How to grow enough to make home grow worth it?


Dank Daredevil
Jun 13, 2023
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Some of you may have seen me gripe in another thread about home growing not being worth it for me, and before I toss in the towel, I’m looking for suggestions.

I currently have 2 spaces to grow in inside (can’t grow outside, so that’s not an option). The first space is a 2x4’ tent with 2000/200w light. The second is ~5x5’ with a 4000/400w light.

The most I’ve been able to grow is about a qp with 5 plants. With fertilizers/nutrients/soil and electricity, that cost about $1500, so about $200-$250 per ounce (it was like 5-6 ounces in total).

I can buy an ounce for $80-$100.

Granted, I’ve always enjoyed my grow better than street or dispensary weed, but I can’t justify it anymore.

The 2x4 tent i can comfortably fit 2 plants, maybe 3. The 5x5 room i can comfortably fit 5-6 plants and still be able to reach the far back plants.

Is this a pipe dream, or is it possible to grow a pound or more every 12-14 weeks and have it close to being ~$100 per ounce with the space I have?

I’ve given up on my current grow and basically let the plants shrivel up at this point. I’m willing to start over and give it a final shot, but I feel like this is a losing battle.

Hit me with your best.
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