Car/Bike thread

When I was in my 30's I'd still get asked for ID, when I was 50 & 60 people would say no way you're not that old. Now that I'm 70 when I say that people just nod, yep 70's about right....WTF happened the last 10 years??? I got old all around real quick like.
Ive never thought myself as old but for some reason when i turned 67 that number hit me. Why? Who knows, really dont feel much different.
Can still ride this
cades 2.jpg
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Ive never thought myself as old but for some reason when i turned 67 that number hit me. Why? Who knows, really dont feel much different.
Can still ride this
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it just reminds me of ouch now......If I took a spill now, which would be inevitable it would hurt too much for too long...just the word recovery scares me now........I can't watch fails.......I feel the pain in short flashes when I watch folks get injured on a bike because I feel like I've had them all...... wrist, collar bone, tib/fib/ my poor knees and more scratches and road rash than I want to think about.. I can't even gym ride because my knees are gone and anymore abuse I need a new left knee to start followed by a right....
this here is my baby...long term project car Ive been working rust bucket but piece by piece Ive been rebuilding her...

1970 Pontiac Formula Firebird... 400 Ram Air 3, came from the factory atoll Blue, less then 1200 total made. had her shipped in from Georgia...dubbed her the georgia peach.

So far Ive cut out and replaced the floor boards, toe boards, rear seat floor boards, and package tray drop offs. Working on the fenders right now...already shaved the side marker lights, and working on getting the metal work on them done.

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body work is in my blood...

My grandfather owned / operated the Cottage Grove Autobody shop, and at one point, if you raced at the cottage grove track, you knew my grandfather.

This was his last project before he passed. 58 simca, he built it all from a rusted-out cowl and vin plate. On dialysis 3 times a week, weighed 90 pounds soaking wet, out pulling motors in his garage. Grit like this young generation barely understands. He outlived 2 wives, a son, 2 grand children, one of which he raised, and kept a smile somehow thru all the bs life can give you. His only wish before he died was finishing this truck so it could be sold and pay off all his wives' debt. 325359763_3135153523450654_483391548923803935_n.jpg324181996_1278017819416030_6531752829296925193_n.jpg35359998_10213820363161758_2460594640848420864_n.jpg
Now I need to see it.
Try to maintain your dignity as you peruse this photo.

I no longer do anything illegal, now that I live in a legal state, so I'm leaving in identifiable stuff. And the statute of limitations is up in North and South Carolina, where i had the same license plate.

Yes, dirt is my life. This was during the pandemic, when all of a sudden, everyone wanted to build a new home, and they needed soil evaluations for septic systems. My clients don't care about me freezing to death, in case you were wondering.

BTW, if you live in NW Ohio and need a septic system, you WILL be calling me -- either right off the bat or AFTER you had your land evaluated by one of my competitors, and wanted it to be done right this time.
Damn you big government guys trying to tell me which hole I can and can't poop in. Next you will be regulating farts.
I'm strictly private sector. I will defend your right to poop in any hole in the ground of your choosing, TO THE DEATH!

But if you want a toilet and running water, along with 100% less hookworm, it's gonna cost ya.
Try to maintain your dignity as you peruse this photo.
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I no longer do anything illegal, now that I live in a legal state, so I'm leaving in identifiable stuff. And the statute of limitations is up in North and South Carolina, where i had the same license plate.

Yes, dirt is my life. This was during the pandemic, when all of a sudden, everyone wanted to build a new home, and they needed soil evaluations for septic systems. My clients don't care about me freezing to death, in case you were wondering.

BTW, if you live in NW Ohio and need a septic system, you WILL be calling me -- either right off the bat or AFTER you had your land evaluated by one of my competitors, and wanted it to be done right this time.
Kalamazoo Battle Creek area is where I’m from familiar with mich back roads like no ther ! Lol
BTW, the missing bumpersticker said, "Tree-Hugging Dirt Worshipper," but apparently it was biodegradable.
That reminds me, i was on a atv forum for can ams and my signature was
" save a tree, wipe your ass with an owl"

Edit: this is my 4th forum ive bean a member of, in case anyone is keeping track
That reminds me, i was on a atv forum for can ams and my signature was
" save a tree, wipe your ass with an owl"

Edit: this is my 4th forum ive bean a member of, in case anyone is keeping track
Keep in mind:

  • Owls have sharp, hooked things.
  • They also squirm, flap and writhe.
These are not features I desire in TP. Besides, you can't owl someone's house.

Not really much of a victory imo. The old days of "if its getting gas its gotta run" are gone

Its so technical and specialized today that being "handy" isnt enough anymore. Its bean 24 years since i combined my last corn crop and just 24 short years ago i had to drive that combine.
Not really much of a victory imo. The old days of "if its getting gas its gotta run" are gone

Its so technical and specialized today that being "handy" isnt enough anymore. Its bean 24 years since i combined my last corn crop and just 24 short years ago i had to drive that combine.
Our family farm is long gone but a friend still does seed corn leases thousands of acres and hire a team a combined at harvest - subs out most tasks - my how farming has changed .
I should be able to fix anything I own.

Shit these days thats no easy feat...we just bought (well in 7 years of payments we will have) a 2023 model car, first actually new car Ive ever bought...and that damn thing has so many sensors just the wiring diagram is like 400 pages of multifold out pages. Anything they making now....the age of the home garage mechanic are ending. Hell even the 70 firebird Im generation could be the last one that even gets to hot rod...unless you got mountains of money. The old parts that used to be plentiful in junkyards and swap meets are long gone, and when you do find them, they are boatloads of money. Ill likely have...god I don't even want to think about how much money it will take to restore my firebird....lll likely have to put 80k into it to make it worth 50k lol and thats with me doing all the metal work. I was talking with the local resto shop when I dropped in my fenders to be acid dipped, and hes got a 72 trans am they are building for a client, hes got 200k into it now and he didnt have to do much rust repair. They straight up said a car as rusted as mine they wouldnt take on anymore as no one is willing to pay that hours it would take on top of the cost of all the parts these days. And Im not talking making a nascar or drag car. IDK how average joe could even afford to have a hobby funny car or take something to the track - talking much deeper pockets. wow that was a ramble!
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It's why I like Jeeps. If you cant find a part you need just make it out of something else. I had shit from about 6 different cars from 5 different decades in mine lol.

I have a Gladiator and it's even easier to take apart and work on than my CJ7 was. Some car manufacturers do get it, not many.
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Shit these days thats no easy feat...we just bought (well in 7 years of payments we will have) a 2023 model car, first actually new car Ive ever bought...and that damn thing has so many sensors just the wiring diagram is like 400 pages of multifold out pages. Anything they making now....the age of the home garage mechanic are ending. Hell even the 70 firebird Im generation could be the last one that even gets to hot rod...unless you got mountains of money. The old parts that used to be plentiful in junkyards and swap meets are long gone, and when you do find them, they are boatloads of money. Ill likely have...god I don't even want to think about how much money it will take to restore my firebird....lll likely have to put 80k into it to make it worth 50k lol and thats with me doing all the metal work. I was talking with the local resto shop when I dropped in my fenders to be acid dipped, and hes got a 72 trans am they are building for a client, hes got 200k into it now and he didnt have to do much rust repair. They straight up said a car as rusted as mine they wouldnt take on anymore as no one is willing to pay that hours it would take on top of the cost of all the parts these days. And Im not talking making a nascar or drag car. IDK how average joe could even afford to have a hobby funny car or take something to the track - talking much deeper pockets. wow that was a ramble!
Not a cheap hobby for sure well over a hundred in this one love those second gen fire birds it will be worth it in the end !


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It's why I like Jeeps. If you cant find a part you need just make it out of something else. I had shit from about 6 different cars from 5 different decades in mine lol.

I have a Gladiator and it's even easier to take apart and work on than my CJ7 was. Some car manufacturers do get it, not many.
Lmao that’s cuz at one point they bought parts from whoever they could ! Lol might be a gm motor and Chrysler drivetrain ? Some of those old jeeps are crazy reliable others awill need to be worked on .
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