Chopped both Grape Balls of Fire and the one Candy Store today.
Both Fruit punches and the 1 Cherry Gar See Ya are ready but not failing like the others so they can wait till later this week or the weekend.
One XXX is ready and the other has the most time left of those that will be harvested before changing room around. They will both go before the weekend is over.
The 2 Zamal Dreams may be done but I may only take 1.
That would leave 2 Zamal Dreams and the Rum Runner for the tent which honestly should fit without issue.
Funny is the Rum Runner, Zamal Dreams and the Candy Store were 2 weeks younger than all the others.

Moved all the chopped to the 4x4 tent and spread out on mesh drying racks in the coolest part of the house.
65-70f 50%RH in the dark.
was just looking back and saw we hit 12/12 on 1-28... back then we were hoping for a harvest to be the 21st or week of the 28th at latest. so a little early on some and right on target for others!!

it was a great run man!! other than your exhaust loop you didn't have any problems at all this run right?

with having your tent to rely on to finish up in you could keep one for the budbuilders anniversary if ya wanted!!
Yea the exhaust loop surprised me.
Not sure if I had problems, made problems or it's just how the cookie plants crumble~!
I have no complaints with this run. Looking back at the seedlings I am harvesting many would have chucked the CG that looks to be a beast.
Goes to show you got to give them time.

Really looking forward to getting the tent girls out and getting to see what I got to work with next.
The room has been switched. Formerly known as Elvis has left the building~!:love:
All plants cut down except 3.
Got 2 Zamal dreams and the Rum Runner and the three autos in the tent to peacefully finish out.
The one ZD is done I would say and may get cut at any weak moment in my days coming up~!
The others need a couple weeks at least.:sneaky:
Everyone from the tent now has a new home with space to grow and receive glorious light~!
Well we'll see if they want more light.:oops:
Glad I didn't mainline them all, although some of these tall trees are foreign to me also.
Pics tomorrow. Hopefully they will all settle in.
Always seems like a letdown when the room goes from flower back to wherever we are. I see the forest for the trees though.:sneaky:
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^^ 4 Zamal Dreams clones and 2 Sirius Black clones^^
I just cut them and stuck them in dirt with no other effort. Kept in veg tent with light at 20% and under the other plants canopy.
1 of each of these will go to G$. The one SB has 2 in it~!
^ SB clone^
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^^ Max AC mainline with broken arm. ^^
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^^ Fruit Punch and Purple Crunch mainlines^^ The PC got cut one node to low and is stalled for it I believe.
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^^ #2 Purple Crunch mainline^^
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^^ Sirius Black mainline^^
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^^ The room^^ :p Here we grow again~!! :love:
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^^ Zamal Dreams that is done IMO^^ Will be cut when I am weak~!
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^^ ZD :love:^^
^^ Rum Runner and Zamal Dreams^^
^^ IMO they both look the same?^^ One is Indica dominant and the other has strong sativa genes. Can't tell who is who. @MDK
They both need a couple weeks IMO? ZD on left and RR on right. Excited to try both of these new strains to me.:cool:
^^ ZD-----------------------------------------------------------------------RR^^


^^ a little incidental stress training. Not done on purpose but no big deal either. Zamal Dreams^^ Done 4-5 weeks ago.
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Co² tank?
I ran CO2 for last grow during veg then had to unseal the room. Ran it for maybe 3-4 weeks [ 2 @20lb bottles with room at 1200 lights on ].
It could be sealed up and probably will be before this grow is over. Right now I am enjoying the short time I need neither heat or AC. My time is running out but I may have 2-4 weeks left before AC. For now I can draw in cool enough air to stay under 85f.
Maybe when I seal it up I will try the gas during flower. I have 2 @ 20lb bottles and the InkBird controller with a cheap regulator that works great~!
They do look very similar little more leaf on the rum runner than the zamal looks like, but they got narrow leafs for sure.

I have heard a few folks recently I think it was archive in a YouTube smoke report.... talking about narrow leaf indica leaners when discussing indica vs sativa...just saying they'd find plants that had the most narrow of leafs sometimes and they'd just be crippling indica highs even though they'd assume them to be sativa due to the thin leaf. Wonder what high these will give if it'll be more sativa or indica?

I agree with them tho especially seeing some of these hybrid clone onlys while I browse thinking damn those are some thin leafs that strain glues me to the chair
They do look very similar little more leaf on the rum runner than the zamal looks like, but they got narrow leafs for sure.

I have heard a few folks recently I think it was archive in a YouTube smoke report.... talking about narrow leaf indica leaners when discussing indica vs sativa...just saying they'd find plants that had the most narrow of leafs sometimes and they'd just be crippling indica highs even though they'd assume them to be sativa due to the thin leaf. Wonder what high these will give if it'll be more sativa or indica?

I agree with them tho especially seeing some of these hybrid clone onlys while I browse thinking damn those are some thin leafs that strain glues me to the chair
They do look very similar little more leaf on the rum runner than the zamal looks like, but they got narrow leafs for sure.

I have heard a few folks recently I think it was archive in a YouTube smoke report.... talking about narrow leaf indica leaners when discussing indica vs sativa...just saying they'd find plants that had the most narrow of leafs sometimes and they'd just be crippling indica highs even though they'd assume them to be sativa due to the thin leaf. Wonder what high these will give if it'll be more sativa or indica?

I agree with them tho especially seeing some of these hybrid clone onlys while I browse thinking damn those are some thin leafs that strain glues me to the chair

Could be due to heat. When I was growing outdoors and temps hit up to 105 known indicas had leaves that looked sativa. The hotter it is the less broad leaf traits there are
So I will probably start to up pot tomorrow. Hope to get to all of them but who knows?
Took a ride to Mass. to the hydro supply where I was buying my Ethos seeds as they were also listed as a Sohum carrier.
They told me they think Sohum has gone out of business~! They originally heard the restructuring rumor but have since dismissed it~!
So glad I grabbed the Quoddy Bay compost and will mix that in with my Stonington and the 3/4 of a bag of Sohum I have left.
Got something like 20 plus the clones.
I would like to start the fade but don't want the clones to even blink so will have to wait till tent is empty and the clones can go back in there under 18/6 before I can start the flip.
Could be due to heat. When I was growing outdoors and temps hit up to 105 known indicas had leaves that looked sativa. The hotter it is the less broad leaf traits there are
That makes sense.
Hey which 8000 lights do you have, the fc or fce? No issues with them?
I was just given an fce4800 from my FIL and with my past Mars experience of 2 lights burning, I'm sketchy about it lol. It's only got 1 grow under it so should be in tip top shape still.
I'll check and see as I don't remember.
I think the FC but believe me yet~!
I think the issue with Mars Hydro is the cords. I also think any light could have same issues although I am aware of MH history.
I think you have to make sure the cord is not kinked or wound to tight causing any sharp bends or kinks. Also make sure connections are tight regularly.
I saw a fire start on a work site from a huge extension cord that was wound up. It over heated itself and started a fire with no existing issues.
I would say you will be fine with the 4800.
The E just means it has a little more PAR and is suitable for use with CO2.
I have I think 9 of the TSL 2000 and one had a melted connection at the light. Again I think this was user error and why I am religious about my cords now.
I have 2 of the 8000s and no problems with them either.
Crank it up I bet you'll love the light~!
I'll check and see as I don't remember.
I think the FC but believe me yet~!
I think the issue with Mars Hydro is the cords. I also think any light could have same issues although I am aware of MH history.
I think you have to make sure the cord is not kinked or wound to tight causing any sharp bends or kinks. Also make sure connections are tight regularly.
I saw a fire start on a work site from a huge extension cord that was wound up. It over heated itself and started a fire with no existing issues.
I would say you will be fine with the 4800.
The E just means it has a little more PAR and is suitable for use with CO2.
I have I think 9 of the TSL 2000 and one had a melted connection at the light. Again I think this was user error and why I am religious about my cords now.
I have 2 of the 8000s and no problems with them either.
Crank it up I bet you'll love the light~!
I definitely haven't seen the same number of issues with their bar lights as their board lights. The E also has bridgeLux diodes.
I'm definitely gonna like only having 2 light cords in my tent that's for sure. I'm over all these cords making my life hell lol.

I'll make sure I get that one set furthest from the outlet so I can stretch the cord out as straight as possible lol. Should have it all here and set up by the end of the month.
My FIL is coming down the 22nd so we can all go watch the new ghostbusters movie lol 🥴😂
Cut #2 Zamal Dreams today. She is in drying tent now.
All others are in jars with hygrometers as of this afternoon.
When they say 62% I may weigh them.
Generally, I think I got less than last time, but not by much. 🤷‍♂️
This last grow some of the plants went crazy earlier than usual. Sure that reduced overall growth.
I had to trim up a couple of the dried plants and got out the trim bin.
When done I used a silicone barbeque brush and got everything through the screen except a good size pile of red hairs~!
4 hits off the bong of those red hairs and I having trouble spelling right now~!
My I'm HIGH~!🤯🫠🥴
do you still have the rum runner flowering? or did you axe her too?

do you have one of those bins like SSgrower uses with the mesh screen in the bottom?
Rum Runner is doing better than #3 Zamal Dreams. Both still in flower tent.
The tent is getting warmer with the light at 70%. If I am going to keep the tent I need to connect an intake to fresh air.
Air from the room at 82 is not enough to keep the tent under 85. For now we will just see how bad they get a little longer.

Yea the bin with the kief screen~! :love:
All but 3 plants were bucked right down in the beginning but 3 were still on branches.
I had to trim them.
Got some nice kief also but haven't even hit that yet. 🥴

I haven't up potted yet so need to get to that this weekend.
I'll flip the lights to 17 then also I think.
Going to mix the Stonington with the Quoddy Bay Compost.
Thinking 1/2 bag compost to full bag Stonington?
Going 3 gallon again just for ease.

Haven't had the Blumats going since the 3gs left and watering all these plants in 1g and solos even is a PIA~!
Got to get it back on track this weekend.
Rum Runner is doing better than #3 Zamal Dreams. Both still in flower tent.
The tent is getting warmer with the light at 70%. If I am going to keep the tent I need to connect an intake to fresh air.
Air from the room at 82 is not enough to keep the tent under 85. For now we will just see how bad they get a little longer.

Yea the bin with the kief screen~! :love:
All but 3 plants were bucked right down in the beginning but 3 were still on branches.
I had to trim them.
Got some nice kief also but haven't even hit that yet. 🥴

I haven't up potted yet so need to get to that this weekend.
I'll flip the lights to 17 then also I think.
Going to mix the Stonington with the Quoddy Bay Compost.
Thinking 1/2 bag compost to full bag Stonington?
Going 3 gallon again just for ease.

Haven't had the Blumats going since the 3gs left and watering all these plants in 1g and solos even is a PIA~!
Got to get it back on track this weekend.

85* in your tent doesn't sound bad at all... i think my exhaust doesn't turn on till 87. i think you'll be fine in there.

when you said with the brush i assumed you brushed the hairs up with the kief... shit you didn't even get that far!!! haha NIIIIIICE!!!!

i wanna upcan too man. i have the morning off tomorrow so i might hit it first thing.. i'm also gonna try finishing in three gallon, it's the only way i can fit all my plants in so that's what i going with!! my first time though...

does the Quoddy bay come in the same size bag as the stonington? 1.5cuft i think?? i go and have gone really heavy with the COM lobster compost in the past and always had great results. i haven't been using it as much in the soil lately and use it in the teas now.. not sure theres a difference at all between the two.

i think my next garden investment is gonna be blumats. so intriguing!! i only used my new power wand twice now but man it's kinda tits so far!:D
I think you would master the Blumats quick.
Cheapest I found was the 5 pack with everything needed for like $55.
My hydro supply store even carries them and all the little parts.
The carrot is the whole trick.

I think the compost is 1.5cuft.
I really think you and Bandit are on to it woth ocean products like the lobster compost and stuff.
Back in the 80's when I grew outdoors and had a large saltwater aquarium I had a protein skimmer that removed organic proteins from my tank.
The stuff was FIRE~!
I will be easing my way to the ocean also.
I think you would master the Blumats quick.
Cheapest I found was the 5 pack with everything needed for like $55.
My hydro supply store even carries them and all the little parts.
The carrot is the whole trick.

I think the compost is 1.5cuft.
I really think you and Bandit are on to it woth ocean products like the lobster compost and stuff.
Back in the 80's when I grew outdoors and had a large saltwater aquarium I had a protein skimmer that removed organic proteins from my tank.
The stuff was FIRE~!
I will be easing my way to the ocean also.

i would only need the carrots. i have plenty of tube and tees and other fittings from my veggie garden auto watering gear.

when i harvested my plants two of the eight were a bit underwatered and must have been drinking more than i thought. i think the blumats would help with that.

do you know if the bluemats go on sale for primeday or 4/20 or anything?

ocean based is the way to go with living soils and never seem to go wrong with a little surf and turf!!!! i'm even seeing a lot of bat guanos are now being replaced with seabird guano in organics.
I don't know if they go on sale or not. I may just need to order 5 more again this time~!
You need their hose or a 3mil I think.
It is tiny and soft. That is how the carrot controls the flow and what is made for the carrot. Then you need a T off mainline to tiny 3mil line.
Everything else can be DIYed as long as you can match up the T size to main water line.
Those aren't the same.They are not adjustable or something. Those are called classic.
Hit the Blumat home page so you see the different kinds they have.
You want the tropf to have control.
They sell carrots that are longer to go deeper in the pot also, just more $$ though.
85* in your tent doesn't sound bad at all... i think my exhaust doesn't turn on till 87. i think you'll be fine in there.

when you said with the brush i assumed you brushed the hairs up with the kief... shit you didn't even get that far!!! haha NIIIIIICE!!!!

i wanna upcan too man. i have the morning off tomorrow so i might hit it first thing.. i'm also gonna try finishing in three gallon, it's the only way i can fit all my plants in so that's what i going with!! my first time though...

does the Quoddy bay come in the same size bag as the stonington? 1.5cuft i think?? i go and have gone really heavy with the COM lobster compost in the past and always had great results. i haven't been using it as much in the soil lately and use it in the teas now.. not sure theres a difference at all between the two.

i think my next garden investment is gonna be blumats. so intriguing!! i only used my new power wand twice now but man it's kinda tits so far!:D
Usually keep it around 85 but 88 is ok, better with elevated co2, more watering though.


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85 is in flower tent that is dry/ RH even for flower.
They are not really liking it so late in the game.
For veg 90 wouldn't really phase me.
I would prefer these be under 80 since the RH is so low.
got you goodies today man!!! thanks so much, the stickers are badass!!!

i really like the look of the carts too man. i never tried an all ceramic one like that... i looks bigger than 1ml?

i'm gonna make up some new oil this weekend and try it out!!!
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