CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

I feel good enough to go back to work tomorrow.
I rarely get sick and maybe became ill partially psychosomatically.
One of my guys reported to work last week stating he was positive for the vid.
He has kids also known as walking infections and was not sick at all himself so none of cared enough to say go home.
I had just started getting a dry throat and small cough.
Cough was bad on Sunday but all seems well now.
I put the 3days coming 3days with it 3days going in my head and told myself I should be fine by today/tomorrow.
I do believe it was just a common cold.
I really can't remember the last time I was sick. It has to have been years ago.
I got good genes~! ;hop
I got the flu shot yesterday....knocked down today for sure. 1/2 hour early to pick up the wife and just snoozing. I now have too many microplastics in my brain, maybe could make a tablecloth or something. Feel better Steamie!
I got the flu shot yesterday....knocked down today for sure. 1/2 hour early to pick up the wife and just snoozing. I now have too many microplastics in my brain, maybe could make a tablecloth or something. Feel better Steamie!
I am a hard headed pure blood.
No shots or Dr visits in over 35 years. Never had the flu that I am aware of.
I wasn't joking about good genes. Grandfather lived to 101 years old~!
Working outside doing physical labor doesn't hurt either.
I am a hard headed pure blood.
No shots or Dr visits in over 35 years. Never had the flu that I am aware of.
I wasn't joking about good genes. Grandfather lived to 101 years old~!
Working outside doing physical labor doesn't hurt either.
Me too. I came with THIS DNA and I’m leaving with it! Never had a flu shot, never had the flu. Lots of worse things than death walking this world.
I’ve spent the whole day at the range. All that fresh air and sunshine has kicked my butt. It’s 8:30 and I’m ready to stretch out on the couch!
Hope you’re feeling better since you have decided to get back at it. Here’s wishing you a mighty fine day tomorrow.

damn man even in the sun that still looks cold!!! is that near you, or are you travelling a ways?

gorgeous work as always!!! great to hear your feeling like a Steamster again!!! get those nancy's back to workin hard again.. or are they sally's? i can't remember.. we say nancy.. haha till somebody goes too fast, then it's "ez turbo!!" hahaha
Lake George. 40 minute drive.
Just long enough to burn one on the way~!
They are Sallies~!;gfght
Got the one boy less than half my age learning and doing the curved standing seam double locks by hand.
That is an art~!
So since having the cold I have been taking Thera Flu liquid ' cough syrup' daytime and night time[ before sleep].
I have some weird dreams the last couple nights.
Last night I was driving a school bus but couldn't reach the pedals~!
55 pounds, i was looking at the 22N model cause it holds 80 pounds, but it wasn't worth another 500 bucks to me lol
Mine will hold 60. A bag and a half. In normal winter weather I burn a bag a day. So 12 hours and two fill ups in a 24 hour period. You did good!
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