Grow 4 life, Mr.G grow and show.

I always dropped it from the res near the end of flower. It doesn't make buds rock hard like pgr buds but I found it can make a harsher smoke and firm bud that doesn't bust up as nice.
after last run, and running side by side with you, that's why i've dropped silica entirely. figured out the water here finally, so let's see if the flowers end up burning that gorgeous dissolving grey/white instead of black this time .
what do i do to give my plants Viagra like mrGoG here and y'all

i have the base nutes, trying incorporate silica and mr fulvic, and ~~~~~~~~trying to get to a "full" Nutritional "program" for them.

like any PGRs like triacontanol, and/or acids and/hormones etc

you using any triacontanol ? is that the viagra? , cant say its the genes cause im willing to bet most of his grows are the same girthy bitches, with different strains.

Mr G has good genetics there, but most importantly he has the experience under his belt, his environment, feeding and methods are kinda fuckin dialed in. Dude knows his grows.
your doing fine with your grows, I’d be in bigger containers if I had the choice🤣
Your fascination with trees growing out of solos blows my mind.
haha thanks man.

i gotta try it/test a few more times but for me, with salts, it seems a half gallon container of coco is pretty optimum in a 5x5 space, maximizing all the available space and tent ceiling/balancing it all out.

ill try 1 gallon containers after i suppose, the way i see it is, if theres still room for roots come harvest, could have used a little smaller pot

in DTW-High-freq-fert Coco context, pushing ppfd/temp/rh just no supplemental co2

min-maxing all variables to the maximum potential, and balance between.
Foliar Sprayed some liquid viagra on them at lights out. I time my lights on with outdoor sunlight. Liquid viagra ingredients include monster cal, and seaK IMG_3938.jpeg
Mr G has good genetics there, but most importantly he has the experience under his belt, his environment, feeding and methods are kinda fuckin dialed in. Dude knows his grows.
I appreciate that.
Mr G has good genetics there, but most importantly he has the experience under his belt, his environment, feeding and methods are kinda fuckin dialed in. Dude knows his grows.
yeah, no doubt, very quick/able for short veg too and have decent size
no "thanks" here. cheers my gents. DB is a beast, OG is the classiest of us. Pretty sure he mutters under his breath every time DB or I do something, but he's solid. Hell of a grower, that's for sure. Better than I am.
if i have to veg plants for an extra month, to get the same size in the same time as his.

im doing something wrong, or not controlling some variables 100% consistently.
Adam was a goddamn spy! Haha

Really can't wait to see some flowers here man. I soo want to get a grow going but can't do it. Wife would murder me, have too many projects now. Im living vicariously here man, and you're/we're Killin it! haha.
yeah, no doubt, very quick/able for short veg too and have decent size
I’m surprised myself, considering 2 of the varieties are DFG tester genetics, to be here in 40 days is as good as I could imagine it. Perhaps rockwool one day with an automated setup could be even faster. That’s what the other amigos say anyways.
no "thanks" here. cheers my gents. DB is a beast, OG is the classiest of us. Pretty sure he mutters under his breath every time DB or I do something, but he's solid. Hell of a grower, that's for sure. Better than I am.
it shows 😜
ok I'm gonna call it. WTF is with the reaction subtext? "eyes" to me are I'm watching. "thanks" is cheers. "don't think so" is thinking. What misunderstanding is going on here?
I’m surprised myself, considering 2 of the varieties are DFG tester genetics, to be here in 40 days is as good as I could imagine it. Perhaps rockwool one day with an automated setup could be even faster. That’s what the other amigos say anyways.
im starting my first RW soon, 9 oz solos, 8 cubes, CLF auto water.

ok I'm gonna call it. WTF is with the reaction subtext? "eyes" to me are I'm watching. "thanks" is cheers. "don't think so" is thinking. What misunderstanding is going on here?
the thanks for me is, ill drink to that, the eyes to me are , ok i see you, or frickin beautiful prick, dont think so is, i disagree, or i think thats wrong, to me.
or thanks, you fuckers got me banned for nothing lmao

the subtext is off for me on some of them too, or how i view them
no "thanks" here. cheers my gents. DB is a beast, OG is the classiest of us. Pretty sure he mutters under his breath every time DB or I do something, but he's solid. Hell of a grower, that's for sure. Better than I am.
I appreciate the friendships made through growing, you’re a beast too @tobh, a real fart smeller you would say.😂👊
the thanks for me is, ill drink to that, the eyes to me are , ok i see you, or frickin beautiful prick, dont think so is, i disagree, or i think thats wrong, to me.
this is why i hate emojis on forums.

a simple karma system is much easier. the more "likes" you get, the more karma you have to spend. pay that karma by upvoting an informative/valuable post. emoji reacts are unquantifiable.

maybe i'm just a weathered forum user. shit used to not raise contention. a like adds karma, karma is given to respectable posters on specific, value adding posts. semantics were limited to a simple button -- you click it if you agree it adds value,
Adam was a goddamn spy! Haha

Really can't wait to see some flowers here man. I soo want to get a grow going but can't do it. Wife would murder me, have too many projects now. Im living vicariously here man, and you're/we're Killin it! haha.
Best believe I know where to go for advice if I need it. you and Aqua are legendary lads.
I have a good feeling about this run, but so far to go.
its like his plants are eating
Best believe I know where to go for advice if I need it. you and Aqua are legendary lads.
I have a good feeling about this run, but so far to go.
yup yall moe and franksta are most-scientific accurate

i dont mean to argue on forums, i ? everything to Learn/deepen my understanding/correct it/my perspective on it
this is why i hate emojis on forums.

a simple karma system is much easier. the more "likes" you get, the more karma you have to spend. pay that karma by upvoting an informative/valuable post. emoji reacts are unquantifiable.

maybe i'm just a weathered forum user. shit used to not raise contention. a like adds karma, karma is given to respectable posters on specific, value adding posts. semantics were limited to a simple button -- you click it if you agree it adds value,

i only used THC and this one pretty much in my life
fuck the science man, we're just growing weed here
but i love the science behind it all, too, lol.

very passionate about it.

doing something physical with my hands, input > output , seeing changes, running into a problem and finding a solution.

optimizing variables for growth rates and potency, all to get that "perfect" Appearance Inhale & Taste, to ones Preference.
but i love the science behind it all, too, lol.

very passionate about it.

doing something physical with my hands, input > output , seeing changes, running into a problem and finding a solution.
Don't listen to @tobh, he's drunk. I am too so don't listen to me either. But looking past that, I'd say it's as much art as it is science. Once you understand the science, you can play with the art. But not the other way around.
Don't listen to @tobh, he's drunk. I am too so don't listen to me either. But looking past that, I'd say it's as much art as it is science. Once you understand the science, you can play with the art. But not the other way around.

im out of liquor tonight, probably for the best, lmao.

and i Concur.
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