has started lights are under 75%.
Hoping to be done done by the end of this month.
Trying to figure what is next.
Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Party party people~!
Outstanding grow brother. Which one you want to try the most? I always look forward to trying distinct phenos like your sb. Some of my best bud ever was one off phenos I could not recreate.
Lights just turned on to day of week 8.
The 2 Sirius Black must be different phenos as one is green and the other purple. You can see them end of first video near CO2 tank at end.
View attachment 61052
View attachment 61053
View attachment 61054
^^ Those 3 are Fruit Punch last one being the 4 footer^^
View attachment 61055
View attachment 61056
^^ Both Purple Crunch ^^
View attachment 61057
^ Max AC^ Never had fox tails before this run. Not a problem but there are a bunch in this grow.
View attachment 61058
^ Zamal Dreams^ All of these and the GMX Orange are going to be bombs. Monster buds. Serious weight on these plants.
View attachment 61059
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View attachment 61062
View attachment 61063
View attachment 61064
View attachment 61065
Going to have to chop some of the GPS soon.
Everyone is on water only, the fade and leaf yellowing has started lights are under 75%.
Hoping to be done done by the end of this month.
Trying to figure what is next.
Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Party party people~!
This post was like a mic drop. Just the pics are enough. I’d be watching the plants all day in a haze. 🤣
I can't wait to try all the new ones~!
I got Sirius Black, GMO X Orange Dreams, Super Silver Haze [ been a minute since I have had such a sativa dom plant], the Zamal dreams and then all the GPS.
I got Fruit Punch, Purple Crunch and I will say that the Max AC looks outstanding~!
Want know the worst part about my short list?
I still haven't tapped into my harvest from March yet~!
I have finally succeeded in perpetual grows where I only smoke cured bud unless I want freshy fresh.
I keep hearing a bunch of my buddies say the best is fresh. I once said that too but man when you open a jar that has been kept perfect 68/62 sealed for 3 months~! :love::love::love::love::love:

If my grow shop has a cannatrol for not too much mark up I will probably be in trouble later today~!
I can't wait to try all the new ones~!
I got Sirius Black, GMO X Orange Dreams, Super Silver Haze [ been a minute since I have had such a sativa dom plant], the Zamal dreams and then all the GPS.
I got Fruit Punch, Purple Crunch and I will say that the Max AC looks outstanding~!
Want know the worst part about my short list?
I still haven't tapped into my harvest from March yet~!
I have finally succeeded in perpetual grows where I only smoke cured bud unless I want freshy fresh.
I keep hearing a bunch of my buddies say the best is fresh. I once said that too but man when you open a jar that has been kept perfect 68/62 sealed for 3 months~! :love::love::love::love::love:

If my grow shop has a cannatrol for not too much mark up I will probably be in trouble later today~!

This is where I keep the good stuff. Only goes as far back as September 2023 but it’s all the big buds and favourites of the last few grows.

Man do the smells and taste change. I just worry it will fade sitting so long. I can still smell weed when I open the drawer so I know something isn’t 100% air tight.
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Man do the smells and taste change. I just worry it will fade sitting so long.
When my buddies say fresh is best it was right after smoking my stuff.
I looked at them and said that is from November and they were shocked~!
Stored properly and I gotten 2 years easy.
Still have some from first grow in freezer~!😁
When my buddies say fresh is best it was right after smoking my stuff.
I looked at them and said that is from November and they were shocked~!
Stored properly and I gotten 2 years easy.
Still have some from first grow in freezer~!😁

I got some of those pads like the Boveda ones but they suck up all the oxygen. Tossed one in each jar. See if it helps or hurts.

G$ thinks I’m nuts but I find the same plant grown and harvested is different each time. It’s still the same base smell and hits about the same but the flavours and taste are different. Could be my imagination. 🤷‍♂️
After saying I would never pay for water I will say I keep a Boveeda in every jar.
They are like $1 for the smallest meant for 1oz and work great for me.
I love the way my herb goes through the grinder every morning.
They burn perfect every time only getting dryer as the day goes by. :love:
After saying I would never pay for water I will say I keep a Boveeda in every jar.
They are like $1 for the smallest meant for 1oz and work great for me.
I love the way my herb goes through the grinder every morning.
They burn perfect every time only getting dryer as the day goes by. :love:

When I roll a bunch for the family I teach my son a few tricks. If his are too tight or some canoe bad.

When I roll the 62% I find if I let them sit in the can over night they are perfect the next day. But 62% is nice in the vape as is. 58% is what I like to smoke.
hey Steam, and @GrumpAzz, what is the name of the good air pumps you guys use? altam? my $25 whisper pump took a shit today again and i'm sick of buying those things every couple years, i want something that lasts. usually the rubber pumps tear but this time the magnetic motor fried, i gotta see if i have an old one i can swap parts from to get me limping till i get a good one.

i just need something small for 50 gallons. just for my rainwater barrel.
hey Steam, and @GrumpAzz, what is the name of the good air pumps you guys use? altam? my $25 whisper pump took a shit today again and i'm sick of buying those things every couple years, i want something that lasts. usually the rubber pumps tear but this time the magnetic motor fried, i gotta see if i have an old one i can swap parts from to get me limping till i get a good one.

i just need something small for 50 gallons. just for my rainwater barrel.
Going to cost you about $120.
^ This is a great fish site and where I used to buy my food and a loy of equipment from when I bred fish.^

Pole for #5 ~!(y)
I hope they have better/different tires tomorrow than today.
If not it will be a problem the whole race.
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