CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

I just got some bad news, well for me. Good news for Grand Daughter I guess, She's getting married again (2nd) to a guy with 6 kids, she has'll be a fkin nightmare . I get chills thinking about it, I don't do Mr. Dress up.......ever....and at a Church???......Chills.

I had a tie once, back at another wedding 40 years it don't fit, well the suit doesn't...Why do they have to do this to me?...Live together have more kids but a Church wedding????.....I'm too old to go through this again......and in July.........heavy sigh.....
Todays haul. Know what I will be doing tomorrow! Other than a couple coleus and a couple Cleome it’s perennials. Too expensive this year to put much into annuals. As a matter of a fact, the cost was double this year of last year.
Bringing on some summertime color!IMG_1995.jpeg
Todays haul. Know what I will be doing tomorrow! Other than a couple coleus and a couple Cleome it’s perennials. Too expensive this year to put much into annuals. As a matter of a fact, the cost was double this year of last year.
Bringing on some summertime color!View attachment 56227
The economy is doing great, cmon man! Lol
I really need to get up and transplant all 30 some plants I've got going, but I'm sick and can barely get off my couch.
Getting an unwanted short T break tho, I can't even smoke, it just hurts lol.
No worries the church won’t fall in on ya! I’m fairly sure.
Buy the damn tie! Second hand stores sell some expensive ones darn cheap. You don’t need a suit for a wedding anymore, they have somewhat fell “out of style”.
Love the Granddaughter that stands in the face of that many children bravely! She shows the Moxy of her Grand Dad.
Not really sure I haven't gone to the doctor, but kinda seems like the flu.
Super sore throat, body aches, extremely hot 🥵 no energy at all. Just feel blah. Day 3 now.
Sounds like the vid. They say it starts with a super sore throat. Mine did. Kept me still about four days. Ran a pretty good fever. Keep drinking, use salt water to gargle, take vitamin D3, specifically if you are dark skinned. Delcym is an xlent cough syrup. While it was no picnic, it was not as bad on me as going through pneumonia.
Sounds like the vid. They say it starts with a super sore throat. Mine did. Kept me still about four days. Ran a pretty good fever. Keep drinking, use salt water to gargle, take vitamin D3, specifically if you are dark skinned. Delcym is an xlent cough syrup. While it was no picnic, it was not as bad on me as going through pneumonia.
I'll grab some d3 on my way home later, as I am definitely darker skinned then my entire family lol. Delsym is my go to cough syrup lol. I usually don't even get sick so when I do it's horrible
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I really need to get up and transplant all 30 some plants I've got going, but I'm sick and can barely get off my couch.
Getting an unwanted short T break tho, I can't even smoke, it just hurts lol.
That sucks, being sick with obligations to fill
No worries the church won’t fall in on ya! I’m fairly sure.
Buy the damn tie! Second hand stores sell some expensive ones darn cheap. You don’t need a suit for a wedding anymore, they have somewhat fell “out of style”.
Love the Granddaughter that stands in the face of that many children bravely! She shows the Moxy of her Grand Dad.
It'll be like going to the dentist,....I know it sounds bad but you just don't know. straight, naive, sheltered, religious folk and I just don't mix well and I feel an odd cult like vibe...with all the eebee geebee crosses and odd church harmonics.....I just get all creeped out and want to head for the door asap.

I'll feel like Bill Burr in a crowd of old women at the grocery store waiting in line..........If I could drop my goods and bolt I would but I'm trapped and here's no way out....
this heat is rediculous this early.. i don't blame ya G$... when ya ain't feeling good the heat is even worse!! i'm gonna try to hold out till July for A/C's.. wish i could wait that long for mowing the lawn!!! i rarely mow in may.. may just started and it's already out of control!!!

i unleashed the organic weed eaters on it today!!!! 😆 her name is Ganja!!

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