CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

Mine will hold 60. A bag and a half. In normal winter weather I burn a bag a day. So 12 hours and two fill ups in a 24 hour period. You did good!
My old one holds 47lbs and burns for 30ish hours, unless it's cold cold like tonight is supposed to be, then it's 24 hrs.
Hoping with the thermostat and auto ignite I'll save even more
My hands are sweaty.
And tingly
I ate some mushrooms 🍄

I bought some cherry seeds because of you and SLG~!
Elite Cut Genetics Purple Cherry Punch and Black Cherry Bliss.
I think SLG is growing one of the Black Cherry Bliss now so paying extra attention.
I bought some cherry seeds because of you and SLG~!
Elite Cut Genetics Purple Cherry Punch and Black Cherry Bliss.
I think SLG is growing one of the Black Cherry Bliss now so paying extra attention.
lol yep blame it on someone else 🤣
I've been picking up more cherry stuff lately cause all of the cherry stuff you've grown and I've got a bunch of chems, ogs, cookies, I needed more fruit stuff
lol yep blame it on someone else 🤣
I've been picking up more cherry stuff lately cause all of the cherry stuff you've grown and I've got a bunch of chems, ogs, cookies, I needed more fruit stuff
Your large acquisition of cherry genetics has not gone un noticed.;budi
lol yep blame it on someone else 🤣
I've been picking up more cherry stuff lately cause all of the cherry stuff you've grown and I've got a bunch of chems, ogs, cookies, I needed more fruit stuff
You seem like the cherry expert lol
I've never done anything cherry, what was your favorite strain to grow so far
You packed Stella’s lunch box. 😝
Yeah, I like that! Now, instead of loading Imma say I’m packing Stella’s lunchbox! I’m headed out today to test these new loads. Last day for winds under twenty mph, this week. Saturday, range day they are calling for gusts up to 35!IMG_3024.jpeg
Yeah, I like that! Now, instead of loading Imma say I’m packing Stella’s lunchbox! I’m headed out today to test these new loads. Last day for winds under twenty mph, this week. Saturday, range day they are calling for gusts up to 35!View attachment 91768

When I realized I didn’t have the room or time to reload my own I started donating my brass to the gun club and bought a bunch of surplus whenever I saw it on sale. But my more expensive ammo I keep in boxes like yours.

Crazy how small changes in creating the cartridge can make such a difference. Even five rounds of good ammo vs five of surplus can have a huge difference.

Same goes for the rifle. Usually the more expensive the firearm the more accurate it is. But then a off the shelf mass production model turns out to be a tack driver. 🤷‍♂️
Got a letter from the RCMP that rates to renew my firearms license will go up end of March. I still have a few months to go but they note you can renew earlier.

Turns out they no longer mail the forms, they want you to do it online. As I don’t have internet or a email account any longer I had to use the iPhone. Halfway through it asks if my email address has changed. They want to use that to exchange keys. If it has changed I have to call their 1-800-number. 🤦

Calling and reaching a body took the better part of a week. After giving him all the info he changed the email address but said I have to go back online to finish it, even though he could have done the last few things over the phone like in the past.

Just another PITA so I can keep my privilege they no longer want people to have.

The letter also noted if you fail to renew on time you will loose everything and have to go through the entire process from the beginning again. That’s a long process that includes paying for training and having a inspector sign off before you get the paperwork to mail in to the RCMP.
When I realized I didn’t have the room or time to reload my own I started donating my brass to the gun club and bought a bunch of surplus whenever I saw it on sale. But my more expensive ammo I keep in boxes like yours.

Crazy how small changes in creating the cartridge can make such a difference. Even five rounds of good ammo vs five of surplus can have a huge difference.

Same goes for the rifle. Usually the more expensive the firearm the more accurate it is. But then a off the shelf mass production model turns out to be a tack driver. 🤷‍♂️
I have a top of the line set up, but the loading is custom to the gun. At first measure the gun was shooting 12 thousandths off the lands. With use it has grown to 18 thousandths. So the loading had to change to bring that 12 back. After this next match I will have her rebarrled and start all over again. Ugh! I absolutely hate a new barrel! It will take about 250-300 rounds before it settles out. Until then the speed is all over the place. I have about 1800 rounds through this barrel. It shows a very minimal amount of fire cracking and zero amount of copper retention but it may just shoot out and I have that big competition in May. I can’t risk it happening then. This will give me a couple of months to break it in, settle it down and learn what loads the new barrel likes. It has never had factory rounds shot through it and I load some pretty hot rounds. I’m pushing 33.1 grains, averaging a little over 3000 foot per second.
Anyways.. Good to hear from you Zen!
Cleaning smaller things like screens and capsules get annoying when I need to retrieve them from a jar of ISO. So I’ve been keeping my eye out for a barbasol jar.

In the mean time I started trying this. Not bad. Need to see how it goes over time.

It’s just a dollar store loose tea holder/strainer.



Just don’t use it for tea. 😝
I have a top of the line set up, but the loading is custom to the gun. At first measure the gun was shooting 12 thousandths off the lands. With use it has grown to 18 thousandths. So the loading had to change to bring that 12 back.
Normal over time…but you must use her a lot. I know the stock is new but isn’t the rifle only a few years old?

I’ve yet to replace any barrels. Most are hunting rifles though. 22LR get the most use.

After this next match I will have her rebarrled and start all over again. Ugh! I absolutely hate a new barrel! It will take about 250-300 rounds before it settles out.
I don’t mind that part so much. It’s when I get a a few hundred rounds of surplus and take the kids out for a day. I have a few of each caliber so just cycle through them.

That was in the 2005-2020 days. Still have some left which is good as surplus skyrocketed before disappearing.

In your case it’s cheaper to make your own but pretty much mandatory for your level of competition. So it still adds up. Don’t think there is such a thing as surplus for your round.

Until then the speed is all over the place. I have about 1800 rounds through this barrel. It shows a very minimal amount of fire cracking and zero amount of copper retention but it may just shoot out and I have that big competition in May. I can’t risk it happening then.
I always wondered if that copper equilibrium thing was real. I do it with the 30-06 but haven’t fired it in years. Rattles the windows at the farm unless I go to the back field.

Isn’t yours a bull barrel? I recall it looking thicker? But again your not hunting with this rifle. Any wear or crown issues can have a large effect.

This will give me a couple of months to break it in, settle it down and learn what loads the new barrel likes. It has never had factory rounds shot through it and I load some pretty hot rounds. I’m pushing 33.1 grains, averaging a little over 3000 foot per second.
Anyways.. Good to hear from you Zen!
I don’t recall your caliber. I just know it’s not a typical round. IIRC it’s smaller than 30 and a flatter arc.

What’s the kick like? 223/556 or closer to 308?

Always a pleasure PAL.
I agree with the jist of the article that THC is not all it is about.
Maybe it is 41% but that does not mean every plant that yielded 6.5lbs was 41%.
Samples tested are not large.
I like the guy can say he doesn't cheat.
Would have been nice to have a few reviews from the 6.5lbs he sold?
At the end of the day I smoke the whole plant and have found that some of the most make you drool dope is not the highest THC by anyone's standards. I think there is more to it and even different reactions for different people.
Not one review on 6.5lbs?
I only have a couple friends I share with and they make sure to say when it is fire~!
Normal over time…but you must use her a lot. I know the stock is new but isn’t the rifle only a few years old?

I’ve yet to replace any barrels. Most are hunting rifles though. 22LR get the most use.

I don’t mind that part so much. It’s when I get a a few hundred rounds of surplus and take the kids out for a day. I have a few of each caliber so just cycle through them.

That was in the 2005-2020 days. Still have some left which is good as surplus skyrocketed before disappearing.

In your case it’s cheaper to make your own but pretty much mandatory for your level of competition. So it still adds up. Don’t think there is such a thing as surplus for your round.

I always wondered if that copper equilibrium thing was real. I do it with the 30-06 but haven’t fired it in years. Rattles the windows at the farm unless I go to the back field.

Isn’t yours a bull barrel? I recall it looking thicker? But again your not hunting with this rifle. Any wear or crown issues can have a large effect.

I don’t recall your caliber. I just know it’s not a typical round. IIRC it’s smaller than 30 and a flatter arc.

What’s the kick like? 223/556 or closer to 308?

Always a pleasure PAL.

I got it all at the same time. Was a completely new build.
No bull barrel.
It’s a 6 mm.
Zero kick. She be smooth shooting 🙂
Anytime my friend!
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