Observers' Rockwool Play

an exercise one of my old shrinks gave me was when i start to feel excited during a conversation, force myself to talk quieter. it's really, really hard to do, but it forces you to think before just spitting whatever words out and also forces the opposing party to listen more closely, which psychologically makes their brain actually process what they're hearing instead of just them waiting for their turn to speak.
like, oh shit, hes being patient. uhhh

like, oh shit, hes being patient. uhhh

i think it's more so, dad is always pretty loud when he speaks. he only gets this quiet when he's really, really angry and something is either getting thrown away, or wall sits are about to be dished out.
i think it's more so, dad is always pretty loud when he speaks. he only gets this quiet when he's really, really angry and something is either getting thrown away, or wall sits are about to be dished out.
Guess I should turn the light off at some point huh? Lol

24h low PPFD cloning?


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Leaving the dome off for a little, see if I can force a response.

They don't have as much of a reason to root if everything is handed to em supposedly.

Some wilting is good


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i leave the light on 24/7 for clones. even once they set root, i leave em under low low ppfd (literally just the room light) until they get planted in whatever media.

shit i've got 18 right now with roots bursting out of the rooters. the recipient needs to come pick these up tomorrow or they're gonna be fucked. i ain't feeding these bitches lol
i leave the light on 24/7 for clones. even once they set root, i leave em under low low ppfd (literally just the room light) until they get planted in whatever media.

shit i've got 18 right now with roots bursting out of the rooters. the recipient needs to come pick these up tomorrow or they're gonna be fucked. i ain't feeding these bitches lol
Haha sweet man good to hear

Don't think I got an extra timer for that light anyways and I don't feel like fucking with it unless needed.

Got the dial down.
At first it was kinda me I wasn't ready or didn't "man up" yet for my child but I was actually working 40hours+ open to close at restaurants providing money the first 7 months while her sole job was baby and a 700 sq for apartment

I know baby isn't easy but fucking hell, division of labor is how I see it to make things fair.

But now I'm getting back on my shit and she isnt
Observer it will never be 50/50 life usually does not work that way.

I would like a "proper" family for violet and with her but we gotta really work something out or so.

Just even more stressful not even having my car anymore, I relied on only my self but now I just can't physically do all this, her, laundry, house, fucking having time for my self? My hobby?

My entertainment, my medicine? (Weed/shrooms)

I'm trying to be better, do the same, with me, or fuck off.
Try to find a balance in your life!!!!
Still looking good, PPFD was like 25-75

Now it's around 150-225

Typing such big ranges here as I'm just using a fuckin app and a phone light sensor to "measure" PPFD

4000k spectrum 150watt LM301D LED panel+UV/IR


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Still looking good, have the dome off for about 30 o so now


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took more clones

do you guys have to water the cubes again before roots show usually?
took more clones

do you guys have to water the cubes again before roots show usually?
Depends what cube are you talking about?

1" rooters are tricky, but 3" or 4" deltas are way easier.

The color speaks volumes. Grey-white green speaks volumes. Adequately wet is like a forest khaki green
Depends what cube are you talking about?

1" rooters are tricky, but 3" or 4" deltas are way easier.

The color speaks volumes. Grey-white green speaks volumes. Adequately wet is like a forest khaki green
The single brick of 1by1s are purple punch clones I want to try to clone and very short veg and then flower, single colas.

See this mess of roots.


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get that foil off that cube! they need to breathe my guy. if they dry out, you re-wet them. covering it like that is asking for all kinds of nasty shit.
get that foil off that cube! they need to breathe my guy. if they dry out, you re-wet them. covering it like that is asking for all kinds of nasty shit.
I was slightly concerned about it as there is basically 0 air flow in that corner

I only covered the top half to see if covering the top would allow roots to also fill in that space
I could take it off for now and try at a more appropriate time perhaps


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yeah, take it off. my biggest concern with you having a seedling in there is you've created a perfect environment for all kinds of bacteria including pythium. warm, damp, dark, stale = bad.

good thought, but generally a bad idea. you got this 💪
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