Random picture thread

Here is a painting I did of my big dumb cat after she burns my house down. She puts her tail on the glass of the fireplace until it starts smoking. Ive never seen an animal so dumb.
Also is a pic of her after I got done scolding her for doing just what I painted.
She'll never do that again!
Stained are treads and white for risers/backboard?
I would paint them white.

This Fenderless 1936 Ford is America’s Most Beautiful Roadster 2025.
how much is it? what do ya think the third port is for? infusing a second smoke? when one dab aint enough you can crank in the second inlet!! haha

I think its cow glass for makeing distillate.
I found this.
They say curiosity killed the cat. Meow~!

That and Steams link should cover it. But after thinking on it over night it’s just another bubbler I’d have to clean. I’ll stick with just replacing the bubble straw.
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