CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

Fortunately, we’re about 350 miles north of the current fires.
When the south land was having 100 mph winds, we were getting 40 - 50 mph winds, which in times past would cause fires somewhere in the area.

Of course, we didn’t have an illegal alien hiking the hills with a large propane torch here (apparently), there was one arrested in the vicinity of all the fires in LA.

This is on our federal and state government. Allowing illegals in without vetting, redirection of budget from public services to DEI programs, shutting down and draining reservoirs. Our government did all this.
California got what it voted for sorry to say. Just my honest opinion.
California got what it voted for sorry to say. Just my honest opinion.
While conservatives are certainly outnumbered by liberals in Ca. At least they were, this fire may have changed us to a purple state, almost all of the southern half Of the state are ready to lynch (er uh impeach Newscum), there are a lot of people affected that didn‘t want the liberal trash that has run this once great state into the ground.

What I fear is that the liberal craphole that I live in is going to have to suffer this form of failure before people wake up.

There are actually signs supporting the Trump presidency showing up not just in the Central Valley and foothills (conservative california), but in the SF Peninsula area.

Given enough hardship, people finally seeing what the democrat party is responsible for.

Sorry if this sounds too political, but gotta call it as I see it.

BTW, I’ve been the conservative pariah in the Bay Area that has been hated for nearly 40 years, I’m seeing Some change, its not fast enough for me, but it’s a welcome sight.
While conservatives are certainly outnumbered by liberals in Ca. At least they were, this fire may have changed us to a purple state, almost all of the southern half Of the state are ready to lynch (er uh impeach Newscum), there are a lot of people affected that didn‘t want the liberal trash that has run this once great state into the ground.

What I fear is that the liberal craphole that I live in is going to have to suffer this form of failure before people wake up.

There are actually signs supporting the Trump presidency showing up not just in the Central Valley and foothills (conservative california), but in the SF Peninsula area.

Given enough hardship, people finally seeing what the democrat party is responsible for.

Sorry if this sounds too political, but gotta call it as I see it.

BTW, I’ve been the conservative pariah in the Bay Area that has been hated for nearly 40 years, I’m seeing Some change, its not fast enough for me, but it’s a welcome sight.
I’m originally from California. Joined the Navy at 17 and never looked back. I was born in SoCal and lived in Whittier, Diamond Bar, Montclair, Buena Park, Anaheim, Fullerton, and Yorba Linda. I still have two sisters out there, and nieces, nephews. I have cousins in Chico. I don’t talk to a single one of them. It was once a nice state. Started going to shit in the 80’s and has only gotten worse over the years. I wont put a toe in that state. I hope you guys get it straightened out and I’m sorry this is what it probably took to get any kind of course correction.
So, since we are having this discussion this is my add to it. Crooks on both sides of the aisle. We have all been treated like mushrooms, fed shit and kept in the dark.
We were all subjected to a world wide brainwashing by the mainstream media, whom should actually be viewed as “Agents”. Does it mean the brainwashed are stupid? Nope, means they just consumed more kool-aid than the rest of us.
This world has done a complete 360 on us of the Boomer generation. Things we have been taught our entire lives, the very key to success and kindness has been labeled, ignorant, uneducated, lazy, and even called useless consumers.
However, we are “good enough” to house and be financially responsible for a bunch of liberal school taught children in our basements while they carry on with the new, hippest, followings of a world that has been made with evil men and women. I have seen many my age with listless, lazy, disrespectful whelps, that have plans to save this world..on the backs of someone else.
This is one evil fecking place. I’m just blessed to be tough enough to survive it. So are many of you.
I refuse to play along with “Us” and “Them”..there are dumbasses everywhere. My plan is to deal with each individual person. I let them decide how WE are going to act.
My other plan is to educate myself about the evil that surrounds me, so I will know it when I see it.
As always it’s been important to me that The Corner allow and respect free speech as long as we are kind to each other.
Carry on..
Signed one pissed off USA flag waving gun toting red skinned natural citizen from the beginning of time Conservative…Granny
what a cutie

hope everyone is doing well!

i'm feelin amazin'!
Ninjadip -- You look amazing too. I feel pretty good, was able to do some projects yesterday while the wife was away on a business trip. She is going in for (overdue) gall bladder surgery on Wednesday -- and I (or one of her team) will stay at the hospital until discharged. Kind of in the theme Granny expressed above -- everything we were taught growing up has turned upside down. The hospital is dangerous, doctors are unqualified, medicine is about separating those with insurance from the pond scum, knuckle-dragging crack heads. The policeman is your friend (unless you smoke weed). I don't blame California (lived there 14 years) or New York (born there) or West Virginia for that matter -- 100% of the problems are caused by insatiable human wants. I want this and that and will do anything regardless of how hare-brained it is to pluck that dusky jewel. America is still the best country on earth by far, but if you have had enough you can always move on. All you need is Love.
Ninjadip -- You look amazing too. I feel pretty good, was able to do some projects yesterday while the wife was away on a business trip. She is going in for (overdue) gall bladder surgery on Wednesday -- and I (or one of her team) will stay at the hospital until discharged. Kind of in the theme Granny expressed above -- everything we were taught growing up has turned upside down. The hospital is dangerous, doctors are unqualified, medicine is about separating those with insurance from the pond scum, knuckle-dragging crack heads. The policeman is your friend (unless you smoke weed). I don't blame California (lived there 14 years) or New York (born there) or West Virginia for that matter -- 100% of the problems are caused by insatiable human wants. I want this and that and will do anything regardless of how hare-brained it is to pluck that dusky jewel. America is still the best country on earth by far, but if you have had enough you can always move on. All you need is Love.
def much love
i believ in bob marley's message of love through music and the Beatles before him
yes, everything changes, that's a given.
used to dream about living in a commune when i was younger, never cared too much about the superficial, if i'm happy, warm, and with good people

ramble on, part 1:
idk if i can ever forget the message of one of Whitman's poems, how he continually sees the old, dead "selves" of himself behind him. thinking how much he has grown from that old corpse, yet to find another one tomorrow. i feel this sentiment all the time. i look back and think, wow did i think crazy back then, and this continues and continues. i'd like to think it's because i'm growing, but who knows, maybe everyone feels this tangible grasp of your past self like it was yesterday and how that "you" was a fool compared to what you know now.

here it is, i found it:


O LIVING always, always dying!
O the burials of me past and present,
O me while I stride ahead, material, visible, imperious as ever;
O me, what I was for years, now dead, (I lament not, I am
O to disengage myself from those corpses of me, which I turn
and look at where I cast them,
To pass on, (O living! always living!) and leave the corpses

-(the best,) walt whitman

ramble on, part 2:
always living, always dying... c'est la vie, or such is life, "imperious as ever"...
i wonder if that grey bearded mother fucker would smoke some with me if i had a time machine lol
Best song ever! Used to listen to this on Dr. Demento

Oh, I owe a lot to Iowa pot
Iowa grown and grand
I never knew such beautiful boo
Grew in this groovy land I'm in
And I'm indebted indeed to wonderful weed
Iowa raised and born
Oh, I owe a lot to Iowa pot
And that's not just Iowa corn

[Verse 1]
Oh, I never cared much for domestic
I would always be turning it down
But I just smoked a joint so majestic
So fentestic, it's the best stick in town
And it blooms in this Midwestern section
And there isn't a glimmer of doubt
It could shake a Jamaica connection
'Cause it's cheap, deep, and far-bleepin'-out

Oh, I owe a lot to Iowa pot
Iowa grown and grand
I never knew such beautiful boo
Grew in this groovy land I'm in
And I'm indebted indeed to wonderful weed
Iowa raised and born
Oh, I owe a lot to Iowa pot
And that's not just Iowa corn
See upcoming pop shows
Get tickets for your favorite artists

[Verse 2]
Contraband in the land of mañana
Is so ruthlessly risky to cop
While those Iowans cop all they wanna
Camping on a marijuana crop
So just keep your Colombian rip-off
And your shady Canadian scene
'Cause I'd sooner be singeing my lip off
On some straight, great Iowa green

Oh, I owe a lot to Iowa pot
Iowa grown and grand
I never knew such beautiful boo
Grew in this groovy land I'm in
And I'm indebted indeed to wonderful weed, ah-ha-ha
Iowa raised and born
Oh, I owe a lot to Iowa pot
And that's not just Iowa corn
No, that's not just Iowa corn
I was up earlier but wanted to share a pic of a funny Christmas gift. Still on the fence if I want to use it, cause it will be hard af to clean

I have a clear mug like that.
The kid at the shops head almost exploded when I said you can ice in the cup~!
I clean it with ISO and salt and a lot of shaking.

I asked my wife to pick up some real coffee beans Saturday. It’s been a few years since we treated ourselves.


Approximately 80 grams of beans to 44oz boiling water. IMG_2543.jpeg

Wait five or six minutes…IMG_2544.jpeg

Sooo good. We had it timed that when they returned the coffee would be ready.

The smell had them smiling before they got through the doorway.

The little things do matter. ☕
Redbeards smoke report:
Cherry Pie: kind of strange buzz. At times it’s peppy and at other times it’s relaxing. Smooth smoke. I’d buy a bag of it. 3.5 out of five.

The Shine: very interesting smoke. The first I have ever grown that I could not stand the smell of, but liked the taste. 👅 One of the parents is an unknown bootlegged strain out of Virginia and the taste will take you back to the seventies. Skunky smelling. Reminiscent of the first thing you ever smoked. The buzz will too! Heady heavy stuff that most accomplished smoker will completely enjoy. This rates a solid 5 with me.

Black Mimosa: Holy smokes! Tasty and strong! Night or creative time stuff that is sticky as honey. The kind of stuff I like to smoke when I prefer no company and just want to kick back. This one I will rate a stoned to da bone solid 5!

Fruit by the Foot: Aptly named, long full colas. Strong Orange smell and taste, but very skunky scent left behind after smoking. Happy uplifting, appetite enhancing. The smoke this and clean the house weed! Happy Green! Strong sativa leanings. This one I rate a 4.5
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