Bandit on a Safari and I'm Hunting Unicorns

Amazon delivery day today so the prep for the next grow has begun. ;hd

Hope to drop seeds in the next 24-48 hours;rockb

Get to try out the new ACI powered sprayer with dormant oil and will bomb the room.
Also, the new trellis net will be made with yoyos to build a retractable screen. Yeah no more cutting buds from netting Y'all.;roc

And another outlaw creation, 3D printed root wranglers for aero growing and bare root pruning. More on that later;pervert


The Peak got some after market bling with a new titanium carb cap!
And I've been wanting a Puffco Hot Knife for a while to replace using dab tools but didn't want to spend $50 so instead I got a Hot Tip and converted a 510 thread vape battery into a hot knife for only $12.
Plus it's rasta which is something Puffco doesn't offer ;rgg

Just gotta 3D print a base for it so it always stays standing up



well now thats a new smiley for sure!!... ;pirate

Some of those flavors will be very interesting.

hahaha interesting you say... at least they're only the small bags!! hehe

This fucking guy man.....Off season in full swing 😂


somebody has way too much free time on their hands!!!! i'm glad they do because those were funny AF!!!


i knew larson was in trouble when C bell got to dirt race again...

Hot knifes make like easy.
I love spreading the goodness onto papers before rolling.
I use a 510 now but would not have thought to look for tip on say Amazon.
$9 ;hop

Yep that's the same one I got.
It was a late addition to my order and it cost me 3 more dollars for same day shipping to get it included.

It's also gonna come in very handy for testing concentrates the way the Xplate is designed. Instructions call for using a heat gun & dab tool but the hot knife will work way better and cleaner

well now thats a new smiley for sure!!... ;pirate

hahaha interesting you say... at least they're only the small bags!! hehe


somebody has way too much free time on their hands!!!! i'm glad they do because those were funny AF!!!


i knew larson was in trouble when C bell got to dirt race again...

Yeah your guy is globe trotting and racing while my guy is fucking around with AI ;wtf
All good though. We'll see how it goes at The Chili Bowl.
Bell looked fast AF there like he's been holding it in all this time and unleashed the beast!;bo

I didn't know Flosports posts hilites on youtube!
I cancelled my sub to Flo because it was expensive and really only worth having thru December and January. + it's like the most wonky stream service going. If Briscoe wasn't racing I'd usually just watch hilites so cool to know I still can for free!
Yep that's the same one I got.
It was a late addition to my order and it cost me 3 more dollars for same day shipping to get it included.

It's also gonna come in very handy for testing concentrates the way the Xplate is designed. Instructions call for using a heat gun & dab tool but the hot knife will work way better and cleaner

Yeah your guy is globe trotting and racing while my guy is fucking around with AI ;wtf
All good though. We'll see how it goes at The Chili Bowl.
Bell looked fast AF there like he's been holding it in all this time and unleashed the beast!;bo

I didn't know Flosports posts hilites on youtube!
I cancelled my sub to Flo because it was expensive and really only worth having thru December and January. + it's like the most wonky stream service going. If Briscoe wasn't racing I'd usually just watch hilites so cool to know I still can for free!

yeah i think CBell is gonna tear up the dirt scene this year like no other. he's always been just as good as a driver as larson all his life. i'm really interested to see if his dirt success and freedom transfers over to the cup side.

i think i'm a closet Bell fan.. i never really root for him to hit the wall ike i do with most of the other drivers. hahahaha

and now with little bush out and Brisky in i can root for the whole gibbs team! Truex was cool, i didn't mind him most of the time but then every once in a while his new jersey would come out of him and rub me the wrong way.

FLO puts out utube vids about 4-5 hours after most of the time. i only paid for their service one year a while back. they air most of the chili bowl for free. right up to the first A main. then they cut it off and go to pay.. i either watch the boards on their site and see a final or wait for vids the next day and sleep in suspense. hehe


i started my dormant spray event... man i had the wood so soaked the doors wouldn't even close from being swelled up!!!! i plan to do this every few days... i got nothing else going on so i might as well overkill it.

i'm gonna take a big tarp and tent off both my cabinets and the surrounding grow stuff and bomb again. and then i'll dormant spray again till i don't have any more left.


so what consistency concentrate do you find those heat knives useful with? i've seen them around for years now but never found the attraction other than just another toy. and i like it all too.. sugar, shatter, butter, batter.. whatevs.. my puffco gobbles it all it up!!!
yeah i think CBell is gonna tear up the dirt scene this year like no other. he's always been just as good as a driver as larson all his life. i'm really interested to see if his dirt success and freedom transfers over to the cup side.

i think i'm a closet Bell fan.. i never really root for him to hit the wall ike i do with most of the other drivers. hahahaha

and now with little bush out and Brisky in i can root for the whole gibbs team! Truex was cool, i didn't mind him most of the time but then every once in a while his new jersey would come out of him and rub me the wrong way.

FLO puts out utube vids about 4-5 hours after most of the time. i only paid for their service one year a while back. they air most of the chili bowl for free. right up to the first A main. then they cut it off and go to pay.. i either watch the boards on their site and see a final or wait for vids the next day and sleep in suspense. hehe


i started my dormant spray event... man i had the wood so soaked the doors wouldn't even close from being swelled up!!!! i plan to do this every few days... i got nothing else going on so i might as well overkill it.

i'm gonna take a big tarp and tent off both my cabinets and the surrounding grow stuff and bomb again. and then i'll dormant spray again till i don't have any more left.


so what consistency concentrate do you find those heat knives useful with? i've seen them around for years now but never found the attraction other than just another toy. and i like it all too.. sugar, shatter, butter, batter.. whatevs.. my puffco gobbles it all it up!!!

Bell is like Reddick for me. I like them and aint gonna get mad if I see them win.
Kinda wish Hamlin would run at 23XI and doubt I could ever cheer for Ty Gibbs unless he grows on me but doubt it.
His reckless and dangerous shit pisses me off too often. And IDK WTF it was but one race Ty was just groaning and howling on the radio for like 3 laps of a race. Sounded like dude was in labor or something and his crew chief was like yeah I know it's hot and the car's not the best, just hang in there. So I guess that's how Ty whines? Can't stand whiners and crybabies man.
Brisky out there running with a busted up hand, fighting a shitbox for 3 hours and didn't ever bitch about it or use it as an excuse.
From the way Brisky and his new crew chief have been talking it sounds like they're working well together and that Truex was only part of the team on race day. I think that parting may have been mutual and not so much a true retirement like Harvick.

The hot knife became a priority when I got the Pivot. But also for the Proxy. Those chambers are just narrow and deep making a dab tool more of a chore with waxy stuff. Crumble and sugar is no problem but more so for wax and batters.
Then as I was going over instructions for testing I knew the hot knife was a wise move...


Using a heat gun and dab tool 😳


I think the hot knife will really help me here.
BTW it turns out the Xcap and glass are all reusable. Just gotta clean them up

Screenshot 2025-01-07 172521.png
;hd ;hd ;hd ;hd ;hd

still gotta pay for the subscription for concentrates though right? or was that a once and done thing for firmware?

The firmware and new app were free but to test concentrates is a $20/month subscription.
The good thing is there's a 1 week free trial.
So I wanna get everything lined up and ready then test as much as possible in one week then shut it down.

The main thing I wanna know is what happens with flower after it's squished into rosin and get a base line of predictable % increases. Like will a 20% flower equate to 40%+ rosin?

I want to test reclaim oil from the proxy as well and get an idea of potency for edibles using that oil.
I'll likely do a small run of dry sift pressed into hash and like the rosin, a before and after of the flower to hash.
Will test my own distillate using the Extract Craft machine but also gotta say it's a low priority because I simply like rosin more than distillate.

After spending Summer and Fall really doing a deep dive of what I like the most, I keep coming back to homegrown flower and home pressed rosin.
Our rosin doesn't get as refined as much as commercial so all that xtra plant wax makes it dirty and that's what I love about Puffco gear is that it cleans up well with so much gunk left behind. I prefer all those natural terps more than add ins but it does get that scorched icky flavor and that's when I clean the bowl out.

I'm also back into my Proxy after taking the Pivot for a spin. The Pivot is ok but this rig is still the undisputed champ for on the go dabs. I think I'll get it a fancy carb cap too


I was thinking about packing some cannagars but have been getting into 3 stage doobs.
That 1:1 flower I have doesn't get me very high but more so makes my body feel like it's in a warm bath. Then add in the 30% and 20% flower makes it kick hard. These are taking me for a taking 3-4 hours to finish with like a 4-6 hour high.


Sent my guys off to Arlington a little bit ago and gonna try to catch up on garden and stuff. 20 weeks of football aint no joke and I'm wiped out with two more to go if we win. Everything is just so mixed up with this schedule so I hope to be back on my life routine schedule by tomorrow.
Dropping seeds just keeps getting pushed back more and more + I still have two more strains to test and get to stepping on squishing some nugs.
i know how ya feel about the seed drop date man. nothing is gonna go on a calendar for me this round.. when i feel there are no bugs it's go time! i'm not rushing it, i've had them since august so i need to make sure this time.

i sure hope you get every minutes of that trial packed with results from those greedy bastards!!!!
we should have pool on what we think the results will be... i bet the rosin is over 72% and i bet the reclaim is under 40%

i'm curious man, what kind of well not what kind but how are you getting reclaim from the proxy? i thought is was a 3d chamber like the pro.. don't you just swab it..

i was thinking of buying a pivot a couple days ago then i thought when the hell would i actually use the thing? and then it would be another $60 just for that adapter, but i can already do that now with the pro. and then the small battery... i was like nah, i just won't use it and it will sit in a drawer like all the other electronic devices i have!


i was wondering if you were going to the game.. i made that drive one time, well kind of.. it was from round rock to dallas. had some killer BBQ along the way!! haha some roadside place that had this huge chandelier made of antlers!!

the drive from sugerland to lubbock was a brutal one i remember that!! hours of just prairie dog holes.

Not sure if it is still there, but Tolbert's Chili in Dallas was the first place I ever saw a tortilla machine spitting out beautiful rounds and they kept bringing more to the table. Can't remember much else, but old Mr Tolbert is A-O.K in my book. This is the time of year I will wake up in the middle of the night to watch football and make up for all the games I slept through when I lived in Greenland (oops I mean Mexicana) oops I mean VespucciLand!
i know how ya feel about the seed drop date man. nothing is gonna go on a calendar for me this round.. when i feel there are no bugs it's go time! i'm not rushing it, i've had them since august so i need to make sure this time.

i sure hope you get every minutes of that trial packed with results from those greedy bastards!!!!
we should have pool on what we think the results will be... i bet the rosin is over 72% and i bet the reclaim is under 40%

i'm curious man, what kind of well not what kind but how are you getting reclaim from the proxy? i thought is was a 3d chamber like the pro.. don't you just swab it..

i was thinking of buying a pivot a couple days ago then i thought when the hell would i actually use the thing? and then it would be another $60 just for that adapter, but i can already do that now with the pro. and then the small battery... i was like nah, i just won't use it and it will sit in a drawer like all the other electronic devices i have!


i was wondering if you were going to the game.. i made that drive one time, well kind of.. it was from round rock to dallas. had some killer BBQ along the way!! haha some roadside place that had this huge chandelier made of antlers!!

the drive from sugerland to lubbock was a brutal one i remember that!! hours of just prairie dog holes.


Yeah same here...the drop will happen when I'm good and ready. That moon thing did nothing for me so I'm not paying any mind to it. Felt like facebook science more than anything doing that. More males than ever and a hermie came from that lot along with a slow germ and some bad sprouts. Can't say that's why but also can't say it helped with anything either. I would like to get them started just so I'm not wasting Winter weather. Be nice to rattle off a grow and shut down when it gets super hot.

No I'm not going up to the game. Football season has gone so long it's bled over into baseball so this past week I've been double duty and will stay behind for baseball practice.
My weeks are all in shambles. We go by a routine with games on Saturdays. Well when a game is on a Wednesday or Friday, the days are adjusted so while everybody else is on a Sunday, it's actually a Tuesday for me. It's a rough adjustment.

The reclaim off the proxy is down in the well of the corncob glass. It is a 3D chamber and smoke comes out from below the chamber thru a hole on the side of the proxy. There's a space between the hole and tube for the mouthpiece and that's where the melted oil and vapor collects and settles down in the well.
The Pivot is ok but very small. It would be great for dabbing while driving but it's too small to be a daily driver. Advertising is misleading about it too. Those videos with people dancing with it would be a mess since it has to stay vertical or it leaks.
I think this is more along the lines for you and not something tiny like pivot;pervert

Screenshot 2025-01-09 055748.png

Check this out man...Last night Murder Truck doing truck stuff and giving cybertruck the side-eye while doing it;smoke


Not sure if it is still there, but Tolbert's Chili in Dallas was the first place I ever saw a tortilla machine spitting out beautiful rounds and they kept bringing more to the table. Can't remember much else, but old Mr Tolbert is A-O.K in my book. This is the time of year I will wake up in the middle of the night to watch football and make up for all the games I slept through when I lived in Greenland (oops I mean Mexicana) oops I mean VespucciLand!

Any good grocery store around here will have one of these badboys in the bakery dept cranking out 'tillas into 10 or 20 packs.;roc


Yeah don't get me started on the big orange fascist, his new wife Elonia, or the billionaires in his cabinet and all their empty promises. He can't lower cost of living so the next best thing is a distraction like renaming shit and threatening war with allies. Just ask Mussolini what happened when he waged a war Italian's didn't wanna fight. I wanna think he's just full of shit and will simply play golf and run the grifts as usual but still...dangerous times the next 4 years and beyond.
shitty!!!!! messed up part is i typed out a message before the game last night and never even hit post, saw it still sitting here and realized i never hit post. Horns football had a great season and just cuz they didn't get to the big dance they were still in contention and have tons to be proud of!!!

hopefully baseball season starts off smooth and not all chaos right from the get go for ya.


wow look at that crazy glass on the pro!!!!! thats insane man!!! i try not to draw through the unit itself too hard to help keep it clean. if i just sip it and not rip it i can get a full two weeks or longer without tearing it all down for a deep cleaning. at 20-30 rips a day it can get rez'd up pretty quick!!!

i had no idea the proxy dripped like that. now i see why you like having the case to keep it in.


nice stink eye shot!!!! man i only ever seen that one up close over the holidays and even then i wasn't really looking but wow they really don't have any ground clearance at all!!

i can't really see in the photo but i hope thats bird shit all over it!!!! if i am ever brought back as a bird it's what i'll be doing!!!! hahahaha
shitty!!!!! messed up part is i typed out a message before the game last night and never even hit post, saw it still sitting here and realized i never hit post. Horns football had a great season and just cuz they didn't get to the big dance they were still in contention and have tons to be proud of!!!

hopefully baseball season starts off smooth and not all chaos right from the get go for ya.


wow look at that crazy glass on the pro!!!!! thats insane man!!! i try not to draw through the unit itself too hard to help keep it clean. if i just sip it and not rip it i can get a full two weeks or longer without tearing it all down for a deep cleaning. at 20-30 rips a day it can get rez'd up pretty quick!!!

i had no idea the proxy dripped like that. now i see why you like having the case to keep it in.


nice stink eye shot!!!! man i only ever seen that one up close over the holidays and even then i wasn't really looking but wow they really don't have any ground clearance at all!!

i can't really see in the photo but i hope thats bird shit all over it!!!! if i am ever brought back as a bird it's what i'll be doing!!!! hahahaha

Cant ever be mad at 13-2 Brother.
Natty's are rare air to get into and all I want is to be in contention since it is the standard around here.
5-7 wasn't too long ago and I can think of probably 150 other teams woulda loved to have our season.

Unfortunately, I had to enjoy the game from a hospital bed.
Spent Thursday afternoon and early eve in ER and saw some ND vs PSU there then I was moved to IMC and caught the 4th quarter from there.
Next day I was moved to lower level care by 2pm and caught the Texas game.

Thursday morning I woke up feeling off. By 1:30pm, I was in the back of an ambulance and first responders were at work saving my life.
I have new heroes today and things are just different in ways I don't think anybody can understand unless they look the Grim Reaper in the eye like I did.
It's been a rough 5 days. Pneumonia and congestive heart failure had a party with me and it aint no joke.
I'm pretty sure it's been building since my flu around Thanksgiving and some of those questions I asked in PM were contributors. Our bodies just know when something is wrong and I knew it.
I'm not sure where things go from here but it's time for major lifestyle changes at the Hideout. Not even sure I can smoke weed anymore so I'm looking at options. If I can, I do know it will be like before with 100% organic homegrown which has never given trouble. I do know I'm done with dispo carts that's for sure. ☮️
Cant ever be mad at 13-2 Brother.
Natty's are rare air to get into and all I want is to be in contention since it is the standard around here.
5-7 wasn't too long ago and I can think of probably 150 other teams woulda loved to have our season.

Unfortunately, I had to enjoy the game from a hospital bed.
Spent Thursday afternoon and early eve in ER and saw some ND vs PSU there then I was moved to IMC and caught the 4th quarter from there.
Next day I was moved to lower level care by 2pm and caught the Texas game.

Thursday morning I woke up feeling off. By 1:30pm, I was in the back of an ambulance and first responders were at work saving my life.
I have new heroes today and things are just different in ways I don't think anybody can understand unless they look the Grim Reaper in the eye like I did.
It's been a rough 5 days. Pneumonia and congestive heart failure had a party with me and it aint no joke.
I'm pretty sure it's been building since my flu around Thanksgiving and some of those questions I asked in PM were contributors. Our bodies just know when something is wrong and I knew it.
I'm not sure where things go from here but it's time for major lifestyle changes at the Hideout. Not even sure I can smoke weed anymore so I'm looking at options. If I can, I do know it will be like before with 100% organic homegrown which has never given trouble. I do know I'm done with dispo carts that's for sure. ☮️

wow man first off so glad you're home and alive!! holy shit!! happy you listened to your body and took it serious.

scary for sure! pneumonia is no joke, it's what my grandmother died of many moons ago.

rest up and hope ya heal fast. if there is any way i can help you ain't even got ask brother!
It was a one in the wrist and one in the elbow kinda party ;fafo


Stylin' in the hospital with grippy socks that make my feet look like corn on the cob, I❤️ NY boxers, and a funky little box with six wires plugged into my body for monitoring.
And even though I forgot how fucking stupid and horrible cable TV had become, at least ROTJ was on one channel


Food was surprisingly solid and tasty so I had that going for me! Which was nice ;H
This was a custom meal that started with stir fry veggies then I had them add chicken, rice, and a squash medley with a yogurt parfait for dessert. Unsweet tea and cranberry juice for the drink. I have to eat heart healthy like this from now on. BBQ every once in a blue moon maybe. Quitting booze cold turkey too

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wow man first off so glad you're home and alive!! holy shit!! happy you listened to your body and took it serious.

scary for sure! pneumonia is no joke, it's what my grandmother died of many moons ago.

rest up and hope ya heal fast. if there is any way i can help you ain't even got ask brother!

Many thanks my friend!
My lungs are raw AF man. Pneumonia is one wicked bastard Buddy. My lungs were both full of fluid but I got off ez. There were so many others in for it too and from what I was hearing with the code blues, I was very lucky.
I had intense oxygen treatments and maybe a dozen different meds via orally or IV but some were for my heart. I'll be on another 6 months of heart med treatment at minimum. They even ran a tube from my groin to my heart to open veins but luckily no blockage.
Today I can breathe in ways I don't think I've been able to since I was in my 30s but they are so raw right now. Even cig smoke from 50' away irritated them when I left the hospital and was walking thru the parking lot
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It was a one in the wrist and one in the elbow kinda party ;fafo

View attachment 86602View attachment 86603

Stylin' in the hospital with grippy socks that make my feet look like corn on the cob, I❤️ NY boxers, and a funky little box with six wires plugged into my body for monitoring.
And even though I forgot how fucking stupid and horrible cable TV had become, at least ROTJ was on one channel

View attachment 86604

Food was surprisingly solid and tasty so I had that going for me! Which was nice ;H
This was a custom meal that started with stir fry veggies then I had them add chicken and a squash medley with a yogurt parfait for dessert. Unsweet tea and cranberry juice for the drink. I have to eat heart healthy like this from now on. BBQ every once in a blue moon maybe. Quitting booze cold turkey too

View attachment 86605

always lookin on the bright side!!! and see i told you that bottle you're sister sent you was too cool to open!!! i meant the one she sent when i said left side, not the one you already opened and drank most of! hahaha

i could probably deal with the shitty tv but man the sound has got to be terrible from one speaker! at least when i was in around here the tv sound came out of the nurse call device.

diets suck and we gotta deal with them. i never cut it all out at once, i seem to hold on to somethings for a little before giving them up for good. i'm on like a revolving door of cutting stuff out, each time something new and before i know it i don't even miss it. i don't speak of this but it's been three years now since i've tasted ice cream.
i've cut a lot of red meat out too, that one my body thanked me for. my latest blood numbers had the best cholesterol and triglycerides i've ever had in my life. not that they were high but they were always on the higher side of normal on the charts. so i've stayed with more chicken and veggies since. not eating any take out or restaurants really helped me, it seemed easier to choose a healthier way.

meds suck too.. i went from taking no pills to three times a day now. i don't really like taking them but if i don't i die. so.. three times a day! and twice has to be with food so sometimes it dictates when i eat somewhat.

you'll still be able to BBQ man, just different things and with different ingredients. you like all kinds of foods you'll have no problem finding healthy things you like.
It was a one in the wrist and one in the elbow kinda party ;fafo

View attachment 86602View attachment 86603

Stylin' in the hospital with grippy socks that make my feet look like corn on the cob, I❤️ NY boxers, and a funky little box with six wires plugged into my body for monitoring.
And even though I forgot how fucking stupid and horrible cable TV had become, at least ROTJ was on one channel

View attachment 86604

Food was surprisingly solid and tasty so I had that going for me! Which was nice ;H
This was a custom meal that started with stir fry veggies then I had them add chicken, rice, and a squash medley with a yogurt parfait for dessert. Unsweet tea and cranberry juice for the drink. I have to eat heart healthy like this from now on. BBQ every once in a blue moon maybe. Quitting booze cold turkey too

View attachment 86605
Shit man glad you made it back. Definitely a time for change.

My son quit the carts after me reading a few things you guys posted. I was never a fan. Bad taste, worse aftertaste.

I cut way back on alcohol and little to no beer for a couple of years. One reason we grow now. So far, so good. With all the cannatech you have I’m sure you won’t miss it.

Eating healthier, for me, is much harder. My wife’s a foodie and a enabler. One good thing about higher prices is less junk food. But it’s always the crap that’s on sale.

Best wishes and thoughts man. 👊
always lookin on the bright side!!! and see i told you that bottle you're sister sent you was too cool to open!!! i meant the one she sent when i said left side, not the one you already opened and drank most of! hahaha

i could probably deal with the shitty tv but man the sound has got to be terrible from one speaker! at least when i was in around here the tv sound came out of the nurse call device.

diets suck and we gotta deal with them. i never cut it all out at once, i seem to hold on to somethings for a little before giving them up for good. i'm on like a revolving door of cutting stuff out, each time something new and before i know it i don't even miss it. i don't speak of this but it's been three years now since i've tasted ice cream.
i've cut a lot of red meat out too, that one my body thanked me for. my latest blood numbers had the best cholesterol and triglycerides i've ever had in my life. not that they were high but they were always on the higher side of normal on the charts. so i've stayed with more chicken and veggies since. not eating any take out or restaurants really helped me, it seemed easier to choose a healthier way.

meds suck too.. i went from taking no pills to three times a day now. i don't really like taking them but if i don't i die. so.. three times a day! and twice has to be with food so sometimes it dictates when i eat somewhat.

you'll still be able to BBQ man, just different things and with different ingredients. you like all kinds of foods you'll have no problem finding healthy things you like.

The sound thru the nurse call is too funny man because yeah, that's what I had hahaha! 😂
The first bed I was in was cool. It had that sound but when you raise or lowered it, it would follow up with an automatic adjustment to body position and weight for a custom fit. It was so comfy!
The second bed I had was not as comfy but it had "surround sound" with two small and quite frankly, annoying speakers in the rails near my head. I'm pretty sure they recycled speakers from a 1986 walkman and stuck them in that bed.

Out of everything in my new diet, I'll miss ribeyes and brisket the most. But I am about to be one creative sumbitch when it comes to pork tenderloins, chicken, & veggies. Still, no fucking tofu and that's not even up for discussion.

I did make one helluva discovery though! This seasoning is so damn good it's not funny. I couldn't find it at the store when I picked up my meds so I ordered this jug of it on amazon
It made everything I put it on so delicious!
They had to dehydrate me to get the fluid off my lungs so I was on a no salt, bland diet for my stay and every meal I got a little packet of it.
I'm pretty sure it can enhance anything from meat to fish to veggies. It took a salmon fillet from meh to wow!

Yeah meds suck but dying sucks even more. I was reckless and thought I'd live to 100 and die in my sleep some day. Being 51 and coming close in the back of an ambulance changed my mind on that very fast.
I'm on 5 meds now so we'll see how it goes. They do have me feeling great so far though so yeah...mind is changed on meds!

Shit man glad you made it back. Definitely a time for change.

My son quit the carts after me reading a few things you guys posted. I was never a fan. Bad taste, worse aftertaste.

I cut way back on alcohol and little to no beer for a couple of years. One reason we grow now. So far, so good. With all the cannatech you have I’m sure you won’t miss it.

Eating healthier, for me, is much harder. My wife’s a foodie and a enabler. One good thing about higher prices is less junk food. But it’s always the crap that’s on sale.

Best wishes and thoughts man. 👊

Many thanks Buddy!
Yeah the cart biz is shady AF. Unless every ingredient can be tracked it's buyer beware IMO. Too many bad people out there taking advantage of others with them. Dispo seems to be no better than black market in those regards especially when it comes to disposable vapes. My rule now is along the lines of the more convenient the more risk there is and it's too good to be true and it's only a matter of time before a bad vape make ya sick.

I think with booze it's gonna go down like cigs for me. One day I just got sick of them and they repulsed me and I quit cold turkey, never looking back. Just thinking about the smell of booze makes me gag right now so I think cutting it will be ez like cigs.

With weed, I'm looking at bong with dual percolators, can hold ice, and adding an ash catcher. Nothing big though. I did have an Illadelph that fit this perfect and it was so clean and smooth but I ended up selling it.

It is weird how the healthier you wanna eat, the more expensive it is.
IDK if you have walmarts up there but they're loaded with the worst of the worst in food and you can get a huge haul for cheap. They'll have flavors of soda and chips I think would be illegal in some countries super cheap but go to a farmers market for clean organic food and it's 3x regular pricing.
The sound thru the nurse call is too funny man because yeah, that's what I had hahaha! 😂
The first bed I was in was cool. It had that sound but when you raise or lowered it, it would follow up with an automatic adjustment to body position and weight for a custom fit. It was so comfy!
The second bed I had was not as comfy but it had "surround sound" with two small and quite frankly, annoying speakers in the rails near my head. I'm pretty sure they recycled speakers from a 1986 walkman and stuck them in that bed.

Out of everything in my new diet, I'll miss ribeyes and brisket the most. But I am about to be one creative sumbitch when it comes to pork tenderloins, chicken, & veggies. Still, no fucking tofu and that's not even up for discussion.

I did make one helluva discovery though! This seasoning is so damn good it's not funny. I couldn't find it at the store when I picked up my meds so I ordered this jug of it on amazon
It made everything I put it on so delicious!
They had to dehydrate me to get the fluid off my lungs so I was on a no salt, bland diet for my stay and every meal I got a little packet of it.
I'm pretty sure it can enhance anything from meat to fish to veggies. It took a salmon fillet from meh to wow!

Yeah meds suck but dying sucks even more. I was reckless and thought I'd live to 100 and die in my sleep some day. Being 51 and coming close in the back of an ambulance changed my mind on that very fast.
I'm on 5 meds now so we'll see how it goes. They do have me feeling great so far though so yeah...mind is changed on meds!

Many thanks Buddy!
Yeah the cart biz is shady AF. Unless every ingredient can be tracked it's buyer beware IMO. Too many bad people out there taking advantage of others with them. Dispo seems to be no better than black market in those regards especially when it comes to disposable vapes. My rule now is along the lines of the more convenient the more risk there is and it's too good to be true and it's only a matter of time before a bad vape make ya sick.

I think with booze it's gonna go down like cigs for me. One day I just got sick of them and they repulsed me and I quit cold turkey, never looking back. Just thinking about the smell of booze makes me gag right now so I think cutting it will be ez like cigs.

With weed, I'm looking at bong with dual percolators, can hold ice, and adding an ash catcher. Nothing big though. I did have an Illadelph that fit this perfect and it was so clean and smooth but I ended up selling it.

It is weird how the healthier you wanna eat, the more expensive it is.
IDK if you have walmarts up there but they're loaded with the worst of the worst in food and you can get a huge haul for cheap. They'll have flavors of soda and chips I think would be illegal in some countries super cheap but go to a farmers market for clean organic food and it's 3x regular pricing.
I use to enjoy drinking beer about ten years ago i bought a case of beer opened a bottle drank half and said to myself this tastes like shit i havent had any alcohol since. Dont miss it
Cant ever be mad at 13-2 Brother.
Natty's are rare air to get into and all I want is to be in contention since it is the standard around here.
5-7 wasn't too long ago and I can think of probably 150 other teams woulda loved to have our season.

Unfortunately, I had to enjoy the game from a hospital bed.
Spent Thursday afternoon and early eve in ER and saw some ND vs PSU there then I was moved to IMC and caught the 4th quarter from there.
Next day I was moved to lower level care by 2pm and caught the Texas game.

Thursday morning I woke up feeling off. By 1:30pm, I was in the back of an ambulance and first responders were at work saving my life.
I have new heroes today and things are just different in ways I don't think anybody can understand unless they look the Grim Reaper in the eye like I did.
It's been a rough 5 days. Pneumonia and congestive heart failure had a party with me and it aint no joke.
I'm pretty sure it's been building since my flu around Thanksgiving and some of those questions I asked in PM were contributors. Our bodies just know when something is wrong and I knew it.
I'm not sure where things go from here but it's time for major lifestyle changes at the Hideout. Not even sure I can smoke weed anymore so I'm looking at options. If I can, I do know it will be like before with 100% organic homegrown which has never given trouble. I do know I'm done with dispo carts that's for sure. ☮️
Wow, I had no idea, keep healing, I suffer little, but my cancer is back so, I grow for me and 3 others only now. Stay down! Ranch style beans?
Many thanks Buddy!
Don’t be silly. You’re always helping people out and a strong presence here. You’d be missed by many. So I’m glad you’re making an effort to stick around a while longer.

My dumb ass is still eating pepperoni sticks and sipping Tequila when the wife buys a bottle for good behaviour. 🤣

Yeah the cart biz is shady AF. Unless every ingredient can be tracked it's buyer beware IMO. Too many bad people out there taking advantage of others with them. Dispo seems to be no better than black market in those regards especially when it comes to disposable vapes. My rule now is along the lines of the more convenient the more risk there is and it's too good to be true and it's only a matter of time before a bad vape make ya sick.
My son got hooked on shady stores/stalls selling them out the back door. I’d already warned him about dispo ones. I think G$ chimed up one day about them when we were all talking. Since then he just stopped buying them. Not sure if he looked into them deeper or just took the advice. Happy regardless.

I think with booze it's gonna go down like cigs for me. One day I just got sick of them and they repulsed me and I quit cold turkey, never looking back. Just thinking about the smell of booze makes me gag right now so I think cutting it will be ez like cigs.
Cigarettes I stopped cold. Same with tiny cigars. Only missed it when reading a novel and they talked about lighting one up.

Booze was harder. It’s like food. I drank a lot of beer. At least 24 on weekends, for years…decades probably. But never got hangovers or sloppy drunk. Rarely got drunk for that matter. It was just my go to drink that I used to control my mood. Didn’t really touch spirits until much later. These days a 8 pack of 4.5% cider will last a week. My problem is I get bored of the taste and want something else.

I cut back on my own a few years back and switched to cannabis to help with pain and mood. Wanted a healthier choice. Government health commercials said a few drinks a week was fine but we all know that’s BS just to sell more. It’s a carcinogen. I notice this year they are talking about putting warning labels on bottles like they do cigarettes.

With weed, I'm looking at bong with dual percolators, can hold ice, and adding an ash catcher. Nothing big though. I did have an Illadelph that fit this perfect and it was so clean and smooth but I ended up selling it.
Sounded great so looked it up. 😳
I wouldn’t have got one even if I was still working. You sell yours for a car down payment? 🤣IMG_2459.jpeg

It is weird how the healthier you wanna eat, the more expensive it is.
When I was a kid it was cheap. TV dinners came out and other instant meals any THEY were to expensive. Now it’s the other way round. 😒

IDK if you have walmarts up there but they're loaded with the worst of the worst in food and you can get a huge haul for cheap. They'll have flavors of soda and chips I think would be illegal in some countries super cheap but go to a farmers market for clean organic food and it's 3x regular pricing.
Ya, we have them. I don’t shop there. My wife and son do when they have too. It’s mostly cheap quality for too high an asking price. I’ve bought wide mouth mason jars, motor oil and a motorcycle battery from them long ago. Nothing else.

My food and alcohol control is I don’t buy it so when I crave it it’s not there. But my wife is a foodie and an enabler. It’s taken decades but she’s gotten better. I don’t buy booze any more but she’ll buy a bottle or six pack thinking she’s doing me a favour or a reward. I stopped complaining about it and just try to leave it alone as long as possible. 🤷‍♂️
well now thats a new smiley for sure!!... ;pirate

hahaha interesting you say... at least they're only the small bags!! hehe


somebody has way too much free time on their hands!!!! i'm glad they do because those were funny AF!!!


i knew larson was in trouble when C bell got to dirt race again...

Wow what a fun little race
I enjoy bourbon, stopped beer, more expensive, yes yes the decent brew at least. I get a Buffalo Trace distilled Benchmark bourbon for $21.00, Last a week, Cheers! SS
Cant ever be mad at 13-2 Brother.
Natty's are rare air to get into and all I want is to be in contention since it is the standard around here.
5-7 wasn't too long ago and I can think of probably 150 other teams woulda loved to have our season.

Unfortunately, I had to enjoy the game from a hospital bed.
Spent Thursday afternoon and early eve in ER and saw some ND vs PSU there then I was moved to IMC and caught the 4th quarter from there.
Next day I was moved to lower level care by 2pm and caught the Texas game.

Thursday morning I woke up feeling off. By 1:30pm, I was in the back of an ambulance and first responders were at work saving my life.
I have new heroes today and things are just different in ways I don't think anybody can understand unless they look the Grim Reaper in the eye like I did.
It's been a rough 5 days. Pneumonia and congestive heart failure had a party with me and it aint no joke.
I'm pretty sure it's been building since my flu around Thanksgiving and some of those questions I asked in PM were contributors. Our bodies just know when something is wrong and I knew it.
I'm not sure where things go from here but it's time for major lifestyle changes at the Hideout. Not even sure I can smoke weed anymore so I'm looking at options. If I can, I do know it will be like before with 100% organic homegrown which has never given trouble. I do know I'm done with dispo carts that's for sure. ☮️
Damn hope you get to feeling better dude

Zen...pepperoni sticks? Ricky that you? 😆. Them shits are good tho
Ah man, get well Bandit~!;burt

Many thanks Brother! ❤️ 🩲☮️
Damn was it a cart that did you in? I've always hated carts. They always have that glycol taste and, you're right, they're just so shady.

Get well soon Big Dog. We're rooting for ya!

Thanks Buddy!
I cannot say it was all on carts or more so disposable vapes but they were a contributor and there's no doubt in my mind about that.

Any underlying issues are gonna make pneumonia that much worse and possibly fatal. So elderly, infants, and anything like diabetes, high blood pressure, over weight, etc and sometimes meds like ibuprofin and Advil will worsen it.

It started with the flu in November and I thought I was over it but would experience tight chest and short breathing from time to time.
Lethargy, weakness, and irritability were also symptoms.
At one point thought it might be covid and I was dealing with long term covid but that test was negative.
During that time between then and now I had been test driving various oils, carts, and disposables.

One disposable and one cart was seriously off. They would change flavor when heated then lost it's potency even though the tank was still full but I kept toking on it. I also experienced an allergic reaction to them.
Another factor may be silicone. My Puffco Pivot has a weird and off flavor in the silicone mouth piece which sits right on top of the heating chamber.
I cannot find anywhere or any mention of that being medical grade silicone.
Med grade silicone used to be a buying point on devices like Volcano and SSV but you don't see that anymore. So I'm avoiding anything silicone and going back to using only borsilicate glass or titanium when I can and if I can.

So I would say all of the above along with a fatty foods in my diet, drinking hard liquor, little to no exercise, stress, over worked, high blood pressure were all contributors to the pneumonia and especially congestive heart failure. Just a perfect storm to put me in the hospital for 5 days.

Wow, I had no idea, keep healing, I suffer little, but my cancer is back so, I grow for me and 3 others only now. Stay down! Ranch style beans?

Man I hope you beat that fucking cancer Buddy. I had my liver and kidneys also scanned and scoped and while they're not the best, they certainly are not 100% peak health either so that's why booze is out for me now.
As far as the ranch style long as they're not in the chili!! 😂
Which reminds I need to invent a heart healthy chili recipe ;pervert

Don’t be silly. You’re always helping people out and a strong presence here. You’d be missed by many. So I’m glad you’re making an effort to stick around a while longer.

My dumb ass is still eating pepperoni sticks and sipping Tequila when the wife buys a bottle for good behaviour. 🤣

My son got hooked on shady stores/stalls selling them out the back door. I’d already warned him about dispo ones. I think G$ chimed up one day about them when we were all talking. Since then he just stopped buying them. Not sure if he looked into them deeper or just took the advice. Happy regardless.

Cigarettes I stopped cold. Same with tiny cigars. Only missed it when reading a novel and they talked about lighting one up.

Booze was harder. It’s like food. I drank a lot of beer. At least 24 on weekends, for years…decades probably. But never got hangovers or sloppy drunk. Rarely got drunk for that matter. It was just my go to drink that I used to control my mood. Didn’t really touch spirits until much later. These days a 8 pack of 4.5% cider will last a week. My problem is I get bored of the taste and want something else.

I cut back on my own a few years back and switched to cannabis to help with pain and mood. Wanted a healthier choice. Government health commercials said a few drinks a week was fine but we all know that’s BS just to sell more. It’s a carcinogen. I notice this year they are talking about putting warning labels on bottles like they do cigarettes.

Sounded great so looked it up. 😳
I wouldn’t have got one even if I was still working. You sell yours for a car down payment? 🤣View attachment 86639

When I was a kid it was cheap. TV dinners came out and other instant meals any THEY were to expensive. Now it’s the other way round. 😒

Ya, we have them. I don’t shop there. My wife and son do when they have too. It’s mostly cheap quality for too high an asking price. I’ve bought wide mouth mason jars, motor oil and a motorcycle battery from them long ago. Nothing else.

My food and alcohol control is I don’t buy it so when I crave it it’s not there. But my wife is a foodie and an enabler. It’s taken decades but she’s gotten better. I don’t buy booze any more but she’ll buy a bottle or six pack thinking she’s doing me a favour or a reward. I stopped complaining about it and just try to leave it alone as long as possible. 🤷‍♂️

In my youth while in the Army I drank a ton of beer and vodka then quit when I got out and started to grow my own.
Later in life I found I enjoyed bourbon but often over indulged. The thing about good quality booze is that it won't give me a hangover so I thought it was okay but it was a factor in my health as I aged. Moderation woulda been fine but that word seemed to be missing from my vocabulary the past 10 years or so.

This was the Illadelph I had except where this one is green, mine was black. Paid around $500 for it but sold it for $700. I rarely used it because I was so nervous I'd break it so when offered, I sold it


Cleanest smoking bong I ever had the pleasure to use. Triple filtration and ice made it fabulous.
As I shop around I'm looking for triple filtration with shower heads, jellyfish, or inline percs then also add an ashcatcher for more filtration.
I'd like it to hold ice and be around 12-15" tall.
Here's a couple on my radar so far that gives you an idea of what I'm looking for. Every bong I already own has at least one of these types of features but is also a huge cannon of a piece.
The vertical piece here fits the bill almost perfectly and these are no where close to being as expensive as something like Illadelph. I'll also take a look at local offerings from locally owned head shops selling fine glass.

Screenshot 2025-01-14 122945.pngScreenshot 2025-01-14 123625.png

Since they dehydrated me I figured last night would be okay to kinda indulge and take in my daily allowance of salt in one sitting and made some ramen. I love Tonkotsu ramen in the black bowls. It's on the spicy side but so good! Instead of water I used veggie broth and topped with a 7 minute hard boiled then ice bath egg.


Wow what a fun little race

Dirt racin'!!! Sprints or late models on dirt is such a treat!;roc

I enjoy bourbon, stopped beer, more expensive, yes yes the decent brew at least. I get a Buffalo Trace distilled Benchmark bourbon for $21.00, Last a week, Cheers! SS

I think my last bottle of Bulleit is gonna sit under the bar for a very very long time after this 😿

Damn hope you get to feeling better dude

Zen...pepperoni sticks? Ricky that you? 😆. Them shits are good tho

Many thanks Brother MDK!! 🩲❤️🩲


For some reason I can't help but think of a scene from The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas when I think about smoked brisket now so here is my

"Ode To Brisket"

I'm Dolly and Burt is brisket but we aint riding off into the sunset in a Chevy pickup at the end

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