Speeding is my driving sin. I follow all the rest of the rules under normal circumstances.

Three times in my life I’ve been zipping along and had a cop pull up beside me and speed along with me. Once up north in the Jeep near Muskoka, OPP. And twice on the motorcycle. One was OPP don’t recall the other at the moment.

All three basically where when we were alone on the road and it was really early in the morning. As long as I didn’t pass them it was cool. ( I tried but got waved back on two occasions, didn’t try on the third.)

Sometimes they are just people enjoying the moments like us.
Not so lucky this year, the frost hammered mine. Yours is looking great tho!

sorry to hear that Granny, you'll get em next year!


i was wondering if you could help me identify a flower? i'm sure it's a common one i just never knew the name and want to buy more.

Related to tiger lily.
Some type of lily I would bet.
Stem and leaves/ structure is identical to Tiger lily.
sorry to hear that Granny, you'll get em next year!


i was wondering if you could help me identify a flower? i'm sure it's a common one i just never knew the name and want to buy more.

View attachment 60632View attachment 60631
I’m smoking some Bubba Fett 🥰 Just like the Biscotti Blond, three hits in and I feel the head change. Happy sit back relax super strong stone.
Got all my shrimp in the freezer, and a huge azz pile of dirt left to contend with. I pulled a good one today, I was in a hurry to get my mix poured so the Hubby could help me roll it before he left and failed to add my feed to it. So, I had to dump all of my damn bags, add the Flower Girl, and reroll. The Hubby is home now to help the hold up is me. Me and Bubba Fett 😜
Bubba Fett 1
Six seven gallon bags..0
Story time.....Yesterday...

Just got back from the gym 4 workouts down 996 more to go. On the highway to Bridgewater where the gym is ( 25 min drive) they are working on a bridge on the highway and its controlled by a stupid light. No sensor just timed and the pause between red on 1 side and red on the other is like 2 min long so as I'm cruising up to the light I see it turn yellow in front of me and the guy at the lead of the pack stops, well fk that I zoom around 4 cars behind him and go through the now red light. I know no one is coming because its still red coming towards me. Well fk me a cop pulls out behind me and we both go through the light & over the bridge with his lights activated...I'm fked, speeding through a work zone, disobeying a red light, passing over double yellow lines.

He walks up and I said your not the guy I wanted to see now and he says I guess not, Drivers license, registration, Insurance please I hand it all over and he goes back to his car, 15 min later he comes out with a piece of paper and says read the top before you say anything....Warning ! wow I could have been nailed, insurance points drivers license suspension and more yet he let me go...Said a bunch of cop stuff like you know what I could do and gave me a lecture but a 55-60 yr old cop knew I knew I fked up and gave me a break..just wow.
Canadian cop?
Day Lilly’s 😍

View attachment 60635View attachment 60636You can get them in all colors. Perennials, buy once cry once. The oldest and most true to the originals are the yellow colored ones. They bush a lot of greenery and bloom all summer.
Heres some I have.

thanks Granny!!!

i had no idea they came in other colors.. i'd love to replace these ugly orange ones. the deer ate them all over they years and now this is the lonely one left..
I've done a lot of driving in high traffic areas, over 1 million miles in 22 countries 30 states and 10 Canadian provinces, the worst was the Dominican Republic, but after that I could drive anywhere and its where I learned road rules do not apply....Mexico too, slow down to obey traffic speed signs and get passed on both sides extra lanes or not......its all fun after its all over and your home safe.....gets my wife a bit white knuckled but I'm always insured to the max and get adrenaline rushes.What doesn't kill you just makes you stronger........right....lol
Get behind the wheel of a car in Seoul Korea. Better then a e-ticket ride at Disneyland
thanks Granny!!!

i had no idea they came in other colors.. i'd love to replace these ugly orange ones. the deer ate them all over they years and now this is the lonely one left..
The ugly orange ones grow wild here, the original orange Lilly. It’s called a Tiger Lilly. I do have an orange day Lilly, but the color on it is gorgeous. IMG_2109.jpeg
All the old fooks on the vette forum have trouble sleeping. Boo Hoo try moving a little~!
@Observer thinks things are going to shit?
Imagine what the older people think.
We couldn't make it shine to even pass you shiny shit.
Welcome to remembering the good old days.
Close to 90f here today out at 1 oclock and rain and chopping in my next days forecast.
@SiamSam I am the bright side~! :cool:😁
Stay on the sunny side of life, These R the good old days
Anyone know how to send a fax without paying $10 for an app?

Local library or store like our Staples? On my PC I had a program that would send a scan to a fax but that was a long time ago. Haven’t even scanned anything in years with smart phones around.

Post office might be another place.

Faxes are still used by legal and law enforcement. I’ve sent them to court houses up to 5-6 years ago to fight tickets.

Good luck.
Local library or store like our Staples? On my PC I had a program that would send a scan to a fax but that was a long time ago. Haven’t even scanned anything in years with smart phones around.

Post office might be another place.

Faxes are still used by legal and law enforcement. I’ve sent them to court houses up to 5-6 years ago to fight tickets.

Good luck.
No....that's something you need in your head and understand...if you ever get light headed and you think you might fade don't let gravity take over and go whack & crack your face or head on something on the way down, gently get to the floor with a plan before you pass out/faint...remember and keep in your head " the floor is your friend, the floor is your friend ".........If it ever happens to you...and it will some time in your life.....remember that saying and you'll gently go to the ground......fight the floor and look out.......the floor wins...
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