Grow 4 life, Mr.G grow and show.

are those C02 cans hanging above your light? If so, have you found them effective?
Yes, they do provide a small bump in CO2, I mix my own brewers yeast/sugar to keep the cost down. I figure it can’t hurt, something is better than nothing, but with a vented room it’s probably not doing much.
Yes, they do provide a small bump in CO2, I mix my own brewers yeast/sugar to keep the cost down. I figure it can’t hurt, something is better than nothing, but with a vented room it’s probably not doing much.

The enviro readout you posted showed about 40 ppm above ambient. Can see a definite spike in the line graph but that could be from lights out when the plants dump co2.
Like you say, couldn't hurt.
The enviro readout you posted showed about 40 ppm above ambient. Can see a definite spike in the line graph but that could be from lights out when the plants dump co2.
Like you say, couldn't hurt.
The pulse metre needs recalibrated, I dropped the thing, and it is not giving accurate numbers.

Imma need to stay on top of canopy more than normal, so thickk.
@dragonsflamegenetics prehistoric leaves. 🍀IMG_3977.jpeg
always loved the monster leaves his genetics produce. how's managing the humidity workin' out so far?
Humidity in the lights on period has been perfect, but at lights off, humidity spike up to 75%. Dehum can’t keep up, so I plan to up the overnight temps to bring the humidity in check, also turned the extraction fan to max.
i want those genes
Widely available.
each plant took a trip to the barber today✂️
1 confirmed male that was culled, would like to cull a couple more to open things up a bit more, but good for now.
View attachment 29505

Wanted to drop a pic of my watering wand setup I use. View attachment 29506
What size res barrel is that? Looks like one of those 30 gals. I was helping a friend for a few weeks and he had that same setup. Easy and the wand helps get it into the right spot.

I just setup some Florflex Matrix plates and I really like the delivery system. Completely soaked the entire medium. I'm going to setup the auto irrigate I have and run it to see how well it does being completely hands off.
What size res barrel is that? Looks like one of those 30 gals. I was helping a friend for a few weeks and he had that same setup. Easy and the wand helps get it into the right spot.
mixing res is 30gal, but I’m only mixing 30L per day currently.

Plants happy today after yesterdays raping and starting to show some size 11 leaves.
A full house..they look super healthy 😀.how much you reckon some will stretch.are you going to or running day/nite differential @Mr.GreenthumbOG
Time will tell, with having 3 different strains and so many different phenotypes, managing the canopy will be a challenge, lights on temps 82.5f, lights out 75f
I don’t think I can take my foot off the accelerator, couldn't slow these girls down even if I tried. Most plants starting to show flower,
Garlic MacDragon would have been nice under a trellis with more space, more scissor work to focus on tops. IMG_4002.jpegIMG_4003.jpeg
They flowered pretty quick for seed plants bud..when you flip from veg to flower,how long a darkness period are you giving them.
they haven't had 18hr light for a couple weeks now, I dropped an hour every couple days to settle at 12hrs to initiate flower. I’m not sure if this speeds up the transition stage, but I think it does.
I recalibrated the Pulse metre, and CO2 been over 1000ppm most the day. IMG_4005.png
Oh for sure.the quickest I’ve done is 11 and 9 days.the latter using far red initiator pucks…I might try that nxt grow..anything to speed up the flowering stage is a bonus .
they haven't had 18hr light for a couple weeks now, I dropped an hour every couple days to settle at 12hrs to initiate flower. I’m not sure if this speeds up the transition stage, but I think it does.
I recalibrated the Pulse metre, and CO2 been over 1000ppm most the day. View attachment 29981
Damn dude, that's a huge bump in Co2. How fresh is your burping brew? Haha, that's crazy. I couldn't get my room over 1k ppm using a tank.
Damn dude, that's a huge bump in Co2. How fresh is your burping brew? Haha, that's crazy. I couldn't get my room over 1k ppm using a tank.
Ya the co2 brew is a few days old so pumping max, when I shake it, it hisses pretty good. Like I said earlier, I’m not certain this meter is giving accurate C02 readings even after recalibration but I’m not concerned really. If I ran a bottle, I’d use an autopilot or titan or something.

Plants are growing like they getting that 1200 tho, 2CAA8ED03F6A_1700010971.jpeg

one of the small plants I had on a riser fell off and was laying tits up in the tray this morning, it’s somewhat recovered, but fallen soldiers expected.
Ya the co2 brew is a few days old so pumping max, when I shake it, it hisses pretty good. Like I said earlier, I’m not certain this meter is giving accurate C02 readings even after recalibration but I’m not concerned really. If I ran a bottle, I’d use an autopilot or titan or something.

Plants are growing like they getting that 1200 tho, View attachment 30064

one of the small plants I had on a riser fell off and was laying tits up in the tray this morning, it’s somewhat recovered, but fallen soldiers expected.
Totally looks like she's on the gas man. I don't doubt the 1200 one bit by the looks of your ladies. My shed was pretty big and way too well vented to build up gas, but it sure looks like that fermenting bottle is treating your plants very well.
I used to make carbonated water with kegs and a 10 lb tank, their isn't much Co2 in carbinated water. Only about 3-3.5 grams per liter. Consider how long a metered 5lb tank lasts in a grow tent, and that's 2275 grams. You'd go through a lot of bottles of water to match what you can get from even a small Co2 tank.
I used to make carbonated water with kegs and a 10 lb tank, their isn't much Co2 in carbinated water. Only about 3-3.5 grams per liter. Consider how long a metered 5lb tank lasts in a grow tent, and that's 2275 grams. You'd go through a lot of bottles of water to match what you can get from even a small Co2 tank.
Annoys me when I notice after the fact that carbonated is spelled 2 different ways and there, is spelled their. And I can't edit it.
What size pump are you running with the wand ?
The pump is 100gph pond pump. It has an adjustable pressure valve so I dialled it back as much as I can, i have a shutoff on the wand, but try not to have it off for more than a split second, probably not good for the pump, but it works.
I use a plastic watering cup some of the time as well, the wand doesn’t save much time, but does save the back.
The pump is 100gph pond pump. It has an adjustable pressure valve so I dialled it back as much as I can, i have a shutoff on the wand, but try not to have it off for more than a split second, probably not good for the pump, but it works.
I use a plastic watering cup some of the time as well, the wand doesn’t save much time, but does save the back.
If you don't mind poking holes in hoses, you can drill a 3/16" hole in the hose just above the pump for recirculation in the resivoir, prevents a deadhead. Won't drop output pressure much either.
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