New here


Dope Dynamo
Jan 29, 2024
Reaction score
HI, I'm new to Budbuilders, I started growing off and on since 2012, I was a part of another forum but decided to find specific people that are not there anymore, and it led me here. Glad to be part of this growing community.
HI, I'm new to Budbuilders, I started growing off and on since 2012, I was a part of another forum but decided to find specific people that are not there anymore, and it led me here. Glad to be part of this growing community.
Welcome to budbilders, your intro is intriguing, i think you'll find what you're looking for here
I always seem to get stuck at the end of the line and getting handed a wet lipped joint, lol
That’s fine with me if I’m smoking with a couple chics. But if not I use my thumb and finger like a joint holder
HI, I'm new to Budbuilders, I started growing off and on since 2012, I was a part of another forum but decided to find specific people that are not there anymore, and it led me here. Glad to be part of this growing community.
Welcome Artoozi,

Pay no mind to these heathen sinners with wet lips. And everyone knows you pass clockwise in the northern hemisphere, counter in the southern. Kinda like the toilet bowl swirl.

This is an oldie but goodie.
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