Hey Mister!
About your poison.. the strain I grew was an original landrace strain straight out of Africa. It of course did well in hot dry conditions as that’s its normal habitat. It’s also a very large plant. Most anything you get here was spun off of Rosenthals genetics. First thing he did when bringing it into the US, was crossbred. I’m assuming he did that to deal with the size or maybe he thought he could improve on it. I grew the landrace side by side with his cross. They were decidedly different. The smell, the size, the taste.
So knowing most anything here has been in my opinion defiled, I expect you to see shorter smaller plants. Its drought tolerance would wholly depend on what it’s been crossed with.
It almost pisses me off that they have carried this strain persistently calling it DP, when in actuality, it’s not. If you have ever had pure DP, you would know, nothing that’s sold in the US, even begins to compare with the unsullied original genetics. Not saying it’s not any good etc. just saying it’s not pure, and everything about it is different.
Yea I'm assuming it's the clone everyone has used which I hear is wholly different. May pry on him to see, he is into some crazier sativa genetics so never know but yea chances are it's the clone one. I do know what ya mean...makes it real confusing like why not call it domestic poison or something lol

He said the poisin mints is pretty potent from what he grew
Oh yeah, unmistakable.

I got dead husks all over too. Want some?
Here too! It’s deafening this morning. I have cleaned those empty shells and live ones off my porch everyday for the past three weeks. I’ve been using a leaf blower! Thank goodness they shut up at night!
Here too! It’s deafening this morning. I have cleaned those empty shells and live ones off my porch everyday for the past three weeks. I’ve been using a leaf blower! Thank goodness they shut up at night!
We don't have any cicadas up here, Black flies are coming out though and they are a lot of fun, specially when doing yard work. Its okay for the first 5 min or so...then they find you and its on, without drowning yourself in......... Raid......... or......??? bug hats are a must...added protein for joggers and cyclists though..........

That reminds me of the days I used to cycle everywhere, the flies in the cattle farm lands were the worst, those suckers were hard to choke down in one go and would throw your breathing cycle all out of whack gagging them down.
Mornin Yiz Menz!
I have been in the grow this morning and I have to tell you, I have some of the most beautiful dank and rank buds I have ever grown. The plant is Crème De La Dank by Captain Redbeards. It’s a medium sized plant, perfect for a tent grow. Bulky, stinky, sticky and looks as if it has been snowed on. An unusual structure. Predominantly large Indica leaves. Pics don’t do it justice. If the stuff is half as good as the buds look, it’s definitely a winner winner chicken dinner!
I'm gonna guess the flood took out the 17 year bugs in your area.

Have no fear, you are getting plenty back in the ground this year and in 17 years you too can be the beneficiary of insect induced tinnitus.
At different times of the year we get crickets signing and I like the rhythmic sound at night.....outside......have one in your bedroom its a whole different matter altogether.
We don't have any cicadas up here, Black flies are coming out though and they are a lot of fun, specially when doing yard work. Its okay for the first 5 min or so...then they find you and its on, without drowning yourself in......... Raid......... or......??? bug hats are a must...added protein for joggers and cyclists though..........

That reminds me of the days I used to cycle everywhere, the flies in the cattle farm lands were the worst, those suckers were hard to choke down in one go and would throw your breathing cycle all out of whack gagging them down.
I’d rather hear these insufferable bastids scream as be bit by a black fly or a cattle fly!
At different times of the year we get crickets signing and I like the rhythmic sound at night.....outside......have one in your bedroom its a whole different matter altogether.
Here it’s whippoorwills you don’t want outside the bedroom window. 🪟
Last night they had a party!
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We don't play with black flies here in upstate NY.
If they are out, I am in. They are also known as May flies here I believe.
Wore a whole bug suit once in the Adirondacks at JP Morgans Camp Uncas.
We lost they won. I'll never volunteer to compete again.
I'll take the cicadas. My ears ring anyways~! :p
We don't play with black flies here in upstate NY.
If they are out, I am in. They are also known as May flies here I believe.
Wore a whole bug suit once in the Adirondacks at JP Morgans Camp Uncas.
We lost they won. I'll never volunteer to compete again.
I'll take the cicadas. My ears ring anyways~! :p
Here the mayflies are an indication of when certain fish are spawning but they are not an actual fly, and they don’t bite. The cattle flies are a different story. They are flying teeth. When they bite they inject a numbing substance and you don’t know your being bit or have been bit until the blood starts running.
I’d rather hear these insufferable bastids scream as be bit by a black fly or a cattle fly!
I don't think you could make it up here granny, you sound like a woos, getting spring in Feb /March? It has softened you. Try a year or 30 up here and your attitude would change, it would toughen you up and turn you into a cynical ahole like the rest of us....

Spring in March?....it stuff like that that just pisses me off about you southerners with your fine weather flaunting.....Oh we has sunshine and a warm sunny day..... arrrrrgggg.
Scuse me? That’s a WUSS to you!
I know I know you’re still pissed about those sunny warm days in February. You need you some 114-116* August days with 70% humidity in Missouri then you would know why I’m already a cynical smart ass just like you! 😂🥹😂
Scuse me? That’s a WUSS to you!
I know I know you’re still pissed about those sunny warm days in February. You need you some 114-116* August days with 70% humidity in Missouri then you would know why I’m already a cynical smart ass just like you! 😂🥹😂
we get about 100% @ 95f sometimes in July/August, last year it was 90f at 100% with 4" of water in my basement/grow room....I was sitting at my desk smoking with my feet soaking in warm water up to my ankles....No Black flies then though...a few floating spiders...but eh...Its where I smoke...fkem
So Pipe, you try out that Mac N Cheese? If so, what’s it like?
It's just dry enough now to smoke bud its not cured at all, Sweet taste and good buzz but a bit harsh to smoke at the moment. I'll be bagging them up this week, a few branches of Greesy & Frozen Custard at the back are dry in my box but the thicker heavier buds like the Mac n Cheese & Wedding Cake are still a bit damp to the touch......they all smoke just won't stay lit.....yet....

I'm glad you get my humour, I read some of the shit I write after posting and hope it comes off with humour as intended and not the thoughts of a raving nut bar....well...lol
It's just dry enough now to smoke bud its not cured at all, Sweet taste and good buzz but a bit harsh to smoke at the moment. I'll be bagging them up this week, a few branches of Greesy & Frozen Custard at the back are dry in my box but the thicker heavier buds like the Mac n Cheese & Wedding Cake are still a bit damp to the touch......they all smoke just won't stay lit.....yet....

I'm glad you get my humour, I read some of the shit I write after posting and hope it comes off with humour as intended and not the thoughts of a raving nut bar....well...lol
Yeah, I get it! Your humor is much like mine. Dry, cynical with a bit of assholistic (how ya like my new word?) sarcasm thrown in. 😂
To this day, I can make girlfriends of 30 plus years mouths fall open lol.
Your opinion of the Mac n cheese decide if I grow it or not. When she has a cure on her, I’ll be hitting ya up again for a report!
Laura and I were doing some spring cleaning this morning.

We opened the patio umbrella for the first time and found that we have a Batman friend.

I don’t know where the Batman mobile or the Batman cave is, but it must be around here somewhere. IMG_6254.jpegIMG_6252.jpegIMG_6253.jpeg
Laura and I were doing some spring cleaning this morning.

We opened the patio umbrella for the first time and found that we have a Batman friend.

I don’t know where the Batman mobile or the Batman cave is, but it must be around here somewhere. View attachment 58340View attachment 58341View attachment 58342
Nice weather has finally found its way to NY~!
Supposed to be 90 this week which is on par for having one day in the 90s in May.
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^^ Stoneys Tropicanna Cherry there^^:love:
Still got to go take pics in the room. Week 5 in flower complete I think.🤪
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