Bandit on a Safari and I'm Hunting Unicorns

ya know lean top round london broils are are pretty freakin good in the sous vide.. just sayin!!

that seasoning you posted looks pretty good man, i ordered a jug too... i like that it doesn't have salt! i'm not on a low salt diet but we really don't eat it much. its always the lowest number on any of our bloodworks.. in fact the doctor told us to eat more salt. it's another reason we don't like take out much, and we don't really eat any meals from a box, like no mac n cheese or hamburger helper or any of that junk so when i bought salt we decided that we didn't want sea salt because of all the micro plastics in the ocean must be in the salt too right? so we went back to mined iodized salt because our iodine numbers were low too so it was needed. it's a pink salt and i bought a 3 or 4 lb bag a couple years ago and still have most of it.

one thing i noticed about the tony Chachere's and the Slap Ya Mama brand was the high salt taste. first time i used the tonys i ruined an entire meal and had to throw it out it was so salty. i think i want to mix up my own creole season without any or little salt.

but yeah anything that has a lower sodium content and i buy it just because we don't care for the taste of it. turns out it's healthier the way we like it, it's usually the other way around!

i'll tell ya one thing i think i need to strt watching and that my coffee intake.. normally i only drink it when it's cold out and was only one 18 oz a day, well i was gifted a bean grinder on xmas and since new years i've drank almost 2 pounds of fuckin coffee!!!!! it's just so damn good fresh ground!!! my new crack!!


my favorite bong., four chambers... dirty little bitch!! hahahaha


Many thanks Brother! ❤️ 🩲☮️

Thanks Buddy!
I cannot say it was all on carts or more so disposable vapes but they were a contributor and there's no doubt in my mind about that.

Any underlying issues are gonna make pneumonia that much worse and possibly fatal. So elderly, infants, and anything like diabetes, high blood pressure, over weight, etc and sometimes meds like ibuprofin and Advil will worsen it.

It started with the flu in November and I thought I was over it but would experience tight chest and short breathing from time to time.
Lethargy, weakness, and irritability were also symptoms.
At one point thought it might be covid and I was dealing with long term covid but that test was negative.
During that time between then and now I had been test driving various oils, carts, and disposables.

One disposable and one cart was seriously off. They would change flavor when heated then lost it's potency even though the tank was still full but I kept toking on it. I also experienced an allergic reaction to them.
Another factor may be silicone. My Puffco Pivot has a weird and off flavor in the silicone mouth piece which sits right on top of the heating chamber.
I cannot find anywhere or any mention of that being medical grade silicone.
Med grade silicone used to be a buying point on devices like Volcano and SSV but you don't see that anymore. So I'm avoiding anything silicone and going back to using only borsilicate glass or titanium when I can and if I can.

So I would say all of the above along with a fatty foods in my diet, drinking hard liquor, little to no exercise, stress, over worked, high blood pressure were all contributors to the pneumonia and especially congestive heart failure. Just a perfect storm to put me in the hospital for 5 days.

Man I hope you beat that fucking cancer Buddy. I had my liver and kidneys also scanned and scoped and while they're not the best, they certainly are not 100% peak health either so that's why booze is out for me now.
As far as the ranch style long as they're not in the chili!! 😂
Which reminds I need to invent a heart healthy chili recipe ;pervert

In my youth while in the Army I drank a ton of beer and vodka then quit when I got out and started to grow my own.
Later in life I found I enjoyed bourbon but often over indulged. The thing about good quality booze is that it won't give me a hangover so I thought it was okay but it was a factor in my health as I aged. Moderation woulda been fine but that word seemed to be missing from my vocabulary the past 10 years or so.

This was the Illadelph I had except where this one is green, mine was black. Paid around $500 for it but sold it for $700. I rarely used it because I was so nervous I'd break it so when offered, I sold it

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Cleanest smoking bong I ever had the pleasure to use. Triple filtration and ice made it fabulous.
As I shop around I'm looking for triple filtration with shower heads, jellyfish, or inline percs then also add an ashcatcher for more filtration.
I'd like it to hold ice and be around 12-15" tall.
Here's a couple on my radar so far that gives you an idea of what I'm looking for. Every bong I already own has at least one of these types of features but is also a huge cannon of a piece.
The vertical piece here fits the bill almost perfectly and these are no where close to being as expensive as something like Illadelph. I'll also take a look at local offerings from locally owned head shops selling fine glass.

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Since they dehydrated me I figured last night would be okay to kinda indulge and take in my daily allowance of salt in one sitting and made some ramen. I love Tonkotsu ramen in the black bowls. It's on the spicy side but so good! Instead of water I used veggie broth and topped with a 7 minute hard boiled then ice bath egg.

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Dirt racin'!!! Sprints or late models on dirt is such a treat!;roc

I think my last bottle of Bulleit is gonna sit under the bar for a very very long time after this 😿

Many thanks Brother MDK!! 🩲❤️🩲


For some reason I can't help but think of a scene from The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas when I think about smoked brisket now so here is my

"Ode To Brisket"

I'm Dolly and Burt is brisket but we aint riding off into the sunset in a Chevy pickup at the end

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All for heart healthy chili, no beans, I've a friend from Goliad, noe in Whiltshire county,Beanacre U.K. who loves Ranch Style beans,Cheers and hang in there! SS
All for heart healthy chili, no beans, I've a friend from Goliad, noe in Whiltshire county,Beanacre U.K. who loves Ranch Style beans,Cheers and hang in there! SS

beans beans, good for your heart;
the more you eat, the more fart;
the more ya fart, the better you feel;
so eat your beans at every meal!

even chili!!!
ya know lean top round london broils are are pretty freakin good in the sous vide.. just sayin!!

that seasoning you posted looks pretty good man, i ordered a jug too... i like that it doesn't have salt! i'm not on a low salt diet but we really don't eat it much. its always the lowest number on any of our bloodworks.. in fact the doctor told us to eat more salt. it's another reason we don't like take out much, and we don't really eat any meals from a box, like no mac n cheese or hamburger helper or any of that junk so when i bought salt we decided that we didn't want sea salt because of all the micro plastics in the ocean must be in the salt too right? so we went back to mined iodized salt because our iodine numbers were low too so it was needed. it's a pink salt and i bought a 3 or 4 lb bag a couple years ago and still have most of it.

one thing i noticed about the tony Chachere's and the Slap Ya Mama brand was the high salt taste. first time i used the tonys i ruined an entire meal and had to throw it out it was so salty. i think i want to mix up my own creole season without any or little salt.

but yeah anything that has a lower sodium content and i buy it just because we don't care for the taste of it. turns out it's healthier the way we like it, it's usually the other way around!

i'll tell ya one thing i think i need to strt watching and that my coffee intake.. normally i only drink it when it's cold out and was only one 18 oz a day, well i was gifted a bean grinder on xmas and since new years i've drank almost 2 pounds of fuckin coffee!!!!! it's just so damn good fresh ground!!! my new crack!!


my favorite bong., four chambers... dirty little bitch!! hahahaha

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Dude we are the same way regarding salt. I've never understood it when I hear the phrase "salt equals flavor" by celebrity chefs. I'm like, No it doesn't! salt = salt. That's all!
Never added it to steaks or BBQ rubs either because the fat was salty flavored enough.
I've always been about peppers, garlic, and herbs for flavor.
Back in 2020 when I had a fight with UTI, one reason for the infection was because my sodium was too low since we always go for no salt or low salt options in everything. Today I'd rather take in salt by drinking electrolyte water rather than pour salt on anything since it's hidden in so many food like cheese, canned veggies, butter/margarine etc.
When salt is used we can taste it dominating the food. Last time I had a Chipotle burrito the guacamole was so salty that was all I could taste and guac shouldn't even have salt in it! Just ground red peppers, tomato, and onion. No need to fuck it up with salt and bury those flavors with it.
We won't even try the flavor fads like salted caramel and things like that. Salt in the flavor just says move along, nothing to see here.

Man that rig is looking as dusty as it is grimy! I bet it's giving your Peak the side-eye right now hahaha!

I've settled on this rig and ashcatcher combo. I already have an ashcatcher that will fit it plus a Proxy adapter for dabs but will opt for my Peak since like you say, it's a sipper and the recycler I have on it hits smooth and clean. Just need to use ice water when I dab with it.
I usually go for clear, blue, or green glass pieces but this amber glass is saying Hook 'Em to me all day ;hem

Screenshot 2025-01-14 190508.png
Screenshot 2025-01-14 190659.png

Still gonna give my lungs a lot more time to heal even though they're already feeling 1000x better with each passing day but this rig with triple filtering after the ashcatcher is added plus an ice chamber should be about as clean and smooth I can ask for

All for heart healthy chili, no beans, I've a friend from Goliad, noe in Whiltshire county,Beanacre U.K. who loves Ranch Style beans,Cheers and hang in there! SS

Those Brits sure do love their beans.
People say we fought for independence from a king's tyranny and taxation during the the Revolutionary War but I'm pretty sure it was because American colonies didn't wanna eat beans for breakfast anymore 😋

beans beans, good for your heart;
the more you eat, the more fart;
the more ya fart, the better you feel;
so eat your beans at every meal!

even chili!!!

So here's what's on the table for me....
Replacing ground beef with ground turkey and making a heart healthy Texas Red.🤠
Finally doing a green chili using chicken, turkey, or pork.🤔
And I cannot believe I'm posting this because it must be the meds talking....A vegan red or green chili using just pinto, red, and black beans, maybe black eyed peas, and chilis. No meat 😳
there's a place around here that serves deep fried black eyed peas... not healthy at all but damn are they good!!!! haha

not sure i had a meatless chili but i bet if you matched the texture it could be just as good. it's a damn good thing spices and hot peppers are good for us, because man that would be a killer right there without any spice!!!

i've used squash and zucchini and egg plants to mimic meats with success. i wouldn't want to eat them all the time but they're a great way to build up a good meat cheat day!!! haha

i've used turkey and pork in chili already, i didn't care for the turkey but the pork was pretty dang good. they turkey wasn't bad it's just i love turkey so much o feel the chili ruins it! hahaha its just me.. you'd probably like it!!! smoke it up a little..

one thing low salt ruined for us is fried chicken.. unless i make it we can't stand it, only taste salt no matter where we get it from. and forget the fast food places they just gross me out, i'd rather eat sauerkraut!! hahaha

i do like a little salt with my eggs though.. no matter how i cook them.

tonight a friend gave me a jar of chili powder, some royal cinnamon and some homemade biscotti!!! they've been buying a bunch of spices from that company and wanted me to try something. that royal cinnamon is getting used in some sous vide cheesecakes!!!!


man that bong looks freakin sweet!!!!!!!!!!!! looks like jellyfish inside!! and i'm a fan of the iridescence glass. i saw one of those style glass bongs fall off the top of refrigerator, land on a wood floor and not break!!!

and that ash catcher looks tits man!!!

there's a place around here that serves deep fried black eyed peas... not healthy at all but damn are they good!!!! haha

not sure i had a meatless chili but i bet if you matched the texture it could be just as good. it's a damn good thing spices and hot peppers are good for us, because man that would be a killer right there without any spice!!!

i've used squash and zucchini and egg plants to mimic meats with success. i wouldn't want to eat them all the time but they're a great way to build up a good meat cheat day!!! haha

i've used turkey and pork in chili already, i didn't care for the turkey but the pork was pretty dang good. they turkey wasn't bad it's just i love turkey so much o feel the chili ruins it! hahaha its just me.. you'd probably like it!!! smoke it up a little..

one thing low salt ruined for us is fried chicken.. unless i make it we can't stand it, only taste salt no matter where we get it from. and forget the fast food places they just gross me out, i'd rather eat sauerkraut!! hahaha

i do like a little salt with my eggs though.. no matter how i cook them.

tonight a friend gave me a jar of chili powder, some royal cinnamon and some homemade biscotti!!! they've been buying a bunch of spices from that company and wanted me to try something. that royal cinnamon is getting used in some sous vide cheesecakes!!!!

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man that bong looks freakin sweet!!!!!!!!!!!! looks like jellyfish inside!! and i'm a fan of the iridescence glass. i saw one of those style glass bongs fall off the top of refrigerator, land on a wood floor and not break!!!

and that ash catcher looks tits man!!!


I can't believe this is the first time I've ever heard of deep fried black eyed peas! After all those years of food treking around the state fair I'm shocked really. They deep fry everything up there but I've never seen that.

Yeah the more I think about it...My bean only idea would probably just be a chili flavored bean soup.
Really though I only make one chili a year so it's not like I eat it all the time so I'll make it a cheat food. Same with brisket but I eat it like probably 5-6 times a year and there's still a frozen flat in my deep freeze so maybe a brisket 2x a year will still be okay.
Main thing is brisket gets catered at my work often during football season so I just need to pass on that as well as the decadent fried chicken sandwiches they cater too.

We use ground turkey for tacos all the time and I can't tell the difference other than less grease to drain but the low sodium Old El Paso seasoning we use pretty much does the same thing be it beef or turkey.

Fried chicken is an art. A delicious, kitchen wrecking art. 😋
Problem with most joints is they deep fry it and that's so wrong. We go Southern style and pan fry in cast iron. But man does it tear up the kitchen and leave the house smelling like fried chicken for a day or two but damn it's so good.

Funny about the squash replacing meat because I bought some two days ago to make a vegan pizza. Squash and zucchini is a highly underrated and under used pizza topping!

Tonight we're gonna try that McCormick Signature seasoning on baked tilapia and am super excited to taste how that goes.
I gotta line on an ice cream treat that's kinda good for ya too and I'm having my wife pick up a box tomorrow for me....
Kind Chocolate Cherry Almond Bars!!! Only 8g of sugar compared to BB Cherry Ice Cream at 24g.

I'm getting excited about that bong and ashcatcher for sure! I never even knew jellyfish and egg percs were a thing until I started looking around. Seems like that dome in the jellyfish would do a good job collecting tar and grime. I gotta shipping confirmation a few hours ago so maybe by the weekend or no later than Monday it will be here and I can take a rip or two.
I bet my tolerance is in the cellar right now.;hop

Took a long walk today with some hills mixed in with the dogs and my lungs felt great so I feel like I'm healing on the quick side.
Got one of those health watches to monitor my O2 intake, BP, and heart rate and my numbers are looking great! Since my first day in the hospital I've already lost 6lbs with very little exercise. Just no booze and eating right seems to be working well.

Man my email blew the fuck up today with JRM announcing Algaier will run a Cup car at Daytona!!! That's pretty cool!
I gotta get to work on the pool now before it's too late!

Also starting to prep for the next grow and get back on track with that project. Opened the room door for the first time in about a week or so today. After this health scare I'm so chill about it and all pressure is off. What ever happens will be groovy. No pressure on how many plants or whatever. Just gonna go with the flow and have fun doing it.
After this health scare I'm so chill about it and all pressure is off. What ever happens will be groovy. No pressure on how many plants or whatever. Just gonna go with the flow and have fun doing it.
That's how we gotta approach most things. Everything will work out if you're just happy to be here.

"Be as water, my friend"
- Bruce Lee
I can't believe this is the first time I've ever heard of deep fried black eyed peas! After all those years of food treking around the state fair I'm shocked really. They deep fry everything up there but I've never seen that.

of all names the place is called the bayou!!

Yeah the more I think about it...My bean only idea would probably just be a chili flavored bean soup.
Really though I only make one chili a year so it's not like I eat it all the time so I'll make it a cheat food. Same with brisket but I eat it like probably 5-6 times a year and there's still a frozen flat in my deep freeze so maybe a brisket 2x a year will still be okay.
Main thing is brisket gets catered at my work often during football season so I just need to pass on that as well as the decadent fried chicken sandwiches they cater too.

thats how ya do it man, all in moderation. no reason to give things up forever, just gotta have a little at a time. sounds silly but when ya only have that one food once or twice a year it tastes so much better to me!!!

We use ground turkey for tacos all the time and I can't tell the difference other than less grease to drain but the low sodium Old El Paso seasoning we use pretty much does the same thing be it beef or turkey.

i like to use ground turkey for meatball sandwiches and spaghettis and things too.. when it's smothered in sauce or gravy it tastes just as good as beef and yeah no grease!! same with the pepperoni on pizzas i always get the turkey pepperoni. it tastes just as good if not better to me anyway. more expensive like ya say, but in moderation it;s not breaking the bank.

Fried chicken is an art. A delicious, kitchen wrecking art. 😋
Problem with most joints is they deep fry it and that's so wrong. We go Southern style and pan fry in cast iron. But man does it tear up the kitchen and leave the house smelling like fried chicken for a day or two but damn it's so good.

it's onle of those two or three times a year for us... sometimes i cheat and use panko crumbs in air fryer,, a little heathier.. not much but a little!

fuckin so good though!!!

Funny about the squash replacing meat because I bought some two days ago to make a vegan pizza. Squash and zucchini is a highly underrated and under used pizza topping!

yea they are!! i've made the squash noodles already and they're actually really good for pasta!! some grill marks on them go a long way too!!!

Tonight we're gonna try that McCormick Signature seasoning on baked tilapia and am super excited to taste how that goes.
I gotta line on an ice cream treat that's kinda good for ya too and I'm having my wife pick up a box tomorrow for me....
Kind Chocolate Cherry Almond Bars!!! Only 8g of sugar compared to BB Cherry Ice Cream at 24g.

oh man 8grams i can do!!!! excited to hear what you think of them!!

I'm getting excited about that bong and ashcatcher for sure! I never even knew jellyfish and egg percs were a thing until I started looking around. Seems like that dome in the jellyfish would do a good job collecting tar and grime. I gotta shipping confirmation a few hours ago so maybe by the weekend or no later than Monday it will be here and I can take a rip or two.
I bet my tolerance is in the cellar right now.

hell yeah it is... funny thing though it never seems to last long though.. those first couple days are awesome then it starts to take more smokes again!! hahaha

Took a long walk today with some hills mixed in with the dogs and my lungs felt great so I feel like I'm healing on the quick side.
Got one of those health watches to monitor my O2 intake, BP, and heart rate and my numbers are looking great! Since my first day in the hospital I've already lost 6lbs with very little exercise. Just no booze and eating right seems to be working well.

i had one of those monitors on an old phone and had it all set up for me and then one day i forgot i had it turned on and i mowed the lawn, well the shaking on the tractor made the thing think i got in all my exercise for the entire month in just one mowing!!! it was all confused and really messed with my averages and the charts.

my mom has a pretty cool BP device that she can use without her phone and then once a month i upload it all to phone and it puts all the info in one file and she just texts that file to her doctor.

Man my email blew the fuck up today with JRM announcing Algaier will run a Cup car at Daytona!!! That's pretty cool!
I gotta get to work on the pool now before it's too late!

Also starting to prep for the next grow and get back on track with that project. Opened the room door for the first time in about a week or so today. After this health scare I'm so chill about it and all pressure is off. What ever happens will be groovy. No pressure on how many plants or whatever. Just gonna go with the flow and have fun doing it.

man i gotta make my list too... i asked Steamroller if he wanted to play, maybe we can talk him into it..
normally i would just modify the previous years list that i made and call it good but after the year i had i better not use any of the same!! hahaha it sucked when i picked the driver the week before they won!!

i'm gonna try and work on this weekend. i also need to check on chili bowl highlights and stuff!! racing all week long for that!!


chill sounds like an awesome theme for next grow man!!! i'm starting to get a little more excited, mostly to be mite free and redeem myself on the hydro!! and i've picked all the genetics i want to go with so once i feel the rooms are ready and clean then i load up the VG's.. i printed myself a newer style single side in green (the color of money!!!)

i also printed out a new revised bucker!!! gonna take this bad boy for a spin tonight and jar up my last harvest. the power scissors worked so awesome this second time using them. i won't even have any post dry trimming needed. just buck em and bag em!!!


of all names the place is called the bayou!!

thats how ya do it man, all in moderation. no reason to give things up forever, just gotta have a little at a time. sounds silly but when ya only have that one food once or twice a year it tastes so much better to me!!!

i like to use ground turkey for meatball sandwiches and spaghettis and things too.. when it's smothered in sauce or gravy it tastes just as good as beef and yeah no grease!! same with the pepperoni on pizzas i always get the turkey pepperoni. it tastes just as good if not better to me anyway. more expensive like ya say, but in moderation it;s not breaking the bank.

it's onle of those two or three times a year for us... sometimes i cheat and use panko crumbs in air fryer,, a little heathier.. not much but a little!

fuckin so good though!!!

yea they are!! i've made the squash noodles already and they're actually really good for pasta!! some grill marks on them go a long way too!!!

oh man 8grams i can do!!!! excited to hear what you think of them!!

hell yeah it is... funny thing though it never seems to last long though.. those first couple days are awesome then it starts to take more smokes again!! hahaha

i had one of those monitors on an old phone and had it all set up for me and then one day i forgot i had it turned on and i mowed the lawn, well the shaking on the tractor made the thing think i got in all my exercise for the entire month in just one mowing!!! it was all confused and really messed with my averages and the charts.

my mom has a pretty cool BP device that she can use without her phone and then once a month i upload it all to phone and it puts all the info in one file and she just texts that file to her doctor.

man i gotta make my list too... i asked Steamroller if he wanted to play, maybe we can talk him into it..
normally i would just modify the previous years list that i made and call it good but after the year i had i better not use any of the same!! hahaha it sucked when i picked the driver the week before they won!!

i'm gonna try and work on this weekend. i also need to check on chili bowl highlights and stuff!! racing all week long for that!!


chill sounds like an awesome theme for next grow man!!! i'm starting to get a little more excited, mostly to be mite free and redeem myself on the hydro!! and i've picked all the genetics i want to go with so once i feel the rooms are ready and clean then i load up the VG's.. i printed myself a newer style single side in green (the color of money!!!)

i also printed out a new revised bucker!!! gonna take this bad boy for a spin tonight and jar up my last harvest. the power scissors worked so awesome this second time using them. i won't even have any post dry trimming needed. just buck em and bag em!!!

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Those bucker plates work such a treat man! You might like that just as much as the power trimmers!

So those Kind ice cream bars....Man they have no business being that damn good and good for you!!!
You ever have those cordial cherries during Xmas? Think that with a layer of ice cream and almonds mixed in. That thing had me purring!

This year the pool is gonna be so wild because the silly season had so many changing rides and new drivers mixed in.
One thing I do know is I'm getting Todd Gilliand in there for a pair. He was close last season and I think he does even better and might even find victory lane this year.
I'll try to strategize again. I think I just got some bad luck because I had winners in like 4 races all the way up until the final lap for them to finish last or close to last. Then the same thing for a few more top 5s and that just killed my season.. Had those finished well I bet I woulda won the pool by a ton of points.

Too funny about your mower messing with your health monitor ;giggle
I'm really digging my health watch and yep I linked it up to my phone this morning.
One really neat feature is it monitors my sleep and even REM. I had 54 minutes of REM last night and it don't surprise me because I've been having some wild AF dreams!!
The other night I dreamed I was in a line to get into the gates at COTA but it was a weird line that went thru somebody's dilapidated mobile home. The weirdest part though was Briscoe somehow got locked out of the track so he had to go in with the public and I ended up helping him get out of the mobile home which was some sort of maze but the fucker ditched me at the gate when I couldn't find my ticket!
I was also wearing a red Mahindra fire suit jacket but it was all sparkly like Michael Jackson's red zipper jacket from Thriller. He said I needed a #19 jacket and he would hook me up but I couldn't find him later when I crawled thru a hole in the fence when nobody was looking. 😵‍💫

Today I made something I didn't think would be very good but turned out great! You and your hens would hate me for it but I used those eggs in a carton that are fat and cholesterol free, mixed with chopped green peppers, onion, & tomatoes topped with fat free cheese for a sorta fritata benedict on a wheat English muffin.
Two weeks ago I woulda kicked my own ass for this concoction but it was actually really good!
I'm gonna eat healthy like this for about a month or two before I think about anything bad because it's actually pretty good and it has me feeling great


My new bong..... err medical device😉 is scheduled for Tuesday and I am more than ready to rip it!;hookah

I did some work in the room today getting ready and also ordered the second Ionframe from ACI when I scored a $40 off coupon for it.
Here's how it;s coming along


Still don't know exactly what I'm gonna grow yet. I might just put all the packs in a bowl, wear a blindfold, and grab about 5-6 packs to decide the roster 😋
Last edited:
Dropped some seeds today, 1/17/25 and here's the roster.


Wrank R2 by Ethos: 5 pack of fems ~ I'm skeptical. 1 bean looked really good and the other 4 on the pale side of what I like to see with no stripes and undersized.
Not a fan of the sealed up and closed packaging because had I seen that at the shop, I woulda asked for a different pack

Ruby Waves by Irie ~ Beautiful prototypical beans, everything I like to see in color, size, and tiger striping.

Heart Stomper by Lightspeed ~ Same as Irie. Hopefully I get some females this time

Violet Gas Kush by Uruz ~ Could look a little better but not bad

All but Wrank are regular and I think I dropped 19 or 20 beans


Didn't get too much done other than that today.
Still trying to get to full strength and not tire out but I did get in some vacuuming, cleaned up the other table, removed some trash, changed out the water barrel for a fresh clean one, and have it filling now.
Will try to deep clean and lay down dormant oil and maybe unleash a pesticide bomb but will pull the VG out while I bomb it if I get to that.

The second Ionframe is scheduled for a Thursday delivery. All the wiring is ready so should be a quick and ez install.
The turboklone is out back soaking in bleach. Will finish cleaning it up and get it inside to ready it for the sprouts tomorrow
Interested especially in the Ethos.
Just how I am.
I have not had a bad grow with Ethos.
Good luck man, I know what you are saying about seed appearance, but again never an issue with Ethos.
Interested especially in the Ethos.
Just how I am.
I have not had a bad grow with Ethos.
Good luck man, I know what you are saying about seed appearance, but again never an issue with Ethos.

Local hydroshop and owner of it is a long time friend has become an official retailer for Ethos and Equilbrium genetics as well as a couple other boutique or local breeders. I trust his and your recs, it was just a little surprising to see one tiger and 4 pale faces.

I'm dropping more when my wife gets back from the store with a jug of spring water....

@Costanza ...1 Snow Lotus looked good but I think the other two may been crushed. I dropped that one and also dropping a few of your Jabbas.
Also dropping some Lazy Lightning from Uruz

Would love to have 20-25 sprouts to choose from when I either stick them in soil or load the aero
Is that Wrank the one that's supposed to smell like rotting meat?

Yep. That's was the selling point that grabbed me 🥴

Dropped 6 more seeds yesterday...3x Jabbas Stash & 3x Lazy Lightning F4


Deep clean is done but room is still a bit of a construction zone.
Doing the mock ups on the first retractable trellis net and it's coming along as well as setting parameters on the Ionframe light.
The aero will be installed and set up today

Well since my new bong has totally flown past me and decided it wanted to take the scenic route out to the left coast.....

Screenshot 2025-01-19 093714.png

Plus it's like 30 degrees outside and I aint going out there....
And since it's Bong Hitters Ball Weekend here at Bud Builders.....
and I'm feeling pretty healthy today....
It's time to put some Serenity tea on the kettle, check out American Primeval on Netflix, and fire up Bong Nye The Science High!


North Carolina to Texas definitely has San Fran on the way.
What's the problem?;slap
I had better results when tracking said stuff had not moved at all~!

What watt IonFrame is coming?
it's Bong Hitters Ball Weekend here at Bud Builders

it is? how did i miss this one?? hope i'm not to late!!!!


i've been de bugging myself as well man!! almost done and i should be ready to start the next round this week!!! i've never gone this far to remove mites before but i've gone overkill and i don't even want the thought that maybe they come back. i was in there with some evil stuff man, full respirator, gloves, glasses and a Tyvek onesie!!! the mites are losing a serious game of FAFO right now!!! i have one more bomb of Etoxazole to set off and then put the new floor liners in and i should be set! i should be right on your heels maybe a week behind for this grow!!


Today I made something I didn't think would be very good but turned out great! You and your hens would hate me for it but I used those eggs in a carton that are fat and cholesterol free, mixed with chopped green peppers, onion, & tomatoes topped with fat free cheese for a sorta fritata benedict on a wheat English muffin.
Two weeks ago I woulda kicked my own ass for this concoction but it was actually really good!
I'm gonna eat healthy like this for about a month or two before I think about anything bad because it's actually pretty good and it has me feeling great


man that looks like something we would really like here!!!

i gotta say man we like that signature seasoning.. i put some in a pan and left it heat up first and then poured the omlette right over the seasoning and then when i flipped it over it still had the good eye appeal too with the herbs.. it was a hit at the breakfast table man.. extra hugs n kisses for stoneyluv that morning!!!! so thanks for the recommendation!!!

Ethos Crescendo was one that had the rot.
Dead body, meat, cheese. It was rough to be around.
Cured out nice and was close to 30% I think when SLG tested it.
I think I just grew the Grape Crescendo. If I did it is still in cure with all of Novembers harvest.
They were freebies so? ^^
Stylin' in the hospital with grippy socks that make my feet look like corn on the cob, I❤️ NY boxers, and a funky little box with six wires plugged into my body for monitoring.

View attachment 86604

If you ever need another pair…

Blue, green or red I’ve seen. You are wearing the first yellow pair I’ve seen. My son uses them when working at the hospital sometimes.
North Carolina to Texas definitely has San Fran on the way.
What's the problem?;slap
View attachment 87224
I had better results when tracking said stuff had not moved at all~!

What watt IonFrame is coming?

These are the Ionframe EVO3 and they hit max power at 280 watts. 4'x2' footprint
They'll be garden starters then supplements to the Smax vertical 1000.
One of the few I could find with some diodes dipping below 400nm at 395 so I think they'll have some UV in there as well.

All signs are pointing to ACI making some pretty decent lights. Kinda surprised by it too. Not sure how long they'll last but the spectrum and efficiency is right there among hi-end brands.

it is? how did i miss this one?? hope i'm not to late!!!!


i've been de bugging myself as well man!! almost done and i should be ready to start the next round this week!!! i've never gone this far to remove mites before but i've gone overkill and i don't even want the thought that maybe they come back. i was in there with some evil stuff man, full respirator, gloves, glasses and a Tyvek onesie!!! the mites are losing a serious game of FAFO right now!!! i have one more bomb of Etoxazole to set off and then put the new floor liners in and i should be set! i should be right on your heels maybe a week behind for this grow!!


man that looks like something we would really like here!!!

i gotta say man we like that signature seasoning.. i put some in a pan and left it heat up first and then poured the omlette right over the seasoning and then when i flipped it over it still had the good eye appeal too with the herbs.. it was a hit at the breakfast table man.. extra hugs n kisses for stoneyluv that morning!!!! so thanks for the recommendation!!!


Yeah man everybody was showing off their new or cleaned up bongs yesterday and I was thinking Friday would be the day for the all clear so I pulled out the ol Maverick and had at it!
Smooth and clean just like I remembered! Got good and high and enjoyed the evening watching football. No cough or anything!
It's weird how I was really missing weed but still don't want anything to do with booze. Bong hits and hot tea with honey and lemon is my jam now.

I baked a couple small pork tenderloins last night...One with orange pepper and the other with signature.
They both turned out delicious but I think it's too early for savory meats and I got a bit of heartburn overnight and had to eat a Tums gummy around 3am.
I'm fine with chicken and fish, grains, fruits & veggies, and broth soup but am gonna have to slow down when it comes to heavier meat.

If you ever need another pair…
View attachment 87302

Blue, green or red I’ve seen. You are wearing the first yellow pair I’ve seen. My son uses them when working at the hospital sometimes.

Hahaha my wife has those same socks! She loves them so I gave her both pairs of the yellows I took home with me
And since it's Bong Hitters Ball Weekend here at Bud Builders.....

View attachment 87219

it is? how did i miss this one?? hope i'm not to late!!!!

I have officially extended the Bong Hitters Ball much past the weekend.
I can't burn joints in the house all sealed up from the artic tundra, but can manage bong hits.
So with this proclamation The Bong Hitters Ball is extended until at least March.
It will be re visited then.;hookah
I have officially extended the Bong Hitters Ball much past the weekend.
I can't burn joints in the house all sealed up from the artic tundra, but can manage bong hits.
So with this proclamation The Bong Hitters Ball is extended until at least March.
It will be re visited then.;hookah

I must confess the “smoke outside” rule has been ignored the last few bong and pipe hits. 🥶
Well now. This is new🧊🥶❄️

now ya know what my fish feel like!!! hahahaha


I have officially extended the Bong Hitters Ball much past the weekend.
I can't burn joints in the house all sealed up from the artic tundra, but can manage bong hits.
So with this proclamation The Bong Hitters Ball is extended until at least March.
It will be re visited then.;hookah

SWEET!!!! i'll clean some up and have snow bongs!!

I must confess the “smoke outside” rule has been ignored the last few bong and pipe hits. 🥶

aaaahhhtt!!! can't say you don't smoke in the house anymore!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: J/K!!
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