Korean natural farming recipes.make your own nutrient solutions


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Bud Builders Supporter
Apr 17, 2023
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Hey folks I'm starting this thread to share some nuitrient solution recipes with you that I have been using with good results. Not sure what I should put this under @Moe.Red so I just put it under grow journal.
If you havnt heard about korean natural farming check it out.dr.drake pure knf and Chris Trump have some great videos on you tube.drake answers questions every sunday at 9 a.m. Hawaii time on his channel. It works well in organic living soil grows.The canabiss grown this way is top shelf and the veggies are the best I have ever had.it also can be used heavily in animal agriculture from no smell animal pens to fermented feeds.imagine a no smell living floor pig pen.you could raise pigs in town and your neighbors can't smell them.just tell them they are hairless dogs.my buddy drake has a pig pen that has not been cleaned in 5 years and smells like the forest floor.im not gona get to much into the the animal side on this thread.
So here it is take from it what you will or leave it.here is my contribution to bud builders.please feel free to comment and make improvements to the recipes.i too am trying to learn as much as I can about cultivation and improve my methods.im going to be doing these recipes in real time as I make them. so it might take a few months over the summer to finish it enjoy .
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#1 fish amino acid (faa)---- gona start with faa or i refer to it sometimes as fuel.it takes the longest to make.super easy recipe.if your a fisherman great if not make friends with one or hit up the grocery for thier fish heads. You can make it with good fish meat but I might have to slap you from across the internet.

so get a food safe 5 gallon bucket .Take your fish waste and layer it with brown sugar in the bucket.layer of fish,layer of sugar, layer of fish layer of sugar,until your buckets full.put a layer of sugar on top so no fish shows and cover with rock so it won't float.cover with a tight sealing lid.put it in a barn or garage or somewhere out of direct sun.it will smell strong the first week but not like rotting fish.if it stinks bad like death and rot and the flys are attracted to it you need more sugar .forget about it for 6 months.strain and filter after 6 months place in jars or container for use.it will have a sweet fishy soy sauce smell when finished.
use at a ratio of 1 to 1000 4 milliters per gallon or roughly 1 teaspoon In Veg every feeding .1 to 3000 after week 2 of flower. stop using it about week 8 of flower.
You can use it as soon as it forms liquid in a pinch,but it won't be as potent as the finished product. It ages like a fine wine.wont go bad for years and years.20230514_173558.jpg20230514_174721.jpg20230514_173927.jpg20230514_174219.jpg
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I’ve never given this a look before but now that I’m trying soil it would be fun to try.

Any products close you can buy off the shelf? I’d rather not wait a year.
I can send you all 9 solutions if you wana try it in your side by side grow.it works best in a simple living soil with lots of microbiology.a super soil might be to hot.my budy just finished a run in pure compost using the solutions. I told him it wouldn't work and laughed at him the whole time.im smoking some of his stuff as I'm typing this and it's amazing.not so funny meow is it.shows what I know.
I’ve never given this a look before but now that I’m trying soil it would be fun to try.

Any products close you can buy off the shelf? I’d rather not wait a year.
Moe that is probably the best way to grow I have ever seen. I always wanted to try it but to date I never have. If you get the right stuff from stonemason it should out grow anything. There was a guy that came on the other place and he knew what he was doing and crushed it.
As mentioned Chris Trump is the guy on You Tube that knows a lot about it.

I can send you some fish if you want, good luck opening the package!!!!
#2 lactic acid bacteria (lab) I refer to it as protectors this is a beneficial bacteria. It's the same bacteria that is active in our guts.it can be compared to em1 you buy from the grow shop.the applications for this are endless.i will try not to sound like Buba talking about shrimp on forest gump.we use it in our garden our composting the bath in smoothies in the laundry to clean with. give it to the animals in thier water ferment chicken and animal feed helps clean muck from our pond.will help protect against powdery mildew and bud rot.will help to quickly unlock your organic amendments.
Have you ever been to a small town bar walked in and everyone just turns and stares?that's how a powdery mildew spore feels when it shows up on a plant that has a healthy culture of this hanging out.
Takes about a week to purify a culture for use.
Step 1get some white rice and wash it in water.white rice not brown.
Step 2 remove rice you just want the cloudy starch water.you can cook the rice or throw it away.
step 3 set your cloudy water in the cupboard or some where out of direct sunlight.cover with a paper towel and rubber band.whatever you got.it just needs to breath.Depending on your temperature (hotter is quiker)it will take about 1 to 3 days.it will have slightly sweet smell to it so smell it before you start for a comparison. Don't let it go to long

Step 4 take you culture and add it to 10 parts milk.1 part culture 10 parts milk.pour the culture into the milk not the milk into the culture.there will be sedements like small white flakes looks lake calcium deposits in your culture .don't pour them into the milk .use a large glass container that has a huge mouth like a flower vase,so you can spoon out the curds easily later.a glass ice tea container is best because you can just pour out the spout in the bottom when done.

step five after about 1 to 5 days all the curds will rise to the top.as soon as this happens its done.spoon out the curds and try not to break it up.you want the whey which is the golden liquid under the curd.the milk has purified your culture.filter it twice through a cheese cloth or tee shirt.filter it twice you don't want any solids.throw the curd in the compost or feed it to the cats.you can make cheese out of it .its called farmers cheese but thats another thread.your finished product is a pure lacto biscilus culture.it should smell.sweet slightly cheesy.store in fridge for up to six months.if you want to store at room temperature super saturate with brown sugar.

Step 6 super saturate. This is optional I super saturate and refrigerate and my cultures last about a year.you can just refrigerate or just super saturate and store it out of the sunlight at room temp.to super saturate start with your jars about 2/3 to half full slowly stir in brown sugar. The brown sugar will start to float.you want to add enough sugar that no matter how much you stir it the liquid won't absorb anymore and about a quarter ofrhalf inch of sugar always settles at bottom.the sugar will put the bacteria in frozen slow motion state for storage

Use 1 to 1000 foloar spray and drench I have used it as strong as 1 to 250 without bad results. Be carefull if you are growing in small pots you may.just want to fliar spray.if it dosnt have enough nurients in the substate to mess with it will steal from the plants. Also be carefull if you have a ton of unprocessed organic amendments in your soil it will make them bioavailqble to the plant pretty quik mabey to quik.if you are buying em1 or bakshi bran save your money.plus this is from your home inviroment not grown in a lab somewhere in tenbuck too.its ready for your specific elevation and environment. We use this stuff alot.i keep a sealed bakashi compost bucket going in my grow room and compost my leaves in it as I trim them.we use the same.30 gallon pots of dirt over and over.so you can feed it all back after each run.on the plants we wash for hash everything goes back in but the tricomes .it's helps fight pathogens and is helpfull to other beneficial microbes.
Just remember the less on is not to be a more on.dont add to much to fast.

Here is a video on super saturation.
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#3 fermented plant juices fpj or knf food.find yourself a plant or weed that is non toxic.look for something very vigorous and healthy. You can realy do your research and find plants that have the exact nuitrients you need. I use comphrey,stinging nettle and yarrow because they grow right outside my back door.i have also done dandelions, bull thisle,grass, mint,water lilly,and everyone's favorite canabiss.the best thing to feed any plant is that plant.so for.example a fermented canabiss juice would work great on canabiss.
So find your plant go out early morning before the dew is gone and collect.once the heat of the day sets in its to late.you want the plant to still have all the enzymes, hormones and nutrients in the leaves. Once it warms up alot of things retreat to the roots.you also want the microbes to be present on the leaves still to help with the fermentation processs. .cut the plant into 3 to 4 inch chunks. I use 5 gallon buckets but you can make smaller or larger batches to fit your needs.once you have a bucket full ,dump it into a larger container.add your brown sugar it it takes about 1/3 to 1/2 brown sugar to plant material by weight.mix like a salad and get all the leaves and stems coated.
Put it back into your buckets and cover tightly with a breathable lid so bugs can't get in.the sugar will use osmotic pressure and extract all your goodies in the form of a dark syrup.it will take anywhere from 3 days to a week for the fermentation and extraction to be done.it will have a vinegar slightly alcoholic smell. White mold may form on the top .no big deal.
Filter through a sheet and use.the fermentation process has broken everything down to make it instantly available to you and the plants. Think of it like trying to throw a basket ball threw a chain link fence.fermentation is like thowing the basket ball in a wood chiper.it predigest it for you.use in Veg at a rate of 2 tsp per gallon.you can use up to three different plants at once each at 2 tsp so a total of 6 tsp.we put it in smoothies and feed it to the garden, weed plants.bees love it also.put a little in your humming bird water.animal water. Store in fridge for up to a year.or super saturate with sugar and store at room temp.when it has gone bad it will taste very alcoholic. See the recipe number 2 lactobacillus for sugar super saturation recipe.
These fermentation work great,and most taste amazing.the plants love them.20230529_075308.jpg20230529_081326.jpg20230529_081532.jpg20230529_082549.jpg
#4 fermented fruit juice ffj.almost identical recipe as the fpj.i have found the fruit takes a little more sugar.3/4 or 1 to 1 by weight of plant material. Use during flower along with or instead of fpj.i usualy switch to ffj around week 3 or four of flower.i like to use strawberry, blueberry, and banana.use whatever fruits you want.dont.use pineapple plants don't like it. My buddy fryed his whole grow once with it.melons and cucumber and stuff with tons of water spoils quiker. The ffjs are mouthwatering good. Same feed ratio 2 tsp per gallon,use up to 3 different ones.i like to make all my ferments separate and store separate, but I have seen some people make large batches with tons of different fruits. all at once in same container to use as a bloom booster.be carefull if you use hot peppers.
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Here is a cople of pictures I snapped of my buddies natural farming grow.i don't have a grow going right now ,I think I'm gona take a break this summer and reset a few things.he Is doing grape diamond,lmfao,strawberry sugar,and purple buble pop.the strawberry sugar is in the 2×2 week 2 flower.20230515_181359.jpg20230515_181354.jpg20230515_181623.jpg20230515_182631.jpg
#5 fruit vinegar. You can just buy brags aple cider viniger. Organic brown rice vinegar works great too.if you have some extra fpj or ffj you can turn it to vinegar pretty easy.i made 8 gallons of cucumber vinegar last year its amazing.canabiss vinegar would be great I bet. So just take your finished ffj or fpj and add 2 parts water to it. So what 1 part ffj 2 parts water. Cover with breathable lid and let ferment for 3 to 6 months in cool dark place .it will grow a scoby on top.when it reaches ph of 2.4 it's ready. Use at 2 tsp per gallon.helps facilitate vegetative growth,helps form a protective waxy layer on leaves.increases disease resistance.helps increase nuitrient absorption abilities.maximises the effects of calcium. Improves flexibility in plants.20221223_151943.jpg20221223_141525.jpg20221223_141703.jpg
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#6 water soluble calcium. Wca or natural farming reproduction. If you have tons of egg shells this is a good one for you.i don't use alot of eggs so I use oyster shell flour to make mine. Just take your oyster shell flour and add 10 parts vinager. Add the vinegar slowly or it will erupt like a volcano we made in science class.let it set about two weeks in a breathable container.filter and use 1 tsp per gallon.to use egg shells.toast the egg shells in the skillet until they are a toasted marshmallow brown.all the inner membrain must be removed it will blow away as it drys out and you flip the shell in the pan.i would recommend a burner outside.it smells kinda funny.add toasted egg shells with no membrane to 10 parts vinegar and set 2 weeks.add egg shells and vinegar slowly. Shake or stir daily.filter and use 1 tsp per gallon.use a store bought dead white vinegar for this recipe.living fruit vinigar with mother can be used but you must boil it first and kill the biology in it.it reacts funny with the egg shell ,and makes it go skanky. Its Shelf stabe for a long time.i dont ingest to much personally. a little is ok.too much tot often will give you kidney stones.
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Nice thread and great reading @stonemason 🤙

Always fun to look at these other styles of growing! I'm with @Moe.Red though, waiting 6 months for fish juice to ferment doesn't get me excited :p
Yea faa is one thing I always have fermenting so I don't run out.you can use it as soon as it forms liquid after a few days.but it won't be as good as after 3 to six months fermenting.it reaches its fully cured strongest form after 3 years finished in the jar. Ages like a fine wine.i have used it after 2 weeks in a pinch.
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My question is based on the premise that KNF originated in ancient Korean farming communities, with that prerequisite, I notice a lot of sugar, specifically brown sugar used in these recipes. Do the native Korean farmers have access to refined sugars, or are they using something else to obtain sugars?

What would that be? Is it too difficult and therefore, refined sugars are a suitable replacement?
I think it's a collection of techniques from Japan and China also.i don't no to much about the history. The guy is still alive that brought the techniques together.master Cho. He is korean.its a fairly.new method. his son also has a farming method called jadam.i will throw a couple of his recipes in at the end.its designed for third world cultivation and use putrafication instead of fermentation.no sugar .it stinks but works. He has a awesome sulfur recipe i will get to.I learned knf from a guy in hawaii Drake.As far as the sugar goes brown sugar is a must its the dryness of the sugar that makes the extractions,promotes the fermentation and later retards the fermentations.
My question is based on the premise that KNF originated in ancient Korean farming communities, with that prerequisite, I notice a lot of sugar, specifically brown sugar used in these recipes. Do the native Korean farmers have access to refined sugars, or are they using something else to obtain sugars?

What would that be? Is it too difficult and therefore, refined sugars are a suitable replacement?
Very cool thread! Thank you for sharing about this. I’ve been doing a little research on grow methods that don’t require bottled or even store bought dry amendments and this thread has a ton of great info already. Even if these recipes aren’t followed to a Tee, they provide a ton of insight into natural organic growing for someone like me who doesn’t know a whole lot about it! Subscribed for the journey☮️😎
Very cool thread! Thank you for sharing about this. I’ve been doing a little research on grow methods that don’t require bottled or even store bought dry amendments and this thread has a ton of great info already. Even if these recipes aren’t followed to a Tee, they provide a ton of insight into natural organic growing for someone like me who doesn’t know a whole lot about it! Subscribed for the journey☮️😎
Good to have you .i will get through the recipes as quik as I can.
#7 water soluable calcium phosphate wcap .natural farming structure. This is the same recipe as the wca ,but you use chard bones instead of egg shells or oyster shell.make sure the bones are clean of meat.if not boil it off or put your bones in a cage in the woods the bugs will clean them. I use deer bones mostly that I find mushroom hunting. You can put the the bones in a Dutch oven in a hot fire takes about 15 minutes.another method I use is i stack two chrocoal starters together they are cheap.start a fire in the bottom one and put your bones in the top. It makes a little rocket stove.make sure to stay out of the bone smoke it stinks and will stick to your skin and clothes for a week. Don't over cook the bones you want a nice black charcoal. Take your finished chard bones crush them into small chunks add vinegar .add at ratio 7 parts vinegar 1 part bones by weight.stir daily after a couple weeks filter and use 1 tsp per gallon. Good source of phosphorus. 20230529_161304.jpg20230202_200429.jpg20230204_140330.jpg
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