BlueCollarBob- Bumbling Through My First Grow

I think it's getting close to harvest time for Butter Waves. I took some photos with the cheapo bluetooth microscope after work. I was surprised to see more amber trichomes near the top of the plant than at the bottom. I guess the top gets more light and matures faster?

G$ reminds me to check the lowers for amber before deciding to chop.👍
G$ reminds me to check the lowers for amber before deciding to chop.👍
First grow. With no personal experience, I'm looking at a ton of different opinions from all over the place. I'm sure a lot of it is bad info. I even saw a video where a guy harvests the top of the plant and leaves the bottom to mature for another week or two. I plan the harvest the whole plant. I should have a couple (maybe three) more plants ready to harvest at the same time after this first plant is out of the dry tent and curing in grove bags. Hoping to learn enough from drying the first plant to make the next batch a little easier.

Tent and inline fan/carbon filter arrived yesterday 👏🏻. The drying racks and trim bin made it in a few days ago. Looking forward to setting that stuff up this evening. The tent is 2X4. I'll probably ask for some help picking a decent light and try a couple indoor plants after drying is complete. FWIW, I went with the new Gorilla tent and the fan is AC Infinity with the smart controller. Since the fan already has a smart controller, I need to learn if there are automation advantages to staying with AC Infinity for a grow light or is it no big deal to go with a different brand light.
First grow. With no personal experience, I'm looking at a ton of different opinions from all over the place. I'm sure a lot of it is bad info. I even saw a video where a guy harvests the top of the plant and leaves the bottom to mature for another week or two. I plan the harvest the whole plant. I should have a couple (maybe three) more plants ready to harvest at the same time after this first plant is out of the dry tent and curing in grove bags. Hoping to learn enough from drying the first plant to make the next batch a little easier.

Tent and inline fan/carbon filter arrived yesterday 👏🏻. The drying racks and trim bin made it in a few days ago. Looking forward to setting that stuff up this evening. The tent is 2X4. I'll probably ask for some help picking a decent light and try a couple indoor plants after drying is complete. FWIW, I went with the new Gorilla tent and the fan is AC Infinity with the smart controller. Since the fan already has a smart controller, I need to learn if there are automation advantages to staying with AC Infinity for a grow light or is it no big deal to go with a different brand light.
Dual harvesting has its advantages if you are inclined to do it. I always found it more of a time hindrance and pita although there is a benefit to it
When I first learned of it my inherent laziness senses tingled, lol. Might make sense for someone with more energy.
I had to do it once a year or two ago. Twice if you count my large outdoor plant. Just to big to hang the whole plant or even chunks. So we harvest over a few days/week. The indoor one was ready up top but still not ready on the lowers. So I cut and hung what was ready to go.

I’m only allowed a few plants so I have to try and make them all count. Yield is important but I’ll scrog if I think in need more weight from a plant.
I had to do it once a year or two ago. Twice if you count my large outdoor plant. Just to big to hang the whole plant or even chunks. So we harvest over a few days/week. The indoor one was ready up top but still not ready on the lowers. So I cut and hung what was ready to go.

I’m only allowed a few plants so I have to try and make them all count. Yield is important but I’ll scrog if I think in need more weight from a plant.
I said I'm lazy, but I'll do work that has a clear value and I'm not above experimenting. I'm limited on plants, too. If there's still a striking amount of difference between the top and the bottom when I harvest, I'll dry and cure them separately, so I can see if I can tell a difference in flavor and/or high. If they are significantly different, I would willingly stagger the harvest. I'll take top and bottom trichome photos and share when I harvest. If there's a substantial difference, I'll hang the top and bottom on separate drying racks and cure separately, as well.
While it was back in the 80's when I grew outdoors enforce, we did 2-3 harvest per spot.
Many plants were topped and the lowers given another 2 weeks if possible.
I am considering the multiple harvest with my Sirius Black outdoors.
What is this limit you all speak of? :oops:
While it was back in the 80's when I grew outdoors enforce, we did 2-3 harvest per spot.
Many plants were topped and the lowers given another 2 weeks if possible.
I am considering the multiple harvest with my Sirius Black outdoors.
What is this limit you all speak of? :oops:
Four plants per household in Virginia.
Haha don't worryyoure nit alone, I rag on @Zen_seeker about it too 😂 🤣
what people dont know doesnt hurt them right lol.
Oh, I love messing with people. I work with some of the quickest wits around. You have to give as good as you get or have thick skin, lol. If I don't get a good "Fuck you, Bob" in the first 15mins of work, someone is mad at me 🤣
Four plants per household in Virginia.
Yea I would stop inviting them over for dinner~! 😁
The official number was ZERO legally when I started back in the 80's
I got busted and said no more.
Then NY became legal.
It's all fine print after to me.
I grow however many I can fit and survive.
I think I have 22 this run.
Since the fan already has a smart controller, I need to learn if there are automation advantages to staying with AC Infinity for a grow light or is it no big deal to go with a different brand light.
AC Infinity makes a dongle to control other brands of lights. Your controller should do the job unless you go with something with an adjustable spectrum. I'm not sure that the ACI controller has the capability of manipulating the spectrum.
G$ reminds me to check the lowers for amber before deciding to chop.👍
I gave up on that, anytime after 10 weeks they are done and I start to harvest, it takes me almost a week to harvest 6 plants so the last plant will get the longest run but I can't tell the difference between them once they are harvested and dried.

When we smoke the weed we never say oh that should have gone another day or 2. Young weed at 7 weeks flowered we can tell its immature but after10 weeks. Unless its a sativa they are done..imho
I gave up on that, anytime after 10 weeks they are done and I start to harvest, it takes me almost a week to harvest 6 plants so the last plant will get the longest run but I can't tell the difference between them once they are harvested and dried.

When we smoke the weed we never say oh that should have gone another day or 2. Young weed at 7 weeks flowered we can tell its immature but after10 weeks. Unless its a sativa they are done..imho
That's some good info! Thanks for sharing your experience.
AC Infinity makes a dongle to control other brands of lights. Your controller should do the job unless you go with something with an adjustable spectrum. I'm not sure that the ACI controller has the capability of manipulating the spectrum.
I assembled the tent and started hanging the fan/filter last night. I decided that I can provide better hangers and make a better connection between the fan and filter using something other than what they supply with the kit. So, I haven't played with controller capabilities, yet. A quick look points to you being correct about the controller not being capable of adjusting the spectrum. Their Iongrid lights are full spectrum, but I haven't dug into whether they allow much opportunity for customization.
I think I am known to cut 'early'.
You may find this video interesting.
That video is really informative. I like how it explains peak thc, but also points to some positives for harvesting after thc levels begin to decline. I think I have a better idea of what I'm looking for in trichome development, now. Butter Waves is definitely past-peak thc. I can hardly wait to finish up work tomorrow. I'll take more photos, but I think she gets chopped Saturday morning or Sunday morning. Thanks @steamroller
I had to do it once a year or two ago. Twice if you count my large outdoor plant. Just to big to hang the whole plant or even chunks. So we harvest over a few days/week. The indoor one was ready up top but still not ready on the lowers. So I cut and hung what was ready to go.

I’m only allowed a few plants so I have to try and make them all count. Yield is important but I’ll scrog if I think in need more weight from a plant.
I grow Tejas size plants with a trellis for support, and generally "Top' harvest the larger cola's 1st. two weeks of cherry picking the other stems as I finish off the harvest slowly. SS
Just back from visiting some friends. We chatted a little about getting close to harvesting my first grow. I mentioned buying a tent and etc. to dry in. Also, said I might get a light and try a small indoor grow when I'm done using the tent for drying. My buddy gets up, goes to the basement and brings this HPS light up. He told me to take it and and use it if I can. If not, no foul. He said it has a newish bulb. I haven't studied lights much and the little nosing around I have done has been LEDs. So, time to study up.

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