CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

Steamroller, new nascar pool packet out for this year that Bandit and i play in... you signing up or what? anybody else?? $25 to play!!
That would mean I have to pay attention?
I am a fan and enjoy watching but after that I am the slacker.
Working on a better title?
That would mean I have to pay attention?
I am a fan and enjoy watching but after that I am the slacker.
Working on a better title?

i can help ya with that title!! haahaha

not really pay attention it's all front work. you gotta pick a driver for every race (38??) now before the season starts, you can only use the same driver twice and then the lady that runs the pool takes care of sending out picks each week of who everybody has and where you stand and top three at the end of the year win prizes.

if you're interested send me your email and i'll send you the rules n stuff to look over and decide after that. we have until feb 9th to get our picks in.
Edibles just chill me way down. Not so much "high" as extremely relaxed. I had a big brownie before I had to drive to Phoenix. By the time I hit the Cali/Az border I was completely zen. When I was talking to Border Patrol I sounded like I was Buddha or something! 😄
i like to wake up a couple hours early, eat the edibles then go back to sleep... wake baked!! hits ya like a..

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Hey there, Question...If 1-750mg gummy doesn't get me high, do you think 2-750mg will work?.....As I chew on the first one.
Holy smokes, that some tolerance!
I haven’t been able to breathe and therefore no smoke since 12/26. My tolerance is in the toilet.
I’m sure my first puff, whenever that may be, is going to put me in orbit with probably less that 20 mg.

Heck of a difference from about a month ago when I couldn’t eat and smoke enough to feel.
I think Pipe may be chasing 🪰🪰🪰🪰🪰s..
8pm lights out disappearance was all. So 1500mg does very little to me it seems and its too expensive to be chasing dragons. All I got was dry mouth and a bit of fuzz around the edges. Nothing like I was expecting, my son said he got lead was wonky for 1.5
morning peeps,

hope y'all doing well and what-not!
Holy smokes, that some tolerance!
I haven’t been able to breathe and therefore no smoke since 12/26. My tolerance is in the toilet.
I’m sure my first puff, whenever that may be, is going to put me in orbit with probably less that 20 mg.

Heck of a difference from about a month ago when I couldn’t eat and smoke enough to feel.
i got sick af last month, where i could barely breathe but still tried to smoke.... ugh all the coughing from one hit would make me stay away for another few hours lol
hope you get better soon
So much for a herm free grow this run! I'm sure there's more if there's 1. Always greenpoint seed fucking up my grow.
Trashing this Gorilla Butter and Straight Jacket i have growing, not taking the chances anymore.
morning peeps,

hope y'all doing well and what-not!

i got sick af last month, where i could barely breathe but still tried to smoke.... ugh all the coughing from one hit would make me stay away for another few hours lol
hope you get better soon
Welcome back Ninja! 🥷 Been wondering about ya. Hope you are on the mend, we been missing ya!
Holy smokes, that some tolerance!
I haven’t been able to breathe and therefore no smoke since 12/26. My tolerance is in the toilet.
I’m sure my first puff, whenever that may be, is going to put me in orbit with probably less that 20 mg.

Heck of a difference from about a month ago when I couldn’t eat and smoke enough to feel.
Welcome back Tom! Hope you get yourself better and soon!
There is always that moment when you think it is pretty.
And then it is over.
I am in the just need to get through February mindset here.
I keep that mindset, ain’t chit anyone can do about it anyway. I cook a lot, read books, argue with family members, agitate you guys, smoke weed, bake goodies, find my most ridiculous looking fuzzy stuff to wear, refuse to fix my hair, and revel in the fact can’t nooooobody get back here to Feck with my little corner of the world. Oh, and I pet cats. 😂
I keep that mindset, ain’t chit anyone can do about it anyway. I cook a lot, read books, argue with family members, agitate you guys, smoke weed, bake goodies, find my most ridiculous looking fuzzy stuff to wear, refuse to fix my hair, and revel in the fact can’t nooooobody get back here to Feck with my little corner of the world. Oh, and I pet cats. 😂
and wear Hot Buns pj's in public 🤣🤣🤣
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