Stoney's Luv Shack

I have a hard time even going to events in person because most of the high performance stuff uses VP gasoline, If they are on Gasoline. Just the smell gets me going.
I have to keep some of this vague, but my buddy and I knew some shit was not right at events. We knew people where going faster than what they had been in the past. That was back when the pro stock guys where running propylene oxide. We went another route, nitromethane. Anyways we are in his garage put a mixer of like 1 percent nitro into the tank. Could not tell any difference, forgot the float bowls where full. Once that stuff got into the cylinders you could hear the difference. We had to mix the nitro with Acetone first to get the nitro to stay in the gas. straight Nitro will just fall out of gasoline. Only way you could tell the fuel was tampered with was the blue flame shooting out the exhaust on shut off or texting it.
Nitro and anything with an oxide in the name is oxygen bearing and improves performance.

@Stoneyluv you remember Micheal Waltrip getting busted for having that oxygen bearing crap in his manifold at the duels at Daytona the one year?

i remember that.. waltrip wasn't the only one, wasn't it crusty wallace that stored methane in his roll bars and i injected as the race went on?... safety third i guess!!!

years ago we were riding four wheelers with these guys we didn't know. they ran an alcohol methane mix i think it was, something about those fumes man following those guys we got all goofy and we were ridding into each other like bumper cars and shit acting all giddy and weird... we felt something from those fumes and lost quite a few brain cells that day!!!! hahaha

I start in COM starter soil and ignored my current crop for 30 days..
Could it be the seeds?

i thought the soil should be strong enough, but wasn't sure. and ya know i bought two different bags at different times so i really doubt it's soil now and upcanning to the stonington might not do anything but waste time and soil.

the seeds i can't say no for sure but man it's been a lot of seeds.. about 30 or more over the past two months now. all greenpoint except for the arc and tangie but all had the exact same symptoms and results. so maybe genetics but doubtful at this time. i could try some that i grew before from the same packs but i do't want to waste them right now to find out... i'll dig through my collection and try to start some from another place.

Do u have environmental control of the grow area?
Cool air intake from

i don't have air from the outside, i get air from my basement. i believe you guys call it a lung room. right now i have heater in there because it's cold out so the exhaust barely runs.. i've grown down there for more than ten years but i'm struggling so much here i think i'm going to try and set up a temp grow space upstairs just to grab at straws...

i'm just not sure if my issue is deficiency or poison... so i'm willing to change anything at this point.

Any change in water was going to be my question but you finished with that.

no change but i'm going to test it again just to make sure.

i think i might make a temp grow space upstairs, use an old 550, mix up my own soil, and use water from my faucet and try to grow other seeds from another place see what happens. this wait and see game is getting to my head though... makes me want to douse it all in gas and light a match!!
yeah it was a good race, a good season too... to just come up short and finish second is nothing to hand their hats about!!

my first was a 69' dodge charger... man what i wouldn't do to have that thing yet!!! i really like anything go fast though. old/new/small/big.. anything modified to make it perform better i'm into... even nitrous on a chainsaw fires me up!!! haha

some of these pro companies out there though are so badass, like the trans am folks making that new 2024 70' chevelle.. that car is just straight badass in every way!!!

man the new fords look like a chevy!!! they'll smartin up one day!! hahahaha

there's some big changes in SHR coming next year.. lots of excitement and new people mixed in, just making the competition that much tighter!!!

good thing it's a short off season... i'm ready for next sunday already!!! hahaha

yep, like Anthem said, amount of time behind the leader. they were taking about 28 seconds to make a lap there.

Haha I thought it looked a little Camaory too but hey if ya can't beat 'em, copy their shit! 😋

i'm still struggling with growing anything. i thought it was that 550 until today. things were growing fine last night ,so i thought. the five older seedlings didn't do so well, they were all started under the 550 and mid week they started showing the same signs and progressively got worse. except for one. the grape punch stayed green and kept growing. so i still felt it was the 550 being the problem, this plant is still growing nice and all four of my newest seedlings at a week old looked good.... until today. today i see the same damn signs on the one healthy plant and now signs on the two newest seedlings.

so there are only two common denominators left the seeds starter soil from two different bags bought at different times. and the great white i recently purchased.

i know for a fact that this light at this current spectrum grows plants excellent, i know i have to take that out of the equation. happy it's not the new 550 but totally baffled and frustrated on what my problem is.

so this afternoon i upcanned the oldest plant (grape punch) into stonington mix and also put the two newest seedlings in the stonington mix as well and did not use any great white at all, just water only.

the shitty part is i have to wait 8-10 days to see if this works or not... so far it's been the not!!!

if these two new seedlings yellow like the others i am at a complete loss and have no idea where to ever turn next. if they don't yellow then i can narrow it down between the GW and the seed starter mix.

here's the insurance photos... (sorry, trying to keep myself amused so i don't get upset with it)

View attachment 28779

so i figured the arc, tangie, and the sweets wern't going to make it but left them in there in case i figured it out.. they look just like all the others did in a couple weeks.

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but the grape punch didn't yellow and kept growing... then today she showed yellow so i put her in the airpot and water only...

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even the four newest ones were looking great, leaves up and perky with great color. last night i was still convinced it was the light. then today an hour after the light came on i saw the yellowing on the four new ones too... they look different too.. sad looking leaves not perky.. in just one night?!?!?!? i just don't get it!!!

the bubbles had a little leaf twist but i'm not concerned about that really, i've always understood that to be fast growth when they're young. it's the yellow on the newest growth. left alone this plant will be dead in two days.

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so these two newest ones are in stonington mix and water only.... i'm going to leave the 275 in there for lighting.

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am i missing something here guys? does anybody have an answer for me at all?

i have never had this kind of struggle before and seems really odd to me that seed starter mix wouldn't be strong enough for ten days of growth... that seed starter should grow plants for weeks and weeks right?

can it be my water?

why on 8-10 days in, why not on day two or three or six?

maybe i need to go back to mixing my own soil?

so confused...

Hard to tell with no stem shots other than a little blurry look at one but do an autopsy on them and I'm thinking you'll find a pandemic level of dampening off.
Everything you say and and what it looks like points to that from my end. Timing of the infection and all that.
Pull one and wash off the soil or even scratch it back from the stem about 1 inch deep and you'll know for sure.
If it looks like this you'll know


Starting from the top down it will be green then turn brown and finally a choking off severing the root from the top. When it's severed the top dies. The process from living to dead happens within the first week to ten days after germination.
What's ugly and brown should be white after the wash. If it looks anything like that pic it's dampening off.
If this is the problem then the cure is kinda ez with a much lighter soil, less frequent and abundant waterings, and air flow from above and the sides. And of course, no more beans in the chili 😋
You ever add H2O2 to the water first?

no not in a long long time i haven't. it's just rain water with an air stone and some vitamin B

Haha I thought it looked a little Camaory too but hey if ya can't beat 'em, copy their shit! 😋

Hard to tell with no stem shots other than a little blurry look at one but do an autopsy on them and I'm thinking you'll find a pandemic level of dampening off.
Everything you say and and what it looks like points to that from my end. Timing of the infection and all that.
Pull one and wash off the soil or even scratch it back from the stem about 1 inch deep and you'll know for sure.
If it looks like this you'll know

View attachment 28895

Starting from the top down it will be green then turn brown and finally a choking off severing the root from the top. When it's severed the top dies. The process from living to dead happens within the first week to ten days after germination.
What's ugly and brown should be white after the wash. If it looks anything like that pic it's dampening off.
If this is the problem then the cure is kinda ez with a much lighter soil, less frequent and abundant waterings, and air flow from above and the sides. And of course, no more beans in the chili 😋

sure now ya tell me after i already added the beans.... i can eat around them!!! :ROFLMAO:


so i washed the two worst ones off and they have a pretty good resemblance of what you posted... very little branching off either, must be another sign.


that seed starter is pretty dense as far as soil goes.. it didn't crumble apart, it pealed in chunks.

i left the five alone and hope a new watering technique helps them recover. it's pretty dry in there right now so it shouldn't take them long to dry up a bit.


the three new ones are a bit of a test... the two on the right are in stonington blend right from the start, might be too hot but we're gonna find out soon... and the critterz on the left is in harbor coast blend, same npk as the seed starter but it's a lighter blend.


the four that were looking left for dead i washed off and put them in my aerocloner... maybe i can save them, worth the try anyway!!


so this is how i'm going to leave everything for the night and we'll see how they look tomorrow.. lights go out in a couple hours anyway so maybe not much of a change expected, but hopeful.


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no not in a long long time i haven't. it's just rain water with an air stone and some vitamin B

sure now ya tell me after i already added the beans.... i can eat around them!!! :ROFLMAO:


so i washed the two worst ones off and they have a pretty good resemblance of what you posted... very little branching off either, must be another sign.

View attachment 28911

that seed starter is pretty dense as far as soil goes.. it didn't crumble apart, it pealed in chunks.

i left the five alone and hope a new watering technique helps them recover. it's pretty dry in there right now so it shouldn't take them long to dry up a bit.

View attachment 28913

the three new ones are a bit of a test... the two on the right are in stonington blend right from the start, might be too hot but we're gonna find out soon... and the critterz on the left is in harbor coast blend, same npk as the seed starter but it's a lighter blend.

View attachment 28914

the four that were looking left for dead i washed off and put them in my aerocloner... maybe i can save them, worth the try anyway!!

View attachment 28915

so this is how i'm going to leave everything for the night and we'll see how they look tomorrow.. lights go out in a couple hours anyway so maybe not much of a change expected, but hopeful.

View attachment 28912


Well at least it is just beans and not like Anthem and his tofu chili. 🤮 That's how people get syphilis.😝

That soil looks dense AF for being a starter mix. Usually that stuff is a 50/50 blend of vermiculite and perlite with a little castings and compost to give it a little kick but that stuff looks like almost all compost. Weird to see the HB have more perlite than the starter mix. 😵‍💫
I think I read steamroller not watering it very often, like he would water once compared to 3-4x I had to water in the Roots soils in the same time frame but my room was also running very hot at the time.

The one on the right might be past saving but the lefty looks to still have hope. And you can see how that shit can mimic other issues like light burn/stress and hot soils/fertilizer burn, freeze burn, and you can't tell unless you can get a good view of what's going on just under the soil surface.

Dampening off is something I probably flirt with every single grow Brother. Using those 1 gallon pots instead of small starter pots and such. And I'm about to start using larger containers so my risk will increase with that move but the benefit will outweigh the risk for me.
I pre-water before adding the sprout then add maybe a half cup more after planting then nothing for about the first week or so. And that's with a super light soil that barely weighs anything when dry.
The airpot and warm room helps it dry a little faster than normal and I have a fan blowing on the pots from the side and also have the benefit of a ceiling fan overhead.
IDK if aerating my water beforehand helps or not but I do it just because it's a direct delivery of oxygen to the roots and lack of oxygen is what causes that damp off.
I use the great white too and doubt it has any negative effect but maybe could if too much was added.
IDK how long you leave the sprouts in the VG but if you let 'em go until that tap root fishbones then that can also help with their ability to take up water from the get go and not bottom out on the soggy soil.

Speaking of chili the weather here turned from cold to tropic warm...Last week in the 40s and this week 85 and muggy so I've delayed my first chili of the season until it dips again. But it's gonna be a ground brisket and chopped tenderloin job in the Dutch oven and smoked for about 12-15 hours. I can't wait to start it!!!! 🤠Later this Winter I'll break from the Texas Red tradition and do my first chili verde 🤩
Well at least it is just beans and not like Anthem and his tofu chili. 🤮 That's how people get syphilis.😝

That soil looks dense AF for being a starter mix. Usually that stuff is a 50/50 blend of vermiculite and perlite with a little castings and compost to give it a little kick but that stuff looks like almost all compost. Weird to see the HB have more perlite than the starter mix. 😵‍💫
I think I read steamroller not watering it very often, like he would water once compared to 3-4x I had to water in the Roots soils in the same time frame but my room was also running very hot at the time.

The one on the right might be past saving but the lefty looks to still have hope. And you can see how that shit can mimic other issues like light burn/stress and hot soils/fertilizer burn, freeze burn, and you can't tell unless you can get a good view of what's going on just under the soil surface.

Dampening off is something I probably flirt with every single grow Brother. Using those 1 gallon pots instead of small starter pots and such. And I'm about to start using larger containers so my risk will increase with that move but the benefit will outweigh the risk for me.
I pre-water before adding the sprout then add maybe a half cup more after planting then nothing for about the first week or so. And that's with a super light soil that barely weighs anything when dry.
The airpot and warm room helps it dry a little faster than normal and I have a fan blowing on the pots from the side and also have the benefit of a ceiling fan overhead.
IDK if aerating my water beforehand helps or not but I do it just because it's a direct delivery of oxygen to the roots and lack of oxygen is what causes that damp off.
I use the great white too and doubt it has any negative effect but maybe could if too much was added.
IDK how long you leave the sprouts in the VG but if you let 'em go until that tap root fishbones then that can also help with their ability to take up water from the get go and not bottom out on the soggy soil.

Speaking of chili the weather here turned from cold to tropic warm...Last week in the 40s and this week 85 and muggy so I've delayed my first chili of the season until it dips again. But it's gonna be a ground brisket and chopped tenderloin job in the Dutch oven and smoked for about 12-15 hours. I can't wait to start it!!!! 🤠Later this Winter I'll break from the Texas Red tradition and do my first chili verde 🤩
When is the Chili verde cooking starting?
i remember that.. waltrip wasn't the only one, wasn't it crusty wallace that stored methane in his roll bars and i injected as the race went on?... safety third i guess!!!

years ago we were riding four wheelers with these guys we didn't know. they ran an alcohol methane mix i think it was, something about those fumes man following those guys we got all goofy and we were ridding into each other like bumper cars and shit acting all giddy and weird... we felt something from those fumes and lost quite a few brain cells that day!!!! hahaha

i thought the soil should be strong enough, but wasn't sure. and ya know i bought two different bags at different times so i really doubt it's soil now and upcanning to the stonington might not do anything but waste time and soil.

the seeds i can't say no for sure but man it's been a lot of seeds.. about 30 or more over the past two months now. all greenpoint except for the arc and tangie but all had the exact same symptoms and results. so maybe genetics but doubtful at this time. i could try some that i grew before from the same packs but i do't want to waste them right now to find out... i'll dig through my collection and try to start some from another place.

i don't have air from the outside, i get air from my basement. i believe you guys call it a lung room. right now i have heater in there because it's cold out so the exhaust barely runs.. i've grown down there for more than ten years but i'm struggling so much here i think i'm going to try and set up a temp grow space upstairs just to grab at straws...

i'm just not sure if my issue is deficiency or poison... so i'm willing to change anything at this point.

no change but i'm going to test it again just to make sure.

i think i might make a temp grow space upstairs, use an old 550, mix up my own soil, and use water from my faucet and try to grow other seeds from another place see what happens. this wait and see game is getting to my head though... makes me want to douse it all in gas and light a match!!
I was not aware of the Rusty Wallace issue. Thinking it was maybe Nitrous Oxide he would have ran in the roll cage under pressure. Nitrous has a pretty interesting past to it. First off it is laughing gas, same thing the dentist uses to put people to sleep. It was found to work on combustion engines during WW2. The german's had it in their fighter planes as a last ditch effort to evade the P51 mustangs. It has a pretty unique property. Under heat the molecule breaks apart and forms 2 oxygen molecules. That is why people running nitrous have fuel solenoids as well. You have to add additional fuel when you run nitrous. Also the guys that know their shit will lower the compression in the motor. Years ago they had these mini bottle called sneaky petes some of the sprint car drivers would use. I was about to say hard on part but that is about the ideal place to use them because sprint cars have an adjustable fuel mixture device in the cockpit.

I do not think there is the degree of cheating in racing today because of tech. If you ever want to hear some funny stories look up a guy named Smokey Unik. The crap that guy pulled in the early days of Nascar is flat out funny.
I was not aware of the Rusty Wallace issue. Thinking it was maybe Nitrous Oxide he would have ran in the roll cage under pressure. Nitrous has a pretty interesting past to it. First off it is laughing gas, same thing the dentist uses to put people to sleep. It was found to work on combustion engines during WW2. The german's had it in their fighter planes as a last ditch effort to evade the P51 mustangs. It has a pretty unique property. Under heat the molecule breaks apart and forms 2 oxygen molecules. That is why people running nitrous have fuel solenoids as well. You have to add additional fuel when you run nitrous. Also the guys that know their shit will lower the compression in the motor. Years ago they had these mini bottle called sneaky petes some of the sprint car drivers would use. I was about to say hard on part but that is about the ideal place to use them because sprint cars have an adjustable fuel mixture device in the cockpit.

I do not think there is the degree of cheating in racing today because of tech. If you ever want to hear some funny stories look up a guy named Smokey Unik. The crap that guy pulled in the early days of Nascar is flat out funny.
Love all the Smokey stories. Wasn't he a moonshiner or his daddy was and that's how he got into racing?
Lmao, dude for real. Tofu chili sounds horrendous... 🤮🤮
I dont like tofu, its just nasty yuck.

I'm pretty firm in my distaste for alternative food. You'll never see a filet mignon trying to be a turnip but will damn sure see somebody make a turnip try to be a filet.
Tofu is a scam to me. Reminds me of the paste I ate in kindergarten but stale.
Beyond meat seems to be worse for people than real meat.
And any milk that does not come from a teat is not milk. It's juice. But nobody will want soy juice in their cereal so they call it milk. So to me, soy milk, oat milk, and almond milk are low down dirty fucking liars. Cow and goat milk are the only milks I allow in this house.
However, since plants can make a salad, and beer is made with hops and barley which are plants, beer is in fact, salad. 😋
I'm pretty firm in my distaste for alternative food. You'll never see a filet mignon trying to be a turnip but will damn sure see somebody make a turnip try to be a filet.
Tofu is a scam to me. Reminds me of the paste I ate in kindergarten but stale.
Beyond meat seems to be worse for people than real meat.
And any milk that does not come from a teat is not milk. It's juice. But nobody will want soy juice in their cereal so they call it milk. So to me, soy milk, oat milk, and almond milk are low down dirty fucking liars. Cow and goat milk are the only milks I allow in this house.
However, since plants can make a salad, and beer is made with hops and barley which are plants, beer is in fact, salad. 😋
I consider beer liquid bread.
I'm pretty firm in my distaste for alternative food. You'll never see a filet mignon trying to be a turnip but will damn sure see somebody make a turnip try to be a filet.
Tofu is a scam to me. Reminds me of the paste I ate in kindergarten but stale.
Beyond meat seems to be worse for people than real meat.
And any milk that does not come from a teat is not milk. It's juice. But nobody will want soy juice in their cereal so they call it milk. So to me, soy milk, oat milk, and almond milk are low down dirty fucking liars. Cow and goat milk are the only milks I allow in this house.
However, since plants can make a salad, and beer is made with hops and barley which are plants, beer is in fact, salad. 😋
I am pretty much open minded about foods. Tofu can be nasty no doubt about it, It has to be prepared correctly to match the dish. Tofu Chile was actually a joke, did not sound good to me as well. I think I was 16 when I started eating sushi and my dam brother tells the local guy it was my B day and to make me something special. Well that was a real shit sandwich, Uni with a fresh cracked dove egg on top. That was a difficult one but the uni actually has a really unique taste to it once you get past the texture. It tastes sort of like when you go body surfing and get salt water up the nose.
There are a couple things I will flat out not try Balut being one.
Well at least it is just beans and not like Anthem and his tofu chili. 🤮 That's how people get syphilis.😝

That soil looks dense AF for being a starter mix. Usually that stuff is a 50/50 blend of vermiculite and perlite with a little castings and compost to give it a little kick but that stuff looks like almost all compost. Weird to see the HB have more perlite than the starter mix. 😵‍💫
I think I read steamroller not watering it very often, like he would water once compared to 3-4x I had to water in the Roots soils in the same time frame but my room was also running very hot at the time.

The one on the right might be past saving but the lefty looks to still have hope. And you can see how that shit can mimic other issues like light burn/stress and hot soils/fertilizer burn, freeze burn, and you can't tell unless you can get a good view of what's going on just under the soil surface.

Dampening off is something I probably flirt with every single grow Brother. Using those 1 gallon pots instead of small starter pots and such. And I'm about to start using larger containers so my risk will increase with that move but the benefit will outweigh the risk for me.
I pre-water before adding the sprout then add maybe a half cup more after planting then nothing for about the first week or so. And that's with a super light soil that barely weighs anything when dry.
The airpot and warm room helps it dry a little faster than normal and I have a fan blowing on the pots from the side and also have the benefit of a ceiling fan overhead.
IDK if aerating my water beforehand helps or not but I do it just because it's a direct delivery of oxygen to the roots and lack of oxygen is what causes that damp off.
I use the great white too and doubt it has any negative effect but maybe could if too much was added.
IDK how long you leave the sprouts in the VG but if you let 'em go until that tap root fishbones then that can also help with their ability to take up water from the get go and not bottom out on the soggy soil.

Speaking of chili the weather here turned from cold to tropic warm...Last week in the 40s and this week 85 and muggy so I've delayed my first chili of the season until it dips again. But it's gonna be a ground brisket and chopped tenderloin job in the Dutch oven and smoked for about 12-15 hours. I can't wait to start it!!!! 🤠Later this Winter I'll break from the Texas Red tradition and do my first chili verde 🤩

tofu is the worst,,, no one ever smelled it cooking and said mmmm can't wait... never!!! that stuff is disgusting smelling!!

bro this is all such an eye opener for me and i guess i really dunced this one to no end. everything i changed i must have had my blinders on and only thought of what the benefits could be and never once thought of the repercussions it causes. i wanted smaller containers so they would dry out quicker so i could water more often therefore getting more oxygen to the roots at a young age before they air pruned themselves. i just never thought of what i was really doing to them and drowning them in dense muck.

i'm gonna start another handful of seeds tonight because i don't think those others are gonna pull through, and i used to let the taproots fishbone more but i always though i damaging some pulling them out of the paper towel. i went to shorter taps because it was way easier to put in soil... i should know, easy is not the best! this will give me a chance to try out the XXXLVG... gotta grab an old tub for a rez because i didn't print one yet. but the rest is ready to try.

and i'll go back to my airpots and ditch my little cups..

i didn't look at them yet tonight but i don't expect much change, i'm just going to try to change out the soil and see if anything i already have going pulls through.

Hey bud, what’s with the personality change?

He came in third. That’s very respectable IMO. No need to start a galactic war over it.

Is this how it all starts. 😳

View attachment 28929

so i guess that happened... not my first choice!! haha

and man there ain't no way i'm sellin out the 5 team bro... NEVER!! just changed an avatar is all... so proud of those guys and girls finishing 2nd.. yeah p3 in the final but he finished 2nd and still big dawg at HMS baby!!!

you gotta watch nicknames they'll get ya... thirty some years ago my college roommate nicknamed me "2 stoned" it quickly changed to stone and stoney then some clown came to a party and said stoney love real loud and everybody heard it,,, little did i know i would have lifelong friendships with a few of those guys and now i'm still and always will be stoneyluv!!


hey man... i got a xmas card in the mail today!!!! made it fine nothing crushed or damaged!!! thanks dude, i'll need them!!

Well he has been giving his seedlings the ol telepathic choke hold;)

View attachment 28932

hahaha yeah i did!!!!!!!!!! wasn't trying though!!!

I was not aware of the Rusty Wallace issue. Thinking it was maybe Nitrous Oxide he would have ran in the roll cage under pressure. Nitrous has a pretty interesting past to it. First off it is laughing gas, same thing the dentist uses to put people to sleep. It was found to work on combustion engines during WW2. The german's had it in their fighter planes as a last ditch effort to evade the P51 mustangs. It has a pretty unique property. Under heat the molecule breaks apart and forms 2 oxygen molecules. That is why people running nitrous have fuel solenoids as well. You have to add additional fuel when you run nitrous. Also the guys that know their shit will lower the compression in the motor. Years ago they had these mini bottle called sneaky petes some of the sprint car drivers would use. I was about to say hard on part but that is about the ideal place to use them because sprint cars have an adjustable fuel mixture device in the cockpit.

I do not think there is the degree of cheating in racing today because of tech. If you ever want to hear some funny stories look up a guy named Smokey Unik. The crap that guy pulled in the early days of Nascar is flat out funny.

they still sell those sneaky pete setups, my buddy has one on his SxS.

that's not what crusty had though.. he had some xtra kind of fuel that slowly mixed in and actually gave him more fuel mileage than performance. he had won a could races that year before they caught him so who know if that's what helped him win or not.. like ya say different times different rules!!

Probably after the new year. The que is Texas Red by Thanksgiving...Seafood & sausage gumbo for the first freeze....Etouffee or a jambalaya for Xmas...then finally chili verde, probably in February:cool:

best etouffee i ever had was in houston texas!!! i haven't had it since because i don't want to ruin it. i'd be happy to die knowing that was the last i every ate!!! it was that freakin good bro!!! i don't remember the chef but he was apparently some world beknown chef that got fed up with the restaurant and left and started his own place in an old train car!! who doesn't like trains?!?!?!?

best crawfish ever though!!!

I just saw a dude on Youtube named Stalekraker make a seafood gumbo that looked REALLY good!!!

i've seen that dude a few times, he's a trip ain't he? he always makes portion sizes way beyond my cooking gear!!! haha

Love all the Smokey stories. Wasn't he a moonshiner or his daddy was and that's how he got into racing?

that was junior johnson actually. you can still buy his families moonshine. he was a bootlegger for his daddy and had souped up his car and outran all the law... well other bootleggers in the area thought their cars were faster than johnsons... he said you think so, lets race... and that's where nascar started man!!

nascar was founded and invented on outlaw!!!

Lmao, dude for real. Tofu chili sounds horrendous... 🤮🤮
I dont like tofu, its just nasty yuck.

you got that right!!!!!

Tofu is a scam to me. Reminds me of the paste I ate in kindergarten but stale.


I am pretty much open minded about foods. Tofu can be nasty no doubt about it, It has to be prepared correctly to match the dish. Tofu Chile was actually a joke, did not sound good to me as well. I think I was 16 when I started eating sushi and my dam brother tells the local guy it was my B day and to make me something special. Well that was a real shit sandwich, Uni with a fresh cracked dove egg on top. That was a difficult one but the uni actually has a really unique taste to it once you get past the texture. It tastes sort of like when you go body surfing and get salt water up the nose.
There are a couple things I will flat out not try Balut being one.

i've had that balut shit.. pig brains, thousand year old eggs, bone marrow through a straw... i've had all the gross asian dishes.. even those live octopus that you skewer and eat live!! NASTY!!!!!!!!! company owners would take me out for dinner and it was kind of rude to say no.

i've been to every asian country so i've had some gross food... also had some really great foods too!!!! and i'm not just picking on asia for gross, every counties delicacies are gross!!! it's not like i enjoyed horse in france!!! just nasty!!!
I just saw a dude on Youtube named Stalekraker make a seafood gumbo that looked REALLY good!!!

One of my heroes in life is Chef Kevin Belton out of NOLA. He used to have a show on PBS but is still on the internet or TV in various ways. Watching his shows will make you crave things you never knew you would crave ;)

I consider beer liquid bread.

It's also the absolute best dipping sauce for corndogs at the state fair. :love:
Seriously though...If you can get to the local county or state fair, maybe even a carnival, get a fried corndog hot out the fryer. Then get the beer served up in a wax cup. A strip of mustard on the dog then dunk it in the beer. One of the most amazing flavor combos going!

I am pretty much open minded about foods. Tofu can be nasty no doubt about it, It has to be prepared correctly to match the dish. Tofu Chile was actually a joke, did not sound good to me as well. I think I was 16 when I started eating sushi and my dam brother tells the local guy it was my B day and to make me something special. Well that was a real shit sandwich, Uni with a fresh cracked dove egg on top. That was a difficult one but the uni actually has a really unique taste to it once you get past the texture. It tastes sort of like when you go body surfing and get salt water up the nose.
There are a couple things I will flat out not try Balut being one.

I'll try a lot of things but nothing with tentacles. I'll destroy some sushi, poke, and Korean BBQ.
Was unknowingly served up dog in Korea which I didn't appreciate and once had a tacos with fried ants as far as bizarre foods go.
Can't do raw eggs but set some raw oysters down in front of me and I might slurp back 50-100 of them tasty little devils with some fresh lemon and horseradish.:cool:

tofu is the worst,,, no one ever smelled it cooking and said mmmm can't wait... never!!! that stuff is disgusting smelling!!

bro this is all such an eye opener for me and i guess i really dunced this one to no end. everything i changed i must have had my blinders on and only thought of what the benefits could be and never once thought of the repercussions it causes. i wanted smaller containers so they would dry out quicker so i could water more often therefore getting more oxygen to the roots at a young age before they air pruned themselves. i just never thought of what i was really doing to them and drowning them in dense muck.

i'm gonna start another handful of seeds tonight because i don't think those others are gonna pull through, and i used to let the taproots fishbone more but i always though i damaging some pulling them out of the paper towel. i went to shorter taps because it was way easier to put in soil... i should know, easy is not the best! this will give me a chance to try out the XXXLVG... gotta grab an old tub for a rez because i didn't print one yet. but the rest is ready to try.

and i'll go back to my airpots and ditch my little cups..

i didn't look at them yet tonight but i don't expect much change, i'm just going to try to change out the soil and see if anything i already have going pulls through.

so i guess that happened... not my first choice!! haha

and man there ain't no way i'm sellin out the 5 team bro... NEVER!! just changed an avatar is all... so proud of those guys and girls finishing 2nd.. yeah p3 in the final but he finished 2nd and still big dawg at HMS baby!!!

you gotta watch nicknames they'll get ya... thirty some years ago my college roommate nicknamed me "2 stoned" it quickly changed to stone and stoney then some clown came to a party and said stoney love real loud and everybody heard it,,, little did i know i would have lifelong friendships with a few of those guys and now i'm still and always will be stoneyluv!!


hey man... i got a xmas card in the mail today!!!! made it fine nothing crushed or damaged!!! thanks dude, i'll need them!!

hahaha yeah i did!!!!!!!!!! wasn't trying though!!!

they still sell those sneaky pete setups, my buddy has one on his SxS.

that's not what crusty had though.. he had some xtra kind of fuel that slowly mixed in and actually gave him more fuel mileage than performance. he had won a could races that year before they caught him so who know if that's what helped him win or not.. like ya say different times different rules!!

best etouffee i ever had was in houston texas!!! i haven't had it since because i don't want to ruin it. i'd be happy to die knowing that was the last i every ate!!! it was that freakin good bro!!! i don't remember the chef but he was apparently some world beknown chef that got fed up with the restaurant and left and started his own place in an old train car!! who doesn't like trains?!?!?!?

best crawfish ever though!!!

i've seen that dude a few times, he's a trip ain't he? he always makes portion sizes way beyond my cooking gear!!! haha

that was junior johnson actually. you can still buy his families moonshine. he was a bootlegger for his daddy and had souped up his car and outran all the law... well other bootleggers in the area thought their cars were faster than johnsons... he said you think so, lets race... and that's where nascar started man!!

nascar was founded and invented on outlaw!!!

you got that right!!!!!


i've had that balut shit.. pig brains, thousand year old eggs, bone marrow through a straw... i've had all the gross asian dishes.. even those live octopus that you skewer and eat live!! NASTY!!!!!!!!! company owners would take me out for dinner and it was kind of rude to say no.

i've been to every asian country so i've had some gross food... also had some really great foods too!!!! and i'm not just picking on asia for gross, every counties delicacies are gross!!! it's not like i enjoyed horse in france!!! just nasty!!!

If I was a betting man I woulda bet on your title being Pot Snob and Mr. Fancy Pants your avatar:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

pot snob.jpeg

Creole food is something special!🦐🫑🧄🧅🥣
One thing I love about central Texas is we're at the culinary crossroads between West Texas cowboy cooking like chili and chicken fried steak, The Gulf Coast where Creole stretches from here to eastern Alabama, and south Texas where the flavors of Mexico and Tex Mex meet with gulf coast seafood snuck in there too.

Most everything Creole starts with the Holy Trinity of green peppers, onions, and celery cooked up in cast iron then from there the recipes differ depending on chef, tradition, and family. There's no one definite recipe as these dishes for the most part were born in slave cabins on plantations in the South, particularly Louisiana. From there, they became almost like a gospel treasure.
The rues are the most difficult to nail down. Just gotta know what you're doing and if you don't do it often, will humble you in the kitchen. I cheat and buy a frozen premade rue then add the crawfish, shrimp, and sausage for my etouffees and gumbos. Sometimes maybe work with chicken and andouille sausage but I usually stick with seafood ingredients.
Gumbo down here is probably like Grandmas chicken soup in the rest of the country. If somebody makes a gumbo for you, you know you're loved very much!
Jimmy Knew!

BTW something epic came across my radar this week I have to try and make...Lobster Pot Pie!!!! 🦞🥧👀:love:

now i'm not lord vader.... so it's not my card!! hahaha

hahahaha that freakin funny man!!! i hope new members join and be like wtf??

how about "outlaw" or "pot snob" those two fit me...

One of my heroes in life is Chef Kevin Belton out of NOLA. He used to have a show on PBS but is still on the internet or TV in various ways. Watching his shows will make you crave things you never knew you would crave ;)

It's also the absolute best dipping sauce for corndogs at the state fair. :love:
Seriously though...If you can get to the local county or state fair, maybe even a carnival, get a fried corndog hot out the fryer. Then get the beer served up in a wax cup. A strip of mustard on the dog then dunk it in the beer. One of the most amazing flavor combos going!

I'll try a lot of things but nothing with tentacles. I'll destroy some sushi, poke, and Korean BBQ.
Was unknowingly served up dog in Korea which I didn't appreciate and once had a tacos with fried ants as far as bizarre foods go.
Can't do raw eggs but set some raw oysters down in front of me and I might slurp back 50-100 of them tasty little devils with some fresh lemon and horseradish.:cool:

If I was a betting man I woulda bet on your title being Pot Snob and Mr. Fancy Pants your avatar:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

View attachment 29070

Creole food is something special!🦐🫑🧄🧅🥣
One thing I love about central Texas is we're at the culinary crossroads between West Texas cowboy cooking like chili and chicken fried steak, The Gulf Coast where Creole stretches from here to eastern Alabama, and south Texas where the flavors of Mexico and Tex Mex meet with gulf coast seafood snuck in there too.

Most everything Creole starts with the Holy Trinity of green peppers, onions, and celery cooked up in cast iron then from there the recipes differ depending on chef, tradition, and family. There's no one definite recipe as these dishes for the most part were born in slave cabins on plantations in the South, particularly Louisiana. From there, they became almost like a gospel treasure.
The rues are the most difficult to nail down. Just gotta know what you're doing and if you don't do it often, will humble you in the kitchen. I cheat and buy a frozen premade rue then add the crawfish, shrimp, and sausage for my etouffees and gumbos. Sometimes maybe work with chicken and andouille sausage but I usually stick with seafood ingredients.
Gumbo down here is probably like Grandmas chicken soup in the rest of the country. If somebody makes a gumbo for you, you know you're loved very much!
Jimmy Knew!

BTW something epic came across my radar this week I have to try and make...Lobster Pot Pie!!!! 🦞🥧👀:love:

corn dogs in beer??? with mustard?!?!?! now that is something i've never heard of... some weird things that taste good together!! my buddy puts ketchup on his tuna sandwich!!! idk...

you never had cooked octopus? man you gotta try that!! octopus salad and beef tongue is dish i get at this south american place my buddies sister owns. cooked right it is so tender!!!

those live little ones are gross as can be though.. you gotta jab it just right so it kills it because the tentacles can stick to your throat on the way down... shit tasted like gooey chalk to me... one of the worst things i've eaten!!!!

i had husky in korea too... the dude there is all giggling like do you know what it is, i was like yeah i know... almost like they were proud of the meal instead of resorting to eat it.

lobster pot pie sounds delicious though.. hell i'm down for anything lobster you know that!!! man i came home for lunch and haven't eaten yet... i'm freakin hungry!!!!

my uncle was a chef with a restaurant nearby and i worked there as a teenager. he taught me all kinds of great rues and how they are the foundation to everything. i make a mean chicken curry with one of those rues.. man the depth of flavor is what's important with those kinds of dishes.. i've had and cooked some really good gumbos and they are my favorite cold weather meal... well really it's a toss up between a gumbo and a good thick jambalaya.. that might be better than chili right there!!! i didn't just say that... i didn't mean it... yeah i did!! hehe

and yeah you're right man... i am a pot snob through and through... i never planned it or wanted it to happen but man it's been so many years now. i've been trying to break it by smoking doobs more often. just on monday i smoked two joints with a buddy!! they were sugar filled but still doobs none the less!!!

i worked with a guy years ago that i nicknamed fancy pants and he actually had a resemblance to that photo!!!

i'm still hungry!! i wish i had jambalaya here, sadly i think i'm settling for celery and peanut butter.
It's also the absolute best dipping sauce for corndogs at the state fair. :love:
Seriously though...If you can get to the local county or state fair, maybe even a carnival, get a fried corndog hot out the fryer. Then get the beer served up in a wax cup. A strip of mustard on the dog then dunk it in the beer. One of the most amazing flavor combos going!
I'm going to have to ask Uncle Roger about this one! Haiyaaa!!😄

now i'm not lord vader.... so it's not my card!! hahaha

hahahaha that freakin funny man!!! i hope new members join and be like wtf??

how about "outlaw" or "pot snob" those two fit me...

corn dogs in beer??? with mustard?!?!?! now that is something i've never heard of... some weird things that taste good together!! my buddy puts ketchup on his tuna sandwich!!! idk...

you never had cooked octopus? man you gotta try that!! octopus salad and beef tongue is dish i get at this south american place my buddies sister owns. cooked right it is so tender!!!

those live little ones are gross as can be though.. you gotta jab it just right so it kills it because the tentacles can stick to your throat on the way down... shit tasted like gooey chalk to me... one of the worst things i've eaten!!!!

i had husky in korea too... the dude there is all giggling like do you know what it is, i was like yeah i know... almost like they were proud of the meal instead of resorting to eat it.

lobster pot pie sounds delicious though.. hell i'm down for anything lobster you know that!!! man i came home for lunch and haven't eaten yet... i'm freakin hungry!!!!

my uncle was a chef with a restaurant nearby and i worked there as a teenager. he taught me all kinds of great rues and how they are the foundation to everything. i make a mean chicken curry with one of those rues.. man the depth of flavor is what's important with those kinds of dishes.. i've had and cooked some really good gumbos and they are my favorite cold weather meal... well really it's a toss up between a gumbo and a good thick jambalaya.. that might be better than chili right there!!! i didn't just say that... i didn't mean it... yeah i did!! hehe

and yeah you're right man... i am a pot snob through and through... i never planned it or wanted it to happen but man it's been so many years now. i've been trying to break it by smoking doobs more often. just on monday i smoked two joints with a buddy!! they were sugar filled but still doobs none the less!!!

i worked with a guy years ago that i nicknamed fancy pants and he actually had a resemblance to that photo!!!

i'm still hungry!! i wish i had jambalaya here, sadly i think i'm settling for celery and peanut butter.

Oh yeah Dude.....Gumbo, etouffee, & jambalaya >>>>>>>>> over any chili any day and it aint even close on that one! Hell I'd even choose a good jambalaya over Texas BBQ brisket!

I've tried octopus a few times and just can't get past the tentacles. Like some sort of weird deep seeded fear of them for some reason and then the texture was weird. I'll do calimari as long as there's no tentacles.
My uncle was really into beef tongue and ate it like 3x a week. I couldn't get into it but maybe it was how he cooked it. He also ate a lot of organ meat like liver and heart and I just thought of it as rather ghoulish. Plus he was a sort of creepy guy so it was all just weird and I haven't eaten anything like that since.

Yeah not sure what's up with the Koreans and sneaking that dog on the table in front of us. They know WTF they're doing and get off on that "surprise, we got you" shit. Even worse when it's a hot chick that does it 👿
Oh yeah Dude.....Gumbo, etouffee, & jambalaya >>>>>>>>> over any chili any day and it aint even close on that one! Hell I'd even choose a good jambalaya over Texas BBQ brisket!

I've tried octopus a few times and just can't get past the tentacles. Like some sort of weird deep seeded fear of them for some reason and then the texture was weird. I'll do calimari as long as there's no tentacles.
My uncle was really into beef tongue and ate it like 3x a week. I couldn't get into it but maybe it was how he cooked it. He also ate a lot of organ meat like liver and heart and I just thought of it as rather ghoulish. Plus he was a sort of creepy guy so it was all just weird and I haven't eaten anything like that since.

Yeah not sure what's up with the Koreans and sneaking that dog on the table in front of us. They know WTF they're doing and get off on that "surprise, we got you" shit. Even worse when it's a hot chick that does it 👿
There was a food truck I would frequent that made the best damn shrimp tacos you could imagine. They also served a tostada that had shrimp, octopus, avocado and ceviche. I wasn't a big octo fan but, OMG, after eating the tostada I became one, tentacles and all!

When I was in the rag biz I had a Korean contractor that invited me out for dinner. He introduced me to a soup called Gof. It was pretty good so I asked him what was in it. He told me it was dog soup!:sick: After a second he laughed and said it was beef but in Korea they would make it with dog. Apparently the city Koreans used beef and the country Koreans used dog.

I do loves me some Korean BBQ and Fried Chicken though. Their Fried Chicken with a nice, icy cold beer is where it's at!!!
Oh yeah Dude.....Gumbo, etouffee, & jambalaya >>>>>>>>> over any chili any day and it aint even close on that one! Hell I'd even choose a good jambalaya over Texas BBQ brisket!

I've tried octopus a few times and just can't get past the tentacles. Like some sort of weird deep seeded fear of them for some reason and then the texture was weird. I'll do calimari as long as there's no tentacles.
My uncle was really into beef tongue and ate it like 3x a week. I couldn't get into it but maybe it was how he cooked it. He also ate a lot of organ meat like liver and heart and I just thought of it as rather ghoulish. Plus he was a sort of creepy guy so it was all just weird and I haven't eaten anything like that since.

Yeah not sure what's up with the Koreans and sneaking that dog on the table in front of us. They know WTF they're doing and get off on that "surprise, we got you" shit. Even worse when it's a hot chick that does it 👿

they really sucker ya in with the sex appeal. i remember going to hooters in taiwan... it was no round rock, brother let me tell ya that!!!

but man i can get great gumbo and jambalaya around here but i can not get BBQ! not texas bbq. and especially not brisket. we have a place called stumpy's that's good but not great and not texas style. and the only other place is a dickies. it's a crappy chain fast food joint. only has shredded brisket.. what's wrong with it that you can only see it shredded??? i just don't get bbq here man. it's why i built my smoker!

mmm round rock donuts... you're near there right?, do they still have those big fuckers?

There was a food truck I would frequent that made the best damn shrimp tacos you could imagine. They also served a tostada that had shrimp, octopus, avocado and ceviche. I wasn't a big octo fan but, OMG, after eating the tostada I became one, tentacles and all!

When I was in the rag biz I had a Korean contractor that invited me out for dinner. He introduced me to a soup called Gof. It was pretty good so I asked him what was in it. He told me it was dog soup!:sick: After a second he laughed and said it was beef but in Korea they would make it with dog. Apparently the city Koreans used beef and the country Koreans used dog.

I do loves me some Korean BBQ and Fried Chicken though. Their Fried Chicken with a nice, icy cold beer is where it's at!!!

i've never had american korean bbq or real korean bbq i only had it at a place in china so i have no idea if it was authentic... it was freakin good though!! had to cook your own meat with a grill in the center of the table!! is it the same like that here?

i liked eating at the mongolian bbq places when i travelled. we don't have any around here at all but i really liked those places!!!!!

Thanks @Moe.Red ... and works better than or... let it ride.. i am an outlaw pot snob so fits perfect! i now know though, careful for you ask for ;)
i've never had american korean bbq or real korean bbq i only had it at a place in china so i have no idea if it was authentic... it was freakin good though!! had to cook your own meat with a grill in the center of the table!! is it the same like that here?

i liked eating at the mongolian bbq places when i travelled. we don't have any around here at all but i really liked those places!!!!!
I've never been to Korea but most Koreans tell me there is a difference in regards to the locally raised Korean beef and american beef but that they both bring out the best in that style of BBQ. Most of my KBBQ has been in Los Angeles where there is a large Korean community so I would assume that while it may not be completely authentic it is very close.

There used to be this little hole in the wall Mongolian BBQ joint in Hollywood that was amazing! It was a husband and wife team and the husband was really meek and low key while the wife was a FREAKING BITCH....but in a good way! They used to make these little sesame bread pockets that worked beautifully with the BBQ where you'd stuff the bread pocket with BBQ and DAMN...freaking magic! They were so popular that they had to limit the amount of bread they'd give out because people would pocket the bread to take home. The wife would yell at customers when they would ask for more bread! 😄 It was hilarious because the regulars knew not to ask or they'd get yelled at so whenever a newb would come in everyone would just wait for that fateful moment! Whenever it happened you could see the look on the newbs face like "Whoa! I just asked for more bread!". Usually the vet diners would let them know it was nothing personal and everyone got it. It sure was fun to watch the circus while you ate!!!!🤣
they really sucker ya in with the sex appeal. i remember going to hooters in taiwan... it was no round rock, brother let me tell ya that!!!

but man i can get great gumbo and jambalaya around here but i can not get BBQ! not texas bbq. and especially not brisket. we have a place called stumpy's that's good but not great and not texas style. and the only other place is a dickies. it's a crappy chain fast food joint. only has shredded brisket.. what's wrong with it that you can only see it shredded??? i just don't get bbq here man. it's why i built my smoker!

mmm round rock donuts... you're near there right?, do they still have those big fuckers?

i've never had american korean bbq or real korean bbq i only had it at a place in china so i have no idea if it was authentic... it was freakin good though!! had to cook your own meat with a grill in the center of the table!! is it the same like that here?

i liked eating at the mongolian bbq places when i travelled. we don't have any around here at all but i really liked those places!!!!!

Thanks @Moe.Red ... and works better than or... let it ride.. i am an outlaw pot snob so fits perfect! i now know though, careful for you ask for ;)

Yep RR Donuts are still around but have you heard of Gordoughs?
These fuckers are straight up trying to kill people with their donuts!


And I've been meaning to tell you about this new pizza joint in town I've been wanting to try out. They started in a food truck and now's there's two or three trucks and a brick and mortar store front...


And what's up with people named Stoney or Stony and their affection for all things skull & crossbones? ☠️

Is like everybody named Stony a Raiders fan even if they don't know it?

stoney 4.jpg
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