Man, my house smells good! Smells like skunk weed and bacon!

I rendered bacon grease today. I use it when I make cornbread and tonight I will have the first Polk sallat of the year. That is also cooked in bacon grease.
Yes, it’s poison if not properly cooked. A lost art and some fine eating! I’ve been waiting for these tops to get justttt is the day! Much like waiting on weed!
Was supposed to go to Cattleman’s for a steak tonight to celebrate our Anniversary, but we are under tornado warnings so imma stay close to home. Been with the Hubby 22 years and married 12 of them today.
In 22 years, he has made me mad enough to slam the door, one time. But, I slammed it twice cuz the first one wasn’t loud enough!

Well smoke break is over, time to get back to the kitchen..memories..