Tom’s Bay Area entertainment

Looking nice all sparkly and shit....How many weeks in flower? You might want to adjust your light down a touch I see some of your leaves shying away and curling down.....I turn my lights to 80% starting week 9 then down to 60% at week let them ripen .......just something I picked up of Yt.
As it turns out, I replaced a large 230W light with a smaller blurple for just that reason.
Out of the three plants in the Bay Area, one has some changes taking place.
This plant is at week 8, day 3. Golden Kiwi x Watermelon Punch, an Indica with a suggested 8 week flower cycle.

1 - Slowing down on liquid uptake, the two plants that it shares space with have all been drying out by day three and ready for a drink on day 4. Day three, this plant is still damp while the other two are dry as expected.

2 - even though I have a spider-web of bud support from above, the tops of the colas are getting heavy enough that a small breeze causes them to wobble at an interesting speed, kinda like, too tired to hold my head up, but must go on!

3 - The pistils have long since turned beautiful red and most have pulled back into the calyx, but some tips remain and are a gorgeous auburn. Very few new white pistils are showing up any longer.

4 - Trichomes are mostly white, some (less than 1/3 red), fewer still clear.

Impatiently waiting in week 9.IMG_1615(2).JPEGIMG_1614(2).JPEG
Back to starting the morning with a heater for a few hours.
Welcome to fall I guess is the take away message.
It will get sorta comfortable for a handful of hours between 12 and 5, but we're getting a lot of alaskan/canadian lows drop into our state, all the weather people keep expecting what is colloquially referred to as the "Indian Summer". It's normal for the bay area to be hotter and dryer in Sept and Oct than in June and July, weird weather here.
This year, literally beginning on Jan. 1, every possible low pressure system seems to find California. We've been missing this for a few decades, I hope we find a happy medium between arid and drenched, but for now, I can't play with the weather control machine, so we'll have to wait and see what shows up.
Back to starting the morning with a heater for a few hours.
Welcome to fall I guess is the take away message.
It will get sorta comfortable for a handful of hours between 12 and 5, but we're getting a lot of alaskan/canadian lows drop into our state, all the weather people keep expecting what is colloquially referred to as the "Indian Summer". It's normal for the bay area to be hotter and dryer in Sept and Oct than in June and July, weird weather here.
This year, literally beginning on Jan. 1, every possible low pressure system seems to find California. We've been missing this for a few decades, I hope we find a happy medium between arid and drenched, but for now, I can't play with the weather control machine, so we'll have to wait and see what shows up.
At least you get some sunshine once and a while gees this year for us just blows.....and here comes a hurricane.....just what we fking need. We get...normally....Indian summers, we get leaf peepers coming in bus loads for fall colors. Not as much here on the Coast but up Cape Breton, New Brunswick, Maine, Vermont hard wood areas
At least you get some sunshine once and a while gees this year for us just blows.....and here comes a hurricane.....just what we fking need. We get...normally....Indian summers, we get leaf peepers coming in bus loads for fall colors. Not as much here on the Coast but up Cape Breton, New Brunswick, Maine, Vermont hard wood areas
You get the maple syrup people in winter too?
You get the maple syrup people in winter too?
No that's up New Brunswick and Quebec. We are in what they call the Christmas tree capital of Canada. I guess after they log her flat this is what came up afterwards. I've seen some old pics here where there wasn't a tree standing. No such thing as environmental regulations. That was 150 years ago I guess by the type of pics they were.
End of week 10 for one plant, the indica (Golden Kiwi x Watermelon Punch) and early week 10 for the hybrid (Apples and Bananas) as well as for the sativa (bag seed).

Smells are mind blowing, I got sticky just walking by them.

Harvest is here today.

The variegated leaves are on the sativa plant.

One branch has been variegated since it popped out. It’s slightly smaller than other branches, even the bud is variegated.
10 days ago I harvested one branch off the sativa plant and hung it out to dry.
I had long since forgotten since I spent the past week in the foothills.
I arrived home to a branch of buds that were crunchy on the outside and still just barely moist on the inside. Not a perfect dry, but good smokable bud.

I ground up a few buds and smell is like LEMON, in your face LEMON.

It’s like a mild mushroom trip. I start zooming around like Gumby, then find myself staring at weird stuff like my cats eye buggers. It’s trippy weed. The harvested plant is, of course, 10 days more mature, but I hope the buzz remains the same!

Love zoomy sativa!
Have you sampled it yet or too soon?
For this bud, still too soon, it’s only 5 days since chop.
I did a test from a 10 day old branch, it was lemony an speedy/mushroom trip (light).

I was scooting around like Gumby, then I was sitting there looking at my cats eye buggers for 10 minutes!
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