Not at all.
The UV are T5HO and most growers end up detaching them from the main light and hanging them independently to lower them down more onto the canopy.
They don't have much power or penetration since they're floro, however use caution and don't look at them very long while they're on and avoid prolonged exposure to your skin. I'd say the UV lamp by itself has a footprint around 1' wide x 2' long with a penetration depth of less than 1'.
The UV lights will need to be on a different timer since they don't connect to the 550 or it's controller.
Common timing schedules are run the UV starting at week 5 for 4 hours on the back end of a lights on period.
You can get a UV card for reptiles and kinda gauge what they're putting out for you then see it's not much
I ran 3 in this grow with them at a height around 25" above canopy at max power. These 3 lights covered a 40"x80" footprint
I didn't notice much if any effect the UV had on my garden with the exception of a mite infestation and the mites avoided the parts of plants closest to the UV.
After that grow I started using the CLW Spectramax light for 3 grows and now I'm running the 550s once again but with LED UV lamps to see if they work better than the CLW floro UV