They're wicked good but if it wasn't a fundraiser for the kids school, I wouldn't have sold them!
28 dollars a friggen dozen!!!! 🤢

yeah i kinda figured it was pricey.... we don't talk about that!!! just like those boxes don't have any calories written on them so the donuts inside don't have any calories either!!!! thats the way that works!!
yeah i kinda figured it was pricey.... we don't talk about that!!! just like those boxes don't have any calories written on them so the donuts inside don't have any calories either!!!! thats the way that works!!
I like the way you think lol
I gotta eat a lot of them things so no calories sounds like a big bonus! 🤣🤣
no problem at all man, its a fun project! and a great tool to have in the arsenal of smoking!!!!
Cool, looking forward to it. 👍

i know you're old... thats why i explained it slow!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: i didn't think you remembered that long ago!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I remember most things from my past, some need a little reminder.

Yesterday, now there’s a problem. 🤣

funny thing is i love shamrock shakes but have always been turned off by green beer and have never had one!!!!!!
Goes great with hot wings and suicide sauce. 🤣

Next St. Patrick’s day maybe we can do an experiment. Swap. 🤔

Ran out of cones. The JOB roller is about 24 years old. I was never a great hand roller, too slow. Sometimes leave them pregnant. So this has been handy.

Here’s hoping we can sleep after this. 💨

Night people. 👋
Story time.....Yesterday...

Just got back from the gym 4 workouts down 996 more to go. On the highway to Bridgewater where the gym is ( 25 min drive) they are working on a bridge on the highway and its controlled by a stupid light. No sensor just timed and the pause between red on 1 side and red on the other is like 2 min long so as I'm cruising up to the light I see it turn yellow in front of me and the guy at the lead of the pack stops, well fk that I zoom around 4 cars behind him and go through the now red light. I know no one is coming because its still red coming towards me. Well fk me a cop pulls out behind me and we both go through the light & over the bridge with his lights activated...I'm fked, speeding through a work zone, disobeying a red light, passing over double yellow lines.

He walks up and I said your not the guy I wanted to see now and he says I guess not, Drivers license, registration, Insurance please I hand it all over and he goes back to his car, 15 min later he comes out with a piece of paper and says read the top before you say anything....Warning ! wow I could have been nailed, insurance points drivers license suspension and more yet he let me go...Said a bunch of cop stuff like you know what I could do and gave me a lecture but a 55-60 yr old cop knew I knew I fked up and gave me a break..just wow.
Story time.....Yesterday...

Just got back from the gym 4 workouts down 996 more to go. On the highway to Bridgewater where the gym is ( 25 min drive) they are working on a bridge on the highway and its controlled by a stupid light. No sensor just timed and the pause between red on 1 side and red on the other is like 2 min long so as I'm cruising up to the light I see it turn yellow in front of me and the guy at the lead of the pack stops, well fk that I zoom around 4 cars behind him and go through the now red light. I know no one is coming because its still red coming towards me. Well fk me a cop pulls out behind me and we both go through the light & over the bridge with his lights activated...I'm fked, speeding through a work zone, disobeying a red light, passing over double yellow lines.

He walks up and I said your not the guy I wanted to see now and he says I guess not, Drivers license, registration, Insurance please I hand it all over and he goes back to his car, 15 min later he comes out with a piece of paper and says read the top before you say anything....Warning ! wow I could have been nailed, insurance points drivers license suspension and more yet he let me go...Said a bunch of cop stuff like you know what I could do and gave me a lecture but a 55-60 yr old cop knew I knew I fked up and gave me a break..just wow.
You seriously lucked out!
Here for instance if you did that in Louisiana, you would find the bridge had literally parted and you would find yourself plunging down into the water.
What kind of weather ya got going on there?
You seriously lucked out!
Here for instance if you did that in Louisiana, you would find the bridge had literally parted and you would find yourself plunging down into the water.
What kind of weather ya got going on there?
Last 2 days has been great 27c...84f and sunny, looks like the same today...but the future looks bleak.
Mornin Yiz Menz!
Thought today was going to be my first day in about three weeks without something pressing as the GF’s changed our greenhouse day to this coming Tuesday. No such luck. My seafood guy called yesterday evening and my shrimp will be here today, so a good half a day heading, washing bagging and freezing a 100 lb of 🍤. Nice white ones, 10-16’s.
Tomorrow is my turn to host the “crew” not so bad though. Im just doing the baked taters, salads and pies. The Hubby is doing the ribeyes and shrimp Diablo on the grill. My fav shrimp! Wrapped in bacon with jalapeño slices and grilled. It’s yummy!
Saturday is a shooting competition, hopefully Sunday I can get up when I want and do what I want all day, which is simply nothing!
Today is Friday Eve!
Last 2 days has been great 27c...84f and sunny, looks like the same today...but the future looks bleak.
View attachment 60573
My son and I are getting ebikes to go back roading, he says fishing, I say smoking while he fishes, with the large batteries supposed to have a100mile range, peddle assisted, 400lb load max. He wants a trailer, tent, sleeping bag, portable generator& fishing gear & a back up battery so he doesn't get stuck with no charge way out in the boonies...sounds like fun, I just contacted the dealer to get his best price
Story time.....Yesterday...

Just got back from the gym 4 workouts down 996 more to go. On the highway to Bridgewater where the gym is ( 25 min drive) they are working on a bridge on the highway and its controlled by a stupid light. No sensor just timed and the pause between red on 1 side and red on the other is like 2 min long so as I'm cruising up to the light I see it turn yellow in front of me and the guy at the lead of the pack stops, well fk that I zoom around 4 cars behind him and go through the now red light. I know no one is coming because its still red coming towards me. Well fk me a cop pulls out behind me and we both go through the light & over the bridge with his lights activated...I'm fked, speeding through a work zone, disobeying a red light, passing over double yellow lines.

He walks up and I said your not the guy I wanted to see now and he says I guess not, Drivers license, registration, Insurance please I hand it all over and he goes back to his car, 15 min later he comes out with a piece of paper and says read the top before you say anything....Warning ! wow I could have been nailed, insurance points drivers license suspension and more yet he let me go...Said a bunch of cop stuff like you know what I could do and gave me a lecture but a 55-60 yr old cop knew I knew I fked up and gave me a break..just wow.

You are so lucky sir! Did you play the old man card? My dad loves doing that with young people.

I’ve had I nice one here and there but most these days are less than professional.

Glad you caught a break. Watch your self. My uncle used to put his foot down on his crown Vic now and again. He was in his 70’s. Pass us by in our Jeep. Just smiling and a wave. 🤣
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You are so lucky sir! Did you play the old man card? My dad loves doing that with young people.

I’ve had I nice one here and there but most these days are less than professional.

Glad you caught a break. Watch your self. My uncle used to put his foot down on his crown Vic now and again. He was in his 70’s. Pass us by in our Jeep. Just smiling and a wave. 🤣
No the guy was cool, He just stood there and looked at me with this WTF was that look. He said they get calls from the guys working on the bridge about people doing just what I did, not respecting the red light and as he's driving up to the light he sees me do exactly what the complaints were about.....He said you should know better and I get it he says, its a pain in the ass stopping at these things on the highway but wtf guy. He was a Sgt or above, traffic isn't his job he was driving between stations for other work but.....there I go....If I didn't pull you over how would that look?.....Your in the system now do that again and it will cost you....
No the guy was cool, He just stood there and looked at me with this WTF was that look. He said they get calls from the guys working on the bridge about people doing just what I did, not respecting the red light and as he's driving up to the light he sees me do exactly what the complaints were about.....He said you should know better and I get it he says, its a pain in the ass stopping at these things on the highway but wtf guy. He was a Sgt or above, traffic isn't his job he was driving between stations for other work but.....there I go....If I didn't pull you over how would that look?.....Your in the system now do that again and it will cost you....
A full on fair assessment of that situation!
For many years cannabis has kept me from gathering moving citations. As a matter of a fact, I’ve never had a warning nor a ticket..ever. Not the first. Why? I was always packing weed so I obeyed the law to a T. Wasn’t going to invite them to pull me over and look.
A full on fair assessment of that situation!
I've used up my get out of jail for free behaviour now on the road...... I don't really speed but I am aggressive and have a habit of performing unregulated manoeuvres, Uturn king, a car passing super star, the only one aware on the road,driving rules for me not for thee. Too many miles on the roads to put up with incompetence and there I go doing something stupid in front of the police.......knock's me down a peg or 2 I'll have to drive like regulars for a while......I hope to become an Ebike Racer, a terror on the trails..........I know...its hard to believe....@72...
For many years cannabis has kept me from gathering moving citations. As a matter of a fact, I’ve never had a warning nor a ticket..ever. Not the first. Why? I was always packing weed so I obeyed the law to a T. Wasn’t going to invite them to pull me over and look.
I like to only break one law at a time.
So if I'm smoking and driving I'm obeying every other law.

If I'm loaded with weed, I'm obeying all the laws. Thats how I've made it from Maine to NY with 5+ lbs multiple times lmao
Those trips are over with tho. Got too much to lose now
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For many years cannabis has kept me from gathering moving citations. As a matter of a fact, I’ve never had a warning nor a ticket..ever. Not the first. Why? I was always packing weed so I obeyed the law to a T. Wasn’t going to invite them to pull me over and look.
I've done a lot of driving in high traffic areas, over 1 million miles in 22 countries 30 states and 10 Canadian provinces, the worst was the Dominican Republic, but after that I could drive anywhere and its where I learned road rules do not apply....Mexico too, slow down to obey traffic speed signs and get passed on both sides extra lanes or not......its all fun after its all over and your home safe.....gets my wife a bit white knuckled but I'm always insured to the max and get adrenaline rushes.What doesn't kill you just makes you
i'm always speeding, i honestly can't remember a drive where i obeyed all the laws.. i'm weird about stop signs though, always a three second stop and and never past the sign. don't know where it comes from just something i've always done. i drive fast all the time but i'm safe.
For many years cannabis has kept me from gathering moving citations. As a matter of a fact, I’ve never had a warning nor a ticket..ever. Not the first. Why? I was always packing weed so I obeyed the law to a T. Wasn’t going to invite them to pull me over and look.
I'll just share this it's definitely a guilty pleasure of mine to do the speed limit as I rip by the police station and when I say rip by I mean ripping a bowl or a Doobie as I go by 🤣
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