Observers' Rockwool Play

Purple punch clone left
Mimosa mints middle
"Cali strain" right corner
Deleted scene bottom right corner

Tuco Seed in the RW solo


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Will definitely be trying "crop-steering" with the rockwool.
Will definitely be trying "crop-steering" with the rockwool.
here re some good tips for cropsteering~
I was in rockwool side by side comparison with 2 gal coco , that Slab can hit more higher ec compared to coco and growth rate were much faster than coco also.
Once i dailed in cropsteering rockwool I won't be back to coco again.

@tobh has some in-depth cropsteering knowledge. I think it was him that posted a long write-up for it.
i wouldn't call myself an expert by any means. the article i wrote is actually linked in the footer in the similar threads section.

you can get close with some primitive, manual techniques, but to effectively steer you need sensors and automation damn near end to end. EC and water content are paramount to effective steering, and when attempting the method it is very, very easy to fuck up real fast since you'll be running on the edge of what the plants can handle at almost all times.

i highly recommend getting a handle on what drybacks and high fertigation cycles do before diving full on into attempting steering considering if you aren't familiar with how those two correlate to media water content and EC, you'll end up chasing your tail on deficiencies that have nothing to do with your nutrient solution and everything to do with how you're applying that solution. Additionally, you really need to have your environment dialed in from VPD to DLI since you're already going to be introducing stress conditions to the plants at carefully timed intervals.

the suppliers that produce crop steering systems also keep a lot of their information very close to their chests, and not a lot of people are willing to publish in-depth information (likely due to non-compete agreements as part of purchasing the gear to do it). What i based my article on was a collection of information i found by scouring hundreds of websites and academic white papers over a period of months, and even my article is not nearly comprehensive enough to be considered a how-to guide. it's more like a high-level day one explanation of a college course without providing any of the more in-depth knowledge a full semester would yield.
i wouldn't call myself an expert by any means. the article i wrote is actually linked in the footer in the similar threads section.

you can get close with some primitive, manual techniques, but to effectively steer you need sensors and automation damn near end to end. EC and water content are paramount to effective steering, and when attempting the method it is very, very easy to fuck up real fast since you'll be running on the edge of what the plants can handle at almost all times.

i highly recommend getting a handle on what drybacks and high fertigation cycles do before diving full on into attempting steering considering if you aren't familiar with how those two correlate to media water content and EC, you'll end up chasing your tail on deficiencies that have nothing to do with your nutrient solution and everything to do with how you're applying that solution. Additionally, you really need to have your environment dialed in from VPD to DLI since you're already going to be introducing stress conditions to the plants at carefully timed intervals.

the suppliers that produce crop steering systems also keep a lot of their information very close to their chests, and not a lot of people are willing to publish in-depth information (likely due to non-compete agreements as part of purchasing the gear to do it). What i based my article on was a collection of information i found by scouring hundreds of websites and academic white papers over a period of months, and even my article is not nearly comprehensive enough to be considered a how-to guide. it's more like a high-level day one explanation of a college course without providing any of the more in-depth knowledge a full semester would yield.
Thanks tobh, I think I have a good grasp on it/understanding of it more so now, and I've actually been doing in it my half gallon coco/// without knowing im doing it, at least the vegetative/fast dry back parts.

Now to further deepen the understanding of the how and why.

I of course do not have WC/moisture sensors but plan on manually recording and paying attention to water amounts used, my temp/rh-ENV And how much time it takes for a cube to dry back, and I can weigh them too at different intervals to see.

Of course I won't be able to really "steer'" em but I sure as fuck am gonna try.

I was reading you're crop-steering again at 5 this morning, and with the other info I found on it, makes for a pretty good explanation, all though I'm sure it can/goes much deeper

God damn fuck today

Just a thought, think this shit is pretty cool
Fucking absolutely fucking FUCK

So god damn fucking ANGRY TODAY FUCK


First thing to happen is break my fucking monitor by falling on the fucking keyboard trying to look out the fucking god damn blinds

Buy a dumbass fucking fan on Clarence at Walmart for 18$ it doesnt even fucking work

Broken 75hz, I liked the refresh rate definitely see the difference from 60.

I don't have the time or transportation to just go return fucked shit

Did get a Honeywell for 12$

Didn't find shit at ace hardware for water pump fittings.

Probably just buy a bigger proper water pump.



BABYMOMMA is driving me fucking INSANE TOO


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Time to roll a blunt and drink a little so I can chill the fuck out and calm down.
damn dude. take five, go for a walk, cool the nerves.

can't help with the baby mama, i got one too i just had to go wake up again because she needs to get some shit done before the kids come home. typical day in the house though.

good luck with recovering from the death of the monitor -- never a good time when something like that happens
damn dude. take five, go for a walk, cool the nerves.

can't help with the baby mama, i got one too i just had to go wake up again because she needs to get some shit done before the kids come home. typical day in the house though.

good luck with recovering from the death of the monitor -- never a good time when something like that happens

you know exactly how it is.

Everything just finally getting to me today. I'm slowing chillin out now.

About to roll a blunt have no took anything yet today


Thanks man, glad you're here to relate too lol.

Oh mines, fucking gone so I'm dealing with everything by my self as usual.
It's just builds and builds and builds up till reset(trip) or explode

Finally built up today and letting the steam out.

Her stupid ass cats are ruining my new sofa too.

Leather getting scratched and tore.

you know exactly how it is.

Everything just finally getting to me today. I'm slowing chillin out now.

About to roll a blunt have no took anything yet today


Thanks man, glad you're here to relate too lol.

Oh mines, fucking gone so I'm dealing with everything by my self as usual.
sometimes i wish mine would be gone. i deal with everything as it is, her not being here actually makes it easier as i don't deal with her being pissed off i'm doing all her chores that she doesn't do anyways.

plus, shit gets done how i like it to be done -- meaning, thoroughly and correctly. no half assed "i swept and mopped" where the floor is still gritty when you walk barefoot on it bullshit, and sinks that are actually clean instead of looking like someone vomited toothpaste all over.

i'll commiserate with you any time bud.
sometimes i wish mine would be gone. i deal with everything as it is, her not being here actually makes it easier as i don't deal with her being pissed off i'm doing all her chores that she doesn't do anyways.

plus, shit gets done how i like it to be done -- meaning, thoroughly and correctly. no half assed "i swept and mopped" where the floor is still gritty when you walk barefoot on it bullshit, and sinks that are actually clean instead of looking like someone vomited toothpaste all over.

i'll commiserate with you any time bud.
Right, usually get that freedom at night but she's working only like 25-30 hours a week right now and wants to give me shit for not holding a job in the passed, mofo I'm here with the baby 24/7

Division of labor pick one and take care of it

She's laying in bed on her phone or working 3-4 nights a week and thats the majority of what she does.

God damn I had to explain water usage to her, fast water or slow water, 150 gallons is still 150 gallons wether it fills up slow or fast. Now I'm second guessing my self.

Won't take care of her fucking cats either barely
I get it you're depressed everyone is fucked, but shit still has to get done.
This bitch had the nerve to say my daughter would be better off without me when I'm the one that wakes up majority of the time for her
Right, usually get that freedom at night but she's working only like 25-30 hours a week right now and wants to give me shit for not holding a job in the passed, mofo I'm here with the baby 24/7

Division of labor pick one and take care of it

She's laying in bed on her phone or working 3-4 nights a week and thats the majority of what she does.

God damn I had to explain water usage to her, fast water or slow water, 150 gallons is still 150 gallons wether it fills up slow or fast. Now I'm second guessing my self.

Won't take care of her fucking cats either barely
I get it you're depressed everyone is fucked, but shit still has to get done.
man, my nephew deals with that superiority bullshit too. the only difference is he just turned 16, oregon wouldn't grant him a work permit last year because his living situation has been fucked for over two years (my brother kicked him out of the kid smoking weed). his lady does the same shit to him all the time.

it's fucking bullshit.

it's one thing to hold a full time job and take care of one or two chores while the other is a stay at home parent and manages the children/pets/bulk of chores. division of responsibilities. just because one works does not negate the fact that functional adults still have responsibilities for home upkeep. expecting the stay at home parent to carry everything is bullshit, and if that's the assumption then it's no longer a partnership.

likewise, if the stay at home parent doesn't handle the home stuff then it's not a partnership.

there's no fucking point in that kind of relationship because y'all end up fighting against each other instead of building together.

utilities, though, man... they're a motherfucker to explain to someone that doesn't understand how they get billed out. like you said, the volume is the volume, it costs just as much per gallon whether you trickle the faucet or turn it full bore. same with electricity -- a kW is a kW, turn off the fucking light switch when you the leave the room! just about the only thing that's constant is garbage service, but even that's wasteful if a motherfucker don't get the cans out for pickup.

and using the crutch of mental illness.... ugh i hate that shit. everyone is stressed out and depressed, but most of us manage to get up every day, put on our adult pants, and get shit done. using one's mental illness to diminish another's is arguably the most narcissistic thing i've experienced yet. like a pissing contest of scars. this is a fundamental reason i've been looking for a family lawyer for a while because i refuse to pay child support to someone that can't even get out of bed daily despite being in therapy for two years and on meds. i'm unmedicated bipolar and manage to get my shit done on teh daily despite having this goddamn fever and fatigue for over a month now. life sucks, you gotta push through or go find a fucking hole and rot alone.

This bitch had the nerve to say my daughter would be better off without me when I'm the one that wakes up majority of the time for her
sounds like y'all are at that first major breaking point in a relationship with a child. y'all gotta figure out how to communicate and lay everything out in the open or it'll break you both as people. then, neither of you will be worth a shit for your daughter.

that conversation isn't a comfortable one but the best thing you both can do is try to keep your heads cool, speak only of your own experiences and feelings, and actively listen to each other. getting some common ground is the main goal. if things get heated, taking a time out is completely ok, and really the responsible thing to do because arguing and yelling will not solve anything.

it helped in my situation when my son was about 18months to 2 years old. at this point, i don't give a fuck about the relationship anymore, though. i just keep it going for the not great reason of the kids having both parents under the same roof.
man, my nephew deals with that superiority bullshit too. the only difference is he just turned 16, oregon wouldn't grant him a work permit last year because his living situation has been fucked for over two years (my brother kicked him out of the kid smoking weed). his lady does the same shit to him all the time.

it's fucking bullshit.

it's one thing to hold a full time job and take care of one or two chores while the other is a stay at home parent and manages the children/pets/bulk of chores. division of responsibilities. just because one works does not negate the fact that functional adults still have responsibilities for home upkeep. expecting the stay at home parent to carry everything is bullshit, and if that's the assumption then it's no longer a partnership.

likewise, if the stay at home parent doesn't handle the home stuff then it's not a partnership.

there's no fucking point in that kind of relationship because y'all end up fighting against each other instead of building together.

utilities, though, man... they're a motherfucker to explain to someone that doesn't understand how they get billed out. like you said, the volume is the volume, it costs just as much per gallon whether you trickle the faucet or turn it full bore. same with electricity -- a kW is a kW, turn off the fucking light switch when you the leave the room! just about the only thing that's constant is garbage service, but even that's wasteful if a motherfucker don't get the cans out for pickup.

and using the crutch of mental illness.... ugh i hate that shit. everyone is stressed out and depressed, but most of us manage to get up every day, put on our adult pants, and get shit done. using one's mental illness to diminish another's is arguably the most narcissistic thing i've experienced yet. like a pissing contest of scars. this is a fundamental reason i've been looking for a family lawyer for a while because i refuse to pay child support to someone that can't even get out of bed daily despite being in therapy for two years and on meds. i'm unmedicated bipolar and manage to get my shit done on teh daily despite having this goddamn fever and fatigue for over a month now. life sucks, you gotta push through or go find a fucking hole and rot alone.

Well put.

Completely agree, I don't want to be lazy either or not carry my weight and of course I want to be fair

Just fuck some things need to be communicated again and better

We both still learning I'm 26 but getting there, did not have the best developmental child life either so I feel behind too.

She's younger than me and shit was fucked for her too but can't just keep using mental illness as an excuse to not do things.

We all are are fucked in someway , I get it. Buts it's been 2 years of this shit now with her
man, my nephew deals with that superiority bullshit too. the only difference is he just turned 16, oregon wouldn't grant him a work permit last year because his living situation has been fucked for over two years (my brother kicked him out of the kid smoking weed). his lady does the same shit to him all the time.

it's fucking bullshit.

it's one thing to hold a full time job and take care of one or two chores while the other is a stay at home parent and manages the children/pets/bulk of chores. division of responsibilities. just because one works does not negate the fact that functional adults still have responsibilities for home upkeep. expecting the stay at home parent to carry everything is bullshit, and if that's the assumption then it's no longer a partnership.

likewise, if the stay at home parent doesn't handle the home stuff then it's not a partnership.

there's no fucking point in that kind of relationship because y'all end up fighting against each other instead of building together.

utilities, though, man... they're a motherfucker to explain to someone that doesn't understand how they get billed out. like you said, the volume is the volume, it costs just as much per gallon whether you trickle the faucet or turn it full bore. same with electricity -- a kW is a kW, turn off the fucking light switch when you the leave the room! just about the only thing that's constant is garbage service, but even that's wasteful if a motherfucker don't get the cans out for pickup.

and using the crutch of mental illness.... ugh i hate that shit. everyone is stressed out and depressed, but most of us manage to get up every day, put on our adult pants, and get shit done. using one's mental illness to diminish another's is arguably the most narcissistic thing i've experienced yet. like a pissing contest of scars. this is a fundamental reason i've been looking for a family lawyer for a while because i refuse to pay child support to someone that can't even get out of bed daily despite being in therapy for two years and on meds. i'm unmedicated bipolar and manage to get my shit done on teh daily despite having this goddamn fever and fatigue for over a month now. life sucks, you gotta push through or go find a fucking hole and rot alone.

But she's not too depressed to where she can get up and go to the fair with her "family"? Be gone all day, work tonight, come back home and complain how she's too tired and tired for her daughter, etc.
Yu can probably throw out 5 mental disorders, I could probably diagnosed with them

Never had the care I needed so never got actually diagnosed with anything, but obviously I'm fucking all over the place and other apparent issues

High-functioning autist or sociopath, lol.
Well put.

Completely agree, I don't want to be lazy either or not carry my weight and of course I want to be fair

Just fuck some things need to be communicated again and better

We both still learning I'm 26 but getting there, did not have the best developmental child life either so I feel behind too.

She's younger than me and shit was fucked for her too but can't just keep using mental illness as an excuse to not do things.

We all are are fucked in someway , I get it. Buts it's been 2 years of this shit now with her
five years here, man. the ebbs and flows get more and more irritating until you either stop giving a shit and accept that the most consistency you'll get out of the person is their complete lack of reliability, or you break ties and figure out a coparenting situation.
But she's not too depressed to where she can get up and go to the fair with her "family"? Be gone all day, work tonight, come back home and complain how she's too tired and tired for her daughter, etc.
funny how that works, huh?

too depressed to get out of bed to feed the kids breakfast, but ok enough to take a week vacation in vegas or california with friends, or go to concerts, or, well, do literally anything with anyone outside of this house.

it's a fucking excuse man. a cop out instead of saying outright, "i want someone to take care of everything at home for me." in which case, that should be communicated and appropriate budgeting and planning made around that.

hell, i'm to the point i'm thinking about hiring a house keeper to come in three times a week to clean. passive aggressive af, but clearly explaining expectations hasn't worked up to this point.
Time to partake a little.

No worries, no one getting "fucked up" right now.

Gotta take care of my lovely daughter still.


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a nice ass and good head only go so far, ya know. when you sign up for a partnership, the expectation is the workload gets split in all aspects of life together. if one side isn't pulling there weight, then it's time for a conversation. if the conversation doesn't yield results, other decisions have to be made.

like i've told my lady, i can get pussy anywhere, and a lot of what i can pull would kill for the life i offer. the only thing she has that they don't is the legal system ready to take a chunk of my paycheck to give to her for free and fuck me out of being a part of my kid's life.
five years here, man. the ebbs and flows get more and more irritating until you either stop giving a shit and accept that the most consistency you'll get out of the person is their complete lack of reliability, or you break ties and figure out a coparenting situation.

funny how that works, huh?

too depressed to get out of bed to feed the kids breakfast, but ok enough to take a week vacation in vegas or california with friends, or go to concerts, or, well, do literally anything with anyone outside of this house.

it's a fucking excuse man. a cop out instead of saying outright, "i want someone to take care of everything at home for me." in which case, that should be communicated and appropriate budgeting and planning made around that.

hell, i'm to the point i'm thinking about hiring a house keeper to come in three times a week to clean. passive aggressive af, but clearly explaining expectations hasn't worked up to this point.
At first it was kinda me I wasn't ready or didn't "man up" yet for my child but I was actually working 40hours+ open to close at restaurants providing money the first 7 months while her sole job was baby and a 700 sq for apartment

I know baby isn't easy but fucking hell, division of labor is how I see it to make things fair.

But now I'm getting back on my shit and she isnt
At first it was kinda me I wasn't ready or didn't "man up" yet for my child but I was actually working 40hours+ open to close at restaurants providing money the first 7 months while her sole job was baby and a 700 sq for apartment

I know baby isn't easy but fucking hell, division of labor is how I see it to make things fair.

But now I'm getting back on my shit and she isnt
just keep your eye on the prize, man. show your daughter what a man is, always treat her mother with respect and love when your daughter is around (you should always be respectful to women anyways, even when they don't show you respect). it's hard af to do more often than not but be the kind of man you want your daughter to end up with, and she'll develop a sense of independence and tenacity watching you take on these challenges while you become a better version of yourself.
a nice ass and good head only go so far, ya know. when you sign up for a partnership, the expectation is the workload gets split in all aspects of life together. if one side isn't pulling there weight, then it's time for a conversation. if the conversation doesn't yield results, other decisions have to be made.

like i've told my lady, i can get pussy anywhere, and a lot of what i can pull would kill for the life i offer. the only thing she has that they don't is the legal system ready to take a chunk of my paycheck to give to her for free and fuck me out of being a part of my kid's life.

I would like a "proper" family for violet and with her but we gotta really work something out or so.

Just even more stressful not even having my car anymore, I relied on only my self but now I just can't physically do all this, her, laundry, house, fucking having time for my self? My hobby?

My entertainment, my medicine? (Weed/shrooms)

I'm trying to be better, do the same, with me, or fuck off.
just keep your eye on the prize, man. show your daughter what a man is, always treat her mother with respect and love when your daughter is around (you should always be respectful to women anyways, even when they don't show you respect). it's hard af to do more often than not but be the kind of man you want your daughter to end up with, and she'll develop a sense of independence and tenacity watching you take on these challenges while you become a better version of yourself.
Some things I really need to work on better too and controlling my volume.
the volume man... that's the tricky one. as men we inherently talk louder as it is. i'm constantly getting called out for "yelling" even though there's a big difference between being engaged in a conversation vs when i'm barking to get someone's attention.

it's a challenge. even more so when some booze has been introduced into the mix.
an exercise one of my old shrinks gave me was when i start to feel excited during a conversation, force myself to talk quieter. it's really, really hard to do, but it forces you to think before just spitting whatever words out and also forces the opposing party to listen more closely, which psychologically makes their brain actually process what they're hearing instead of just them waiting for their turn to speak.
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