SSHZ- Lit Farms "Rainbow Marker" & GreenPoint "Purple Runtz"

3 weeks finished in veg today… up today later on.
This week I'll top them and give them a spinosad spray........the plan is to go around 4 1/2 weeks before flowering.
Last time I'll mention, Rainbow Marker is always the first picture listed, the Purple Runtz is 2nd............
I've been overwatering a bit and the Runtz seem to love it but the Rainbow, not so much........
Still trying to decide how to handle the defoliation and lolipopping.............but can’t see being able to wait much longer now. Wednesday the wife leaves for Puerto Rico with the kids, and it will be rainy here- so that may be the perfect day to tackle everything.

I did a Venerate flush of the medium, in case any mites came in with the pro mix or any eggs made it thru the pot cleaning process. I’m thinking I’ll hit them with Monterey spray (spinosad) in about 10 days but I see no evidence of any insects, as of now. If there’s mites present, I usually see some evidence by the 2nd-3rd week of flowering.

I’ll also put down some yellow sticky traps and place tanglefoot at the base of each plants stem. That should be enough I would think.

And everything has been topped once, a few days ago. Both these look like they want to get tall.
What you mean ..before flipping.are you thinking it might stall them or delay bud onset and maybe stunt them .I’d just do what you normally do.take those big ass fan fan leaves from the 3 node from top down then lollipop .

i don’t mind bud onset delayed abit unless your on a timeline as you get more shoots on the branches that will give you abit more in yield..there branching is pretty good for there age.
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