So everyday I go in the room these Super Lemon Haze just keep trying to touch the lights~!
I mean they are within 2 inches of light everyday.
This is why the call it stretch.
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^^ 4/13 couple inches short of 4 feet.^^
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^^ 4-5 inches at least in the last 4-5 days~!^^
Super Lemon Haze over 4 feet and Fruit Punch right there with them at 4 feet.
Going to need to re arrange the room [ again ] and hope the stretch is almost over.
The room is becoming crowded earlier than usual. 😁
Are you're lights at full power ?
Are you're lights at full power ?
Yea they are at 100% ~! The SLH is under the FC8000.
I am shocked they aren't burnt but I place my hand between light and plant and the fan is doing it's job.
I will probably have to remove the wire hanging harness to get more height. Taking them off could get me 12-14 inches.
Only got 4-6 inches left before it will happen~!
I bought a 12 pack of ratchet hangers just so I didn't have to use those hangers lol. I hate those cheesy hangers the lights come with.
I bought a 12 pack of ratchet hangers just so I didn't have to use those hangers lol. I hate those cheesy hangers the lights come with.
I use ratchets to raise and lower the lights also.
The wire is a Y like in this photo but loses me like 12-16 inches at least.
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Going to need to use shorter chains to hook the ratchets too.
Should be no big deal. I even feel like I have done this before.
Although I can't remember needing to since maybe the first grow.


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I use ratchets to raise and lower the lights also.
The wire is a Y like in this photo but loses me like 12-16 inches at least.
View attachment 54914
Going to need to use shorter chains to hook the ratchets too.
Should be no big deal. I even feel like I have done this before.
Although I can't remember needing to since maybe the first grow.
Those ones in the last photo are what came with the off brand 480 my fil gave me, they're neat, but still got binned lol. I just like 4 ratchets per light, makes adjustments a pain, but I feel better with them over those wire hangers
I usually toss the hangers that come with whatever light. They're pretty much useless. I use rope ratchets for pretty much everything hanging in the tent.

BTW to all members........I get ten HD 1/8" rope ratchets for around $32.00 shipped anywhere in the US from my discounted account so if you need them just hit me up and I'll hook you up with the discount.
your plants are large and in charge!!!! you think those containers are gonna be heavy enough to hold up the plants with buds??

you might have to screw em down! :D

do you still have the ZD in flower?
your plants are large and in charge!!!! you think those containers are gonna be heavy enough to hold up the plants with buds??

you might have to screw em down! :D

do you still have the ZD in flower?
Happy anniversary man~! Glad to have you here with us~!🥳

I have yoyos. :oops:
The SLH was within 1 inch of the light again today. I moved the light at least 3-4 inches yesterday~!
Kind of wondering how long stretch will last~!
Going to have raise the fan on the wall so it doesn't hit the light when I raise it more next time~!
I choked up the one side of the light wire but will probably hook up new chains to it tomorrow.

Something tells me Quoddy Bay will be a regular soil additive from here on out?
I picked up more Quoddy bay compost today to make tea with.
Funny how in the tent they just would not fill in the same.
I did not expect this growth though.
I think I went 2 parts Stonington to 1 part Quoddy Bay.
Man you always ask the hard questions~!🥴

inquiring minds wanna know!!!!!! 1/3 is still a healthy amount. helps save a few bucks on soils too.

i'm a big fan of compost teas!!! i think i might pick a bag of that up soon..
It was $16 for the bag today.
I didn't even think of the money savings compared to soil.
I am pretty sure I used the QB in my very first grow that was large~!
inquiring minds wanna know!!!!!! 1/3 is still a healthy amount. helps save a few bucks on soils too.

i'm a big fan of compost teas!!! i think i might pick a bag of that up soon..
So how long do you bubble when you make compost tea.
I read 7-10 days but they must be high~!
I would have thought a day or two would be fine.
So how long do you bubble when you make compost tea.
I read 7-10 days but they must be high~!
I would have thought a day or two would be fine.

yeah they're high....

i like to brew a minimum of 20 hrs. keeping it at an optimum temperature (70*-90*) if lower temps then i try to let it run longer. even in ten hours i see very good anaerobic effects and i think that's what we're trying to achieve so maybe once that happens it's really activated? i'm not 100% on all the rules but i assume once it started bubbling and foaming like crazy then it's alive and ready to eat.

i'm pretty high though too so... 🤷‍♂️
What are y’all making tea with and what’s the advantage over say straight amendments?
I am going to make tea with the Quoddy Bay compost.
I have no clue if this will be an advantage. I have and will probably still feed.
I'm hoping it will be like adding fresh soil without all the effort?
When I read about the proper use of organic soils or soils that are loaded already the real deal is the amount you can use.
Almost every single top of the line soil recommended up potting right before flower with at least 4 times the volume of soil that you vegged in.
I am trying to just stay in 3g pots or 5g if this doesn't work out.
Going to go out soon to get video but he SLH was up to my nose this am so not sure I need 5 g pots.
I never finish green or at least many of my strains never finish green.
Really just trying to do better with minimal effort [slacker].
I am going to make tea with the Quoddy Bay compost.
I have no clue if this will be an advantage. I have and will probably still feed.
I'm hoping it will be like adding fresh soil without all the effort?
When I read about the proper use of organic soils or soils that are loaded already the real deal is the amount you can use.
Almost every single top of the line soil recommended up potting right before flower with at least 4 times the volume of soil that you vegged in.
I am trying to just stay in 3g pots or 5g if this doesn't work out.
Going to go out soon to get video but he SLH was up to my nose this am so not sure I need 5 g pots.
I never finish green or at least many of my strains never finish green.
Really just trying to do better with minimal effort [slacker].
Interesting, I think the shakers are those of us who say…”ah that’s good enough”😂 here you are still trying to better yourself, you sir are a disgrace to the slacker badge (if we made one, we’ll get around to it someday) 🤣
I use to use these guys products with great results..great site this one down here in backwards flushing land 😃

^^Right side^^
Seems like plenty of bud sites.😁

^^Left side^^

^^Left side^^
^^So the SLH being nicknamed Godzilla is not slowing down much. Raised the light and fan after this pic.^^
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Go 5, all the way from the back baby~!
So 15 days since 12/12 flip from 14/10.
I don't feel the slow flip did as much before the 12/12 as it did last time when I took more time to flip slower.
Still for 2 or so weeks we are looking good.
Fed the Quoddy Bay compost tea yesterday.
^Right side^

^Left side^
I think stretch is over finally and I am ending up with three plants about as tall as me [ 5'6"]
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Looks like the best weekend of the year and a nice week coming up.
Enjoy people~!;)
what so you don't have a six foot tee square for us?? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

looks gorgeous in there man!! monsters!!
So we will say 3 weeks 12/12 in the books.
Letting the room go up to 85/86 before the AC turns on.
Room was 93 the other day so AC is needed now.

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^Max AC^
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^Sirius Black^
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^Sirius Black^
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^ Super Lemon Haze^
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^Max AC^DSC_0872 - Copy.JPG
^a room full of buds~!^ 🤩
Happy Cinco de Mayo all~!🥳
those haze plants are just monsters!! you gotta be so pleased with them so far!

when i did the math on your slow flip vs. my fast flip and i came up with a split of ten days according to pistils. i figured as flowering went on the ten days would show the difference. now i know lights, plant size, food, temps, everything, has a factor in it too but man i keep looking at your photos and i swear the ten day gap is gone... harvest date will say more i think.


over the weekend i printed you a xlvg.. i took Bandits idea with the color coding on the wavy gravy wall and decided the best way to color it was to start with white and not black so this is what i came up with.. i figured you could test it out!!


also printed the top layer of the cover in white so you can write on it with a sharpie then wipe it off with ipa. i tested it and wrote on it to try..


if you don't like the fruity colors then you can flip the wavy gray wall around and just use the white side... or i bet ipa would rub that paint off if ya wanted. it's just acrylic paint. it holds 22 seeds.

Man I just got in not minutes ago and see this~! :love:
I will have the best two VGs going with the original [ very first I think? ] and first of the redefined and kinda made for a BIG little guy.
So sweet man.
Yea I am pretty happy with all the plants.
The Zamal Dreams and GMOs are serious little bushes just like the Serious Black in pictures.
It's BUD city in there~!
I am seeing some yellowing so just got some FF Grow Big to hopefully quickly fix things.

Got buzzed by a drone last Friday and again today at work and found the video from Friday.:cool:
He doesn't get real close but it is a well done video.
On the top of roof is our boy scraping paint off of all the detail that can not be replaced, and I'm the lone guy installing.
Week 4 in the books.
Gave another tea and ferts today.
I like what I am seeing and will keep doing it till it explodes in my face or these plants finish out proper.
To me they look better than I usually do so I am hopeful I am on to something.
^Right side of room.^

^Left side ^

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^Super Lemon Haze with Fruit punch in foreground [ the blurry ones]^
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^SLH #2 with FP and SLH#1 in background^
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^ Fruit Punch^
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^ Zamal Dreams^
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^ Zamal Dreams^
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^ Zamal dreams from above with lens cover behind it for sizing^ 😁
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^ Max AC^
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^ Bud City^
Happy Mothers Day.

Got my new Vertical Germinator from Stoneylove yesterday.
22 seeds~!
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Itching to start some of the seeds I got now even though it is not time or even close yet here.
Unless I maybe started some autos to go outside. I do have a few that I have no other plans for so...:unsure:
Waiting for the race to start.
Hope you all have a great Sunday.
Love your plants so they can love you back. 😉
Week 4 in the books.
Gave another tea and ferts today.
I like what I am seeing and will keep doing it till it explodes in my face or these plants finish out proper.
To me they look better than I usually do so I am hopeful I am on to something.
^Right side of room.^

^Left side ^

View attachment 57457
^Super Lemon Haze with Fruit punch in foreground [ the blurry ones]^
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^SLH #2 with FP and SLH#1 in background^
View attachment 57459
^ Fruit Punch^
View attachment 57460
View attachment 57461
View attachment 57463
^ Zamal Dreams^
View attachment 57464
^ Zamal Dreams^
View attachment 57466
^ Zamal dreams from above with lens cover behind it for sizing^ 😁
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^ Max AC^
View attachment 57467
^ Bud City^
Happy Mothers Day.

Got my new Vertical Germinator from Stoneylove yesterday.
22 seeds~!
View attachment 57468
Itching to start some of the seeds I got now even though it is not time or even close yet here.
Unless I maybe started some autos to go outside. I do have a few that I have no other plans for so...:unsure:
Waiting for the race to start.
Hope you all have a great Sunday.
Love your plants so they can love you back. 😉
Looks like some fat dense buds in here


I gotta get off my ass and get me a proper room.
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