CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

My son has my wife's gag reflex it's pretty funny. Feel bad for the fella but it makes me giggle sometimes. Just now we're in the kitchen he's sitting at the table gets down comes over to me says "it's trash" and points to the table. Well there is a bottle of water and what looks like a gum wrapper or gold foil off a cigarette pack smashed up sitting there. Ok it's trash I go pick it up, he watches me pick up the trash and starts gagging.... then I asked him why picking up the trash made him gag and he gagged again 😂

If he don't eat something on his plate and I try it out, say a French fry, chicken nugget anything really.. he'll gag

Poor kid haha
I was down from the third week of July until October. The pain was almost more than I could bear! I had three nights sleep, full sleep in a three month period. Two months of an incorrect diagnosis, refusing to give me any pain pills, which I still don’t get as everything is tracked via computerized med records and they could easily tell I don’t seek nor use pain meds. They told me to go to pain management. Here in Mo. recreational is legal and I carry a medical license to use, but if you have cannabis in your system you are automatically kicked out!
Thank Creator, I finally got referred to a bone Doc. He did an injection in the shoulder joint and it released. Now it’s this weird knot that popped up with all of that. I’m pushing the hell out of this arm and would say I have regained about eighty percent use of it. I’m hoping a MRI will reveal what it is. I’m tired of pain!
No, it’s on today too (Sunday) use the code Blackfriday40.
I made an order, thanks for the code!
It’s frustra
My son has my wife's gag reflex it's pretty funny. Feel bad for the fella but it makes me giggle sometimes. Just now we're in the kitchen he's sitting at the table gets down comes over to me says "it's trash" and points to the table. Well there is a bottle of water and what looks like a gum wrapper or gold foil off a cigarette pack smashed up sitting there. Ok it's trash I go pick it up, he watches me pick up the trash and starts gagging.... then I asked him why picking up the trash made him gag and he gagged again 😂

If he don't eat something on his plate and I try it out, say a French fry, chicken nugget anything really.. he'll gag

Poor kid haha
That’s rough, having to change a diaper when he’s older is going to be a challenge. Especially one of those early greenish/yellow ones. Those seem like something that should come out of an alien!
That’s why I figured $10. 😂

The speed and heat makes me think it might be a hog, but he said he’d cover any higher than normal electrical increase. If it’s less than a space heater that’s a good start. 🤣
Definitely less than a space heater. But you'll see a slight increase. Maybe a few dollars lol
When my FIL was running all 3 his bill went up like 100+ a month
Definitely less than a space heater. But you'll see a slight increase. Maybe a few dollars lol
When my FIL was running all 3 his bill went up like 100+ a month

He’ll be paying any $100 increases. 😂

I’ll eat any minimal increases. I expect I’ll be using it every once in a while. I have to build a computer anyway so this will get me interested again, maybe.

As long as it’s cheaper for him to make his models and gaming pieces than it is to buy them I think it will work out. Some of this stuff he waits years for, like pre orders.

Think it needs a cover or tent.
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