CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

i was working in belgium and one weekend me and two co workers drove into the city and just kept working our way outwards till we found a hotel that actually had rooms.
This was a planned trip. Because my buddies had been there before for work. Head office used to be there. Might still be.

Heineken plant was closed for renovations so no tours, just a bottle opener from the receptionist. 😒

we were near the airport too... funny thing, i've been to a lot of hotels but that was the first one where they encouraged me to get wasted there and told me to make sure i brought back some hash and beer!!! 😆
Would have loved to bring something back. My buddy wanted to by a clone or seeds but didn’t think they would make it through the mail and wasn’t going to try taking it on the plane.

bikes, boats, and boobies is all about i remember... do you remember the weather reports on tv? 😍

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I don’t recall if we had a TV. We all used our laptops. All geeks. If anything we needed more receptacles.

I don’t think it rained once in…9 days? Wasn’t too hot or cold. Night or day. We stayed out until we were ready for bed.

We did walk the ally. 🤣 They aren’t shy that’s for sure. Was a bit weird to see them in the window like mannequin. Ally was lit up more like strip than a red light area. 🤣

Did the canals in the boat thing. God that’s dirty water. Nice buildings though. I’d get up early before the residents were up and just walk for an hour. Checking out the architecture. We took the train to Rotterdam for the day. Total opposite. Very industrial. Not as much foot traffic.
I think I will come and watch first. Warrenton is a short trip for me.

I've never seen digital scoring like that. I dig it.
Electronic targets are the best! Our club uses these, the range in Warrenton still has the old scoring pits. I’ll hit ya up a month prior to the shoot in Warrenton. I’d love to have you come and check it out! I’d even let ya shoot Stella if ya wanted!
20th – 24th
Grub out weeds, briars, and other plant pests. Last three days are good harvest days.
25th – 26th
Favorable time for sowing grains, hay, and fodder crops. Plant flowers. Favorable days for planting root crops.
27th – 29th
Start seedbeds. Good days for transplanting. Plant carrots, beets, onions, turnips, Irish potatoes, and other root crops in the South.
30th – 30th
Poor planting day. Good harvest day.
1st – 1st
Do no planting.
2nd – 3rd
Plant sweet corn, beans, peppers, and other aboveground crops where climate is suitable.
4th – 6th
Barren days. Fine for clearing, plowing, fertilizing, and killing plant pests.
7th – 8th
Extra good for cucumbers, peas, cantaloupes, and other vine crops. Plant peppers, sweet corn, tomatoes, and other aboveground crops in southern Florida, California, and Texas.
9th – 10th
A barren period.
11th – 12th
Fine for planting beans, peppers, cucumbers, melons, and other aboveground crops where climate is suitable.
13th – 14th
Seeds planted now tend to rot in ground.
15th – 16th
Start seedbeds and flower gardens. Good days for transplanting. Most favorable days for planting beets, onions, turnips, and other root crops where climate allows.
17th – 21st
A barren period. Favorable for killing plant pests, cultivating, or taking a short vacation.
22nd – 24th
Plant flowers. Fine for sowing hay, fodder crops, and grains. Favorable days for planting root crops.
Rainy and miserable here.
I love it~!
Just took last buds from March and got them into smaller jars so my larger are ready for more.
Got the room pretty dry so bagging and jarring will happen this weekend.:cool:
Still have not started anything but my 4 @4foot clones are ready to exit the tent~!
Time to start smoking the harvest from June I think~!🥴
I’m sitting here kicking myself in the tail to get moving! Today is feed day for the girls and it’s grocery shopping month. 150 miles round trip, then the unloading and putting away of three months worth of groceries. Gooooo me!
Catch up with yiz this evening and I’ll show ya my pretty greeny heads!
Enjoy the day! It’s friiiiiiiiiday!
Hey Gday all, How would you read this ad? Buy 2 get 1 free1732297062995.png

So I paid for 2 and I'm not sure what that means it says add any 3 items get 1 free. I sent an email asking and they confused me more.

Dear Customer,

Greetings from Mars Hydro,

We checked that your order is correct. Buy 2 get 1 free on our website means that if you buy two clip fans, you only need to pay for one, and one of them is free, not buy two clip fans and give you an extra one.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

If you have any further questions or have any questions in the future, please feel free to contact us at any time and we will be happy to assist you.

Kind Regards

Now how many am I getting??? 2-? 3? 4?
Their add is confusing.
I saw it like you in that you buy 2 and get third free.
I use Mars Lights so feel free to make an off hand comment.
They are just another Chinese company that speaks broken English.🤷‍♂️
Their reply makes it sound like you will get 4 fans.
In my book, that ad doesn't say the same thing as email response. The email says buy one get one free, which is better than the ad. I agree with @OLDCRO and @steamroller. The email makes it sound like you should expect 4 fans.
I would have bought 1 fan knowing that but 4 osculating for $120..ish ain't bad It also had a 5% buy 2 discount So I wasn't sure wtf was going on. I got a shipped today email...I'll soon find out.

Here's my confusion1732311304699.png
I would have bought 1 fan knowing that but 4 osculating for $120..ish ain't bad It also had a 5% buy 2 discount So I wasn't sure wtf was going on. I got a shipped today email...I'll soon find out.

Here's my confusionView attachment 80102
Hang on to email they sent you and if you dont get the 4 fans contact them and forward there email.
When I was in Amsterdam with two friends we visited the “coffee shops” daily.

You could buy, consume, and if you went to the back they had a big glass bong looking device that was my first vaporizer experience. (Like the first time all over again.)

We later found out in a park that smoking in public was not legal but if you weren’t stupid it would be ignored.

A lot of locals mixed the weed with tobacco most of the time but I’m not a fan. Last time I did that I was nauseous for hours.l even though I used to be a smoker.

Nothing like a frozen mug of Heineken on an outdoor patio beside the canals while enjoying a good joint. 😘💭
Yep, been there.
Seven loverly ladies. Soaked these seeds for 24 hours Sunday in a fifty fifty mix of water and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Planted in pre moistened happy frog in a 1/4” hole sprinkled with mycorrhizae about 10:30 Monday night.
Redbeards Bubba Mac n Cheese, Oregon Grape, Silly Billy Pear and Killah Kong
@B2ACG ’s Permanent Marker
Seed Fairs Bubba Fett x 2
Moon was in the perfect phase to plant flowers.
I have heard you talk about the Oregon Grape enough that this last time was enough~!
I just ordered a pack~!
Can't wait to give them a try.
I got a long list and slacker effort level, but these will get planted soon.:cool:
I have heard you talk about the Oregon Grape enough that this last time was enough~!
I just ordered a pack~!
Can't wait to give them a try.
I got a long list and slacker effort level, but these will get planted soon.:cool:
I love it! Strong grape terps, excellent taste and a nice buzz! I know you like the grape too, you will really appreciate this stuff!
ahhhhh yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sorry to pee on ya parade.. truth hurts! I want some damn Doritos too!
Sorry to pee on ya parade.. truth hurts! I want some damn Doritos too!
Got to die from something.
I'll fight for my Doritos~!:p
Sorry to pee on ya parade.. truth hurts! I want some damn Doritos too!

yeah sorry i'm not reading those.... i want to enjoy my two red bags that i only buy like once every two years anymore!!!

breathing city air does way worse things for you but people still do that every day! :ROFLMAO:
yeah sorry i'm not reading those.... i want to enjoy my two red bags that i only buy like once every two years anymore!!!

breathing city air does way worse things for you but people still do that every day! :ROFLMAO:
He’s gonna eat those damn Doritos.. I would too 😂🤣😅😂
Seven loverly ladies. Soaked these seeds for 24 hours Sunday in a fifty fifty mix of water and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Planted in pre moistened happy frog in a 1/4” hole sprinkled with mycorrhizae about 10:30 Monday night.
Redbeards Bubba Mac n Cheese, Oregon Grape, Silly Billy Pear and Killah Kong
@B2ACG ’s Permanent Marker
Seed Fairs Bubba Fett x 2
Moon was in the perfect phase to plant flowers.
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Granny, do you plan to scrog all these?

is scrog the only way you roll?
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