Bootleg seeds

bought a pack of the Rancid Runtz Muffin (Feminized)

and got a pack of Funky Monkey for free... paid $38.37 with paypal and got a confirmation from bootlegseeds.

i'll let y'all know what happens. if they ship fast enough i'll start them right away.
bought a pack of the Rancid Runtz Muffin (Feminized)

and got a pack of Funky Monkey for free... paid $38.37 with paypal and got a confirmation from bootlegseeds.

i'll let y'all know what happens. if they ship fast enough i'll start them right away.
I'm gonna grab some regs this week I think.
I'm just nervous it's another pacific seed co or crap king 🤴 😳
Hope I'm wrong though.
With a name like Bootleg, how can you go wrong? Nice looking seed packages.....

right?!?! i was instantly drawn to the name!!

plus the dude looks like my kind of people..

i'll try anything once... the easy ones twice!! 😆 😆
The lady who sent me the autos I'm growing outside swears by this place, but she's the only one I've seen or heard running their stuff and she likes to pull everything early so I cant really look at her stuff to see what it looks like lol.
Anyone here know the breeders name? Steamboat Springs,Co. and the variety of known strains tells me 3 generations of Knowledge. But, who are the "Breeders"?
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Anyone here know the breeders name? Steamboat Springs,Co. and the variety of known strains tells me 3 generations of Knowledge. But, who are the "Breeders"?
I do not know anything.
Juat found out about the place like 2 weeks ago
The entire place makes me suspicious 🤨

i'm suspicious of all seedbanks at first... until i get the seeds!!


got a tracking number from bootleg. should have em friday! dude spent over $10 to ship so not ripping anyone off at $12 flat rate.

i think i'm gonna sneak one of these strains in my next grow starting this weekend.
i'm suspicious of all seedbanks at first... until i get the seeds!!


got a tracking number from bootleg. should have em friday! dude spent over $10 to ship so not ripping anyone off at $12 flat rate.

i think i'm gonna sneak one of these strains in my next grow starting this weekend.
Sounds pretty good to me.
I'll prolly order something for the next run. That busted headlight and mango punch sound good for fems.
Rancid runtz muffin and lucid skunk sound interesting for regulars.
Might spend 100 bucks next month and see what happens with them 🤷🏻

I have paid way more and got less lol
right?!?! so at $3.83 a fem seed it can't be that bad.. i mean it's still weed..

the dude has excellent communications and updates! i was thinking of inviting him here..

The more the merrier!
Shoulda known that name alone would prick your ears haha!:rolleyes:
I'm taking a backseat and will watch you on both these and the GPS autos.
I am interested but not enough to invest yet plus I've been on a haze hunt for almost a year to complete the trifecta of having a large quantity of high potency indica, sativa, and hybrid in the stash at the same time.

One pic did get my attention. It's one of those IYKYK things and he knows what to look for when breeding cannabis. :cool:

The more the merrier!
Shoulda known that name alone would prick your ears haha!:rolleyes:
I'm taking a backseat and will watch you on both these and the GPS autos.
I am interested but not enough to invest yet plus I've been on a haze hunt for almost a year to complete the trifecta of having a large quantity of high potency indica, sativa, and hybrid in the stash at the same time.

One pic did get my attention. It's one of those IYKYK things and he knows what to look for when breeding cannabis. :cool:

View attachment 61393
That's a got dayum stud!!!! 😍😍😍
The more the merrier!
Shoulda known that name alone would prick your ears haha!:rolleyes:
I'm taking a backseat and will watch you on both these and the GPS autos.
I am interested but not enough to invest yet plus I've been on a haze hunt for almost a year to complete the trifecta of having a large quantity of high potency indica, sativa, and hybrid in the stash at the same time.

One pic did get my attention. It's one of those IYKYK things and he knows what to look for when breeding cannabis. :cool:

View attachment 61393
Curious, what makes this make a stud?
Trichomes on male flowers. It's rare and more often than not offspring will have a boost in potency compared to the female parent
I'm hoping the one regular autos I have outside showing male already spits some trichs so I can use him on a female of that strain to make more beans lmao.
got the Bootleg seeds today... came with two large stickers and a thank you card....


seeds were in large vials, and each five pack contained six seeds, you know how we like that!!!!!!!


i chose the funky monkey as the free pack but really thats the one i wanted first didn't really matter which one you pay for when it's buy one get one..

going to germ the funky monkey in a VG starting tonight!! keep y'all posted!!!!
Nice follow through and swag. :cool:
Make some fire and you have winner~!

i thought so... i invited here and thanked him for the fast ship and he said "we try and treat Shipping as if the customer had the same level of anxiety as me ." said he'd check us out too...

i'm pulling a last second audible and starting both strains three seeds of each tonight!!
got the Bootleg seeds today... came with two large stickers and a thank you card....

View attachment 61582

seeds were in large vials, and each five pack contained six seeds, you know how we like that!!!!!!!

View attachment 61583

i chose the funky monkey as the free pack but really thats the one i wanted first didn't really matter which one you pay for when it's buy one get one..

going to germ the funky monkey in a VG starting tonight!! keep y'all posted!!!!
Those seeds look nice too.
I'm gonna have to order some now lol.
Once I get back from my trip at the end of the month.
i thought so... i invited here and thanked him for the fast ship and he said "we try and treat Shipping as if the customer had the same level of anxiety as me ." said he'd check us out too...

i'm pulling a last second audible and starting both strains three seeds of each tonight!!
Well done man~!
Thanks for pitching us.
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