Grow 4 life, Mr.G grow and show.

Nice sturdy trees, I’m waiting on Amazon for some more 3gal fabric pots, supposed to be 1 day shipping, but now package looks lost. I will use up all the containers for the biggest plants tomorrow. IMG_3818.jpeg
I would never shy away from a single high end light over 4 small lights.
GML or Grand Master Level led lights are "groundbreaking", HPS is going outta business. If you want HPS get them pronto! I have a Philzon 450 w in my 4x4 and two 3x3 tents with Viparspectra bar styles all. SSgrower
Due for another sulphur spray tonight at lights off, every time I go in, I take a fistful of leaves, 35DLI, will have all the plants in final pots tomorrow, I didn’t think the plants would be this far along at this point, and i really don’t want harvest lined up with Christmas, so I’ll probably keep these in veg till Nov 5, daylight savings time change here that day anyway. IMG_3834.jpeg
Still waiting on Amazon delivery to finish transplant
a couple of the do-si-do plants are 2 of the most girthy squat plants I’ve seen, stems so damn woody, refuses to stretch, probably not as happy as the others with the intense lighting. Keep having to strip leaves out, as it’s growing like a cauliflower. They can’t all be diamonds👌IMG_3840.jpeg
Bell Peppers after 1 week leaf strip and heavy pruning, ready to bloom again inside. Killing frost in the forecast tonight, will be good for knocking the bugs in the yard back, which helps to keep the inside garden clean. IMG_3845.jpegIMG_3848.jpeg
Was tired of waiting on Amazon to deliver the containers, ended up picking up some 3gal nursary pots from my local grow shop. also needed to pick up some more 3part Diablo, and the guys hooked me up with a couple starter kits for a price I couldn’t refuse, it Cost less than just buying the 3 part separately.

Got home and delivery was on the front porch, no updates with the tracking to let me know. I still prefer to go to an actual store to make purchases, but Amazon was my only option for fabric pots.
Room is a jungle, I’ll get this transplant done shortly. IMG_3849.jpeg
I’d be worried it would gum up the dishwasher, I do put my hats in tho.
I run the dishwasher on hot so most of it is melted anyways but you got me thinking that maybe that's not the best thing for the sewer line down the road
I forgot to mention that mid last week, I started dropping the light schedule by an hour every couple days or so, I increase the light intensity to keep the DLI the same, down to 15 hours today, will be down to 12 by Sunday.
Also, will be adjusting the ph of the feed to 6.2, I have been feeding at 5.8. IMG_3899.jpegIMG_3901.jpeg
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