SSgrower in coco&perlite growing perpetual

Love the shirt. 👍

The Strawberry Lemonade was better this week but I took your advice. Just a little cast it can take off in a week.

Thanks for the advice Dr. Patient should have a full recovery.
Never could toe the mark, never could walk the line. WALON JENNINGS
I can say now I have 2 skunky smelling plants in 2 different tents, my 4x4 and the 3x3 with Irie shunk, wait for smoke report 3-5 weeks away on those, 1 in my 4x4 is almost ready and I want a tester cola to hang for test. He He.
Morning Dr.

I took your advice on the straw stem support. It worked, but had unexpected side effects. 👍🤔

Roots started growing under the straw and the stem is thinner where the straw covered. 😳

But the biggest problem was getting it off. Even with tweezers. The straw was flexible enough to keep trying to wrap around even when prying open at one end. That kept trying to cut into the stem.

So it worked for me but I need to find a better way that gives at least as good results.

Thank you sir! You got me past the worry point. 🍻
Morning Dr.

I took your advice on the straw stem support. It worked, but had unexpected side effects. 👍🤔

Roots started growing under the straw and the stem is thinner where the straw covered. 😳
View attachment 60024

But the biggest problem was getting it off. Even with tweezers. The straw was flexible enough to keep trying to wrap around even when prying open at one end. That kept trying to cut into the stem.

So it worked for me but I need to find a better way that gives at least as good results.

Thank you sir! You got me past the worry point. 🍻

maybe cutting the straw in half like a clamshell tape one side for a hinge then another small tape to hold it shut once around the stem?
Observer does this, I stumbled across the technique, and needed it 2-3 times. I didn't notice stem thickening? Yes, removal of collar is tedious. Where you @Observer.
Sorry stem thinning, and strange the roots came up? Some seedlings I can use a plant tab stick, just let the seedling "Lean" on the tab stick. My straw use has always been problem free. SS
This old guy my age grew This. My mentor. When I grew we were "Out in the Woods", now indoor I looked for a Mentor to guide me, this growmie taught me to "Wet trim", I took off from there with the Budbuilder & THCframer help. He's ignorant to VPD,Rh, temp. Say's it's a weed? Oh well, he can grow a little, I wanna grow alot!
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