Observers' Rockwool Play

Alright, so think about what a salt based nutrient solution is. It's water soluble salts suspended in water. Salts don't evaporate, er moreso their fundamental molecular structures don't evaporate. However water does. So, when the rockwool dries out, EC will spike.
worded better than i put it. i see, makes sense.
You have two options to combat this effect. One is decrease EC, or increase frequency of fertigation. Really once you have rooted wool you don't want it to drop below 80% water content, which is media holding 80% water. Basically still wet to the touch.
exactly what im starting to do now, thanks tobh, need to go give it some water.
Loving your learning here man. You're fucking around and finding out. Few growers have the balls to just do the thing and see what happens
only way i do, dive the fuck in.

picking it up quickly it seems

cant fuck around and find out with them drying back too much lol, thats about all it takes it seems.

I don't have 8 fems, I have 7 different kind of fems, if they are all fems.

And I don't have 8 clones, I did take another cutting from each though, one more p punch, deleted scene, and mimosa mints.

If they do root though, be some time to reveg and then veg out for more clones...

I do have a few 50 or so regulars from the little pollen chucking I did, but I don't really want to run those again right now, or start them in here and have to pull some and then have less than 8 or just have to redo it anyways cause males, but I also don't want to put down different strains.

would like to put everything down the same for consistency across the board.

1. either grow some (my regs) out in the mean time and sex em.

2. Do the 7 seeds (received) I have now and just +1 reg, hope I get lucky.

3. wait on re-vegging/reverting clones.

🧐 🤔
Consistency in, Uniformity, in Consistency.
cant fuck around and find out with them drying back too much lol, thats about all it takes it seems.

- which wont be anything to worry about once i start using an auto-watering system with it, and adjust the timings/rate/flow/cycle to a perfect optimized balance
once you have rooted wool you don't want it to drop below 80% water content, which is media holding 80% water. Basically still wet to the touch.

Loving your learning here man. You're fucking around and finding out. Few growers have the balls to just do the thing and see what happens
not a lot of room to fuck around & find out with, huh?, lol.
not a lot of room to fuck around & find out with, huh?, lol.
nope. it's a small margin of error. i've let the slabs dry back as far as 50% (guestimation -- surface touch felt dry but still some "sponge" to it) and the plants had lost all turgidity. didn't measure the EC in the media, but I can only assume it was 4+ leading to fine root hair damage, so subsequent uptake inhibition.

wool is fun to fuck with, you can learn a lot very quickly about caring for plants in general.
nope. it's a small margin of error. i've let the slabs dry back as far as 50% (guestimation -- surface touch felt dry but still some "sponge" to it) and the plants had lost all turgidity. didn't measure the EC in the media, but I can only assume it was 4+ leading to fine root hair damage, so subsequent uptake inhibition.

wool is fun to fuck with, you can learn a lot very quickly about caring for plants in general.
Thanks @tobh

I enjoy it.


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Off at 2, back on at 8

Just put this on timer last night till I use this one for the CLF rockwool run.

Perfect timing, she was starting to get tired


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Ill weigh Tuco and try to see any differences for water content weight changes, minus the solo cup weight of course.
Loving your learning here man. You're fucking around and finding out. Few growers have the balls to just do the thing and see what happens

Same thing I told him. He probably thinks he's posting into the wind but no. I read it and get a lot of valuable data from his efforts so I told him whatever I can do to help him I'm down. I'm sure many on here get the same benefit without actually acknowledging it but they do appreciate it.
Same thing I told him.

He probably thinks he's posting into the wind but no
It feels that way sometimes lol
. I read it and get a lot of valuable data from his efforts so I told him whatever I can do to help him I'm down. I'm sure many on here get the same benefit without actually acknowledging it but they do appreciate it.
Thanks man, wait till we see this 9oz CLF rockwool run.

I think it'll work pretty damn well, bar improvements, and getting the automatic timing water flow/rate just right per growth stage.

I gotta weigh a cube dry, and at its max WHC, and record the weights by the hour, or so, and taking the ENV into consideration.
Make a table /graph for possible water content ranges, get an idea.

could possibly measure the e.c raises too, as it drys back, got one idea on how to do that so far.

1inch rockwool cube WHC should be around 9-12mL if the math is right, I'll attempt to verify it when I get time, chillin right now.

I think I have a pretty good idea of the entire concept now, a further understanding anyways

Matric potential/osmotic pressure, E.C & water content manipulation
Generative/vegetative steering
Dry backs
Environment manipulation
Nutrient manipulation
Spectral manipulation

How it all works and balances out/together, getting a better understanding/"seeing" it more, anyways.

Getting the hang of it.

Optimizing and balancing any & all variables I CAN control atm.

still a fuck ton more to learn.

more physical experience/play/test needed.

fuck yea, how accurate is it? no idea, lmao.

Close enough,?, Surely.
10mL of Fert Solution seems about "perfect" WC of a 1inch/2.54cm ROCKWOOL CUBE


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fuck yea, how accurate is it? no idea, lmao.

Close enough,?, Surely.
Going over the math/weight/drybacks/timings

making/getting a table for a more accurate/good idea of the WHC and dryback times - depends per ENV of course, but gives an idea, and if its warmer than i know itll just be faster and ill know to account for it.
ok, something that may be closer to Reality

both tables here and above are made with/from different information/data so

something i can work with to verify and see how off or close one or the other is - ill take a dry cube and add a/1 mL at a time and weigh it and see.

i think this one will be/is more accurate though and will be my "base-line"

this will possibly be very important for implementing a proper fertigation schedule/cycle, if my timer and pump/octo work with me, for the CLF 9oz RW run/test/experiment/grow



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Same thing I told him. He probably thinks he's posting into the wind but no. I read it and get a lot of valuable data from his efforts so I told him whatever I can do to help him I'm down. I'm sure many on here get the same benefit without actually acknowledging it but they do appreciate it.
This^ is why 80% of us are here! We are the "Brave" who wish to learn, kick us off a site for "Learning" ?Shame on "Illogical Framer" I am a certified master out of gardener out of Texas A&M but I come here cause the Experience, skill, knowledge, comraderie ect. Don't kick me off the site,Dang! SSgrower learning Cannabis
Checked solution EC and pH, added a ml of 34% no idea the ORP value, how much I've added lol, not a fresh gallon, I've been amending this same "starter solution" I'll reset it after I use it up this time.

Put the clones cubes in the solution to reset it-ph/e.c and gave 15ml of fert-sol to Tuco
Feeding higher PK to N ratio, logic being, focus on root production.

All salts

0-21-26 "bloom part"
200-250ppms/0.4-0.5 E.C
5.4 pH

Uncontrolled environment

Don't think she can handle the PPFD where the temp/rh is at.

It's at 10-20% power

18hours on

low-mid range


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Feeding higher PK to N ratio, idea being focus on roots.

All salts

0-21-26 "bloom part"
200-250ppms/0.4-0.5 E.C
5.4 pH

Uncontrolled environment

Don't think she can handle the PPFD where the temp/rh is at.

It's at 10-20% power

18hours on

low-mid range
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