Ah man, get well Bandit~!
Many thanks Brother!

Damn was it a cart that did you in? I've always hated carts. They always have that glycol taste and, you're right, they're just so shady.
Get well soon Big Dog. We're rooting for ya!
Thanks Buddy!
I cannot say it was all on carts or more so disposable vapes but they were a contributor and there's no doubt in my mind about that.
Any underlying issues are gonna make pneumonia that much worse and possibly fatal. So elderly, infants, and anything like diabetes, high blood pressure, over weight, etc and sometimes meds like ibuprofin and Advil will worsen it.
It started with the flu in November and I thought I was over it but would experience tight chest and short breathing from time to time.
Lethargy, weakness, and irritability were also symptoms.
At one point thought it might be covid and I was dealing with long term covid but that test was negative.
During that time between then and now I had been test driving various oils, carts, and disposables.
One disposable and one cart was seriously off. They would change flavor when heated then lost it's potency even though the tank was still full but I kept toking on it. I also experienced an allergic reaction to them.
Another factor may be silicone. My Puffco Pivot has a weird and off flavor in the silicone mouth piece which sits right on top of the heating chamber.
I cannot find anywhere or any mention of that being medical grade silicone.
Med grade silicone used to be a buying point on devices like Volcano and SSV but you don't see that anymore. So I'm avoiding anything silicone and going back to using only borsilicate glass or titanium when I can and if I can.
So I would say all of the above along with a fatty foods in my diet, drinking hard liquor, little to no exercise, stress, over worked, high blood pressure were all contributors to the pneumonia and especially congestive heart failure. Just a perfect storm to put me in the hospital for 5 days.
Wow, I had no idea, keep healing, I suffer little, but my cancer is back so, I grow for me and 3 others only now. Stay down! Ranch style beans?
Man I hope you beat that fucking cancer Buddy. I had my liver and kidneys also scanned and scoped and while they're not the best, they certainly are not 100% peak health either so that's why booze is out for me now.
As far as the ranch style beans...as long as they're not in the chili!!

Which reminds me...now I need to invent a heart healthy chili recipe
Don’t be silly. You’re always helping people out and a strong presence here. You’d be missed by many. So I’m glad you’re making an effort to stick around a while longer.
My dumb ass is still eating pepperoni sticks and sipping Tequila when the wife buys a bottle for good behaviour.
My son got hooked on shady stores/stalls selling them out the back door. I’d already warned him about dispo ones. I think G$ chimed up one day about them when we were all talking. Since then he just stopped buying them. Not sure if he looked into them deeper or just took the advice. Happy regardless.
Cigarettes I stopped cold. Same with tiny cigars. Only missed it when reading a novel and they talked about lighting one up.
Booze was harder. It’s like food. I drank a lot of beer. At least 24 on weekends, for years…decades probably. But never got hangovers or sloppy drunk. Rarely got drunk for that matter. It was just my go to drink that I used to control my mood. Didn’t really touch spirits until much later. These days a 8 pack of 4.5% cider will last a week. My problem is I get bored of the taste and want something else.
I cut back on my own a few years back and switched to cannabis to help with pain and mood. Wanted a healthier choice. Government health commercials said a few drinks a week was fine but we all know that’s BS just to sell more. It’s a carcinogen. I notice this year they are talking about putting warning labels on bottles like they do cigarettes.
Sounded great so looked it up.

I wouldn’t have got one even if I was still working. You sell yours for a car down payment?
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When I was a kid it was cheap. TV dinners came out and other instant meals any THEY were to expensive. Now it’s the other way round.
Ya, we have them. I don’t shop there. My wife and son do when they have too. It’s mostly cheap quality for too high an asking price. I’ve bought wide mouth mason jars, motor oil and a motorcycle battery from them long ago. Nothing else.
My food and alcohol control is I don’t buy it so when I crave it it’s not there. But my wife is a foodie and an enabler. It’s taken decades but she’s gotten better. I don’t buy booze any more but she’ll buy a bottle or six pack thinking she’s doing me a favour or a reward. I stopped complaining about it and just try to leave it alone as long as possible.
In my youth while in the Army I drank a ton of beer and vodka then quit when I got out and started to grow my own.
Later in life I found I enjoyed bourbon but often over indulged. The thing about good quality booze is that it won't give me a hangover so I thought it was okay but it was a factor in my health as I aged. Moderation woulda been fine but that word seemed to be missing from my vocabulary the past 10 years or so.
This was the Illadelph I had except where this one is green, mine was black. Paid around $500 for it but sold it for $700. I rarely used it because I was so nervous I'd break it so when offered, I sold it
Cleanest smoking bong I ever had the pleasure to use. Triple filtration and ice made it fabulous.
As I shop around I'm looking for triple filtration with shower heads, jellyfish, or inline percs then also add an ashcatcher for more filtration.
I'd like it to hold ice and be around 12-15" tall.
Here's a couple on my radar so far that gives you an idea of what I'm looking for. Every bong I already own has at least one of these types of features but is also a huge cannon of a piece.
The vertical piece here fits the bill almost perfectly and these are no where close to being as expensive as something like Illadelph. I'll also take a look at local offerings from locally owned head shops selling fine glass.

Since they dehydrated me I figured last night would be okay to kinda indulge and take in my daily allowance of salt in one sitting and made some ramen. I love Tonkotsu ramen in the black bowls. It's on the spicy side but so good! Instead of water I used veggie broth and topped with a 7 minute hard boiled then ice bath egg.
Wow what a fun little race
Dirt racin'!!! Sprints or late models on dirt is such a treat!
I enjoy bourbon, stopped beer, more expensive, yes yes the decent brew at least. I get a Buffalo Trace distilled Benchmark bourbon for $21.00, Last a week, Cheers! SS
I think my last bottle of Bulleit is gonna sit under the bar for a very very long time after this
Damn hope you get to feeling better dude
Zen...pepperoni sticks? Ricky that you?

. Them shits are good tho
Many thanks Brother MDK!!

For some reason I can't help but think of a scene from The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas when I think about smoked brisket now so here is my
"Ode To Brisket"
I'm Dolly and Burt is brisket but we aint riding off into the sunset in a Chevy pickup at the end