Observers' Rockwool Play

yeah, take it off. my biggest concern with you having a seedling in there is you've created a perfect environment for all kinds of bacteria including pythium. warm, damp, dark, stale = bad.

good thought, but generally a bad idea. you got this 💪
Gotcha, I'll unwrap it

I was hoping the h2o2 and hypo acid would take care of those bact.


Thanks tobh
This fucker is moving right along, helped it's veil off it's cotyledons about 2 hours ago and now it's aiming for the LED.


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Applying Kelp as a Foliar During the "Rooting" Phase"

Kelp foliar spray is a natural fertilizer made from kelp, a type of seaweed. It is rich in nutrients and bio-active compounds that are beneficial for plants, including:
  • Macro-nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium
  • Micro-nutrients: boron, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, sulfur, and zinc
  • Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, and E
  • Plant growth hormones: auxins, gibberellins, and cytokinins
  • Betaines: organic compounds that help plants tolerate stress
Kelp foliar spray has many benefits for plants, including:
  • Improved nutrient uptake: The nutrients in kelp foliar spray are easily absorbed by plant leaves, making them more readily available to the plant.
  • Increased plant growth: Kelp foliar spray can promote lush, green growth and increased yields.
  • Improved stress tolerance: Kelp foliar spray can help plants tolerate stress from drought, heat, cold, pests, and diseases.
  • Increased resistance to pests and diseases: Kelp foliar spray can help plants develop stronger resistance to pests and diseases.
  • Improved overall plant health: Kelp foliar spray can help plants develop stronger roots, stems, and leaves.

What This Means -

  • Auxins:
    • Promote the growth of the apical bud, which inhibits the growth of lateral buds (apical dominance).
    • Promote the growth of roots.
    • Promote the formation of new xylem and phloem cells.
    • Cause phototropism (plant growth towards light) and gravitropism (plant growth towards gravity).
  • Gibberellins:
    • Promote stem elongation.
    • Promote cell division and differentiation.
    • Promote fruit and flower development.
    • Break seed dormancy.
  • Cytokinins:
    • Promote cell division and differentiation.
    • Delay leaf senescence.
    • Promote the formation of new buds and shoots.


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Leafs started to twist - no timer on light and little too long, little too high PPFD

Trying to turn it off 6-12 or so


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How you're able to keep that many plants around while your daughter runs amuck is beyong me. I can't turn my eye for a second without my little shit climbing onto the table to get my drink or kick the poor cat or something else as equally rambunctious.

Toddlers are a handful without 20 plants to tend to. You got your hands full bro so props on doing as well as you are.
How you're able to keep that many plants around while your daughter runs amuck is beyong me. I can't turn my eye for a second without my little shit climbing onto the table to get my drink or kick the poor cat or something else as equally rambunctious.
"Hyperactivity" Disorder.

i had 260+~ total at one point just last year at the smaller unit, lol.

Im all over the place like she is and have to stay a few steps ahead, run back and fourth, stop what im doing, stop her, continue does get tiring, but it gets easier too.
Toddlers are a handful without 20 plants to tend to. You got your hands full bro so props on doing as well as you are.
thanks man appreciate that, been a journey learning how to adjust, manage it all, maintain, and keep growing up from there.
Im all over the place like she is and have to stay a few steps ahead, run back and fourth, stop what im doing, stop her, continue does get tiring, but it gets easier too.
It does get easier bro for sure.
My little guy just turned 4 and hes still rambunctious, but nowhere near what he was at 2 and 3. Hes definitely calming down and i can do a lot more when hes awake now than ever before.
He hasnt even looked at my plants since the "whats in my cloner" incident.
How you're able to keep that many plants around while your daughter runs amuck is beyong me. I can't turn my eye for a second without my little shit climbing onto the table to get my drink or kick the poor cat or something else as equally rambunctious.

Toddlers are a handful without 20 plants to tend to. You got your hands full bro so props on doing as well as you are.
Really, I had 6 puppies as a surprize and they almost killed me! Cheers Observer! SS
Too damn cold


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Stuffed 1in RW cubes in a Solo, lol.

This env is not controlled.


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I fucked up/off the first round, some started to root some did not, I just tossed em anyways as I'm tired of going between so many different spots and this spot is pick poor environment anyways, dry and cold.

But I've identified the problems and am figuring it out, I've already corrected the solution and once I can get into the 2x4 where it's more controlled should start looking better and start fucking with this stuff more.

She looks like shit but she's alive, and should be on the path to correction.

I was not checking her daily like I should have been or giving her the proper e.c

Light schedule doesn't even exist, lol.

Every variable is basically wrong/out of whack lol

But I'll fix it.


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15$ for 25 rockwool cups

See how this works.

4-5$ for 150 9oz cups
10-15$ for 200 1inch cubes, 8cube per 9oz

8cubes in a 9oz solo is approximately 131.1 cubic CM of Substrate volume.

if the math is right

1inch = 2.54Cmeters
So 2.54cm x 2.54cm x 2.54cm rockwool cube =
16.387 Cubic CM substrate volume of one RW cube.

8 of them stacked together, 4 on bottom, 4 on top
Approximately 131.1 cubic CM of Substrate Volume.

even smaller than the 16oz coco/perl/verm red solos ;p but I bet I can get the same mass if not more. 😎 We will see.

Intrigued to see how this works.

@Aqua Man


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15$ for 25 rockwool cups

See how this works.

4-5$ for 150 9oz cups
10-15$ for 200 1inch cubes, 8cube per 9oz

8cubes in a 9oz solo is approximately 131.1 cubic CM of Substrate volume.

if the math is right

1inch = 2.54Cmeters
So 2.54cm x 2.54cm x 2.54cm rockwool cube =
16.387 Cubic CM substrate volume of one RW cube.

8 of them stacked together, 4 on bottom, 4 on top
Approximately 131.1 cubic CM of Substrate Volume.

even smaller than the 16oz coco/perl/verm red solos ;p but I bet I can get the same mass if not more. 😎 We will see.

Intrigued to see how this works.

@Aqua Man
if i could afford shit id start out bigger but dont see the need anyways, either, when learning the shit.
Unless I say fuck it and chop the 2x4 now, not too sure when I start these

I'll probably go from seed, maybe I'll try cloning again in the 2x4, where it'll be alot better environment/controllable, conducive to rooting cuts - growth.

My cheap rw setup I just threw together

Figure if I wanted/needed to I could add slabs or bigger blocks underneath.
interesting... tbh i'm curious how well this is gonna work. there are some serious microclimate conditions i foresee being run into, but nothing some h2o2 couldn't handle. iirc setups like this are why rockwool chips (kinda like coco chips, but rw) started being produced/supplied.

that being said if it works and you live up to your reputation for stupid root density, that ziploc container could yield impressively well. you won't have media left at all, just a mass of roots, but worse things happen in life lol
interesting... tbh i'm curious how well this is gonna work.

there are some serious microclimate conditions i foresee being run into, but nothing some h2o2 couldn't handle. iirc setups like this are why rockwool chips (kinda like coco chips, but rw) started being produced/supplied.
like the rw pushed against the side of the cups?

i could poke with thumb tacks for holes
that being said if it works and you live up to your reputation for stupid root density, that ziploc container could yield impressively well. you won't have media left at all, just a mass of roots, but worse things happen in life lol
hell yea, if i can just do it "right" and now that i have a way to consistently/properly and automatically supply water should work a lot better than fuckin off by hand watering.

i did not know how to water weed for shit till i started fuckin with the solo cups and learning DTW

i can see me fucking it up at first though, and my first time growing in RW
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Gonna try to straighten out the lines with a hair drier


test the system - see the flow rate

when I get time


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These screws control the flow rate I believe, I may run this "CLF" "style", and go from there.

Continuous liquid feed, a very very slow steady stream of water, -depending on the growth stage of course and playing around with water content and e.c/steering

Lines won't get salty/clogged if they don't get too dry, either I suspect.

Jacks nutes/salts, on the back of the bags, it recommends to run CLF too, so makes sense for any salts as well for that logic above.

So I would like to give this a try.

Got a decent timer too I can cycle/loop settings and 20 different times/programs/hours through out the day


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Haha, she was closed and a lot smaller this morning, must of liked the different solution

had to decrease EC , decrease calc-nitrate.

Damn this media moves quick.


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yessir. you gotta be on your A game because rockwool ain't gonna wait for you to figure out you fucked up lol

I don't have 8 fems, I have 7 different kind of fems, if they are all fems.

And I don't have 8 clones, I did take another cutting from each though, one more p punch, deleted scene, and mimosa mints.

If they do root though, be some time to reveg and then veg out for more clones...

I do have a few 50 or so regulars from the little pollen chucking I did, but I don't really want to run those again right now, or start them in here and have to pull some and then have less than 8 or just have to redo it anyways cause males, but I also don't want to put down different strains.

would like to put everything down the same for consistency across the board.

1. either grow some (my regs) out in the mean time and sex em.

2. Do the 7 seeds (received) I have now and just +1 reg, hope I get lucky.

3. wait on re-vegging/reverting clones.

🧐 🤔
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0.4ec 5.5pH

75f, whatever the fuck the rh is, besides the cup on top part./ambient

The p punch is in the 2x4 where it's a little more warm and humid, to see any differences.

Nice and flat Tuco, recovering


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I don't have 8 fems, I have 7 different kind of fems, if they are all fems.

And I don't have 8 clones, I did take another cutting from each though, one more p punch, deleted scene, and mimosa mints.

If they do root though, be some time to reveg and then veg out for more clones...

I do have a few 50 or so regulars from the little pollen chucking I did, but I don't really want to run those again right now, or start them in here and have to pull some and then have less than 8 or just have to redo it anyways cause males, but I also don't want to put down different strains.

would like to put everything down the same for consistency across the board.

1. either grow some (my regs) out in the mean time and sex em.

2. Do the 7 seeds (received) I have now and just +1 reg, hope I get lucky.

3. wait on re-vegging/reverting clones.

🧐 🤔
still figuring this part out, took those 3 cuts to grow back out

Might end up going with option #2
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so, as rockwool dries out, or as its water content %/ substrate water content decreases, E.C CAN or WILL(?) (does) RAISE/Increase, and requires a BALANCE of some sort between the two variables. (?) or leafs can turn into Cap n' Crunch Cereal.

so i suspect theirs a few things one can do.

use Lower E.C Solutions

don't let it get too dry/ keep an eye on the shade of the rockwool and lightness/weight of it.

she looks a lot better, for now, lol, till something else happens and i gotta figure that out, ive decreased E.C and since shes already grown the next set of leafs/node.

might be time to give it (Tuco) a few mLs of Solution.

this shit MOVES FAST, i love it.
my daughter/18mo~/ came and gave me a drink of water and then left, lol. -little water bottle with a straw in it.

shes in her room watching some educational kid videos on my phone atm
Alright, so think about what a salt based nutrient solution is. It's water soluble salts suspended in water. Salts don't evaporate, er moreso their fundamental molecular structures don't evaporate. However water does. So, when the rockwool dries out, EC will spike.

You have two options to combat this effect. One is decrease EC, or increase frequency of fertigation. Really once you have rooted wool you don't want it to drop below 80% water content, which is media holding 80% water. Basically still wet to the touch.

Loving your learning here man. You're fucking around and finding out. Few growers have the balls to just do the thing and see what happens
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