BlueCollarBob- Bumbling Through My First Grow


Blaze Bandit
Bud Builders Supporter
Jun 9, 2024
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Just in time for outdoor grow season a buddy offered me a plant and I took him up on it. Then I ordered three clones to bring me up to the four plant limit we have here. I did some rushed internet research and now have them all growing outdoors in 100 gallon grow bags. I filled the bags with a mix of raised bed soil, my own compost and peat moss. I'm a complete noob, but think I want to keep things organic. I'll definitely be spending some time studying up on the KNF threads. I suspect I'll want to grow in the ground next year, but will want to start getting the soil headed in the right direction, soon. Of course, I might end up loving the grow bags, lol. We'll see...

I fed compost tea from Boogie Brew and sprayed with a dry fish protein, today. I included worm castings and soldier fly frass in with the tea. Then mixed in a dollop of molasses with the tea. Elsewhere on the Internet I've read that once per week is good on the compost tea. Sound right?

This is my first ever attempt at growing cannabis and I'm glad to accept any advice. I have a thick skin, so no need to sugar coat it when you see any poor decisions I've made, lol.

Here is Butter Waves as I received her on 15MAY24. My buddy grew her from seed. He gave me the empty seed pack from Robin Hood Seeds, but it didn't have any strain info. Looking around on the Internet, I believe this may have been a freebie that were added to some seed purchases or something:


And here is a pic of her from this evening:


The clones came from Burning Bush Nurseries and arrived at my house on 21MAY24. Here is a pic including the clones Sour Diesel, Jet Fuel Odder Popz and Slurty3:


Here's some of the groundskeepers and compost turners:


Zeppelin says, "Quit putzing around in the garden and throw this stick!"

Looking beautiful! You need to get out of the habit of watering right up to and around the stalk and more watering the root zone. Everything else looks wonderful! I use teas as well. I’m an indoor grower. I use it at week five, seven and nine.
Nice looking plants look vibrant and healthy those chickens should do a fine job keeping the bugs at bay too...hell yea dude gotter goin on!
Thanks. Have a long way to go. I can already tell I'm going to enjoy this. The good thing about a first attempt is the low expectations. Minor successes can feel huge. So, I'd be thrilled to successfully grow, dry and cure even a tiny harvest. May have to look at the indoor stuff for Winter, lol.
Looking beautiful! You need to get out of the habit of watering right up to and around the stalk and more watering the root zone. Everything else looks wonderful! I use teas as well. I’m an indoor grower. I use it at week five, seven and nine.
Thank you! I really did try to water away from the stalk to encourage root growth. More so on the larger plant. Was guessing I should be closer to the stalk on the smaller ones and move outward as they grow. You are right, though. I have a hard time staying away from the middle.

Is there much or any difference in the frequency of the teas for indoor versus outdoor? Will once a week be too often for what I have going on?

I think I underestimated the potential for how big some plants can grow. I may have the containers too close, if things take off. In my limited poking around on the Internet it looks like the indica varieties bush out more. Three of the ones I planted are sativa dominant hybrids. Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll go more vertical.

Feeling a bit clueless about a lot of stuff. I don't want to overdo anything, but I do want to work on the basics for feeding, trellising, trimming, topping...
Thank you! I really did try to water away from the stalk to encourage root growth. More so on the larger plant. Was guessing I should be closer to the stalk on the smaller ones and move outward as they grow. You are right, though. I have a hard time staying away from the middle.
Most welcome! If you water in the “root zone” a circle on the outer edge of the plants, the roots will go there to get a drink.
Is there much or any difference in the frequency of the teas for indoor versus outdoor? Will once a week be too often for what I have going on?
I never did tea once a week on my outdoor ladies, but I use a living soil of sorts and it seldom falls short. Outdoor plants do face much more rigorous conditions. I too use molasses. Make sure it’s a blackstrap molasses that you are using and not a regular molasses. Also, outdoor the molasses will draw critters. Looks as if you have them protected?
I think I underestimated the potential for how big some plants can grow. I may have the containers too close, if things take off. In my limited poking around on the Internet it looks like the indica varieties bush out more. Three of the ones I planted are sativa dominant hybrids. Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll go more vertical.
You are right about that. The indicas grow short, squat and round by nature, while the sativas are long tall and lanky.
Feeling a bit clueless about a lot of stuff. I don't want to overdo anything, but I do want to work on the basics for feeding, trellising, trimming, topping...
You have a green thumb, I can already see that. Very beautiful ladies for a first time grow!
Your best information as to what is going on with your ladies at any given time will come from the leaves. Everything from whacked ph to nutrient deficiencies will show up in the leaves. This too will come with time.
You have the right idea about not wanting to overdo. You can always add more, but you can’t remove it.
Start with topping first.
I see it’s moulting time for the chickens, I love the Rhode Island Reds, such sweet dispositions. Thanks for sharing the pics with us!
You have chose a great forum for help, these guys are great and we have every kind of grow known going on in here.
I grow organically and I use a scrog method to increase my take indoors.
Id move those ladies at least four feet apart.
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Most welcome! If you water in the “root zone” a circle on the outer edge of the plants, the roots will go there to get a drink.

I never did tea once a week on my outdoor ladies, but I use a living soil of sorts and it seldom falls short. Outdoor plants do face much more rigorous conditions. I too use molasses. Make sure it’s a blackstrap molasses that you are using and not a regular molasses. Also, outdoor the molasses will draw critters. Looks as if you have them protected?

You are right about that. The indicas grow short, squat and round by nature, while the sativas are long tall and lanky.

You have a green thumb, I can already see that. Very beautiful ladies for a first time grow!
Your best information as to what is going on with your ladies at any given time will come from the leaves. Everything from whacked ph to nutrient deficiencies will show up in the leaves. This too will come with time.
You have the right idea about not wanting to overdo. You can always add more, but you can’t remove it.
Start with topping first.
I see it’s moulting time for the chickens, I love the Rhode Island Reds, such sweet dispositions. Thanks for sharing the pics with us!
You have chose a great forum for help, these guys are great and we have every kind of grow known going on in here.
I grow organically and I use a scrog method to increase my take indoors.
Id move those ladies at least four feet apart.
They only had this one brand and my local grocery. Thanks for the tip on the blackstrap variety. I'll look around next time I'm out of town:


Protection from critters is nearly non-existent and definitely needs work. I just have bird mesh around an old EZ-Up frame, at the moment. Probably easiest rout for me will be to sink t-posts and run electric fence. Nothing has messed with any of my garden, so far. Our dogs do a decent job deterring the deer, rabbits and above all... motorcycles.
They only had this one brand and my local grocery. Thanks for the tip on the blackstrap variety. I'll look around next time I'm out of town:

View attachment 61298

Protection from critters is nearly non-existent and definitely needs work. I just have bird mesh around an old EZ-Up frame, at the moment. Probably easiest rout for me will be to sink t-posts and run electric fence. Nothing has messed with any of my garden, so far. Our dogs do a decent job deterring the deer, rabbits and above all... motorcycles.
You’re good, Unsulphered is black strap. The other contains sulfur.
Much cheaper by the gallon on Amazon. I use it every time I water, a tblspn to a gallon of water. I don’t use it on feed days. I feed and then the next time I just water. Molasses is a free source of both calcium and magnesium plus it seems to kick some microbes butts into action when I add it to my tea.
Good luck on deterring those wild motorcycles! We keep ours in the pasture behind fences 😜😝😜
Rethinking some things. All advice welcome.

Before finding this forum, I had read somewhere about covering your outdoor plants the last couple weeks of flower to keep rain off of them. So, I set up an old 10'X10' EZ-Up frame over my plants. My intent was to rig up some greenhouse plastic over top when late in flower. I also thought it could give me something to work off of, if there's a need to trellis. With the grow bags, I'm thinking this frame may not be tall enough. I might go ahead remove it. I have a heavier duty 10'X20' pole style frame that is taller, if this idea makes sense. Or, I could rig up a hoop-style cover...

Also, I'm thinking about trying to get the plants on a plywood sled and spacing them out some more.

I'm going to start brewing a compost tea in a bit. I bought a bigger 40W pump that I hope will have it ready live and ready to apply tomorrow night.

KNF ala @stonemason : Other weekend plans are to start fermenting some apples that I collected from a huge tree that unfortunately split on my dad. We spent a couple evenings cutting and hauling it off. I took the time to gather up a load of the immature apples. I have a bunch of toasted egg shells I've saved up and will start making a batch of the water soluble calcium. Pretty excited to try some of these KNF brews in my garden, in general.

Out of curiosity, I measured plant heights from soil level at bases to tops. Butter Waves is 43". The younger girls are 12" - 15".

Here's a pic from this afternoon:

Plants as of this afternoon:

Butter Waves


Sour Diesel

Jet Fuel Odder Popz


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Rethinking some things. All advice welcome.

Before finding this forum, I had read somewhere about covering your outdoor plants the last couple weeks of flower to keep rain off of them. So, I set up an old 10'X10' EZ-Up frame over my plants. My intent was to rig up some greenhouse plastic over top when late in flower. I also thought it could give me something to work off of, if there's a need to trellis. With the grow bags, I'm thinking this frame may not be tall enough. I might go ahead remove it. I have a heavier duty 10'X20' pole style frame that is taller, if this idea makes sense. Or, I could rig up a hoop-style cover...

Also, I'm thinking about trying to get the plants on a plywood sled and spacing them out some more.

I'm going to start brewing a compost tea in a bit. I bought a bigger 40W pump that I hope will have it ready live and ready to apply tomorrow night.

KNF ala @stonemason : Other weekend plans are to start fermenting some apples that I collected from a huge tree that unfortunately split on my dad. We spent a couple evenings cutting and hauling it off. I took the time to gather up a load of the immature apples. I have a bunch of toasted egg shells I've saved up and will start making a batch of the water soluble calcium. Pretty excited to try some of these KNF brews in my garden, in general.

Out of curiosity, I measured plant heights from soil level at bases to tops. Butter Waves is 43". The younger girls are 12" - 15".

Here's a pic from this afternoon:
View attachment 61682

Plants as of this afternoon:

Butter Waves
View attachment 61681

View attachment 61677

Sour Diesel
View attachment 61679

Jet Fuel Odder Popz
View attachment 61680
I like to use vigorously growing non poisonous weeds for veg period. Fermented plant juice from dandelions, stinging nettle,comphrey,thistle whatever you got local.then I like to switch to a fermented plant juice made from unripe apples,green tomatoes and green unripe black berries ,rasberry or mulberry during switch over between veg and early flower.then I switch to a fermented fruit juice from ripe apples,banana ,carrots, beets, mangos ,pumkins,cucumbers,green beans, grapes during flower and fruiting period. But if your just starting out in knf keep it simple.
You can use oyster shell flower for the calcium too if you don't have egg shells.i don't have allot of time to toast egg shells.i also buy the chard bones for water soluable phosphorus. I very rarely char my own making some 20240601_085955.jpg20240601_085914.jpg20240601_071415.jpgof both right now should be done next weekend.
I wouldn't worry about your plants getting rained on. Let them get all the sun they can.
Appreciate the feedback. I'm new and I know I can't believe everything on the Internet. I wish I could remember where I saw it. Guy just said he likes to cover his the last couple of weeks before harvest. He did it to help prevent mold in case he hit a rainy patch close to harvest. He had a clear cover that let the sun through. Is there any logic in that?
I like to use vigorously growing non poisonous weeds for veg period. Fermented plant juice from dandelions, stinging nettle,comphrey,thistle whatever you got local.then I like to switch to a fermented plant juice made from unripe apples,green tomatoes and green unripe black berries ,rasberry or mulberry during switch over between veg and early flower.then I switch to a fermented fruit juice from ripe apples,banana ,carrots, beets, mangos ,pumkins,cucumbers,green beans, grapes during flower and fruiting period. But if your just starting out in knf keep it simple.
You can use oyster shell flower for the calcium too if you don't have egg shells.i don't have allot of time to toast egg shells.i also buy the chard bones for water soluable phosphorus. I very rarely char my own making some View attachment 61695View attachment 61696View attachment 61697of both right now should be done next weekend.
Sweet! I'll see what I have the most of growing nearby and ferment some plants, too. I just didn't want the apples to go to waste. I have chickens and probably a half gallon bag of toasted, finely crunched up egg shells to try. Most inconvenient thing for me is I'm not finding the big bags of brown sugar around here.

Thanks for the comments and all the great info you have shared on KNF 🤘
Appreciate the feedback. I'm new and I know I can't believe everything on the Internet. I wish I could remember where I saw it. Guy just said he likes to cover his the last couple of weeks before harvest. He did it to help prevent mold in case he hit a rainy patch close to harvest. He had a clear cover that let the sun through. Is there any logic in that?
We used to blow the plants off with leaf blowers in the mornings or after a rain in late flower.a green house would work good just gotta have plenty of air flow or you will get mold.dont want dead hummid air to collect below you plastic.
Knf works great still tweaking and learning my process.i have never grown weed any other way so I can't realy compare it.the farm I used to work at did a coco and salt grow I wasn't involved in the feeding too much though. it was good weed but looked high maintenance. I found knf cause I knew I didn't want to grow the way they were doing it. Feel free to ask questions anytime bro good to have you here. There are alot of realy good growers on here.
Add the vinegar slowly or it Will erupt like a volcano on the calcium. I also like to use a dead white vinegar. You can use a apple cider viniger but boil it first to kill the biology(mother) or it reacts with the organic material and gets skanky.
This Vivosun pump really send a lot more air than the little aquarium pump I had been using. It came with a manifold that I ran two lines to the comparatively huge 4" X 2" air stones. It has a louder hum. So, 50/50 chance the boss will have me relocate it off of the back porch.

Short video of compost tea air pump
View attachment CTeaMed.mp4
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This Vivosun pump really send a lot more air than the little aquarium pump I had been using. It came with a manifold that I ran two lines to the comparatively huge 4" X 2" air stones. It has a louder hum. So, 50/50 chance the boss will have me relocate it off of the back porch.

Short video of compost tea air pump
View attachment 61701

I'm digging it man!
That tea looks so good and love that you're working with organics 🤘
I'm digging it man!
That tea looks so good and love that you're working with organics 🤘
Thanks! If I make it through cure with anything at all, I'll be thrilled.
@BlueCollarBob welcome to the forum, as CG said you do indead have a green thumb
Thanks for the welcome! I'm having a blast seeing all the creative stuff you guys are doing.
Just sharing a few photos. Seems like Sunday is when I decide to snap some photos and measure the height of the plants. This is my first attempt at growing cannabis and I like seeing how much they grow week-to-week.

Tomorrow night I plan to feed them some fermented plant juice I made following steps @stonemason shared in his Korean Natural Farming thread. I made the FPJ with cattails.

Butter Waves (55 inches)
General 23JUN24.png
bw 23JUN24.png

Jet Fuel Odder Popz (19 inches)
JFOP 2 23JUN24.png
JFOP 23JUN24.png
Slurty3 (24 inches)
Slurty3 23JUN24.png

Sour Diesel (23 inches)
Sour Diesel 23JUN24.png
You may have done this in a previous incarnation. Are you topping or fimming enough? Must d0 in veg to break atypical dominance. Well done!
Welcome to another outdoor grower, getting his feet wet. Enjoy all the diaries you might like here, we are here to learn and help.
You may have done this in a previous incarnation. Are you topping or fimming enough? Must d0 in veg to break atypical dominance. Well done!
I've only topped each plant once. I haven't done any fimming. I've read about it, but would want to find a good video or write-up to make sure I get it right. I don't have any experience to form a personal opinion, but I've come across some people for topping and some against. Are there people both for and against fimming?

Truth is that I'm nervous about chopping away at the plants. I'm not afraid to do it. Just don't want o do it the wrong way.
They look a little heat stressed but otherwise looking good.
Thanks for the feedback @Rootsruler. I thought the plants were drooping because I took the pics at dusk. They've been reaching for the sky when the sun is up. What are the signs of heat stress? Do you have any recommendations on what I should be doing to help with that?
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