Grow 4 life, Mr.G grow and show.

but i love the science behind it all, too, lol.

very passionate about it.

doing something physical with my hands, input > output , seeing changes, running into a problem and finding a solution.

optimizing variables for growth rates and potency, all to get that "perfect" Appearance Inhale & Taste, to ones Preference.
The reality is, over the years you establish SOP's for growing based on the times you've fucked up, learning why you fucked up and how not to fuck up again. Over enough grows you learn what not to do, which in a roundabout way, teaches you what you can do. Without fucking it up. Then plants grow good.

Or was that just me? 😆
The reality is, over the years you establish SOP's for growing based on the times you've fucked up, learning why you fucked up and how not to fuck up again. Over enough grows you learn what not to do, which in a roundabout way, teaches you what you can do. Without fucking it up. Then plants grow good.

Or was that just me? 😆
i'll add, eventually you get to where your highest risk is a fucking digital (non-wifi) timer is do or don't do. ALWAYS CHECK YOUR FUCKING TIMERS
The reality is, over the years you establish SOP's for growing based on the times you've fucked up, learning why you fucked up and how not to fuck up again. Over enough grows you learn what not to do, which in a roundabout way, teaches you what you can do. Without fucking it up.
im between this process some where, i think, lol, catching up quickly, or trying to.
and by that i mean, getting "up-to-speed" or knowing the "basics" like you guys do

somewhere on my 5-8th "run"
Then plants grow good.

Or was that just me? 😆
i'll add, eventually you get to where your highest risk is a fucking digital (non-wifi) timer is do or don't do. ALWAYS CHECK YOUR FUCKING TIMERS
had to change the new digital timer.

and check the mechanical ones to be on my schedule
really it gets to a point you can write a 10 point check list you can hand off to a trusted person so you can leave for a few days, and you can come back to living plants. they may look better than you left, or a little worse for the wear, but the point remains -- anyone can grow this plant.

trust there are much harder crops to grow indoors. getting this one to produce something is the first hurdle.
had to change the new digital timer.

and check the mechanical ones to be on my schedule
watch those mechanicals. i'm lucky to get through three runs on one before they start getting hung up. the one I'm using now for flower is sus and i'll be replacing it next pay day. mechs are ok, but with our "intensive" use, they don't last man.
like poppy?, for instance
papaver somniferum is easy af to grow, so long you seed at the right time.

I was more so referring to Caapi Veradus or Lophophora Williamsii or even most orchids. The growth parameters are entirely different and much harder to deal with indoors.
watch those mechanicals. i'm lucky to get through three runs on one before they start getting hung up. the one I'm using now for flower is sus and i'll be replacing it next pay day. mechs are ok, but with our "intensive" use, they don't last man.
thanks for the heads up, ive been noticing a fucky pattern with them, and they are kind of a pain in the ass to use.
papaver somniferum is easy af to grow, so long you seed at the right time.

I was more so referring to Caapi Veradus or Lophophora Williamsii or even most orchids. The growth parameters are entirely different and much harder to deal with indoors.
ahh ok

i wanted to try papaver indoors sometime,down the road, and/or a Mimosa Hostilis (?)
Your fascination with trees growing out of solos blows my mind.
Idk, just obsessed with keeping O2 at optimal levels and building a fuckin tiny but high-density root zone and seeing a 5 foot bush out of that, lol.

then high-freq-fert time
Idk, just obsessed with keeping O2 at optimal levels and building a fuckin tiny but high-density root zone and seeing a 5 foot bush out of that, lol.

then high-freq-fert time
plus cant afford too much/ its not a priority as i have a 18mo running around lol

figuring the cheapest possible ways to do things now a days lol
plus cant afford too much/ its not a priority as i have a 18mo running around lol

figuring the cheapest possible ways to do things now a days lol
Lots of ways to grow weed, none of them are wrong as long as you reach the finish line.
I don’t overcomplicate the process tho, I dunno, maybe it would seem complicated to brownthumbs, but I am pretty hands off for the most part until tasks need done. I do enjoy the process tho, not sure it’s saving me much money anymore with how cheap weed is here, so it’s mostly for quality product and personal therapy.
I have contentions on that last point. I've ran silica end to end for many runs, and I'm not 100% convinced it causes "rock hard buds." It can cause issues in flower, yes, but it's not the primary cause of that. IME rock hard buds are caused by PGRs, with a very tiny bit of genetic influence. Silica might've been an additive, but it's not the root cause of that trait.
Some work better than others. Specifically Silicium. I have done too many runs with that stuff to not know it produces buds that will have a thud when they hit a granite counter top after being chopped. I am sure there is something in that brand but at 250 for a litre going to use what I got.
Do not use timers. They are the number 1 thing that gets fucked up.
I will always use timers. Yeah they fail sometimes, but i fail to remember that shit far more often than timers fail, and im not getting up at 2am to unplug a light.

Timers are great they just need to be monitored and replaced like anything else in a grow. I buy the 4 pack of wifi plugs and change them out every 6-8 months. They've only failed when my power goes out or wifi is down.
I will always use timers. Yeah they fail sometimes, but i fail to remember that shit far more often than timers fail, and im not getting up at 2am to unplug a light.

Timers are great they just need to be monitored and replaced like anything else in a grow. I buy the 4 pack of wifi plugs and change them out every 6-8 months. They've only failed when my power goes out or wifi is down.
Hence why I use controllers. No reason to replace or do things manually!
Really 500?
Well knowing you have like top line everything that was the number i threw out. But still. 20 beats 100 all day, and my controller 67 works fine no need to upgrade yet.
Do not use timers. They are the number 1 thing that gets fucked up.
I can't imagine a grow not using timers. Shit, I had about 6 different timers going for different things last grow between the preveg and flower rooms. Irrigation timers, lamp timers, dehu was on a timer. Without timers I wouldn't grow weed.
No Co2 is your limiting factor. Co2 is about the cheapest way to increase growth.
Yes I thought so too, I wanted to get a CO2 monitor to see what it drops to, Atleast when putting 210 plants in a 5x5......I do not use/have intake or exhaust to "turn the rooms air over" as it should be perhaps.

Just ambient air flow and fans.
I can't imagine a grow not using timers. Shit, I had about 6 different timers going for different things last grow between the preveg and flower rooms. Irrigation timers, lamp timers, dehu was on a timer. Without timers I wouldn't grow weed.
I know way too many grows that get screwed up by timers. With the cost of electricity being 63 cents a kilowatt in my area, no way am I going to have a timer take a dump in the middle of a grow.
I know way too many grows that get screwed up by timers. With the cost of electricity being 63 cents a kilowatt in my area, no way am I going to have a timer take a dump in the middle of a grow.
No offense man, but that's a crazy take.
Intermatic timers don't really take dumps, and even the cheaper titan/atlas timers are very reliable, I haven't had one fail in 20 years of growing.
I have however been an idiot and set them improperly.. which is on me though, not the timer. The moral should really be that alcohol and weed consumption has no place in the growroom haha. Really though, how do you grow hydroponics without timers?

And .63c kwh is crazy expensive. Holy crap.
I know way too many grows that get screwed up by timers. With the cost of electricity being 63 cents a kilowatt in my area, no way am I going to have a timer take a dump in the middle of a grow.
So these ACI 69 pro controllers are that good? 100% fool proof, never fail? Shit, i shoulda bought one i guess..
Dont take this as me arguing with you man. Im not.
just trying to see how the aci controller is better than a timer when its basically the same thing.
So these ACI 69 pro controllers are that good? 100% fool proof, never fail? Shit, i shoulda bought one i guess..
Dont take this as me arguing with you man. Im not.
just trying to see how the aci controller is better than a timer when its basically the same thing.
I did not say to use that one. Just pointing out the cost impact.
No offense man, but that's a crazy take.
Intermatic timers don't really take dumps, and even the cheaper titan/atlas timers are very reliable, I haven't had one fail in 20 years of growing.
I have however been an idiot and set them improperly.. which is on me though, not the timer. The moral should really be that alcohol and weed consumption has no place in the growroom haha. Really though, how do you grow hydroponics without timers?

And .63c kwh is crazy expensive. Holy crap.
Take a look above to good shits comment and replacing them.
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