So guys.. make sure you have keys to ALL your doors. Got home tonight and the wife had locked me AND the cat out. She locked the screen door on me (toddler) and I guess I don't have keys for the rest of the doors...

Life pro tip for the day.. carry a crowbar in your truck. I was in the house in no time.
So guys.. make sure you have keys to ALL your doors. Got home tonight and the wife had locked me AND the cat out. She locked the screen door on me (toddler) and I guess I don't have keys for the rest of the doors...

Life pro tip for the day.. carry a crowbar in your truck. I was in the house in no time.

Kids and spouses make life fun.

I have a hidden key these days. 😝
So guys.. make sure you have keys to ALL your doors. Got home tonight and the wife had locked me AND the cat out. She locked the screen door on me (toddler) and I guess I don't have keys for the rest of the doors...

Life pro tip for the day.. carry a crowbar in your truck. I was in the house in no time.
You ain't alone brother, I had to do it a time or 3 myself 🤦🏻
Mornin my friend Zen!
Draw a deep breath and do this!

Talked to her once a week first three Wednesdays of May. Was supposed to get into it by this Wednesday just past. Gave us both time to go through things as it goes back to 2007-9.

Crickets. No call. I call on the agreed Wednesday if she hasn’t gotten back to me prior. No answer. I leave a VM and record the call.

This happens twice a day the last few days. Still no answer. Goes to VM. Not sure what changed. I thought it was finally going to get resolved. Even had plans to meet her and provide proof once she told me what she wanted. But poof. Gone.

Sort of hope she’s sick or got into a car crash…at least that would be a valid excuse that wasn’t at our expense.

I did manage to find a PDF that has her bosses name and number. I mentioned I might have to start calling that number next week. 🤔
Wow trump got convicted.
You really expected anything less? Not me. Biased judge that contributes to the Biden regime. His Daughter works raising money for the communist, yet he refuses to recuse himself. Charges never stated, refuses to allow the defendants witnesses. Star witnesses is an old has been ho that owes Trump a half a million, other star witness a convicted and jailed perjurer that admitted he stole money from the defendant. Defendant is silenced and not allowed a rebuttal at the end of trial. I expected nothing less.
This country has gone to shit, while everyone stands back and watches it happen. Families struggling to eat and going without medication and medical care, so they can take our money to support house and feed terrorists as potential voters for a weak demented man. Beautiful progressive cities laying in ruins, streets covered in shit puke and bloody addicts rotting away from a drug induced zombie virus. Criminals, both murderers and rapist of children turned loose to face no prosecution for their crimes.
Not the country I know, love and grew up in. Fuck Joe Biden.
If he gets reelected and they don't rob that too, gloves need to come off. Precedent set, go get all these crooks using my tax dollars for bullshit that doesn't represent me at all.

To think, he got all those charges and Hillary Clinton skated on by for destroying and having top secret docs on a private server. She destroyed top secret documents, surely that's a prison sentence for anyone else.

If it isn't clear that the whole entirety of our government is fighting against him one has to be blind. That for me is reason enough to have him, he isn't a threat to you or me, or any average person...just those in government. Good enough for me, they need someone holding them accountable and calling out the bullshit
You really expected anything less? Not me. Biased judge that contributes to the Biden regime. His Daughter works raising money for the communist, yet he refuses to recuse himself. Charges never stated, refuses to allow the defendants witnesses. Star witnesses is an old has been ho that owes Trump a half a million, other star witness a convicted and jailed perjurer that admitted he stole money from the defendant. Defendant is silenced and not allowed a rebuttal at the end of trial. I expected nothing less.
This country has gone to shit, while everyone stands back and watches it happen. Families struggling to eat and going without medication and medical care, so they can take our money to support house and feed terrorists as potential voters for a weak demented man. Beautiful progressive cities laying in ruins, streets covered in shit puke and bloody addicts rotting away from a drug induced zombie virus. Criminals, both murderers and rapist of children turned loose to face no prosecution for their crimes.
Not the country I know, love and grew up in. Fuck Joe Biden.
one more post like this and I am gone.
Now that I have got that off my chest..Good mornin Yiz Menz!
Time for a smoke a coke and some laundry. 🧺 Cinderella is on the loose this morning. My kids are coming in this evening so I’ve all kinds of chores to get out of the way today. Tonight will find us sitting on the porch, sharing a smoke and lots of laughter, it gets no better than this!🥰
one more post like this and I am gone.
Your choice, I say what I think. While my travels have been limited to three other countries my Husband has been in 18 of them. I speak not from stupidity as you imply, I speak straight from the heart.
My heart, my mind, my opinion will not be threatened by another that does not agree. Even as much as I like you.
If he gets reelected and they don't rob that too, gloves need to come off. Precedent set, go get all these crooks using my tax dollars for bullshit that doesn't represent me at all.

To think, he got all those charges and Hillary Clinton skated on by for destroying and having top secret docs on a private server. She destroyed top secret documents, surely that's a prison sentence for anyone else.

If it isn't clear that the whole entirety of our government is fighting against him one has to be blind. That for me is reason enough to have him, he isn't a threat to you or me, or any average person...just those in government. Good enough for me, they need someone holding them accountable and calling out the bullshit
Have you read Amb. John Bolton's book on the foreign policy decision making during the Trump administration? The author makes rock-ribbed Republican like Dick Cheney look like Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm. He told people to bomb Iran before it went nuclear. Trump wanted backchannel meetings with Iran and was going to host the Taliban at Camp David. I am not your enemy and never will be but the website (wasn't) supposed to be about rubbing people's noses in politics. Anyway, its been real.
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Its the greatest country on Earth, have you been to any others?
Nope but it's not the country it used to be and even I can see that and I'm only 27 man.
It won't be long and this country won't be ANY different than the rest...
Like I have 2 kids to raise in this country and it's not looking good for them so it pisses me off. A lot.
Have you read Amb. John Bolton's book on the foreign policy decision making during the Trump administration? The author makes rock-ribbed Republican like Dick Cheney look like Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm. He told people to bomb Iran before it went nuclear. Trump wanted backchannel meetings with Iran and was going to host the Taliban st Camp David. Anyway good luck with your hate and profanity.
I really liked when he pulled us out of the Iran nuclear deal ..the one where Obama was giving them money for de-proliferation and instead they were just using our money to take it further...really loved the part where Trump said no to that...then Joe reapplied....they'll bomb us one day with our tax dollars
Have you read Amb. John Bolton's book on the foreign policy decision making during the Trump administration? The author makes rock-ribbed Republican like Dick Cheney look like Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm. He told people to bomb Iran before it went nuclear. Trump wanted backchannel meetings with Iran and was going to host the Taliban st Camp David. Anyway good luck with your hate and profanity.
That’s your opinion which you are entitled to. I don’t make decisions from one man’s book.
Now, my friend and after this I will use that term may judge me anyway you see fit. I’m a big girl and I can take it. However, on your way out, let me remind you..YOU don’t even live in this country.
Up to You. But, if you dont know what kind of person I am by now, then you'll never know me -- like Melvin and the Bluenotes sang

Up to You. But, if you dont know what kind of person I am by now, then you'll never know me -- like Melvin and the Bluenotes sang

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No, it’s up to you! You are the one that came in trying to control my narrative. The one that called me profane and suggested that an ignorance of places other than here made my opinions. The one that does not respect my opinion, but I’m expected to respect yours.
Funny how such an ill advised profane person, has never judged nor threatened you. But you wasted zero seconds simply because you did not like my opinion.
We have been friends for over two years now. Personal discussions about close family, cannabis and illness convos. I knew you were the “ opposing“ party, but it didn’t slow my roll to be a honest friend and to recently stand up for you and try to make things right in a deal I had zero to do with.
Free speech is alive and well here on the corner. Read the board. Granny’s Corner, her rules. We don’t have to agree, but respect of differences go a long way. I feel I have afforded you that.
I don’t want you to go, but do not threaten me. I will call it every single time. You are free to stay if you wish, and this will never be mentioned again. Otherwise, it’s been fun.
Beginning to feel like family thanksgiving around here and someone brought up religion and politics.

Got way to personal way to fast. Thought we grew past this.
I suppose that is my fault. I made the first post about the conviction.

I made no judgements one way or another, just posted a fact that seemed to be happening live.

I feel like a guy without a party. I'm one of the 3 people that voted Ross Perot lol. I just want something different than 2 senile white males neither of which I identify with, nor do they speak for me.

With that, I'm out. I don't care enough to get my panties in a wad, there is nothing I can do about any of it. I'm just a spectator on this train derailment.
I suppose that is my fault. I made the first post about the conviction.

I made no judgements one way or another, just posted a fact that seemed to be happening live.

I feel like a guy without a party. I'm one of the 3 people that voted Ross Perot lol. I just want something different than 2 senile white males neither of which I identify with, nor do they speak for me.

With that, I'm out. I don't care enough to get my panties in a wad, there is nothing I can do about any of it. I'm just a spectator on this train derailment.
It's not your fault if you won't defend one of those bafoons.
You can sit at the kids table with me.
I haven't voted for the poor choices we get since Perot either.
America loves being the victim and losing..
That's why we chose losers and con artist.
It's not your fault if you won't defend one of those bafoons.
You can sit at the kids table with me.
I haven't voted for the poor choices we get since Perot either.
America loves being the victim and losing..
That's why we chose losers and con artist.
OK Me and Steam are starting a kiddie table. Anyone want to join us?

All it costs is 1 joint and all your fucks so you have no more to give.
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