Well the link G79 posted made it reasonable to try. What's another 10 days wait I said to myself. But if that fucker woulda said wait until November I'd be like fuck that I'm lightin' this candle today!
I'm curious though about what he said regarding roots...Like I could start today but what if it's a slow germ and slow out of the gate. But if I line it up to that calendar then they could get going fast and the ten day wait would be a non-factor. Maybe a side by side will happen at some time in the future if I really get into it.
The only thing that's kinda off is how vague the results of this stuff seems to be and I'm just not sold on it being applicable indoors but I'll check it out.
When it comes to the Farmers Almanac yeah I don't trust it at all. Too many rain outs when it shoulda been clear and sunny and I think it's track record is around 50% accuracy. Chicago Street Race is an example and even COTA are planned using the FA. CSR is 2 for 2 on rain outs with '23 being a dang monsoon and COTA is 1-3 with that one rain out being another monsoon so yeah the FA has some work to do on accuracy IMO