Korean natural farming recipes.make your own nutrient solutions

# 8 diluted sea water d.s.w. natural farming minerals. This one is easy if you live by the ocean.i live in the Midwest so I use sea salt.4 grams per gallon of water. Just pure sea salt.if you are using sea water collect it from the top inches of ocean where it is crashing near rocks and is nice and foamy. Aviod places where fresh water is coming into the ocean. Dilute 1:30 for plants.so one gallon fresh water will get around 126 ml sea water.

It contains almost every micro and macro nuitrients and mineral you need. The mineral balance of diluted sea water is the same as amniotic fluid in mothers,blood plasma of humans, and body fluid of plants. Helps with soil compaction,water holding compactly and advanced ripening.very good for exhausted land and soil mixes.realy sweetens fruits and veggies
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Here is a video for # 9. ohn oriental herbal nutrients, natural farming medicine. its to tricky to type out.its an amazing solution. We take it whenever we get sick.the plants love it.l started using this process of fermented tintureing on all my herb and medicinal mushroom tintictures.this one takes about 3 months but a batch last awhile. 1 tsp per gallon.after it has aged 2 year you can use half that.ages like a fine liquor. We love it.
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Ok so that's all 9 solutions I use.i also make a water soluble potasium and water soluble phosphorus, but I usualy never use them.the ferments I use are usualy enough to cover nutrient needs

For the water soluble potasium I use sunflower stalks and heads after the seeds are gone.with seeds is fine also.char them in rocket stove set up I use for wcap(bones).or I throw them in a ductch oven in the fire.after you have the chard sunflower soak in water 1:10 for a week strain and use.1 tsp for a gallon. Same recipe for the phos.just use pumkin seeds or if you can find them sesame stalks and stems.seeds can work also.
If I have enough cucumber I will make a solution the same way from chard cucumber skins.it will cover your p and k needs pretty well alone.but like I said I just keep these on hand incase I have a particular cultivar that needs a little extra.they usualy don't get used
Foliar spraying the garden this morning .15 gallons of water does my whole place and my apple tree ,foilarly and slight drench.in 15 gallons I used 60 grams of sea salt ,10tbs vinager, 10 tables spoons of each comphrey, nettle, and yarrow fpj,5 tbs wcap,5tbswca,6tbs of ffa,5tbs of ohn.filled with water and after full added 6 tbs of lactic acid bacteria .I only use the bacteria once a month but I spray everything once a week.20230624_074517.jpg20230624_080810.jpg20230624_082315.jpg20230624_081947.jpg20230624_080949.jpg


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We are growing green beans ,cucumbers,dill,jalapeños, green peppers,cauliflower, tomatoes, elderberry, sunflowers,marigolds,yarrow ,sage, sweet ann,oregano, lemon balm,Russian sage,babies breath,echanicia, a bunch of other stuff this year can't remember it all. O yeah I planted some columbines after seeing @steamroller 's i couldnt resist.
The water bottles have beer in them for slugs .had them bad this year.i usualy put down nematodes for them but got lazy this year.
Ok so microbes. They are what makes life possible and make it all click. This is the process I use to capture aerobic microorganisms from the forest.

step one: cook some rice with half the water you normally would.you want it cooked but not sticking together. Fill basket 2/3 full with rice. Cover with a breathable cloth and rubber band to keep bugs out.
step two:find a spot in the forest that is undisturbed and healthy.i like to collect at the base of huge hardwood trees deep in the forest.try to pick a week that looks like it is not going to rain.place your basket with rice inside of a small cage so the critters can't get to it.i like to stake my cage down so the trash pandas can't flip it over. So basket with rice in cage placed in your spot cover with a tarp elevated a few feet above to keep off rain,but air can move through.i like to use a hunters blind.when I collect on public land and have to hide the traps.so I use water proof insulation foam to keep it dry on top and cover with bark so no one finds it.
step three: let your trap set 5 days to a week. Don't disturb. At the end of the week collect. I like to do multiple collections at once.you want your collection to have a nice white bloom Over it.that will be a good aerobic collection. Screenshot_20230615_210705_Google.jpgScreenshot_20230615_210616_Google.jpg
If you looks like this you failed.Screenshot_20230615_210749_Google.jpgit got wet or you picked a bunk spot toss it and try again. This is more of a anaerobic collection not the microbes we are looking for.
Ok so now you have a few imo collections (I use 7 different collections,but just a few will work) you want to stabilize your collections as soon as possible after collection.you do this with brown sugar. Mix your colonized rice 1:1 with brown sugar.place in glass or ceramic jar with breathable lid.store in cool dark place.they will keep a long time.the sugar bonds to all the water and makes them hybernate.
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I like to use a mixture of rice bran, wood chips,crimped oats to prpogate the colonies. I usauly make about a 50 to hundred pound pile of the three substrates combined equally.in a 5 gallon bucket I will put one large spoon full of each of my collections . 2 tbs folic acid,3 tbs spoons fpj.3 tbs of fruit vinager,1 tbs ohn,1 tbs wcap.put all.the nuitrients in bucket first fill with water then add you biology.add water to pile and flip and stir and flip.you want the pile to get mixed well .I use a rototiller sometimes for huge piles. You want you pile wet enough with the mixture that you can squeeze it and it won't drip water but almost,and it sticks together. Bout 65 percent moisture. Don't get it to wet or it will go anaerobic on you and stink like crazy.
The pile should be built somewhere where it can't get rained on.i do mine in a pole barn.a car port tent would work or a camping canopy for a small pile. I cover my pile with a layer of straw to protect it from sunlight.
after 24 hours of adding the biology and water the piles heat will raise. It will need to be flipped about every 8 to 12 hours. Twice a day usualy sometimes three times a day right at first.it must not oveheat.it must stay at or below 120 f. If it gets hotter than this it will go anarobic on you and the bacteria will take over the pile and kill the beneficials you are after.you want your pile to have the smell of nice baking bread during this step.if it goes anaerobic you will know.it will stink like death.not much to do but start over if this happens.
It will take about a week to use up all its water and spread through the pile.it will gradually cool down.just flipp.and mix well throughout the week to make sure it dosnt overheat. You want it to stay aerobic.

After it cools down add the piles weight in dirt to it.you want native dirt and top soil nothing with alot of organic matter in it.i have clay soil where im at so thats what I use.repeat the water and nutrients adding process .flipp the pile as it heats up again for another week .keep.it under 120.it will take about a week to colonize and use up all its water. Once its done you can store in a breathable sack burlap works good in a cool dark place for over a year .
Here is my imo after the first colonization of rice mill,oats ,and wood chips.you don't need to make piles this big but I needed alot this year.should smell like baking bread. 20221025_200901.jpg20221025_200958.jpg
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Thank you for putting this all together here. Be cool to see a head to head of Jadam and Knf.

Making the jms and JLF is much easier for me where I’m at. I wanna make some imo but I feel like I gotta travel somewhere else. Not enough shade where I’m at I don’t think.

Keep up the good work man
Thank you for putting this all together here. Be cool to see a head to head of Jadam and Knf.

Making the jms and JLF is much easier for me where I’m at. I wanna make some imo but I feel like I gotta travel somewhere else. Not enough shade where I’m at I don’t think.

Keep up the good work man
Ya was gona throw some jadam recipes in here too when I finish up knf.i like to use jms and imo4 together. Especially when starting a new bed.
Thank you for putting this all together here. Be cool to see a head to head of Jadam and Knf.

Making the jms and JLF is much easier for me where I’m at. I wanna make some imo but I feel like I gotta travel somewhere else. Not enough shade where I’m at I don’t think.

Keep up the good work man
I have also seen people make the imo piles using just the forest dirt that you would collect for jms.they had success .
Ok sorry for the delay folks been a busy summer. So this is how I spread my imo.

*in the evening about 2 hours before dark take your finished imo and spread over the ground at a rate of 3 #s per 100 sqft 1200 lbs per acre.this is equivalent to a light dusting on the garden or drip zone arond trees.i like to do it in the spring time before planting,right around the time the mushrooms start poping.

*make sure you spread your biology after you add your top dresses of compost or you do any tilling.

*lightly cover your imo with a straw or wood chip mulch

*then after you have spread your biology for the next 2 to four weeks make sure it gets watered or rained on at least once a week.

*also for the next 2 to 4 weeks spray a soil formula per gallon of water 2 tsp of fpj,2 tsp fruit vinegar, 1 tsp ohn, 1 tsp of wcap,1 tsp of lactic acid bacteria, four grams of sea salt.drench soil at a rate of 5 gallons per 100 sqft 2000 gallons per acre,which is equivalent to soaking the top 1/4 inch of soil.

*I try to do this every year I also practice no till after I have tilled in organic matter like,compost, leaf mold, and peat for the first 2 years in New areas.we have hard clay. I stop tilling after that and just top dress with compost and heavy straw mulches then add my biology.it will take about 3 years to get your soil back were you want it.
I also will spray a liqiud imo through out the year to help prevent leaf disease like scab or,blight,pm . So I just do a tea for 24 to 36 hours. time it so you can spray in the evening.20230716_125751.jpg20230717_185904.jpg
. This is realy the way to go also for soil applications if you are doing alot of acres.you can cover way more ground with a liquid imo with smaller amount.of biology.

*find a place out of sunlight. Make sure you have plenty of aeration.

*just throw a couple hand fulls of biology in a paint strainer bag or old sock.put a rock in it so it sinks into your water.

* per gallon I add 2 tsp fpf,2tsp viniger, 1 tsp ohn, 1 tsp of wcap, 4 grams sea salt,1 tsp of folic acid.

*after 36 hours filter and spray at a rate of 5 gallons per 100sqft for soil.or for plants just a light misting on top and below leaves. Do it in the evenings. This realy helps you get a wide variety of biology in your canopy so no viruses and disease can dominate. The plants love it and will look day glow green the following morning.
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That about finishes up the knf recipes. I will also share a few recipes from the Jadam style of growing they are also highly effective and super cheap.it uses putrafication instead of fermentation. It works realy well and can be done mostly with just water and dirt from the forest. I will try to cover jadam microbial solution.jadam leaf formula.And for pest and disease jadam wetting agent,jadam herbal solution,and jadam sulfur. IF ANYBODY WANTS ADD ANY RECIPES OR INPUT FEEL FREE.
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