Switching nutrient lines mid grow?

I recently just changed mine, I was running Jacks dry nutes through Veg, I didn't care for them as it was difficult to dial in the Ph so when I switched them to Flower I switched back to liquid General Hydroponics 3 part. There was no issue at all. I did flush all my pots with ph'ed water for one feeding but other than that.... good to go.
I recently just changed mine, I was running Jacks dry nutes through Veg, I didn't care for them as it was difficult to dial in the Ph so when I switched them to Flower I switched back to liquid General Hydroponics 3 part. There was no issue at all. I did flush all my pots with ph'ed water for one feeding but other than that.... good to go.
Awesome! I’ve been using Lotus and plan on giving Canna Coco a try.
I recently just changed mine, I was running Jacks dry nutes through Veg, I didn't care for them as it was difficult to dial in the Ph so when I switched them to Flower I switched back to liquid General Hydroponics 3 part. There was no issue at all. I did flush all my pots with ph'ed water for one feeding but other than that.... good to go.
I've been using GH nutes for close to 30 years, I've never used anything else. I've wanted to give Jacks a try being dry and not paying for water makes sense.

My trouble is I'm cheap, I have 1/4 gal Bloom/3/4gal Grow 1/2gal Micro/ 1 gal Diamond Nectar 1 quart Cal/mag. 1/2 gal Koolbloom and 1/2 bag Koolbloom dry, 3/4 gal FloraKlean & a full pint of Flurolicious Plus + quarts each of PH up and down........
How the fk do I switch? nothing seems to run out at the same time as others.........and I'm happy with GH nutes grows.....I'm stuck...life's a bitch.....lol
1st. try an finish what you have, running nutrients is mostly ratio driven and at what stage of growth. Adding myko's can help roots develop, earthworm castings are a good addition. Chelated lines can differ and research into that is good for one's coco grows. Learning is fun to most growers,Cheers.
Hey man, I'm a new grower on my first grow, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
I'm running a single DWC system right now and started off using GH nutrient line. I was battling deficiencies and toxicities, and just decided to try a granular fertilizer instead and switched to FloraFlex.

Since then, the plant is so happy and doing great. I'm sure there are quite a few other reasons for why the plant responded the way it did, BUT I can say I got positive results from switching the nutrient line. Good luck!
Hey man, I'm a new grower on my first grow, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
I'm running a single DWC system right now and started off using GH nutrient line. I was battling deficiencies and toxicities, and just decided to try a granular fertilizer instead and switched to FloraFlex.

Since then, the plant is so happy and doing great. I'm sure there are quite a few other reasons for why the plant responded the way it did, BUT I can say I got positive results from switching the nutrient line. Good luck!
What ever way you find that works for you is the right way to grow. I doubt you'll find 2 of us here that grow the same way with the same nutes. All we can do is say what works best for us . I pick up suggestions and tweak my grow as I go .

I've been in promix type soils for almost 30 years indoors.....people ask why not Coco?....because I grow well in Promix why fk with success?...when you find something that works for you stick with it, perfect it and move on......I'm running out of time but I'm getting there I figure another 10 -20 years I'll haver mastered .
Hey everyone, Hope it’s a nice stoney day for you! Is it ok to switch nutrient lines during a grow, or is that asking for issues?
mid flower? could cause major problems but not impossible to pull off. depends on what you are using now and changing to
I've been using GH nutes for close to 30 years, I've never used anything else. I've wanted to give Jacks a try being dry and not paying for water makes sense.

My trouble is I'm cheap, I have 1/4 gal Bloom/3/4gal Grow 1/2gal Micro/ 1 gal Diamond Nectar 1 quart Cal/mag. 1/2 gal Koolbloom and 1/2 bag Koolbloom dry, 3/4 gal FloraKlean & a full pint of Flurolicious Plus + quarts each of PH up and down........
How the fk do I switch? nothing seems to run out at the same time as others.........and I'm happy with GH nutes grows.....I'm stuck...life's a bitch.....lol
Exactly, thought about changing also but already $ into GH and results are good. I do add bokashi, frass and DYNOMYCO to the Coco coir in 3 layers to help root life
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