Just another newb, newbing it’s up!

Saratoga, NY and no longer an active outdoor grower.
I got enough humidity issues in an air conditioned room to come.
What a year for weather brother~!
You're doing great but the fat lady has not sang yet...
Ha!! Thats how i feel in Michigan too. Got to make it to the finish line . 48 degrees last night after 6 inches of rain in 2 days last week. But they are looking great!!
Saratoga, NY and no longer an active outdoor grower.
I got enough humidity issues in an air conditioned room to come.
What a year for weather brother~!
You're doing great but the fat lady has not sang yet...
Yeah last year I lost about half of each plant from Bud rot and WPM if anything was remotely questionable it got canned but it was my first year, after this go round I hope to have my tent going, then just run a plant or two outdoor for fun/learning…

We where just camping up by you mid July at Alpine Lake. Beautiful area, caught a ton of fish, family had a BLAST!!!
NY, Toronto, Quebec, or Nova Scotia. Weather just sucks everywhere this year. Wait until grocery shopping in December. 🤦
Girls seem to be happy. Feeding every watering with the MaxiBloom starting to see a few yellow leaves hopefully not lacking N and just a normal thing.
Built this “hoop house” this week with 1/2” PVC and 6Mil UV resident geeenhouse poly.
Got 2 fans blowing up into the canopy, do y’all think I should adjust?
Hopefully with the gaps on the sides, underneath and up top I have good airflow.
Girls seem to be happy. Feeding every watering with the MaxiBloom starting to see a few yellow leaves hopefully not lacking N and just a normal thing.
Built this “hoop house” this week with 1/2” PVC and 6Mil UV resident geeenhouse poly.
Got 2 fans blowing up into the canopy, do y’all think I should adjust?
Hopefully with the gaps on the sides, underneath and up top I have good airflow.
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I think that should get you through to a nice harvest!!
Looking absolutely killer dude 👊🏼

Where i am is calling for rain the next 10-12 days... 60-100% chance too.... not looking good over here.
I think that should get you through to a nice harvest!!
Looking absolutely killer dude 👊🏼

Where i am is calling for rain the next 10-12 days... 60-100% chance too.... not looking good over here.
This the reason for all this🤦🏻‍♂️ DUMPED last night and been raining ever since, we show rain 4 days 80% chance and the Humidity has been chocking! 90 something degrees the past couple days and headed for low 70’s 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ NY at it finest
You mentioned yellow leaves...... all i see is a perfect color green in natural light.
You can see the yellowing next to the darker leaves in some of these photos
Also in the big single leaf photo this plant has a ton of leaves with these really little dots??? Thoughts??
Also I added another fan today to blow across the tops…
Seeing it now as nitrogen def. Not a biggie atm but be aware of it when feeding.

I know nothing about growing in dirt or anything about dealing with possible mold problems (i just turn up the dehumidifier) here's a couple pictures frmy last grow that i kept an eye on thinking mold spores.

Thanks Smoke, these dots are hard textured and don’t rub off…is the N deficiency ok at this point in flower? I cut out the heavy N a week or so ago they should have about 4-5 weeks left of flower but I can bump the N again if need be…?
Thanks Smoke, these dots are hard textured and don’t rub off…is the N deficiency ok at this point in flower? I cut out the heavy N a week or so ago they should have about 4-5 weeks left of flower but I can bump the N again if need be…?
Have you scoped the underside of the leaves? Look up spider mites leaves and you'll see something similar but not exact. Any webs?

Might be too late to put the N back in the dirt as it takes so long to respond but maybe someone with outdoor experience will respond.
You can see the yellowing next to the darker leaves in some of these photos
Also in the big single leaf photo this plant has a ton of leaves with these really little dots??? Thoughts??
Also I added another fan today to blow across the tops…
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Looks possible wpm

If you can....you can go through and cut off fan leafs and if you can, give em some feed.
This picture F79C4380-ED5E-4C9C-A867-862BE918A370.jpegscreams spider mites to me, but i could be wrong. But it definitely doesn't look anything like the WPM ive seen, xould also be wrong on that too lol.
If you are not using IPM Id get on it now

I basically lost my first outdoor grow to WPM and bugs.

There's organic options too
I'd defoliate for a safety measure and spray her down fungicide/pesticides/herbicides.

Again, there's organic options
Like sulfur

Lemon balm
I'm forgetting some

Much more organic options that pest hate
It surprised me when he said it wouldn't rub off

And as rootsruler said that's a lot of mite damage and showing no web. Ive had similar when using a misting vaporizer with high calcium water, had little white dots similar but they would rub off
I don't know about aphids but that video made me wanna go home and rub a few leaves. I don't know why 🤣
Here’s just a quick video of me rubbing that leaf from the picture….
I will say I just plucked that leaf turned it over and found like 12 aphids 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Could they be the cause?
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I would say there is a good chance that's what it is.

Have you tried some insecticidal soap?

1 qal water
1 cup of Dawn
1/4 of vege oil

If you have a Hudson Sprayer I would mix up a gallon and give them a hard spray down.
I would say there is a good chance that's what it is.

Have you tried some insecticidal soap?

1 qal water
1 cup of Dawn
1/4 of vege oil

If you have a Hudson Sprayer I would mix up a gallon and give them a hard spray down.
Honestly didn’t see them ti I pulled that leaf, I do got ladybugs though ❤️ Just not enough I guess🤷🏼‍♂️
So skip the neem oil? Non of that will harm the buds or promote mold?
Better to spray at night? First thing or during the day so it can dry? My last run with spraying these girls with oil l/soap they burned BAD in the sun..,
For now I would go with something fairly mild. The soap solution won't affect your flowers. If the IS doesn't help then you may need something like Monterey Horti Oil.

I would spray at first light when its cool and no direct sunlight is hitting the plants to give the solution a chance to do its thing and keep the evaporation at minimum.
For now I would go with something fairly mild. The soap solution won't affect your flowers. If the IS doesn't help then you may need something like Monterey Horti Oil.

I would spray at first light when its cool and no direct sunlight is hitting the plants to give the solution a chance to do its thing and keep the evaporation at minimum.
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