BlueCollarBob- Bumbling Through My First Grow

Pruning outdoor cannabis plants

  • Improved Air Circulation: Removing excess foliage enhances airflow, reducing the risk of mold and mildew.

  • Increased Light Penetration: By trimming leaves and branches, more light reaches lower parts of the plant, promoting even growth and better bud development.

  • Enhanced Bud Quality: Redirecting the plant's energy towards fewer, larger buds improves overall bud quality. except, you may not want larger buds in a higher RH environment, unless they are of the "airy" structure variety.

  • Controlled Growth: Pruning shapes the plant, maintaining desired size and shape, crucial in limited outdoor space.

  • Disease Prevention: Removing crowded areas reduces pest and disease risks, facilitating early detection and treatment.

  • Harvest Timing: Pruning influences harvest timing, optimizing yield and cannabinoid production.

  • Training Techniques: Combined with topping or low-stress training (LST), pruning promotes higher yields and canopy uniformity.

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Well-pruned plants look neater and more visually appealing, ideal for discreet outdoor cultivation.
Yeah, those guys in the video are 2,800 miles away from me in the SF Bay area. Completely different environment from myself. Been a while since I've watched any of their videos. I think they prune more than that guy talking let on, tho. He doesn't grow or consume cannabis other than blending leaves into his smoothies, lol. I just like the idea of a dedicated in ground grow space outdoors. I also like the living soil approach.
Yeah, those guys in the video are 2,800 miles away from me in the SF Bay area. Completely different environment from myself. Been a while since I've watched any of their videos. I think they prune more than that guy talking let on, tho. He doesn't grow or consume cannabis other than blending leaves into his smoothies, lol. I just like the idea of a dedicated in ground grow space outdoors. I also like the living soil approach.
Not much to report other than a pretty good screw up I made. I've been keeping up with the compost teas and top dressings. The little green moths are back, so I'll be spraying everything with Captain Jack's Dead Bug tomorrow. I have been thinning out some fan leaves and buds that are not getting much sun. That's where I messed up. I took this pic around 8:30pm, so the light was fading:


After taking the photo, i cleaned up some stuff and started brewing another tea. Before heading inside I reached into the front plant in the photo to snap off a small bottom branch. It was more substantial than I thought and I managed to rip off one of the main branches it was attached too. Plant looks like it has a big hole in it. I'm also worried about where it stripped the skin running down the main trunk. Worse things can happen, but I was pretty pissed at myself, lol.
Not much to report other than a pretty good screw up I made. I've been keeping up with the compost teas and top dressings. The little green moths are back, so I'll be spraying everything with Captain Jack's Dead Bug tomorrow. I have been thinning out some fan leaves and buds that are not getting much sun. That's where I messed up. I took this pic around 8:30pm, so the light was fading:

View attachment 66857

After taking the photo, i cleaned up some stuff and started brewing another tea. Before heading inside I reached into the front plant in the photo to snap off a small bottom branch. It was more substantial than I thought and I managed to rip off one of the main branches it was attached too. Plant looks like it has a big hole in it. I'm also worried about where it stripped the skin running down the main trunk. Worse things can happen, but I was pretty pissed at myself, lol.
I fill the limb with honey and tape it back together. Many many times it never knows its broke.
Yea I use tape too, never tried honey yet but tape works good. Another thing I like to have handy is a roll of garden ties (like a roll of bread ties). Ive used that to wind around bad breaks that tape wouldn't hold, I taped it first then wound with that stuff....took it off about 10 days later, looked like a surgeons scar... surprised the heck outta me
Not much to report other than a pretty good screw up I made. I've been keeping up with the compost teas and top dressings. The little green moths are back, so I'll be spraying everything with Captain Jack's Dead Bug tomorrow. I have been thinning out some fan leaves and buds that are not getting much sun. That's where I messed up. I took this pic around 8:30pm, so the light was fading:

View attachment 66857

After taking the photo, i cleaned up some stuff and started brewing another tea. Before heading inside I reached into the front plant in the photo to snap off a small bottom branch. It was more substantial than I thought and I managed to rip off one of the main branches it was attached too. Plant looks like it has a big hole in it. I'm also worried about where it stripped the skin running down the main trunk. Worse things can happen, but I was pretty pissed at myself, lol.
Beautiful plants man!!
I pick my one plant up by its stalk every night to carry it in the shed and I know one if these days I'm gonna regret the hell out of it
Beautiful plants man!!
I pick my one plant up by its stalk every night to carry it in the shed and I know one if these days I'm gonna regret the hell out of it
Seems like they snap easier when I push down on them. You might be able to carry your plant a long ways lifting up on it. I'm kicking myself. Stupid impulse move to make one more quick prune. I had snips and alcohol pads in my pocket, lol.
I fill the limb with honey and tape it back together. Many many times it never knows its broke.
I'll keep tat in mind for future screw ups. We use a lot of honey, so I always have some on hand.

PS- I'm toying with trying to get set up indoors this Fall/Winter. Any reason I should avoid that Orange Widow for a first indoor effort? Sounds right up my alley.
Yea I use tape too, never tried honey yet but tape works good. Another thing I like to have handy is a roll of garden ties (like a roll of bread ties). Ive used that to wind around bad breaks that tape wouldn't hold, I taped it first then wound with that stuff....took it off about 10 days later, looked like a surgeons scar... surprised the heck outta me
My wife says my memory sucks, the truth is I only remember important stuff... like this 🙂. I'll bet you that I add a roll of garden ties to my gardening supplies in the near future. Thanks for the sharing this patch.
I'll keep tat in mind for future screw ups. We use a lot of honey, so I always have some on hand.

PS- I'm toying with trying to get set up indoors this Fall/Winter. Any reason I should avoid that Orange Widow for a first indoor effort? Sounds right up my alley.
None other than she has some size to her. I did one plant in a 4x4 on scrog. She yielded 15 ounces dry! The buds were super large and I had to use a trellis net atop of my scrog table to hold them up.IMG_0856.jpeg
Depending on what you do for a setup I may have a light for you 😉
I have a Phlizon PL2000 for a 2x4 I will never use again.
Was only used like 4 or 5 weeks at 30ish%
Thanks, man! I'm still in study mode. I've been watching what you guys are doing. The hydro set ups sounds sexy, but it maybe staying in soil is a good idea for people who are just starting out. I think I like the idea of ebb and flow. I'm not sure I want to do a lot of hand watering. So, probably automated as much as possible. I find the no veg method fascinating, but maybe not for a beginner? I was thinking 4 plants, just because that's the limit here and probably plenty for my needs. So, I'd want a 4X4 or 5X5 tent, right? Or, is it smart to start with a couple of plants in a 2X4?

Right now I'm "thinking". I'm really not set on anything and will be leaning on you guys a lot when it's time to narrow things down. Just soaking up what everyone shares here, for the time being.

If that light is something you recommend and fits the bill for how I should start out, I'm glad to pay a fair price and shipping.
None other than she has some size to her. I did one plant in a 4x4 on scrog. She yielded 15 ounces dry! The buds were super large and I had to use a trellis net atop of my scrog table to hold them up.View attachment 66865
Oh, wow! That's nuts. Now I need to go see if you have a grow diary. I don't think I've seen your full set up and approach to growing..
I guess I depends on how big you want these 4 plants to be.
I'd say a 5x5, 4x8, or 5x10, that way you can absolutely max out on 4 plants and grow some big ladies.

That's how Smoke does it, he has a 4 plant limit too so grows 8 foot monsters inside lol.
I guess I depends on how big you want these 4 plants to be.
I'd say a 5x5, 4x8, or 5x10, that way you can absolutely max out on 4 plants and grow some big ladies.

That's how Smoke does it, he has a 4 plant limit too so grows 8 foot monsters inside lol.
Go big or go home, lol. Or, maybe that quick rotation with no-veg or autos. I don't know which direction to go, but I do have some room to work with in the basement.
Oh, wow! That's nuts. Now I need to go see if you have a grow diary. I don't think I've seen your full set up and approach to growing..
Bits and pieces of one’s. I get bored and forgetful as the grow goes along. I’m a 100% organic grower that uses the scrog process.
Simple set up. A five by five tent, a four by four tent, a two by seven closet. Spider farmer and mars hydro lighting.
The hydro set ups sounds sexy, but it maybe staying in soil is a good idea for people who are just starting out.
I started with Hydro. It was surprisingly easy to get a general grasp on. I believe there's a decent bit of detail on how I started and went about plumbing it in my journal named "First time". It's a long thread, but there are tons of answered questions and hidden gems in there.

Hydro comes with a little steeper start-up cost, but eventually you're only paying for water/electricity and nutes. I'm very glad I went this route. There are periods where I don't touch anything but the zipper on my tent for a couple weeks at a time, aside from filling the humidifier.

Granny is right, too. SCROGgin is badass. I used a 3x3 screen on my first two grows and yielded 12.5 and 14 ounces dried under a SpiderFarmer light. Great flavor and highs. Just keep in mind, she'll try to convince you to give it the ol' @CannaGranny SMASH. I was too hesitant and just spent a ton of time tucking shoots. Similar results, I imagine, with much lest time consumed on her end. Just smash them bitches. Simple and effective.

I'll be mainlining this round and am anxious to compare my results. Whichever path you choose, we got your back.

Odd little off-topic detail - when googling mailining techniques, after typing in mainlining, Google's top recommended search.... mainlining Ozempic.
I started with Hydro. It was surprisingly easy to get a general grasp on. I believe there's a decent bit of detail on how I started and went about plumbing it in my journal named "First time". It's a long thread, but there are tons of answered questions and hidden gems in there.

Hydro comes with a little steeper start-up cost, but eventually you're only paying for water/electricity and nutes. I'm very glad I went this route. There are periods where I don't touch anything but the zipper on my tent for a couple weeks at a time, aside from filling the humidifier.

Granny is right, too. SCROGgin is badass. I used a 3x3 screen on my first two grows and yielded 12.5 and 14 ounces dried under a SpiderFarmer light. Great flavor and highs. Just keep in mind, she'll try to convince you to give it the ol' @CannaGranny SMASH. I was too hesitant and just spent a ton of time tucking shoots. Similar results, I imagine, with much lest time consumed on her end. Just smash them bitches. Simple and effective.

I'll be mainlining this round and am anxious to compare my results. Whichever path you choose, we got your back.

Odd little off-topic detail - when googling mailining techniques, after typing in mainlining, Google's top recommended search.... mainlining Ozempic.
Thanks! I found your first time diary. I'm looking forward to going through it. It starts of pretty interesting in just the first few pages.

I also looked up mainlining Ozempic. I could stand to lose a few pounds, but not like that, lol
Hell yeah. That construction phase was so much fun.

There's A LOT of off topic stuff in there that led to 50 or 60 pages, so don't hesitate to ask questions or for some clarification. We got your back.
Not so fun start to Saturday. Had to go into work over a call about some safety concerns. Addressing that went pretty good, but found where someone backed into my truck when got out to the parking lot. No note. Some people suck.

Gripe out of the way. Time for a newbie question. I've noticed some new development with Butter Waves over the last few days. Just looking for confirmation that this is early flower?


Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Yes on both parts.
Some people do sucketh.
And yes your buds are starting to form.
Sorry about your truck man.
There are worse things in the world. Still has an element of personal suckiness, lol.

I need to study up on the "when and what" changes for feeding. I think this was when @stonemason liked to apply fermented fruit juices.
I'll keep tat in mind for future screw ups. We use a lot of honey, so I always have some on hand.

PS- I'm toying with trying to get set up indoors this Fall/Winter. Any reason I should avoid that Orange Widow for a first indoor effort? Sounds right up my alley.
The Bay Area is a great place for a fall/winter grow.
You’ll need a really good dehuy at some point, but the grows should be pretty event free.

Your outdoor grow is awesome. Beautifully done!
The Bay Area is a great place for a fall/winter grow.
You’ll need a really good dehuy at some point, but the grows should be pretty event free.

Your outdoor grow is awesome. Beautifully done!
I'm about 2,800 miles away from the Bay Area in Virginia. I'll still need the good humidifier.

Thanks Tom. I keep waiting for disaster to strike. It's been too easy here. We went through a dry stretch (for this area), but have been getting a little rain, recently. I know they would be in better shape under an experienced grower, but I'm happy with where I'm at for a first effort. Just have to make it to the finish line.
I'm about 2,800 miles away from the Bay Area in Virginia. I'll still need the good humidifier.

Thanks Tom. I keep waiting for disaster to strike. It's been too easy here. We went through a dry stretch (for this area), but have been getting a little rain, recently. I know they would be in better shape under an experienced grower, but I'm happy with where I'm at for a first effort. Just have to make it to the finish line.
Not sure why I thought you were her in kalifornia, Virginia certainly can introduce a lot of weather related challenges. I was born in the Del-Mar-Va area and although I don’t remember anything about it, I do remember my mom talking about high heat + high humidity in the summer.
Not sure why I thought you were her in kalifornia, Virginia certainly can introduce a lot of weather related challenges. I was born in the Del-Mar-Va area and although I don’t remember anything about it, I do remember my mom talking about high heat + high humidity in the summer.
I linked to a video on YouTube showing an outdoor, in-ground set-up that I liked.

Humidity makes heat suck more, but your high/arid temps trump our moderate/humid temps. I've experienced similar temps in Las Vegas. 110F is HOT.
Not much new happening, but I do enjoy watching early flower development on Butter Waves:


The other three plants are just know showing the first signs of flower. Bad thing is I saw a couple of the little green moths are back. If it's at the very start of flower,I should be okay spraying them with Dead Bug, right?
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